예제 #1
static void getIsSpecialHost(struct cartJson *cj, struct hash *paramHash)
/* Tell whether we're on a development host, preview, gsid etc. */
jsonWriteBoolean(cj->jw, "isPrivateHost", hIsPrivateHost());
jsonWriteBoolean(cj->jw, "isBetaHost", hIsBetaHost());
jsonWriteBoolean(cj->jw, "isBrowserbox", hIsBrowserbox());
jsonWriteBoolean(cj->jw, "isPreviewHost", hIsPreviewHost());
예제 #2
static void explainIdentifiers(char *db, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *idField)
/* Tell the user what field(s) they may paste/upload values for, and give
 * some examples. */
char *xrefTable = NULL, *xrefIdField = NULL, *aliasField = NULL;
getXrefInfo(conn, &xrefTable, &xrefIdField, &aliasField);
hPrintf("The items must be values of the <B>%s</B> field of the currently "
	"selected table, <B>%s</B>",
	idField, curTable);
if (aliasField != NULL)
    if (sameString(curTable, xrefTable))
	if (!sameString(idField, aliasField))
	    hPrintf(", or the <B>%s</B> field.\n", aliasField);
	hPrintf(", or the <B>%s</B> field of the alias table <B>%s</B>.\n",
		aliasField, xrefTable);
hPrintf("(The \"describe table schema\" button shows more information about "
	"the table fields.)\n");

// on a browserbox, db is on the UCSC server, so cannot select into db, even if temporary
if (!isCustomTrack(curTable) && !hIsBrowserbox() && sqlCanCreateTemp(conn))
    struct slName *exampleList = NULL, *ex;
    hPrintf("Some example values:<BR>\n");
    exampleList = getExamples(db, conn, curTable, idField,
			      aliasField != NULL ? 3 : 5);
    for (ex = exampleList;  ex != NULL;  ex = ex->next)
	char *tmp = htmlEncode(ex->name);
	hPrintf("<TT>%s</TT><BR>\n", tmp);

    if (aliasField != NULL)
	char tmpTable[512];
	char query[2048];
	// do not use any db. prefix on curTable for name
	char *plainCurTable = strrchr(curTable, '.');  
	if (plainCurTable)
	    plainCurTable = curTable;
	safef(tmpTable, sizeof(tmpTable), "hgTemp.tmp%s%s", plainCurTable, xrefTable);
	if (differentString(xrefTable, curTable))
	    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
		  "create temporary table %s select %s.%s as %s from %s,%s "
		  "where %s.%s = %s.%s and %s.%s != %s.%s limit 100000",
		  tmpTable, xrefTable, aliasField, aliasField, xrefTable, curTable,
		  xrefTable, xrefIdField, curTable, idField,
		  xrefTable, xrefIdField, xrefTable, aliasField);
	    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
		  "create temporary table %s select %s from %s "
		  "where %s != %s limit 100000",
		  tmpTable, aliasField, xrefTable, aliasField, xrefIdField);
	sqlUpdate(conn, query);

	exampleList = getExamples(db, conn, tmpTable, aliasField, 3);
	for (ex = exampleList;  ex != NULL;  ex = ex->next)
	    hPrintf("<TT>%s</TT><BR>\n", ex->name);
예제 #3
char *webTimeStampedLinkToResource(char *fileName, boolean wrapInHtml)
// If wrapInHtml
//   returns versioned link embedded in style or script html (free after use).
// else
//   returns full path of a versioned path to the requested resource file (js, or css).
// NOTE: png, jpg and gif should also be supported but are untested.
// In production sites we use a versioned softlink that includes the CGI version. This has the following benefits:
// a) flushes user's web browser cache when the user visits a GB site whose version has changed since their last visit;
// b) enforces the requirement that static files are the same version as the CGIs (something that often fails to happen in mirrors).
// (see notes in redmine #3170).
// In dev trees we use mtime to create a pseudo-version; this forces web browsers to reload css/js file when it changes,
// so we don't get odd behavior that can be caused by caching of mis-matched javascript and style files in dev trees.
// In either case, the actual file has to have been previously created by running make in the appropriate directory (kent/src/hg/js
// or kent/src/hg/htdocs/style).
char baseName[PATH_LEN];
char extension[FILEEXT_LEN];
splitPath(fileName, NULL, baseName, extension);
boolean js = sameString(".js",extension);
boolean style = !js && sameString(".css",extension);
boolean image = !js
             && !style
             && (  sameString(".png",extension)
                || sameString(".jpg",extension)
                || sameString(".gif",extension));
if (!js && !style) // && !image) NOTE: This code has not been tested on images but should work.
    errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: unknown resource type for %s.\n", fileName);

// Build and verify directory
char *dirName = "";
if (js)
    dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.javaScriptDir", "js");
else if (style)
    dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.styleDir","style");
else if (image)
    dirName = cfgOptionDefault("browser.styleImagesDir","style/images");
struct dyString *fullDirName = NULL;
char *docRoot = hDocumentRoot();
if (docRoot != NULL)
    fullDirName = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", docRoot, dirName);
    // tolerate missing docRoot (i.e. when running from command line)
    fullDirName = dyStringCreate("%s", dirName);
if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(fullDirName)))
    errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: dir: %s doesn't exist.\n",

// build and verify real path to file
struct dyString *realFileName = dyStringCreate("%s/%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), fileName);
if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(realFileName)))
    errAbort("webTimeStampedLinkToResource: file: %s doesn't exist.\n",

// build and verify link path including timestamp in the form of dir/baseName + timeStamp or CGI Version + ext
long mtime = fileModTime(dyStringContents(realFileName));
struct dyString *linkWithTimestamp;

char *scriptName = cgiScriptName();
if (scriptName == NULL)
    scriptName = cloneString("");
boolean nonVersionedLinks = FALSE;
if (endsWith(scriptName, "qaPushQ"))
    nonVersionedLinks = TRUE;
if (nonVersionedLinks)
    linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, extension);
else if ((cfgOption("versionStamped") == NULL) &&  (hIsPreviewHost() || hIsPrivateHost()))
    linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s-%ld%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, mtime, extension);
    linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s-v%s%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), baseName, CGI_VERSION, extension);

if (hIsBrowserbox() && !fileExists(dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp)))
    // on the browserbox, both alpha and beta binaries can run 
    linkWithTimestamp = dyStringCreate("%s/%s-%ld%s", dyStringContents(fullDirName), 
        baseName, mtime, extension);

if (!fileExists(dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp)))
        errAbort("Cannot find correct version of file '%s'; this is due to an installation "
        "error\n\nError details: %s does not exist", fileName, dyStringContents(linkWithTimestamp));

// Free up all that extra memory
char *linkFull = dyStringCannibalize(&linkWithTimestamp);
char *link = linkFull;
if (docRoot != NULL)
    link = cloneString(linkFull + strlen(docRoot) + 1);

if (wrapInHtml) // wrapped for christmas
    struct dyString *wrapped = dyStringNew(0);
    if (js)
        dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<script type='text/javascript' SRC='../%s'></script>\n", link);
    else if (style)
        dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<LINK rel='STYLESHEET' href='../%s' TYPE='text/css' />\n", link);
    else // Will be image, since these are the only three choices allowed
        dyStringPrintf(wrapped,"<IMG src='../%s' />\n", link);
    link = dyStringCannibalize(&wrapped);

return link;