static bool callback(void *key, void *value, void *context) { struct image_renderers *ir = (struct image_renderers *) context; hashmapRemove(ir->images, key); if (value) gdImageDestroy((gdImagePtr) value); return 1; }
/** * Called when the peer dies. */ static void peerProxyKill(PeerProxy* peerProxy, bool errnoIsSet) { if (errnoIsSet) { ALOGI("Peer %d died. errno: %s", peerProxy->, strerror(errno)); } else { ALOGI("Peer %d died.", peerProxy->; } // If we lost the master, we're up a creek. We can't let this happen. if (peerProxy->master) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Lost connection to master."); } Peer* localPeer = peerProxy->peer; pid_t pid = peerProxy->; peerLock(localPeer); // Remember for awhile that the peer died. localPeer->deadPeers[localPeer->deadPeerCursor] = peerProxy->; localPeer->deadPeerCursor++; if (localPeer->deadPeerCursor == PEER_HISTORY) { localPeer->deadPeerCursor = 0; } // Remove from peer map. hashmapRemove(localPeer->peerProxies, &pid); // External threads can no longer get to this peer proxy, so we don't // need the lock anymore. peerUnlock(localPeer); // Remove the fd from the selector. if (peerProxy->fd != NULL) { peerProxy->fd->remove = true; } // Clear outgoing packet queue. while (peerProxyNextPacket(peerProxy)) {} bufferFree(peerProxy->inputBuffer); // This only applies to the master. if (peerProxy->connections != NULL) { // We can't leave these other maps pointing to freed memory. hashmapForEach(peerProxy->connections, &peerProxyRemoveConnection, peerProxy); hashmapFree(peerProxy->connections); } // Invoke death listener. localPeer->onDeath(pid); // Free the peer proxy itself. free(peerProxy); }
void graphRemoveGLI(graph *ctx, size_t ID) { //Unregister this GLI; GLI *gli = (GLI*) hashmapRemove(ctx->GIDMap, ID); fastlistRemoveByPointer(ctx->nodes, gli); // Get Connection lists fastlist *srcList = (fastlist*) hashmapGet(ctx->srcMap, ID); fastlist *drnList = (fastlist*) hashmapGet(ctx->drnMap, ID); // Remove src connections here. { size_t count = fastlistSize(srcList); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Get the connection. connection *conn = (connection *) fastlistGetIndex(srcList, i); size_t index = conn->ID; // Remove it graphRemoveConnection(ctx, index); } } // Remove drn connections here. { size_t count = fastlistSize(drnList); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Get the connection. connection *conn = (connection *) fastlistGetIndex(drnList, i); size_t index = conn->ID; // Remove it graphRemoveConnection(ctx, index); } } // Free the connection lists. hashmapRemove(ctx->srcMap, ID); hashmapRemove(ctx->drnMap, ID); fastlistDelete(srcList); fastlistDelete(drnList); // Done, cleanup free(gli); ctx->nodeCount--; };
//TODO DELETE NODE carefully some other threads can use this entitty. int registryDeleteNode(Registry registry,Node node){ RegistryInternal* internal=(RegistryInternal*)registry; NodeInternal* nodeToRemove=(NodeInternal*)node; // Free the attributes. registryRemoveAttributes(registry,node,nodeToRemove->attributes); // Remove this item from the registry map; hashmapRemove(internal->nodes,nodeToRemove->id); stringHashmapFree(nodeToRemove->children); stringHashmapFree(nodeToRemove->attributes); return VALID; }
extern void MIOHashmap_Remove (OOTint pmMapID, OOTstring key) { hashmap *myMap = (hashmap*)MIO_IDGet (pmMapID, HASHMAP_ID); OOTint *retrieved; retrieved = (OOTint*)hashmapRemove (myMap,key); if(retrieved != NULL) { free(retrieved); } }
