예제 #1
static VALUE
textview_get_default_attributes(VALUE self)
    return BOXED2RVAL(gtk_text_view_get_default_attributes(_SELF(self)), 
gdouble get_selection_font_size(GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer, GtkTextView *text_view)
	// Local variables
	GtkTextIter				end_iter;
	gfloat					font_size;			// Used for calculating the font size of a character
	gint					font_size_int;		// Used for retrieving the size of a character in a text layer
	gfloat					iter_size;			// The size of the present character
	GtkTextAttributes		*text_attributes;	// Pointer to the attributes for a text layer character
	GtkTextIter				first_iter;

	// Retrieve the selection start and end iters
	gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds(GTK_TEXT_BUFFER(text_buffer), &first_iter, &end_iter);

	// If the start iter is not at the start of the text buffer, we move it back one character to get an accurate value
	if (FALSE == gtk_text_iter_is_start(&first_iter))

	// Unless the start and end iters are at the same place, move the end iter back one so we
	// get an accurate value
	if (FALSE == gtk_text_iter_equal(&first_iter, &end_iter))

	// Determine the font size at the selection start iter
	text_attributes = gtk_text_view_get_default_attributes(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(text_view));
	gtk_text_iter_get_attributes(&first_iter, text_attributes);
	font_size_int = pango_font_description_get_size(text_attributes->font);
	font_size_int *= 10;
	font_size = roundf(((gfloat) font_size_int) / PANGO_SCALE);
	font_size /= 10;

	// Step through the text buffer character by character,
	// checking if the font size has changed
	while (FALSE == gtk_text_iter_equal(&first_iter, &end_iter))
		// Move forward one iter

		// Get the font size at this new iter
		text_attributes = gtk_text_view_get_default_attributes(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(text_view));
		gtk_text_iter_get_attributes(&first_iter, text_attributes);
		font_size_int = pango_font_description_get_size(text_attributes->font);
		font_size_int *= 10;
		iter_size = roundf(((gfloat) font_size_int) / PANGO_SCALE);
		iter_size /= 10;

		// If the font size value is different to the original size,
		// then we short circuit the loop and return -1.0
		if (font_size != iter_size)
			return -1.0;

	// We've reached the end of the selection, and the selection font size
	// has been the same the whole way.  We return that font size.
	return font_size;