예제 #1
void GuildAchievementMgr::LoadFromDB(PreparedQueryResult achievementResult, PreparedQueryResult criteriaResult)
    if (achievementResult)
            Field* fields = achievementResult->Fetch();
            uint32 achievementid = fields[0].GetUInt32();

            // must not happen: cleanup at server startup in sAchievementMgr->LoadCompletedAchievements()
            AchievementEntry const* achievement = sAchievementStore.LookupEntry(achievementid);
            if (!achievement)

            CompletedAchievementData& ca = _completedAchievements[achievementid];
            ca.Date = time_t(fields[1].GetUInt32());
            Tokenizer guids(fields[2].GetString(), ' ');
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < guids.size(); ++i)
                ca.CompletingPlayers.insert(ObjectGuid::Create<HighGuid::Player>(uint64(strtoull(guids[i], nullptr, 10))));

            ca.Changed = false;

            _achievementPoints += achievement->Points;
        } while (achievementResult->NextRow());

    if (criteriaResult)
        time_t now = time(NULL);
            Field* fields = criteriaResult->Fetch();
            uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32();
            uint64 counter = fields[1].GetUInt64();
            time_t date = time_t(fields[2].GetUInt32());
            ObjectGuid::LowType guid = fields[3].GetUInt64();

            Criteria const* criteria = sCriteriaMgr->GetCriteria(id);
            if (!criteria)
                // we will remove not existed criteria for all guilds
                TC_LOG_ERROR("criteria.achievement", "Non-existing achievement criteria %u data removed from table `guild_achievement_progress`.", id);

                PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_DEL_INVALID_ACHIEV_PROGRESS_CRITERIA_GUILD);
                stmt->setUInt32(0, id);

            if (criteria->Entry->StartTimer && time_t(date + criteria->Entry->StartTimer) < now)

            CriteriaProgress& progress = _criteriaProgress[id];
            progress.Counter = counter;
            progress.Date = date;
            progress.PlayerGUID = ObjectGuid::Create<HighGuid::Player>(guid);
            progress.Changed = false;
        } while (criteriaResult->NextRow());
예제 #2
   Given a list of guids returns the concatenation using | as delimiter

   @param[in]     check list of guids
   @returns Concatenated string
std::string ConcatenateGuids(LfgGuidList const& check)
    if (check.empty())
        return "";

    // need the guids in order to avoid duplicates
    LfgGuidSet guids(check.begin(), check.end());

    std::ostringstream o;

    LfgGuidSet::const_iterator it = guids.begin();
    o << (*it);
    for (++it; it != guids.end(); ++it)
        o << '|' << (*it);

    return o.str();
void WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData)
    ObjectGuid target_playerguid = 0;

    target_playerguid[6] = recvData.ReadBit();
    target_playerguid[2] = recvData.ReadBit();
    target_playerguid[1] = recvData.ReadBit();
    target_playerguid[3] = recvData.ReadBit();
    target_playerguid[7] = recvData.ReadBit();
    target_playerguid[5] = recvData.ReadBit();

    uint32 count = recvData.ReadBits(25);
    if (count > 40)

    std::vector<ObjectGuid> guids(count);
    std::vector<uint8> types(count);

    uint8 bitOrder[8] = {4, 6, 7, 5, 0, 1, 3, 2};
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        recvData.ReadBitInOrder(guids[i], bitOrder);
    target_playerguid[4] = recvData.ReadBit();
    target_playerguid[0] = recvData.ReadBit();

    uint8 byteOrder[8] = {6, 7, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 2};
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        recvData.ReadBytesSeq(guids[i], byteOrder);
        recvData >> types[i];

    uint8 byteOrder2[8] = {7, 0, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1};
    recvData.ReadBytesSeq(target_playerguid, byteOrder2);
    //recvData >> lootguid >> slotid >> target_playerguid;

    if (!_player->GetGroup() || _player->GetGroup()->GetLooterGuid() != _player->GetGUID())

    Player* target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(target_playerguid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER));
    if (!target)

    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WorldSession::HandleLootMasterGiveOpcode (CMSG_LOOT_MASTER_GIVE, 0x02A3) Target = [%s].", target->GetName());

    for (uint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        ObjectGuid lootguid = guids[i];
        uint8 slotid = types[i];
        Loot* loot = NULL;

        if (IS_CRE_OR_VEH_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()))
            Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetCreature(lootguid);
            if (!creature)

            loot = &creature->loot;
        else if (IS_GAMEOBJECT_GUID(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()))
            GameObject* pGO = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetGameObject(lootguid);
            if (!pGO)

            loot = &pGO->loot;

        if (!loot)

        if (slotid >= loot->items.size() + loot->quest_items.size())
            sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_LOOT, "MasterLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %lu)", GetPlayer()->GetName(), slotid, (unsigned long)loot->items.size());

        LootItem& item = slotid >= loot->items.size() ? loot->quest_items[slotid - loot->items.size()] : loot->items[slotid];

        ItemPosCountVec dest;
        InventoryResult msg = target->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, item.itemid, item.count);
        if (item.follow_loot_rules && !item.AllowedForPlayer(target))
            msg = EQUIP_ERR_CANT_EQUIP_EVER;
        if (msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK)
            target->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid);
            // send duplicate of error massage to master looter
            _player->SendEquipError(msg, NULL, NULL, item.itemid);

        // list of players allowed to receive this item in trade
        AllowedLooterSet looters = item.GetAllowedLooters();

        // not move item from loot to target inventory
        Item* newitem = target->StoreNewItem(dest, item.itemid, true, item.randomPropertyId, looters);
        target->SendNewItem(newitem, uint32(item.count), false, false, true);
        target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count);
        target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_TYPE, loot->loot_type, item.count);
        target->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_EPIC_ITEM, item.itemid, item.count);

        // mark as looted

        loot->NotifyItemRemoved(slotid, _player->GetLootGUID());