예제 #1
void doFlyreg(struct trackDb *tdb, char *item)
/* flyreg.org: Drosophila DNase I Footprint db. */
struct dyString *query = newDyString(256);
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
char **row;
int start = cartInt(cart, "o");
int end   = cartInt(cart, "t");
char fullTable[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING];
boolean hasBin = FALSE;
char *motifTable = "flyregMotif";
struct dnaMotif *motif = NULL;
boolean isVersion2 = sameString(tdb->table, "flyreg2");

genericHeader(tdb, item);
if (!hFindSplitTable(database, seqName, tdb->table, fullTable, sizeof fullTable, &hasBin))
    errAbort("track %s not found", tdb->table);
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where chrom = '%s' and ",
	       fullTable, seqName);
hAddBinToQuery(start, end, query);
sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "chromStart = %d and name = '%s'", start, item);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    struct flyreg2 fr;
    if (isVersion2)
	flyreg2StaticLoad(row+hasBin, &fr);
	flyregStaticLoad(row+hasBin, (struct flyreg *)(&fr));
    printf("<B>Factor:</B> %s<BR>\n", fr.name);
    printf("<B>Target:</B> %s<BR>\n", fr.target);
    if (isVersion2)
	printf("<B>Footprint ID:</B> %06d<BR>\n", fr.fpid);
    printf("<B>PubMed ID:</B> <A HREF=\"");
    printEntrezPubMedUidUrl(stdout, fr.pmid);
    printf("\" TARGET=_BLANK>%d</A><BR>\n", fr.pmid);
    bedPrintPos((struct bed *)(&fr), 3, tdb);
    if (hTableExists(database, motifTable))
	motif = loadDnaMotif(item, motifTable);
	if (motif != NULL)
	    motifHitSection(NULL, motif);
    errAbort("query returned no results: \"%s\"", query->string);
if (motif != NULL)
static void doQuery(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fullName, 
			struct lm *lm, struct hash *hash, 
			int start, int end, char * chainId, boolean isSplit)
/* doQuery- check the database for chain elements between
 * 	start and end.  Use the passed hash to resolve chain
 * 	id's and place the elements into the right
 * 	linkedFeatures structure
struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
char **row;
struct linkedFeatures *lf;
struct simpleFeature *sf;
struct dyString *query = newDyString(1024);
char *force = "";

if (isSplit)
    force = "force index (bin)";

if (chainId == NULL)
	"select chainId,tStart,tEnd,qStart from %sLink %s where ",
	fullName, force);
	"select chainId, tStart,tEnd,qStart from %sLink where chainId=%s and ",
	fullName, chainId);
if (!isSplit)
    dyStringPrintf(query, "tName='%s' and ", chromName);
hAddBinToQuery(start, end, query);
dyStringPrintf(query, "tStart<%u and tEnd>%u", end, start);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);

/* Loop through making up simple features and adding them
 * to the corresponding linkedFeature. */
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    lf = hashFindVal(hash, row[0]);
    if (lf != NULL)
	lmAllocVar(lm, sf);
	sf->start = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
	sf->end = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);
	sf->qStart = sqlUnsigned(row[3]); 
	sf->qEnd = sf->qStart + (sf->end - sf->start);
	slAddHead(&lf->components, sf);
예제 #3
static void asdDoQuerySimple(struct annoStreamDb *self, char *minChrom, uint minEnd)
/* Return a sqlResult for a query on table items in position range.
 * If doing a whole genome query. just select all rows from table. */
// NOTE: it would be possible to implement filters at this level, as in hgTables.
struct annoStreamer *streamer = &(self->streamer);
boolean hasWhere = FALSE;
struct dyString *query = self->makeBaselineQuery(self, &hasWhere);
if (!streamer->positionIsGenome)
    if (minChrom && differentString(minChrom, streamer->chrom))
	errAbort("annoStreamDb %s: nextRow minChrom='%s' but region chrom='%s'",
		 streamer->name, minChrom, streamer->chrom);
    if (self->hasBin)
	// Results will be in bin order, but we can restore chromStart order by
	// accumulating initial coarse-bin items and merge-sorting them with
	// subsequent finest-bin items which will be in chromStart order.
	self->mergeBins = TRUE;
	self->qLm = lmInit(0);
    if (self->endFieldIndexName != NULL)
	// Don't let mysql use a (chrom, chromEnd) index because that messes up
	// sorting by chromStart.
	sqlDyStringPrintf(query, " IGNORE INDEX (%s)", self->endFieldIndexName);
    sqlDyStringAppend(query, hasWhere ? " and " : " where ");
    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s='%s'", self->chromField, streamer->chrom);
    int chromSize = annoAssemblySeqSize(streamer->assembly, streamer->chrom);
    if (streamer->regionStart != 0 || streamer->regionEnd != chromSize)
	dyStringAppend(query, " and ");
	if (self->hasBin)
	    hAddBinToQuery(streamer->regionStart, streamer->regionEnd, query);
	sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s < %u and %s > %u", self->startField, streamer->regionEnd,
		       self->endField, streamer->regionStart);
    if (self->notSorted)
	sqlDyStringPrintf(query, " order by %s", self->startField);
else if (self->notSorted)
    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, " order by %s,%s", self->chromField, self->startField);
if (self->maxOutRows > 0)
    dyStringPrintf(query, " limit %d", self->maxOutRows);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(self->conn, query->string);
self->sr = sr;
self->needQuery = FALSE;
예제 #4
파일: binTest.c 프로젝트: elmargb/kentUtils
static void testOneSql(int start, int end, char *expected)
struct dyString *sqlQuery;
sqlQuery = newDyString(1024);
hAddBinToQuery(start, end, sqlQuery);
if (NULL != expected)
    if (differentString(sqlQuery->string,expected))
	verbose(2,"#\tERROR: SQL incorrect at (%d, %d)\n",
	    start, end);

