struct gene *geneFromCluster(struct txCluster *cluster, struct hash *bedHash, 
	struct hash *infoHash)
/* Create a coding gene from coding cluster. */
struct gene *gene = geneNew();
gene->chrom = cloneString(cluster->chrom);
gene->start = cluster->chromStart;
gene->end = cluster->chromEnd;
gene->strand = cluster->strand[0];
gene->isCoding = TRUE;
int i;
double bestScore = -BIGNUM;
for (i=0; i<cluster->txCount; ++i)
    /* Find and add bed. */
    struct bed *bed = hashMustFindVal(bedHash, cluster->txArray[i]);
    geneAddBed(gene, bed);

    /* Recalc min/max of gene since cluster has CDS, not transcription bounds. */
    gene->start = min(gene->start, bed->chromStart);
    gene->end = max(gene->end, bed->chromEnd);

    /* Figure out nicest gene in cluster to use as example. */
    struct txInfo *info = hashMustFindVal(infoHash, bed->name);
    double score = txInfoCodingScore(info, TRUE);
    if (score > bestScore)
	 bestScore = score;
	 gene->niceTx = bed;
return gene;
void testDb(struct htmlPage *orgPage, char *org, char *db)
/* Test on one database. */
struct hash *genomeRa = hgReadRa(org, db, dataDir, "genome.ra", NULL);
char *canonicalTable = hashMustFindVal(genomeRa, "canonicalTable");
char *accColumn = hashMustFindVal(genomeRa, "idColumn");

struct slName *geneList = sqlRandomSampleWithSeed(db, canonicalTable, "transcript", clRepeat, seed);
struct htmlPage *dbPage;
struct slName *ptr;

verbose(1, "genelist:\n");
for (ptr = geneList; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
    verbose(1, "%s\n", ptr->name);

htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, NULL, "db", db);
htmlPageSetVar(orgPage, NULL, searchVarName, "");

dbPage = quickSubmit(orgPage, NULL, org, db, NULL, NULL, "dbEmptyPage", "submit", "go");

if (dbPage != NULL)
    testDbColumns(dbPage, org, db, geneList);
    testDbSorts(dbPage, org, db, accColumn, geneList);
    testDbFilters(dbPage, org, db, accColumn, geneList);

예제 #3
void readGbAcc(struct lineFile *gaf)
/* Read in and record all genbank accessions that have sequences */
  struct gb *gb;
  char *acc[1];
  struct sts *s;

  while (lineFileNextRow(gaf, acc, 1))
      if (!hashLookup(gbAccHash, acc[0]))
	  gb->next = NULL;
	  gb->acc = cloneString(acc[0]);
	  gb->s = NULL;
	  gb->gbSeq = TRUE;
	  hashAdd(gbAccHash, acc[0], gb);
	  if (hashLookup(nameHash, acc[0]))
	      s = hashMustFindVal(nameHash, acc[0]);
	      addElement(acc[0], &s->si->genbank, &s->si->gbCount);
	      removeElement(acc[0], &s->si->otherNames, &s->si->nameCount);
	  gb = hashMustFindVal(gbAccHash, acc[0]);
	  gb->gbSeq = TRUE;
예제 #4
static boolean raRecLoad(struct raInfoTbl *rit, unsigned srcDb, struct lineFile *raLf,
                         unsigned cdnaExtId, unsigned pepExtId)
/* load next ra record */
    char *acc, *protAccVer, protAcc[GB_ACC_BUFSZ];
    int ver;
    struct hash *raRec = raNextRecord(raLf);
    if (raRec == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    acc = hashMustFindVal(raRec, "acc");
    ver = sqlSigned((char*)hashMustFindVal(raRec, "ver"));
    raInfoAdd(rit, raRec, acc, ver, "siz", "fao", "fas", cdnaExtId);