int tt_parse_ttdelete(struct CIFParser *parser) { struct TimeTable *p = (struct TimeTable *) parser; char tiploc[8]; cif_readString(parser->buf, 2, tiploc, 7); struct TTTiploc *tpl = (struct TTTiploc *) hashmapRemove(p->loc, tiploc); if (tpl) { free(tpl); } else { logconsole("WARNING: Tiploc '%s' to delete but not found", tiploc); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool handle_domain(void *k, void *l, void *c) { lookup_t *lookup = (lookup_t *) l; lookup_context_t *context = (lookup_context_t *) c; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (timediff(&now, &lookup->next_lookup) < 0) { uint16_t query_flags = 0; if (!context->cmd_args.norecurse) { query_flags |= LDNS_RD; } ldns_pkt *packet; if(LDNS_STATUS_OK != ldns_pkt_query_new_frm_str(&packet, lookup->domain, context->cmd_args.record_types, LDNS_RR_CLASS_IN, query_flags)) { abort(); } ldns_pkt_set_id(packet, lookup->transaction); uint8_t *buf = NULL; size_t packet_size = 0; if(LDNS_STATUS_OK != ldns_pkt2wire(&buf, packet, &packet_size)) { abort(); } ldns_pkt_free(packet); packet = NULL; sockaddr_in_t *resolver = massdns_get_resolver((size_t) rand(), &context->resolvers); ssize_t n = -1; while (n < 0) { n = sendto(context->sock, buf, packet_size, 0, (sockaddr_t *) resolver, sizeof(*resolver)); } free(buf); long addusec = context->cmd_args.interval_ms * 1000; addusec += rand() % (addusec / 5); // Avoid congestion by adding some randomness lookup->next_lookup.tv_usec = (now.tv_usec + addusec) % 1000000; lookup->next_lookup.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (now.tv_usec + addusec) / 1000000; lookup->tries++; if (lookup->tries == context->cmd_args.resolve_count) { hashmapRemove(context->map, lookup->domain); free(lookup->domain); free(lookup); } } return true; }
void commandContainerCleanup(CommandContainer commandContainer){ CommandContainerInternal* internal=(CommandContainerInternal*)commandContainer; lockLock(internal->lock); time_t currentTime; // Stores seconds elapsed since 01-01-1970 time(¤tTime); // Cleanup atomic commands if(linkedListSize(internal->atomicCommands)>0){ int length=linkedListSize(internal->atomicCommands); Command atomicCommand; while(length>0){ linkedListGetFirst(internal->atomicCommands,(Object*)&atomicCommand); int commandTime=commandGetInt(atomicCommand,SERVER_HANDLING_TIME); int distributed=commandGetInt(atomicCommand,DISTRIBUTED); if((currentTime-commandTime>MAX_TIME_TO_HOLD_COMMAND&&distributed==TRUE)||(currentTime-commandTime>MAX_TIME_TO_HOLD_UNCLEANED_COMMAND)){ commandFree(atomicCommand); linkedListRemoveFirst(internal->atomicCommands); }else{ break; } length=linkedListSize(internal->atomicCommands); } } // Cleanup commands int length=linkedListSize(internal->versions); int i; int* intBuffer; while(length>0){ linkedListGetFirst(internal->versions,(Object*)&intBuffer); Command temp; hashmapGet(internal->versionMap,*intBuffer,(Object*)&temp); int commandTime=commandGetInt(temp,SERVER_HANDLING_TIME); int persisted=commandGetInt(temp,PERSISTED); int distributed=commandGetInt(temp,DISTRIBUTED); if((currentTime-commandTime>MAX_TIME_TO_HOLD_COMMAND&&persisted==TRUE&&distributed==TRUE)||(currentTime-commandTime>MAX_TIME_TO_HOLD_UNCLEANED_COMMAND)){ linkedListRemoveFirst(internal->versions); hashmapRemove(internal->versionMap,*intBuffer); memoryFree(intBuffer); commandFree(temp); }else{ break; } length=linkedListSize(internal->versions); } lockUnlock(internal->lock); }
