예제 #1
파일: web.c 프로젝트: elmargb/kentUtils
void webIncludeFile(char *file)
/* Include an HTML file in a CGI.
 *   The file path may begin with hDocumentRoot(); if it doesn't, it is
 *   assumed to be relative and hDocumentRoot() will be prepended. */
char *str = hFileContentsOrWarning(file);
예제 #2
static void getStaticHtml(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
/* Read HTML text from a relative path under browser.documentRoot and
 * write it as an encoded JSON string */
char *tag = cartJsonOptionalParam(paramHash, "tag");
if (isEmpty(tag))
    tag = "html";
char *file = cartJsonRequiredParam(paramHash, "file", cj->jw, "getStaticHtml");
char *html = hFileContentsOrWarning(file);
//#*** TODO: move jsonStringEscape inside jsonWriteString
char *encoded = jsonStringEscape(html);
jsonWriteString(cj->jw, tag, encoded);
예제 #3
void wikiTrackDb(struct trackDb **list)
/* create a trackDb entry for the wiki track */
struct trackDb *tdb;

tdb->track = WIKI_TRACK_TABLE;
tdb->table = WIKI_TRACK_TABLE;
tdb->shortLabel = WIKI_TRACK_LABEL;
tdb->longLabel = WIKI_TRACK_LONGLABEL;
tdb->visibility = tvFull;
tdb->priority = WIKI_TRACK_PRIORITY;

tdb->html = hFileContentsOrWarning(hHelpFile(tdb->track));
tdb->type = "none";
tdb->grp = "map";
tdb->canPack = FALSE;
tdb->settingsHash = newHash(5);

slAddHead(list, tdb);
slSort(list, trackDbCmp);