    if ((srcDb == GB_REFSEQ) && ((protAccVer = hashFindVal(raRec, "prt")) != NULL))
        if (pepExtId == 0)
            errAbort("%s has protein %s, but no pep.fa file", acc, protAccVer);
        ver = gbSplitAccVer(protAccVer, protAcc);
        raInfoAdd(rit, raRec, protAcc, ver, "prs", "pfo", "pfs", pepExtId);
    hashPrintStats(raRec, "raRec", stderr);
    return TRUE;
예제 #5
void readPslFile(struct lineFile *pf)
/* Process all records in a psl file of mRNA alignments */
 int lineSize;
 char *line;
 char *words[32];
 int  wordCount;
 struct psl *psl;
 struct clone *clone;
 struct pslAli *pa = NULL;
 struct cloneName *cloneName;
 while (lineFileNext(pf, &line, &lineSize))
     wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
     if (wordCount != 21)
       errAbort("Bad line %d of %s\n", pf->lineIx, pf->fileName);
     psl = pslLoad(words);
     if (hashLookup(leftNames, psl->qName))
       cloneName = hashMustFindVal(leftNames, psl->qName);
     else if (hashLookup(rightNames, psl->qName))
       cloneName = hashMustFindVal(rightNames, psl->qName);
     clone = hashMustFindVal(clones, cloneName->name);
     if ((psl->tBaseInsert < TINSERT) && ((!NORANDOM) || (strlen(psl->tName) < 7))) 
	 pa = createPslAli(psl);
	 if (hashLookup(leftNames, psl->qName))
	   slAddHead(&(clone->end1), pa);
	   slAddHead(&(clone->end2), pa);
matrix * WEKApopulatePredictionsMatrix(struct hash * config)
//quick hack to get proper labes from trianing data. TODO: add a labeling scheme to WEKAwrapper for output
char * trainingDir = hashMustFindVal(config, "trainingDir");
char * modelDir = hashMustFindVal(config, "modelDir");
char filename[1024];
safef(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/data.arff", trainingDir);
matrix * labelTemplate = WEKAtoMetadataMatrix(filename);
safef(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/", modelDir);
FILE * fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if(fp == NULL)
    errAbort("Couldn't open %s for reading.", filename);

//read the number of data lines  by advancing the cursor to where data starts, then counting lines
char * line;
while( (line = readLine(fp)) && line != NULL)
    if(strstr(line, "inst#") != NULL)
int samples = 0;
while( (line = readLine(fp)) && line != NULL && !sameString(line, ""))
if(samples == 0)
	return NULL;//catch where the model doesn't return values because of all null known vals

//advance the cursor again
while( (line = readLine(fp)) && line != NULL)
    if(strstr(line, "inst#") != NULL)

//create target for results
matrix * result = init_matrix(1, samples);
safef(result->rowLabels[0], MAX_LABEL, "prediction");
copy_matrix_labels(result, labelTemplate, 2,2);

//read each result and save to results matrix
int i;
for(i = 0; i < result->cols && (line = readLine(fp)) != NULL; i++)
    if(strstr(line, ":?") == NULL)
		if(strstr(line, "subgroup 1:subgroup"))
			result->graph[0][i] = 0-atof(lastWordInLine(line));
		else if(strstr(line, "subgroup 2:subgroup"))
			result->graph[0][i] = atof(lastWordInLine(line));
			errAbort("ERROR: Coudln't find a proper class assignment in your WEKA results file.\n");
return result;
예제 #7
static char *findType(struct hash *cvHash,char **requested,int requestCount,
                      char **queryBy, char **org,boolean silent)
/* returns the type that was requested or else the type associated with the term requested */
struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(cvHash);
struct hashEl *hEl;
struct hash *ra;
char *type = typeOpt;

