void srs_env_model::CCollisionObjectPlugin::newMapDataCB( SMapWithParameters & par )
	m_data->header.frame_id = m_coFrameId;
	m_data->header.stamp = par.currentTime;
	m_data->id = "map";

	m_ocFrameId = par.frameId;

	tf::StampedTransform ocToCoTf;

	m_bConvert = m_ocFrameId != m_coFrameId;

	/// We need no transformation - frames are the same...
	if( ! m_bConvert )

	// Get transform
	try {
		// Transformation - to, from, time, waiting time
		m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_coFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
				par.currentTime, ros::Duration(5));

		m_tfListener.lookupTransform(m_coFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
				par.currentTime, ocToCoTf);

	} catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error: " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
		PERROR("Transform error.");

	Eigen::Matrix4f ocToPcTM;

	// Get transformation matrix
	pcl_ros::transformAsMatrix(ocToCoTf, ocToPcTM);

	// Disassemble translation and rotation
	m_ocToCoRot  = ocToPcTM.block<3, 3> (0, 0);
	m_ocToCoTrans = ocToPcTM.block<3, 1> (0, 3);

	// Initialize leaf iterators
	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->octree );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?

	} // Iterate through octree

	m_DataTimeStamp = par.currentTime;

//! Set used octomap frame id and timestamp
void srs_env_model::CPointCloudPlugin::newMapDataCB( SMapWithParameters & par )
	if( ! m_publishPointCloud )

//	PERROR("New map: Try lock");

	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_lockData);

//	PERROR("New map: Lock");


	// Just for sure
	if(m_frame_id != par.frameId)
		ROS_ERROR("Map frame id has changed, this should never happen. Exiting newMapDataCB.");

	m_frame_id = par.frameId;
	m_DataTimeStamp = m_time_stamp = par.currentTime;
	counter = 0;

	// Pointcloud is used as output for octomap...
	m_bAsInput = false;

	// Initialize leaf iterators
	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->getTree() );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?

	} // Iterate through octree

	// 2013/01/31 Majkl
	m_data->header.frame_id = par.frameId;
	m_data->header.stamp = par.currentTime;

//	PERROR( "New map: Unlocked");

예제 #3
//! Set used octomap frame id and timestamp
void srs_env_model::CCMapPlugin::newMapDataCB( SMapWithParameters & par )
	if( m_bLocked )
	// Lock data
	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_lockData);

	// Reset collision map buffer

	std::string robotBaseFrameId("/base_footprint");

	// Get octomap to collision map transform matrix
	tf::StampedTransform omapToCmapTf,	// Octomap to collision map
						 baseToOmapTf,  // Robot baselink to octomap
						 cmapToWorldTF; // Collision map to world
		// Transformation - to, from, time, waiting time
		m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_cmapFrameId, par.frameId, par.currentTime, ros::Duration(5));
		m_tfListener.lookupTransform(m_cmapFrameId, par.frameId, par.currentTime, omapToCmapTf);

		m_tfListener.waitForTransform(par.frameId, robotBaseFrameId, par.currentTime, ros::Duration(5));
		m_tfListener.lookupTransform(par.frameId, robotBaseFrameId, par.currentTime, baseToOmapTf);
	catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error: " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
		PERROR( "Transform error.");

	// World TF to the collision map TF
	pcl_ros::transformAsMatrix(omapToCmapTf, m_worldToCMapTM );

	// Disassemble world to cmap translation and rotation
	m_worldToCMapRot  = m_worldToCMapTM.block<3, 3> (0, 0);
	m_worldToCMapTrans = m_worldToCMapTM.block<3, 1> (0, 3);

	m_bConvertPoint = m_cmapFrameId != par.frameId;

	// Compute robot position in the collision map coordinate system
	geometry_msgs::TransformStamped msg;
	tf::transformStampedTFToMsg(baseToOmapTf, msg);
	m_robotBasePosition.setX( msg.transform.translation.x );
	m_robotBasePosition.setY( msg.transform.translation.y );
	m_robotBasePosition.setZ( msg.transform.translation.z );

	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->octree );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?

	} // Iterate through octree

	m_DataTimeStamp = par.currentTime;


 * Get output pointcloud
bool srs_env_model::COcPatchMaker::computeCloud( const SMapWithParameters & par, const ros::Time & time )
	ROS_DEBUG( "CCompressedPointCloudPlugin: onFrameStart" );

	// Copy buffered camera normal and d parameter
	boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_camPosMutex );

	// Clear data
	m_ocFrameId = par.frameId;
	m_DataTimeStamp = m_time_stamp = time;

	bool bTransformOutput = m_ocFrameId != m_pcFrameId;

	// Output transform matrix
	Eigen::Matrix4f pcOutTM;

	// If different frame id
	if( bTransformOutput )
		tf::StampedTransform ocToPcTf;

		// Get transform
		try {
			// Transformation - to, from, time, waiting time
			m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_pcFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
					m_time_stamp, ros::Duration(5));

			m_tfListener.lookupTransform(m_pcFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
					m_time_stamp, ocToPcTf);

		} catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
			ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error: " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
			ROS_ERROR_STREAM( "Transform error.");
			return false;

		// Get transformation matrix
		pcl_ros::transformAsMatrix(ocToPcTf, pcOutTM);	// Sensor TF to defined base TF


	if( m_cameraFrameId.size() == 0 )
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Wrong camera frame id...");
		m_bTransformCamera = false;
		return false;

	m_bTransformCamera = m_cameraFrameId != m_ocFrameId;

	// Store camera information
	m_camera_size = m_camera_size_buffer;
	m_camera_model.fromCameraInfo( m_camera_info_buffer);

	// Transform camera model to the cloud time and frame id
		tf::StampedTransform camTf;

		// Modify camera position to the current time
		if( m_bTransformCamera )
			// We need camera to octomap transfor
			try {
					// Transformation - to, from, time, waiting time
			//	std::cerr << "T1, try to get transform from " << m_cameraFrameId << " to " << m_ocFrameId << ", time: " << par.currentTime << std::endl;
					m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_ocFrameId, m_cameraFrameId,
							m_time_stamp, ros::Duration(5.0));

					m_tfListener.lookupTransform(m_ocFrameId, m_cameraFrameId,
							m_time_stamp, camTf);

				} catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
					ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error1: " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
					return false;

			// Just move camera position "in time"
			try {
					// Time transformation - target frame, target time, source frame, source time, fixed frame, time, waiting time
					m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_cameraFrameId, m_time_stamp,
												  m_cameraFrameId, m_camera_info_buffer.header.stamp,
												  "/map", ros::Duration(1.0));

					m_tfListener.lookupTransform( m_cameraFrameId, m_time_stamp,
												  m_cameraFrameId, m_camera_info_buffer.header.stamp,
												  "/map", camTf);

				} catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
					ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error2: " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
					return false;

		// We have transform so convert it to the eigen matrix
		m_to_sensorTf = camTf.inverse();

	// Initialize leaf iterators
	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->getTree() );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Compute fraction matrix
    m_fracMatrix = btMatrix3x3::getIdentity().scaled( tf::Point( 1.0 / m_fracX, 1.0 / m_fracY, 1.0 ) );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(par.treeDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?

	} // Iterate through octree

	if( bTransformOutput )
		// transform point cloud from octomap frame to the preset frame
		pcl::transformPointCloud< tPclPoint >(m_cloud, m_cloud, pcOutTM);

	if( m_bPublishCloud )
		publishInternal( m_DataTimeStamp );

	return true;
예제 #5
void srs_env_model::CCollisionGridPlugin::newMapDataCB(SMapWithParameters & par)
	// init projected 2D map:
	m_data->header.frame_id = par.frameId;
	m_data->header.stamp = par.currentTime;
	m_crawlDepth = par.treeDepth;
	bool sizeChanged(false);

	// TODO: move most of this stuff into c'tor and init map only once (adjust if size changes)
	double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
	par.map->getTree().getMetricMin(minX, minY, minZ);
	par.map->getTree().getMetricMax(maxX, maxY, maxZ);

	octomap::point3d minPt(minX, minY, minZ);
	octomap::point3d maxPt(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
	octomap::OcTreeKey minKey, maxKey, curKey;
	if (!par.map->getTree().genKey(minPt, minKey)){
	  ROS_ERROR("Could not create min OcTree key at %f %f %f", minPt.x(), minPt.y(), minPt.z());

	if (!par.map->getTree().genKey(maxPt, maxKey)){
	  ROS_ERROR("Could not create max OcTree key at %f %f %f", maxPt.x(), maxPt.y(), maxPt.z());
	par.map->getTree().genKeyAtDepth(minKey, par.treeDepth, minKey);
	par.map->getTree().genKeyAtDepth(maxKey, par.treeDepth, maxKey);

	ROS_DEBUG("MinKey: %d %d %d / MaxKey: %d %d %d", minKey[0], minKey[1], minKey[2], maxKey[0], maxKey[1], maxKey[2]);

	// add padding if requested (= new min/maxPts in x&y):
	double halfPaddedX = 0.5*m_minSizeX;
	double halfPaddedY = 0.5*m_minSizeY;
	minX = std::min(minX, -halfPaddedX);
	maxX = std::max(maxX, halfPaddedX);
	minY = std::min(minY, -halfPaddedY);
	maxY = std::max(maxY, halfPaddedY);
	minPt = octomap::point3d(minX, minY, minZ);
	maxPt = octomap::point3d(maxX, maxY, maxZ);

	octomap::OcTreeKey paddedMaxKey;
	if (!par.map->getTree().genKey(minPt, m_paddedMinKey)){
	  ROS_ERROR("Could not create padded min OcTree key at %f %f %f", minPt.x(), minPt.y(), minPt.z());
	if (!par.map->getTree().genKey(maxPt, paddedMaxKey)){
	  ROS_ERROR("Could not create padded max OcTree key at %f %f %f", maxPt.x(), maxPt.y(), maxPt.z());
	par.map->getTree().genKeyAtDepth(m_paddedMinKey, par.treeDepth, m_paddedMinKey);
	par.map->getTree().genKeyAtDepth(paddedMaxKey, par.treeDepth, paddedMaxKey);

	ROS_DEBUG("Padded MinKey: %d %d %d / padded MaxKey: %d %d %d", m_paddedMinKey[0], m_paddedMinKey[1], m_paddedMinKey[2], paddedMaxKey[0], paddedMaxKey[1], paddedMaxKey[2]);
	assert(paddedMaxKey[0] >= maxKey[0] && paddedMaxKey[1] >= maxKey[1]);

	m_multires2DScale = 1 << (par.treeDepth - m_crawlDepth);
	unsigned int newWidth = (paddedMaxKey[0] - m_paddedMinKey[0])/m_multires2DScale +1;
	unsigned int newHeight = (paddedMaxKey[1] - m_paddedMinKey[1])/m_multires2DScale +1;

	if (newWidth != m_data->info.width || newHeight != m_data->info.height)
	  sizeChanged = true;

	m_data->info.width = newWidth;
	m_data->info.height = newHeight;
	int mapOriginX = minKey[0] - m_paddedMinKey[0];
	int mapOriginY = minKey[1] - m_paddedMinKey[1];
	assert(mapOriginX >= 0 && mapOriginY >= 0);

	// might not exactly be min / max of octree:
	octomap::point3d origin;
	par.map->getTree().genCoords(m_paddedMinKey, m_crawlDepth, origin);
	double gridRes = par.map->getTree().getNodeSize(par.treeDepth);
	m_data->info.resolution = gridRes;
	m_data->info.origin.position.x = origin.x() - gridRes*0.5;
	m_data->info.origin.position.y = origin.y() - gridRes*0.5;

//	std::cerr << "Origin: " << origin << ", grid resolution: " << gridRes << ", computed origin: "<< mapOriginX << ".." << mapOriginY << std::endl;

	if (par.treeDepth != m_crawlDepth){
		m_data->info.origin.position.x -= par.resolution/2.0;
		m_data->info.origin.position.y -= par.resolution/2.0;

	if (sizeChanged){
	  ROS_INFO("2D grid map size changed to %d x %d", m_data->info.width, m_data->info.height);
	  // init to unknown:
	  m_data->data.resize(m_data->info.width * m_data->info.height, -1);

	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->getTree() );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?
			handleFreeNode( it, par );

	} // Iterate through octree

	m_DataTimeStamp = par.currentTime;

예제 #6
void srs_env_model::CMap2DPlugin::newMapDataCB(SMapWithParameters & par)
	m_data->header.frame_id = m_map2DFrameId;
	m_data->header.stamp = par.currentTime;
	m_data->info.resolution = par.resolution;

	m_ocFrameId = par.frameId;
	ros::Time timestamp( par.currentTime );

	tf::StampedTransform ocToMap2DTf;

	m_bConvert = m_ocFrameId != m_map2DFrameId;

	// Get transform
	try {
		// Transformation - to, from, time, waiting time
		m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_map2DFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
				timestamp, ros::Duration(5));

		m_tfListener.lookupTransform(m_map2DFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
				timestamp, ocToMap2DTf);

	} catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error: " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
		PERROR( "Transform error.");

	Eigen::Matrix4f ocToMap2DTM;

	// Get transformation matrix
	pcl_ros::transformAsMatrix(ocToMap2DTf, ocToMap2DTM);

	const tButServerOcMap &map(*par.map);

	// Disassemble translation and rotation
	m_ocToMap2DRot  = ocToMap2DTM.block<3, 3> (0, 0);
	m_ocToMap2DTrans = ocToMap2DTM.block<3, 1> (0, 3);

	double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
	map.getTree().getMetricMin(minX, minY, minZ);
	map.getTree().getMetricMax(maxX, maxY, maxZ);

	octomap::point3d minPt(minX, minY, minZ);
	octomap::point3d maxPt(maxX, maxY, maxZ);

	octomap::OcTreeKey minKey, maxKey, curKey;

	// Try to create key
	if (!map.getTree().genKey(minPt, minKey)) {
		ROS_ERROR("Could not create min OcTree key at %f %f %f", minPt.x(), minPt.y(), minPt.z());

	if (!map.getTree().genKey(maxPt, maxKey)) {
		ROS_ERROR("Could not create max OcTree key at %f %f %f", maxPt.x(), maxPt.y(), maxPt.z());

	ROS_DEBUG("MinKey: %d %d %d / MaxKey: %d %d %d", minKey[0], minKey[1], minKey[2], maxKey[0], maxKey[1], maxKey[2]);

	// add padding if requested (= new min/maxPts in x&y):
	double halfPaddedX = 0.5 * m_minSizeX;
	double halfPaddedY = 0.5 * m_minSizeY;

	minX = std::min(minX, -halfPaddedX);
	maxX = std::max(maxX, halfPaddedX);

	minY = std::min(minY, -halfPaddedY);
	maxY = std::max(maxY, halfPaddedY);

	minPt = octomap::point3d(minX, minY, minZ);
	maxPt = octomap::point3d(maxX, maxY, maxZ);

	octomap::OcTreeKey paddedMaxKey;

	if (!map.getTree().genKey(minPt, m_paddedMinKey)) {
		ROS_ERROR("Could not create padded min OcTree key at %f %f %f", minPt.x(), minPt.y(), minPt.z());

	if (!map.getTree().genKey(maxPt, paddedMaxKey)) {
		ROS_ERROR("Could not create padded max OcTree key at %f %f %f", maxPt.x(), maxPt.y(), maxPt.z());

	ROS_DEBUG("Padded MinKey: %d %d %d / padded MaxKey: %d %d %d", m_paddedMinKey[0], m_paddedMinKey[1],
			m_paddedMinKey[2], paddedMaxKey[0], paddedMaxKey[1], paddedMaxKey[2]);

	assert(paddedMaxKey[0] >= maxKey[0] && paddedMaxKey[1] >= maxKey[1]);

	m_data->info.width = paddedMaxKey[0] - m_paddedMinKey[0] + 1;
	m_data->info.height = paddedMaxKey[1] - m_paddedMinKey[1] + 1;

	int mapOriginX = minKey[0] - m_paddedMinKey[0];
	int mapOriginY = minKey[1] - m_paddedMinKey[1];

	assert(mapOriginX >= 0 && mapOriginY >= 0);

	// might not exactly be min / max of octree:
	octomap::point3d origin;
	map.getTree().genCoords(m_paddedMinKey, par.treeDepth, origin);

	m_data->info.origin.position.x = origin.x() - par.resolution* 0.5;
	m_data->info.origin.position.y = origin.y() - par.resolution * 0.5;

	// Allocate space to hold the data (init to unknown)
	m_data->data.resize(m_data->info.width * m_data->info.height, -1);

	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->getTree() );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?
			handleFreeNode( it, par );

	} // Iterate through octree

예제 #7
//! Set used octomap frame id and timestamp
void srs_env_model::CPointCloudPlugin::newMapDataCB( SMapWithParameters & par )
	if( ! m_publishPointCloud )

	m_ocFrameId = par.frameId;
	m_DataTimeStamp = m_time_stamp = par.currentTime;
	counter = 0;

	// Pointcloud is used as output for octomap...
	m_bAsInput = false;

	// If different frame id
	if( m_ocFrameId != m_pcFrameId )
		tf::StampedTransform ocToPcTf;

		// Get transform
		try {
			// Transformation - to, from, time, waiting time
			m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_pcFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
					par.currentTime, ros::Duration(5));

			m_tfListener.lookupTransform(m_pcFrameId, m_ocFrameId,
					par.currentTime, ocToPcTf);

		} catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
			ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Transform error: " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
			PERROR( "Transform error.");

		// Get transformation matrix
		pcl_ros::transformAsMatrix(ocToPcTf, m_pcOutTM);	// Sensor TF to defined base TF

	// Initialize leaf iterators
	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->octree );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?

	} // Iterate through octree

	// If different frame id
	if( (!m_bAsInput) && (m_ocFrameId != m_pcFrameId) )
		// transform point cloud from sensor frame to the preset frame
		pcl::transformPointCloud< tPclPoint >(*m_data, *m_data, m_pcOutTM);

void srs_env_model::CCompressedPointCloudPlugin::newMapDataCB( SMapWithParameters & par )
	ROS_DEBUG( "CCompressedPointCloudPlugin: onFrameStart" );

    // Copy buffered camera normal and d parameter
    boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_camPosMutex );

	// Increase frames count

	// Is this frame complete?
	m_bPublishComplete = m_frame_counter % m_uncomplete_frames == 0;

	// Create packed octomap update info?
	m_bCreatePackedInfoMsg = m_ocUpdatePublisher.getNumSubscribers() > 0;

    // Reset counters
    m_countVisible = m_countAll = 0;

    min = 10000000;
    max = -10000000;

    // Call parent frame start
    if( ! m_publishPointCloud )

    // Just for sure
	if(m_frameId != par.frameId)
		PERROR("Map frame id has changed, this should never happen. Exiting newMapDataCB.");

    // Clear data
	m_DataTimeStamp = m_time_stamp = par.currentTime;
	counter = 0;

	// Pointcloud is used as output for octomap...
	m_bAsInput = false;

    if( m_cameraFrameId.size() == 0 )
        ROS_DEBUG("CCompressedPointCloudPlugin::newMapDataCB: Wrong camera frame id...");
//        m_bTransformCamera = false;

//    m_bTransformCamera = m_cameraFrameId != m_pcFrameId;
    bool m_bTransformCamera(m_cameraFrameId != m_frameId);

    m_to_sensor = tf::StampedTransform::getIdentity();

    // If different frame id
    if( m_bTransformCamera )
        // Some transforms
        tf::StampedTransform camToOcTf, ocToCamTf;

        // Get transforms
        try {
            // Transformation - to, from, time, waiting time
            m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_cameraFrameId, m_frameId,
                    par.currentTime, ros::Duration(5));

            m_tfListener.lookupTransform( m_cameraFrameId, m_frameId,
            		par.currentTime, ocToCamTf );

        } catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
            ROS_ERROR_STREAM( m_name << ": Transform error - " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
            PERROR( "Camera FID: " << m_cameraFrameId << ", Octomap FID: " << m_frameId );

        m_to_sensor = ocToCamTf;

//        PERROR( "Camera position: " << m_camToOcTrans );

    // Store camera information
    m_camera_size = m_camera_size_buffer;
    m_camera_model.fromCameraInfo( m_camera_info_buffer);
    m_octomap_updates_msg->camera_info = m_camera_info_buffer;
    m_octomap_updates_msg->pointcloud2.header.stamp = par.currentTime;

    // Majkl 2013/01/24: missing frame id in the message header
    m_octomap_updates_msg->pointcloud2.header.frame_id = par.frameId;

    // Initialize leaf iterators
	tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->getTree() );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?

	} // Iterate through octree

	// 2013/01/31 Majkl
	m_data->header.frame_id = par.frameId;
	m_data->header.stamp = par.currentTime;

	m_DataTimeStamp = par.currentTime;


void srs_env_model::CLimitedPointCloudPlugin::newMapDataCB( SMapWithParameters & par )
    // Reset counters
    m_countVisible = m_countHidden = 0;

    min = 10000000;
    max = -10000000;

    if( m_cameraFrameId.size() == 0 )
            m_bTransformCamera = false;

    if( ! m_publishPointCloud )

    // Just for sure
	if(m_frame_id != par.frameId)
		PERROR("Map frame id has changed, this should never happen. Exiting newMapDataCB.");

    //	Clear data
	m_DataTimeStamp = m_time_stamp = par.currentTime;
	counter = 0;

	// Pointcloud is used as output for octomap...
	m_bAsInput = false;

//    m_bTransformCamera = m_cameraFrameId != m_ocFrameId;
    bool m_bTransformCamera = m_cameraFrameId != m_frame_id;

    // If different frame id
    if( m_bTransformCamera )
        // Some transforms
        tf::StampedTransform camToOcTf;

        // Get transforms
        try {
            // Transformation - from, to, time, waiting time
            m_tfListener.waitForTransform(m_frame_id, m_cameraFrameId,
                    par.currentTime, ros::Duration(5));

            m_tfListener.lookupTransform(m_frame_id, m_cameraFrameId,
                    par.currentTime, camToOcTf);

        } catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
            ROS_ERROR_STREAM( m_name << ": Transform error - " << ex.what() << ", quitting callback");
            PERROR( "Camera FID: " << m_cameraFrameId << ", Octomap FID: " << m_frame_id );
 //       PERROR( "Camera FID: " << m_cameraFrameId << ", Octomap FID: " << m_ocFrameId );

        // Get transformation matrix
        Eigen::Matrix4f cameraToOcTM;
        pcl_ros::transformAsMatrix(camToOcTf, cameraToOcTM); // Sensor TF to defined base TF

        // Get translation and rotation
        m_camToOcRot  = cameraToOcTM.block<3, 3> (0, 0);
        m_camToOcTrans = cameraToOcTM.block<3, 1> (0, 3);

//        PERROR( "Camera position: " << m_camToOcTrans );

    // Copy buffered camera normal and d parameter
    boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_camPosMutex );

  //  PERROR( "Copy position...");
    m_d = m_dBuf;
    m_normal = m_normalBuf;

    tButServerOcTree & tree( par.map->getTree() );
	srs_env_model::tButServerOcTree::leaf_iterator it, itEnd( tree.end_leafs() );

	// Crawl through nodes
	for ( it = tree.begin_leafs(m_crawlDepth); it != itEnd; ++it)
		// Node is occupied?
		if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*it))
			handleOccupiedNode(it, par);
		}// Node is occupied?

	} // Iterate through octree

	// 2013/01/31 Majkl
	m_data->header.frame_id = par.frameId;
	m_data->header.stamp = par.currentTime;

	m_DataTimeStamp = par.currentTime;