void commandContainerRevertCommand(CommandContainer commandContainer,int lastVersion){ CommandContainerInternal* internal=(CommandContainerInternal*)commandContainer; lockLock(internal->lock); int* intBuffer=NULL; linkedListGetLast(internal->versions,(Object*)&intBuffer); while(intBuffer!=NULL&&lastVersion<=*intBuffer){ linkedListRemoveLast(internal->versions); Command temp; hashmapGet(internal->versionMap,*intBuffer,(Object*)&temp); hashmapRemove(internal->versionMap,*intBuffer); linkedListGetLast(internal->versions,(Object*)&intBuffer); } lockUnlock(internal->lock); }
void graphRemoveConnection(graph *ctx, size_t ID) { // Remove Connection from hashmap connection *conn = (connection*) hashmapRemove(ctx->CIDMap, ID); // Remove connection from Source and drain map/lists fastlist *drnList = (fastlist*) hashmapGet(ctx->srcMap, conn->srcID); fastlistRemoveByPointer(drnList, (void*)conn); fastlist *srcList = (fastlist*) hashmapGet(ctx->drnMap, conn->drnID); fastlistRemoveByPointer(srcList, (void*)conn); // Remove the Connection from main list fastlistRemoveByPointer(ctx->connections, conn); // Finally free the Connection free(conn); }
int hashmap_test(void) { printf("Starting hashmap tests...\n\n"); hashmap* hmap = hashmapCreate(20); if (hashmapCount(hmap) != 0){ printf("\nTest failed. Hashmap does not initialize to empty."); return -1; } hashmapInsert(hmap, 1, 1); if (hashmapCount(hmap) != 1){ printf("\nTest failed. Hashmap does not have proper count of elements."); return -1; } int test = 0; test = (int *) hashmapGet(hmap, 1); if (test != 1){ printf("\nTest failed. Value found inside was actually %d ", test); return -1; } hashmapInsert(hmap, "Word", 2); char* word; word = (char*) hashmapGet(hmap, 2); if (strcmp(word, "Word") != 0){ printf("\nTest failed. The word found inside was actually %s", word); return -1; } test = (int*) hashmapRemove(hmap, 1); printf("\nTest 5: "); if (test == -1){ printf("\nTest failed. HASHMAPERROR returned."); return -1; } if (hashmapCount(hmap) != 1){ printf("\nTest failed. Hashmap value not actually removed"); return -1; } printf("\nTest 6: "); hashmapInsert(hmap, 2, 1); test = (int *) hashmapGet(hmap, 1); if (test != 2){ printf("\nTest failed. Value was not inserted."); return -1; } hashmapInsert(hmap, 7, 1); test = (int *) hashmapGet(hmap, 1); if (test != 7){ printf("\nTest failed. Value was not replaced."); return -1; } hashmapInsert(hmap, 'd', 13); char c = (char) hashmapGet(hmap, 13); if (c != 'd'){ printf("\nTest failed. Char 'd' was not properly inserted"); return -1; } hashmapInsert(hmap, 9, 4294967295); test = (int *) hashmapGet(hmap, 4294967295); if (test != 9){ printf("\nTest failed. 9 was not inserted"); return -1; } test = hashmapRemove(hmap, 11); if (test != -1){ printf("\nTest failed. ERROR should be returned."); return -1; } test = hashmapGet(hmap, 11); if (test != -1){ printf("\nTest failed. ERROR should be returned."); return -1; } hashmapDelete(hmap); hashmap* hmap2 = hashmapCreate(10); int x = 0; while(x < 200){ hashmapInsert(hmap2, x, x); int test2 = (int*) hashmapGet(hmap, x); if (test2 != x){ printf("\nTest failed. Improper value retrieved."); return -1; } x++; } x = 0; while (x< 200){ hashmapGet(hmap, 1); int test2 = (int*) hashmapGet(hmap, 1); if (test2 != 1){ printf("\nTest failed. Constant retrieval does not work."); return -1; } x++; } x = 0; while (x < 200){ int test2 = (int*) hashmapRemove(hmap, x); if (test2 == -1){ printf("\nTest failed. ERROR was thrown, when it shouldn't have been."); return -1; } x++; } printf("\n\nAll hashmap tests passed!\n"); hashmapDelete(hmap2); return 0; }