if (requested != NULL) // if no type, find it from requested terms.  Will validate terms match type
    {              // NOTE: Enter here even if there is a type, to confirm the type
    while ((hEl = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)  // FIXME: This should be using mdbCv APIs to get hashes.
        {                                  // One per "request[]"
        ra = (struct hash *)hEl->val;
        if (sameWord(hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TYPE),CV_TOT)) // TOT = typeOfTerm
        char *val = hashFindVal(ra, *queryBy);
        if (val != NULL)
            int ix = stringArrayIx(val,requested,requestCount);
            if (ix != -1) // found
                char *thisType = hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TYPE);
                char *thisOrg = hashFindVal(ra, ORGANISM);
                if (type == NULL)
                    if (thisOrg != NULL)
                        *org = strLower(cloneString(thisOrg));
                    type = thisType;
                else if (differentWord(type,thisType))
                    if (sameWord(CV_TERM_CONTROL,type))
                        type = thisType;
                    else if (differentWord(CV_TERM_CONTROL,thisType))
                        errAbort("Error: Requested %s of type '%s'.  But '%s' has type '%s'\n",
if (type == NULL && sameWord(*queryBy,CV_TERM))    // Special case of term becoming target
    char *queryByTarget = CV_TARGET;
    type = findType(cvHash,requested,requestCount,&queryByTarget,org,TRUE); // silent here
    if (type != NULL)
        *queryBy = queryByTarget;
if (type == NULL && !silent)    // Still not type? abort
    errAbort("Error: Required %s=%s ['%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' or '%s'] argument not found\n",
                    *queryBy,(requested != NULL) ? *requested : "?",
                    CV_TYPE, CV_TERM, CV_TAG, CV_TARGET, CV_LABEL);

return normalizeType(type);
예제 #8
struct libInfo *addEsts(char *database, struct hash *eiHash, 
	struct hash *libHash, struct hash *authorHash,
	struct hash *liHash)
/* Read in all ESTs from mRNA table in database and add them to 
 * library they belong to. */
struct libInfo *liList = NULL, *li;
struct estOrientInfo *ei;
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
char liId[256];
char **row;
struct nameId *library, *author;

sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "NOSQLINJ select acc,library,author,direction from mrna where type = 'EST'");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    library = hashMustFindVal(libHash, row[1]);
    author = hashMustFindVal(authorHash, row[2]);
    sprintf(liId, "%s.%s", library->id, author->id);
    if ((li = hashFindVal(liHash, liId)) == NULL)
	li->libName = library->name;
	li->author = author->name;
	hashAdd(liHash, liId, li);
	slAddHead(&liList, li);
    li->estCount += 1;
    if ((ei = hashFindVal(eiHash, row[0])) != NULL)
	switch (row[3][0])
	    case '5':
	        slAddHead(&li->fivePrime, ei);
	    case '3':
	        slAddHead(&li->threePrime, ei);
	    case '0':
	        slAddHead(&li->unPrime, ei);
	        errAbort("Unknown type '%s' for %s", row[3], row[0]);
slSort(&liList, libInfoCmp);
return liList;
예제 #9
struct chrom *getQChrom(char *qName, struct hash *qChromHash)
/* Lift qName to chrom if necessary and dig up from qChromHash. */
struct chrom *qChrom = NULL;
if (liftHashQ != NULL)
    struct liftSpec *lft = hashMustFindVal(liftHashQ, qName);
    qChrom = hashMustFindVal(qChromHash, lft->newName);
    qChrom = hashMustFindVal(qChromHash, qName);
예제 #10
void addMasking(struct hash *twoBitHash, struct hash *bitmapHash, char *seqName,
                unsigned start, unsigned end)
/* Set bits in range. */
    if (end > start)
        struct twoBit *tb = (struct twoBit *)hashMustFindVal(twoBitHash, seqName);
        if ((end > tb->size) || (start >= tb->size))
            errAbort("bed range (%d - %d) is off the end of chromosome %s size %d",
                     start, end, seqName, tb->size);
        Bits *bits = (Bits *)hashMustFindVal(bitmapHash, seqName);
        bitSetRange(bits, start, (end - start));
예제 #11
void addName(struct sts *s, char *name)
/* Add a name to a sts record */
    struct gb *gb;