verbose(3,"# (%d, %d):\nsql:\"%s\",\n", start, end, sqlQuery->string);
예제 #5
static void asdDoQueryChunking(struct annoStreamDb *self, char *minChrom, uint minEnd)
/* Return a sqlResult for a query on table items in position range.
 * If doing a whole genome query, just select all rows from table. */
struct annoStreamer *sSelf = &(self->streamer);
boolean hasWhere = FALSE;
struct dyString *query = self->makeBaselineQuery(self, &hasWhere);
if (sSelf->chrom != NULL && self->rowBuf.size > 0 && !self->doNextChunk)
    // We're doing a region query, we already got some rows, and don't need another chunk:
    self->eof = TRUE;
if (self->useMaxOutRows)
    self->maxOutRows -= self->rowBuf.size;
    if (self->maxOutRows <= 0)
	self->eof = TRUE;
if (self->eof)
int queryMaxItems = ASD_CHUNK_SIZE;
if (self->useMaxOutRows && self->maxOutRows < queryMaxItems)
    queryMaxItems = self->maxOutRows;
if (self->hasBin)
    // Results will be in bin order, but we can restore chromStart order by
    // accumulating initial coarse-bin items and merge-sorting them with
    // subsequent finest-bin items which will be in chromStart order.
    if (self->doNextChunk && self->mergeBins && !self->gotFinestBin)
	errAbort("annoStreamDb %s: can't continue merge in chunking query; "
		 "increase ASD_CHUNK_SIZE", sSelf->name);
    self->mergeBins = TRUE;
    if (self->qLm == NULL)
	self->qLm = lmInit(0);
if (self->endFieldIndexName != NULL)
    // Don't let mysql use a (chrom, chromEnd) index because that messes up
    // sorting by chromStart.
    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, " IGNORE INDEX (%s) ", self->endFieldIndexName);
if (sSelf->chrom != NULL)
    uint start = sSelf->regionStart;
    if (minChrom)
	if (differentString(minChrom, sSelf->chrom))
	    errAbort("annoStreamDb %s: nextRow minChrom='%s' but region chrom='%s'",
		     sSelf->name, minChrom, sSelf->chrom);
	if (start < minEnd)
	    start = minEnd;
    if (self->doNextChunk && start < self->nextChunkStart)
	start = self->nextChunkStart;
    sqlDyStringAppend(query, hasWhere ? " and " : " where ");
    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s = '%s' and ", self->chromField, sSelf->chrom);
    if (self->hasBin)
	if (self->doNextChunk && self->gotFinestBin)
	    // It would be way more elegant to make a hAddBinTopLevelOnly but this will do:
	    dyStringPrintf(query, "bin > %d and ", self->minFinestBin);
	hAddBinToQuery(start, sSelf->regionEnd, query);
    if (self->doNextChunk)
	sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s >= %u and ", self->startField, self->nextChunkStart);
    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s < %u and %s > %u ", self->startField, sSelf->regionEnd,
		      self->endField, start);
    if (self->notSorted)
	sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "order by %s ", self->startField);
    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "limit %d", queryMaxItems);
    bufferRowsFromSqlQuery(self, query->string, queryMaxItems);
    if (self->rowBuf.size == 0)
	self->eof = TRUE;
    // Genome-wide query: break it into chrom-by-chrom queries.
    if (self->queryChrom == NULL)
	self->queryChrom = self->chromList;
    else if (!self->doNextChunk)
	self->queryChrom = self->queryChrom->next;
    if (minChrom != NULL)
	// Skip chroms that precede minChrom
	while (self->queryChrom != NULL && strcmp(self->queryChrom->name, minChrom) < 0)
	    self->queryChrom = self->queryChrom->next;
	    self->doNextChunk = FALSE;
	if (self->hasBin)
	    self->mergeBins = TRUE;
	    if (self->qLm == NULL)
		self->qLm = lmInit(0);
    if (self->queryChrom == NULL)
	self->eof = TRUE;
	char *chrom = self->queryChrom->name;
	int start = 0;
	if (minChrom != NULL && sameString(chrom, minChrom))
	    start = minEnd;
	if (self->doNextChunk && start < self->nextChunkStart)
	    start = self->nextChunkStart;
	uint end = annoAssemblySeqSize(self->streamer.assembly, self->queryChrom->name);
	sqlDyStringAppend(query, hasWhere ? " and " : " where ");
	sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s = '%s' ", self->chromField, chrom);
	if (start > 0 || self->doNextChunk)
	    dyStringAppend(query, "and ");
	    if (self->hasBin)
		if (self->doNextChunk && self->gotFinestBin)
		    // It would be way more elegant to make a hAddBinTopLevelOnly but this will do:
		    dyStringPrintf(query, "bin > %d and ", self->minFinestBin);
		hAddBinToQuery(start, end, query);
	    if (self->doNextChunk)
		sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s >= %u and ", self->startField, self->nextChunkStart);
	    // region end is chromSize, so no need to constrain startField here:
	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "%s > %u ", self->endField, start);
	if (self->notSorted)
	    sqlDyStringPrintf(query, "order by %s ", self->startField);
	dyStringPrintf(query, "limit %d", queryMaxItems);
	bufferRowsFromSqlQuery(self, query->string, queryMaxItems);
	// If there happens to be no items on chrom, try again with the next chrom:
	if (! self->eof && self->rowBuf.size == 0)
	    asdDoQueryChunking(self, minChrom, minEnd);