void imagerenderer_removeImage(struct image_renderers *ir, const char *name) { gdImagePtr existing = (gdImagePtr) hashmapRemove(ir->images, (void *) name); if (existing) gdImageDestroy(existing); }
int move(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { /// Validates fields. if (!isValidField(currentGame.mapSize, x1, y1) || !isValidField(currentGame.mapSize, x2, y2)) { return ERROR; } /// Validates initialization. if (currentGame.isInitialized == false) { return ERROR; } /// Validates distance between fields. if (distMax(x1, y1, x2, y2) != 1) { return ERROR; } /// Picks pawn from board. pawn *currentPawn = hashmapRemove(currentGame.gameMap, x1, y1); /// Checks if any pawn was picked. if (currentPawn == NULL) { return ERROR; } /// Checks if pawn is able to move. if (currentPawn->lastMove >= currentGame.currentRound) { free(currentPawn); return ERROR; } /// Checks if pawn belong to current player. if (currentGame.playerTurn != getPawnAdherence(currentPawn)) { free(currentPawn); return ERROR; } currentPawn->lastMove = currentGame.currentRound; pawn *targetPawn = hashmapRemove(currentGame.gameMap, x2, y2); if (getPawnAdherence(currentPawn) == getPawnAdherence(targetPawn)) { ///< Player wants to move onto his own pawn. free(currentPawn); if (targetPawn != NULL) { free(targetPawn); } return ERROR; } else { int actionResult = performAction(currentPawn, targetPawn); switch (actionResult) { /// Frees pawn that was killed. /// Puts pawn that survived. case UNIT_MOVED: currentPawn->x = (unsigned int) x2 - 1; ///< 1-based to 0-based. currentPawn->y = (unsigned int) y2 - 1; hashmapPut(currentGame.gameMap, currentPawn); break; case ATTACKER_KILLED: currentPawn->x = (unsigned int) x2 - 1; currentPawn->y = (unsigned int) y2 - 1; hashmapPut(currentGame.gameMap, currentPawn); free(targetPawn); break; case DEFENDER_KILLED: hashmapPut(currentGame.gameMap, targetPawn); free(currentPawn); break; case ATTACKER_KILLED_KING: currentPawn->x = (unsigned int) x2 - 1; currentPawn->y = (unsigned int) y2 - 1; hashmapPut(currentGame.gameMap, currentPawn); free(targetPawn); /// Player that made move is victorious. return currentGame.playerTurn == PLAYER_A_TURN ? PLAYER_A_WON : PLAYER_B_WON; case DEFENDER_KILLED_KING: free(currentPawn); hashmapPut(currentGame.gameMap, targetPawn); /// Player that made move is beaten. return currentGame.playerTurn == PLAYER_A_TURN ? PLAYER_B_WON : PLAYER_A_WON; case BOTH_UNITS_DIED: if (isKing(currentPawn)) { free(currentPawn); free(targetPawn); return DRAW; ///< Kings killed each other. } else { free(currentPawn); free(targetPawn); } break; default: return ERROR; } } return GAME_OK; }
/** * Cleans up connection information. */ static bool peerProxyRemoveConnection(void* key, void* value, void* context) { PeerProxy* deadPeer = (PeerProxy*) context; PeerProxy* otherPeer = (PeerProxy*) value; hashmapRemove(otherPeer->connections, &(deadPeer->; return true; }