  /* See if it is a genBank record */
  if (checkGb(name))
      addElement(name, &s->si->genbank, &s->si->gbCount);
      if (hashLookup(gbAccHash, name))
	  gb = hashMustFindVal(gbAccHash, name);
	  gb->s = s;
	  gb->next = NULL;
	  gb->acc = cloneString(name);
	  gb->s = s;
  else if (checkGdb(name))
      addElement(name, &s->si->gdb, &s->si->gdbCount);
      addElement(name, &s->si->otherNames, &s->si->nameCount);
예제 #12
void pslRecalcMatch(char *inName, char *targetName, char *queryName, 
	char *outName)
/* pslRecalcMatch - Recalculate match,mismatch,repMatch columns in psl file.  
 * This can be useful if the psl went through pslMap, or if you've added 
 * lower-case repeat masking after the fact. */
struct nibTwoCache *tCache = nibTwoCacheNew(targetName);
struct dnaSeq *qSeqList = dnaLoadAll(queryName);
struct hash *qHash = dnaSeqHash(qSeqList);
struct psl *psl;
struct lineFile *lf = pslFileOpen(inName);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outName, "w");

while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL)
    int tSize;
    struct dnaSeq *tSeqPart = nibTwoCacheSeqPart(tCache,
    	psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd - psl->tStart, &tSize);
    struct dnaSeq *qSeq = hashMustFindVal(qHash, getQName(psl->qName));
    recalcMatches(psl, tSeqPart, psl->tStart, qSeq);
    pslTabOut(psl, f);
예제 #13
void readAllSts(FILE *asf) 
/* Read in current sequences for sts markers */
  struct dnaSeq *ds;
  struct sts *s;
  char *words[8], *acc=NULL, *line;
  int wordCount;

  while (faReadMixedNext(asf, 0, "default", TRUE, &line, &ds))
      /* Determine the UCSC id */
      wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
      stripString(words[0], ">");
      if (wordCount == 3)
	acc = cloneString(words[2]);
	acc = NULL;
      /* Find the record and attach */
      if (hashLookup(stsHash, ds->name))
	  s = hashMustFindVal(stsHash, ds->name);
	  s->fa = ds;
	  s->faAcc = acc;
	  s->si->sequence = 1;
	  if (acc != NULL)
예제 #14
void separateStrand(struct bed *inList, struct hash *infoHash,
	struct rbTree *tree, struct rbTree *antitree,
	struct bed **retCoding, struct bed **retNearCoding, struct bed **retNearCodingJunk,
	struct bed **retAntisense, struct bed **retNoncoding)
/* Separate list of beds from single strand into the 4 categories.
 * The tree covers the coding transcripts for this strand, and the
 * antitree for the opposite strand. */
struct bed *bed, *nextBed;
for (bed = inList; bed != NULL; bed = nextBed)
    nextBed = bed->next;
    struct txInfo *info = hashMustFindVal(infoHash, bed->name);
    if (bed->thickStart < bed->thickEnd)
	slAddHead(retCoding, bed);
	info->category = "coding";
	if (info->retainedIntron || info->bleedIntoIntron >= 100 || info->nonsenseMediatedDecay)
	if (startsWith("ab.ab", bed->name))
	    slAddHead(retNoncoding, bed);
	    info->category = "antibodyParts";
	else if (bedOverlapWithRangeTree(tree, bed) >= minNearOverlap)
	    if (info->retainedIntron || info->bleedIntoIntron >= 100)
		slAddHead(retNearCodingJunk, bed);
		info->category = "nearCodingJunk";
		slAddHead(retNearCoding, bed);
		info->category = "nearCoding";
	else if (bedOverlapWithRangeTree(antitree, bed) >= minNearOverlap)
	    slAddHead(retAntisense, bed);
	    info->category = "antisense";
	    slAddHead(retNoncoding, bed);
	    info->category = "noncoding";
예제 #15
파일: chain.c 프로젝트: ma-compbio/RACA
struct chain *chainLookup(struct hash *hash, int id)
/* Find chain in hash. */
char nameBuf[16];
safef(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%x", id);
return hashMustFindVal(hash, nameBuf);
예제 #16
파일: optBranch.c 프로젝트: bowhan/kent
static struct isxAddress *makeDirect(struct isx *isx, struct hash *labelHash)
/* Isx is a conditional or unconditional jump instruction.
 * If it's target is an unconditional jump, then eliminate
 * the middle man or men, and jump straight to final destination */
struct isxAddress *dest = isx->dest;
char *name = dest->name;
struct dlNode *node = hashMustFindVal(labelHash, name);
for (; !dlEnd(node); node = node->next)
    struct isx *isx = node->val;
    switch (isx->opType)
	case poLabel:
	case poLoopStart:
	case poLoopEnd:
	case poCondCase:
	case poCondStart:
	case poCondEnd:
	case poJump:
	    // uglyf("Short circuiting %s\n", name);
	    return makeDirect(node->val, labelHash);
	    return dest;
return dest;
struct sangRead *readReads(char *fileName, struct hash *pairHash)
/* Read in read database file and hook it up to pairs in pairHash. */
struct sangRead *list = NULL, *el;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *words[4];
int wordCount;
struct sangPair *pair;

printf("Reading %s\n", fileName);
while (lineFileNextRow(lf, words, 4))
    el = sangReadLoad(words);
    slAddHead(&list, el);
    pair = hashMustFindVal(pairHash, el->id);
    if (el->pq[0] == 'p')
	if (pair->fRead)
	    warn("%s - duplicate p read line %d of %s\n", el->id, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	pair->fRead = el;
	if (pair->rRead)
	    warn("%s - duplicate q read line %d of %s\n", el->id, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
        pair->rRead = el;
return list;
예제 #18
void polyInfo(char *pslFile, char *genoFile, char *estFile, char *outputFile)
/* polyInfo - Collect info on polyAdenylation signals etc. */
struct hash *pslHash = NULL;
struct hash *genoHash = loadGeno(genoFile);
static struct dnaSeq est;
struct lineFile *lf = NULL;

pslHash = pslIntoHash(pslFile);
lf = lineFileOpen(estFile, TRUE);
f = mustOpen(outputFile, "w");

while (faSpeedReadNext(lf, &est.dna, &est.size, &
    struct pslList *pl;
    struct psl *psl;
    struct estOrientInfo ei;
    if ((pl = hashFindVal(pslHash, != NULL)
	for (psl = pl->list; psl != NULL; psl = psl->next)
            struct dnaSeq *geno = hashMustFindVal(genoHash, psl->tName);
	    if (psl->tSize != geno->size)
	        errAbort("psl generated on a different version of the genome");
	    fillInEstInfo(&ei, &est, geno, psl);
	    estOrientInfoTabOut(&ei, f);
예제 #19
char *bigWigFileName(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Return file name associated with bigWig.  This handles differences whether it's
 * a custom or built-in track.  Do a freeMem on returned string when done. */
struct trackDb *tdb = hashMustFindVal(fullTableToTdbHash, table);
return tdbBigFileName(conn, tdb);
예제 #20
void readEpcr(struct lineFile *ef)
/* Read in and record epcr records */
int wordCount;
char *words[8];
char *pos[4];
struct epcr *epcr;
struct sts *sts;

while (lineFileChopNext(ef, words, 4))
    if (words[3])
	epcr->next = NULL;
	epcr->contig = cloneString(words[0]);
	epcr->bases = cloneString(words[1]);
	epcr->dbstsId = cloneString(words[2]);
	epcr->ucscId = cloneString(words[3]);
	wordCount = chopByChar(words[1], '.', pos, ArraySize(pos));
	if (wordCount != 3) 
	  errAbort("Not parsing epcr as expeceted\n");
	epcr->start = sqlUnsigned(pos[0]);
	epcr->end = sqlUnsigned(pos[2]);
	sts = hashMustFindVal(stsHash, epcr->dbstsId);
	if (!epcrInList(sts->epcr, epcr))
	    slAddHead(&sts->epcr, epcr);
예제 #21
void *hashMustFindValFromInt(struct hash *hash, int key)
/* Return hash value using an integer key */
    char buf[32];
    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", key);
    return hashMustFindVal(hash, buf);
void pslIntronsOnly(char *inPslName, char *genoFile, char *outPslName)
/* pslIntronsOnly - Filter psl files to only include those with introns. */
struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
FILE *outFile = NULL;
struct hash *genoHash = loadGeno(genoFile);
struct psl *psl;
int count = 0, intronCount = 0;

lf = pslFileOpen(inPslName);
outFile = mustOpen(outPslName, "w");
while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL)
    struct dnaSeq *geno = hashMustFindVal(genoHash, psl->tName);
    if (pslHasIntron(psl, geno, 0))
	pslTabOut(psl, outFile);
printf("%d of %d in %s have introns\n", intronCount, count, inPslName);
예제 #23
void outputProt(struct protInfo *prot, struct hash *seedToScop, FILE *f, FILE *fKnownTo)
/* Callapse together all features of same type that overlap and output */
slSort(&prot->featureList, protFeatureCmpName);
struct protFeature *startFeature, *endFeature;
for (startFeature = prot->featureList; startFeature != NULL; startFeature = endFeature)
    for (endFeature = startFeature->next; endFeature != NULL; endFeature = endFeature->next)
        if (!sameString(startFeature->name, endFeature->name))
    struct rbTree *rangeTree = rangeTreeNew();
    struct protFeature *feature;
    for (feature = startFeature; feature != endFeature; feature = feature->next)
	rangeTreeAdd(rangeTree, feature->start, feature->end);
    struct range *range, *rangeList = rangeTreeList(rangeTree);
    for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next)
	feature = highestScoringFeature(startFeature, endFeature, range->start, range->end);
        fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", prot->name, range->start, range->end, startFeature->name);
	fprintf(fKnownTo, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%g\n",
		prot->name, (char *)hashMustFindVal(seedToScop, startFeature->name),
		range->start, range->end, feature->eVal);

예제 #24
파일: hash.c 프로젝트: davidhoover/kent
int hashIntVal(struct hash *hash, char *name)
/* Return integer value associated with name in a simple 
 * hash of ints. */
void *val = hashMustFindVal(hash, name);
return ptToInt(val);
예제 #25
void readCachedSeqPart(char *seqName, int start, int size, boolean getMasked,
     struct hash *hash, struct dlList *fileCache, 
     struct dnaSeq **retSeq, int *retOffset, boolean *retIsNib)
/* Read sequence hopefully using file cashe. If sequence is in a nib
 * file just read part of it. */
struct seqFilePos *sfp = hashMustFindVal(hash, seqName);
FILE *f = openFromCache(fileCache, sfp);
if (sfp->isTwoBit)
    *retSeq = twoBitReadSeqFrag((struct twoBitFile *)f, seqName, start, start + size);
    *retOffset = start;
    *retIsNib = TRUE;
else if (sfp->isNib)
    *retSeq = nibLdPartMasked((getMasked ? NIB_MASK_MIXED : 0), sfp->file, f, sfp->pos, start, size);
    *retOffset = start;
    *retIsNib = TRUE;
    if (getMasked)
        errAbort("masked sequences not supported with fasta files");
    *retSeq = readSeqFromFaPos(sfp, f);
    *retOffset = 0;
    *retIsNib = FALSE;
void writeRelevantChains(char *ctgDir, struct hash *cloneHash)
/* Read in geno.lst and write chains on relevant clones to
 * fragChains. */
char inName[512];
char outName[512];
char *wordBuf, **faNames;
int faCount;
int i;
char dir[256], cloneName[128], ext[64];
FILE *f;
struct clone *clone;

sprintf(inName, "%s/geno.lst", ctgDir);
sprintf(outName, "%s/fragChains", ctgDir);
readAllWords(inName, &faNames, &faCount, &wordBuf);
f = mustOpen(outName, "w");
for (i=0; i<faCount; ++i)
   splitPath(faNames[i], dir, cloneName, ext);
   if (!startsWith("NT_", cloneName))
       clone = hashMustFindVal(cloneHash, cloneName);
       writeChains(clone, f);
예제 #27
struct taggedFile *taggedFileForComposite(struct composite *composite, struct hash *metaHash)
/* Return a taggedFile for every file in the composite. */
struct slRef *manRefList = composite->manRefList;
struct taggedFile *tf, *tfList = NULL;
struct slRef *ref;
for (ref = manRefList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
    /* Wrap up tags and manifest together, including a bonus tag or two from manifest. */
    struct encode2Manifest *man = ref->val;
    struct meta *meta = hashMustFindVal(metaHash, man->experiment);
    tf->manifest = man;
    slAddHead(&tfList, tf);
    struct metaTagVal *s, *d;
    for (s = meta->tagList; s != NULL; s = s->next)
	d = metaTagValNew(s->tag, s->val);
	slAddHead(&tf->tagList, d);
    d = metaTagValNew("replicate", man->replicate);
    slAddHead(&tf->tagList, d);
return tfList;
예제 #28
파일: checkExp.c 프로젝트: davidhoover/kent
struct hash *readChainToBinKeeper(char *sizeFileName, char *fileName)
struct binKeeper *bk; 
struct chain *chain;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
struct lineFile *sf = lineFileOpen(sizeFileName, TRUE);
struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
char *chromRow[2];

while (lineFileRow(sf, chromRow))
    char *name = chromRow[0];
    int size = lineFileNeedNum(sf, chromRow, 1);

    if (hashLookup(hash, name) != NULL)
        warn("Duplicate %s, ignoring all but first\n", name);
        bk = binKeeperNew(0, size);
        assert(size > 1);
	hashAdd(hash, name, bk);
while ((chain = chainRead(lf)) != NULL)
    bk = hashMustFindVal(hash, chain->tName);
    binKeeperAdd(bk, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd, chain);
return hash;
예제 #29
struct indexedChain *chainFromId(struct hash *chainHash, int id)
/* Given chain ID and hash, return chain. */
char chainId[20];
safef(chainId, sizeof(chainId), "%x", id);
return hashMustFindVal(chainHash, chainId);
예제 #30
boolean doTypeOfTermRow(struct hash *ra, char *org)
// print one typeOfTerm row
char *term = (char *)hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TERM);

if (sameString(term,cvTypeNormalized(CV_TERM_CELL)))
    term = CV_TERM_CELL;
else if (sameString(term,cvTypeNormalized(CV_TERM_ANTIBODY)))
    term = CV_TERM_ANTIBODY;

printf("  <TD><A HREF='hgEncodeVocab?type=%s' title='%s details' "
        "TARGET=ucscVocabChild>%s</a></TD>\n", term, term, term);
if (sameString(term,CV_TERM_CELL))
    printf("  <TD><A HREF='hgEncodeVocab?type=%s&organism=Mouse' title='Mouse %s details' "
            "TARGET=ucscVocabChild>%s</a> <em>(for mouse)</em></TD>\n", term, term, term);
    char *s = getDescription(ra,NULL);
    printf("  <TD colspan=%d>%s <em>(for mouse)</em></TD>\n",
            TABLE_COLS_AVAILABLE(2), s?s:"&nbsp;");

return TRUE;