/** * \brief Cette fonction permet d'initialiser l'écran. */ void FAT_screenSong_init() { FAT_reinitScreen(); ham_bg[SCREEN_LAYER].ti = ham_InitTileSet((void*)ResData(RES_SCREEN_SONG_RAW), RES_SCREEN_SONG_RAW_SIZE16, 1, 1); hel_MapCreate(SCREEN_LAYER, 32, 20, ResData(RES_SCREEN_SONG_MAP), sizeof(u16), MAP_FLAGS_DEFAULT); // affichage du numéro des lignes, des séquences, ... FAT_screenSong_printAllScreenText(); // affichage du curseur FAT_cursors_hideCursor2(); FAT_screenSong_commitCursorMove(); FAT_cursors_showCursor2(); u8 i; for (i = 0;i<6;i++){ FAT_player_moveOrHideCursor(i); } }
// Function: main() ====================================================================== int main() { // Variables map_fragment_info_ptr bg_background; // Initialize HAMlib ham_Init(); // Set system prefetch //hel_SysSetPrefetch(TRUE); // Initialize Splash-Screen System hel_SplashInit((void*)g_SplashScreenSystemBuffer); // Enter bg mode 4 for the splash screen ham_SetBgMode(4); // Splashscreen 1 hel_Splash ( (u16*)ResData(RES_SPLASHSCREEN_RAW), // pBitmap (u16*)ResData(RES_SPLASHSCREEN_PAL), // pPalette RGB(0,0,0), // InBlendColor RGB(0,0,0), // OutBlendColor 60, // BlendDelay 2000, // DisplayDelay 500, // ContinueDelay COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE, // CompressionType, 0 // Flags ); // Quit the splashscreen hel_SplashQuit(); // Setup the background mode ham_SetBgMode(1); // Initialize the text display system ham_InitText(0); // Initialize the palettes ham_LoadBGPal((void*)background_Palette, 256); ham_LoadObjPal((void*)object_Palette, 256); // Set the Text Color ham_SetTextCol(195, 40); // Setup the tileset for our image ham_bg[1].ti = ham_InitTileSet((void*)background_Tiles, SIZEOF_16BIT(background_Tiles), 1, 1); // Setup the map for our image ham_bg[1].mi = ham_InitMapEmptySet(3,0); bg_background = ham_InitMapFragment((void*)background_Map, 60, 20, 0, 0, 60, 20, 0); // Copy (the whole) map to BG0 at x=0, y=0 ham_InsertMapFragment(bg_background, 1, 0, 0); // Display the background ham_InitBg(1, 1, 2, 1); // Setup the array spot array_spot = (32768 * dir_dk) + (4096 * animcnt); // setup the initial state of the frame bits counter frameCounter = 0; // Setup the dk dk = ham_CreateObj( (void *)&dk_Bitmap[array_spot], 0,3,OBJ_MODE_NORMAL,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,dk_x,dk_y); // Start the VBL interrupt handler ham_StartIntHandler(INT_TYPE_VBL, (void*)&vbl_func); while (1) { if (newframe) { // Write some stuff to the screen ham_DrawText(1, 1, "480x160 background"); ham_DrawText(1, 2, "Arrows to scroll left-right"); ham_DrawText(1, 17, "scroll-x: %5d", map_x); ham_DrawText(1, 18, "frame: %5d", frameCounter); // Let the user move the map around if (F_CTRLINPUT_RIGHT_PRESSED) { if (map_x < (480 - 240)) ham_SetBgXY(1, ++map_x, 0); } if (F_CTRLINPUT_LEFT_PRESSED) { if (map_x > 0) ham_SetBgXY(1, --map_x, 0); } newframe = 0; // No longer a new frame } // End of if(newframe) } // End of while(1) return 0; } // End of main()
//**************// // Game Init // //**************// int GSGame() { map_fragment_info_ptr bg_world; // setup background if ( g_initObjs ) { ham_SetBgMode(1); ham_LoadBGPal((void *)world_palette, 256); ham_bg[0].ti = ham_InitTileSet((void *)world_tiles, SIZEOF_16BIT(world_tiles), 1, 1); ham_bg[0].mi = ham_InitMapEmptySet(3, 0); bg_world = ham_InitMapFragment((void *)world_map, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0); ham_InsertMapFragment(bg_world, 0, 0, 0); ham_InitBg(0, 1, 0, 0); } // set screen pos g_cam_x = 0; g_cam_y = 0; // setup hippy g_hippy.dir = FACE_DOWN; g_hippy.baseFrame = 0; g_hippy.frameDif = 0; g_hippy.w = 32; g_hippy.h = 64; g_hippy.x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 4; g_hippy.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - g_hippy.h / 2; if ( g_initObjs ) { ham_LoadObjPal((void *)hippy_palette, 256); g_hippy.sprite = ham_CreateObj((void *)&hippy_bitmap[0], OBJ_SIZE_32X64, OBJ_MODE_NORMAL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_hippy.x, g_hippy.y); } // setup poison shroom g_shroom.dir = FACE_DOWN; g_shroom.baseFrame = 0; g_shroom.frameDif = 0; g_shroom.x = 230; g_shroom.y = 75; g_shroom.w = 32; g_shroom.h = 32; if ( g_initObjs ) { //ham_LoadObjPal((void *)shroom_palette, 256); g_shroom.sprite = ham_CreateObj((void *)&shroom_bitmap[0], OBJ_SIZE_32X32, OBJ_MODE_NORMAL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_shroom.x, g_shroom.y); } // setup key g_key.dir = FACE_DOWN; g_key.baseFrame = 0; g_key.frameDif = 0; g_key.x = 262; g_key.y = 75; g_key.w = 16; g_key.h = 16; if ( g_initObjs ) { //ham_LoadObjPal((void *)hippy_palette, 256); g_key.sprite = ham_CreateObj((void *)&key_bitmap[0], OBJ_SIZE_16X16, OBJ_MODE_NORMAL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_key.x, g_key.y); } // setup lives g_lifeCount.dir = FACE_DOWN; g_lifeCount.baseFrame = g_lives; g_lifeCount.frameDif = 0; g_lifeCount.x = 0; g_lifeCount.y = 0; g_lifeCount.w = 16; g_lifeCount.h = 16; if ( g_initObjs ) { //ham_LoadObjPal((void *)hippy_palette, 256); g_lifeCount.sprite = ham_CreateObj((void *)&lives_bitmap[0], OBJ_SIZE_16X16, OBJ_MODE_NORMAL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_lifeCount.x, g_lifeCount.y); ham_UpdateObjGfx(g_lifeCount.sprite, (void *)&lives_bitmap[g_lifeCount.w * g_lifeCount.h * g_lives]); } ham_SetFxMode(FX_LAYER_SELECT(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), FX_LAYER_SELECT(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), FX_MODE_ALPHABLEND); ham_SetFxAlphaLevel(15, 8); // setup fireball g_fireBall.dir = FACE_DOWN; g_fireBall.baseFrame = 0; g_fireBall.frameDif = 0; g_fireBall.x = 241; g_fireBall.y = 0; g_fireBall.w = 16; g_fireBall.h = 16; if ( g_initObjs ) { g_fireBall.sprite = ham_CreateObj((void *)&fire_bitmap[0], OBJ_SIZE_16X16, OBJ_MODE_NORMAL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_fireBall.x, g_fireBall.y); } g_firing = FALSE; ham_SetObjRotSetSelect(g_fireBall.sprite, ROTATION_SET); ham_SetObjRotEnable(g_fireBall.sprite, 1); g_initObjs = FALSE; return 1; }