void massdns_handle_packet(ldns_pkt *packet, struct sockaddr_storage ns, void *ctx) { if (!packet || ldns_pkt_qdcount(packet) != 1) { return; } struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); lookup_context_t *context = (lookup_context_t *) ctx; ldns_pkt_rcode response_code = ldns_pkt_get_rcode(packet); ldns_rr_list l = ldns_pkt_question(packet)[0]; ldns_rr *question = ldns_rr_list_rr(&l, 0); ldns_rdf* owner = ldns_rr_owner(question); char* name = ldns_rdf2str(owner); size_t name_len = strlen(name); if(name_len > 0 && name[name_len - 1] == '.') { name[name_len - 1] = 0; } lookup_t *lookup = hashmapGet(context->map, name); free(name); if (lookup == NULL) { return; } if (response_code == LDNS_RCODE_NOERROR || response_code == LDNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN || lookup->tries == context->cmd_args.resolve_count) { switch (response_code) { case LDNS_RCODE_NOERROR: stats.noerr++; break; case LDNS_RCODE_FORMERR: stats.formerr++; break; case LDNS_RCODE_SERVFAIL: stats.servfail++; break; case LDNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN: stats.nxdomain++; break; case LDNS_RCODE_NOTIMPL: stats.notimp++; break; case LDNS_RCODE_REFUSED: stats.refused++; break; default: stats.other++; break; } context->current_rate++; ldns_buffer *buf = ldns_buffer_new(LDNS_MAX_PACKETLEN); if(buf == NULL) { abort(); } if(LDNS_STATUS_OK != output_packet(buf, packet, ns, context)) { abort(); } char* packetstr = ldns_buffer_export2str(buf); if(packetstr == NULL) { abort(); } fprintf(stdout, "%s", packetstr); free(packetstr); if (timediff(&now, &context->next_update) <= 0) { print_stats(context); } ldns_buffer_free(buf); hashmapRemove(context->map, lookup->domain); free(lookup->domain); free(lookup); } }
/* * Handler to handle both TI (Insert) and TU (update) records. * * These records are identical except for update has possible additional entry for renaming a tiploc */ int tt_parse_ttinsert(struct CIFParser *parser) { struct TimeTable *p = (struct TimeTable *) parser; int insert = 0; // Lookup for existing entry (update) or insert) char tiploc[8]; cif_readString(parser->buf, 2, tiploc, 7); struct TTTiploc *tpl = (struct TTTiploc *) hashmapGet(p->loc, tiploc); if (!tpl) { tpl = (struct TTTiploc *) malloc(sizeof (struct TTTiploc)); if (tpl) { memset(tpl, 0, sizeof (struct TTTiploc)); insert = 1; } } // Still no tpl then fail - out of memory most likely if (!tpl) return EXIT_FAILURE; int ofs = 2; ofs = cif_readString(parser->buf, ofs, tpl->tiploc, 7); // ignore caps? ofs += 2; ofs = cif_readInt_r(parser->buf, ofs, &tpl->nlc, 6); tpl->nlc_check = parser->buf[ofs++]; ofs = cif_readString(parser->buf, ofs, tpl->desc, 26); ofs = cif_readInt_r(parser->buf, ofs, &tpl->stanox, 5); // PO MCP code ignored ofs += 4; ofs = cif_readString(parser->buf, ofs, tpl->crs, 3); ofs = cif_readString(parser->buf, ofs, tpl->nlcdesc, 16); if (insert || parser->buf[ofs] == ' ') { struct TTTiploc *old = (struct TTTiploc *) hashmapPut(p->loc, tpl->tiploc, tpl); if (old) { tpl->id = old->id; free(old); } else { tpl->id = p->locSeq++; } } else { char newt[8]; cif_readString(parser->buf, ofs, newt, 7); logconsole("Tiploc change from '%s' to '%s'", tpl->tiploc, newt); // Remove old entry from the map struct TTTiploc *old = (struct TTTiploc *) hashmapRemove(p->loc, tpl->tiploc); if (old) { tpl->id = old->id; free(old); } else { tpl->id = p->locSeq++; } // Replace new tiploc & re-insert cif_readString(parser->buf, ofs, tpl->tiploc, 7); old = (struct TTTiploc *) hashmapPut(p->loc, tpl->tiploc, tpl); if (old) free(old); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }