예제 #1
파일: post_tree.c 프로젝트: yaspr/optexpr
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  //No checks, make sure the parameters are OK, otherwise SEGFAULT!
  if (argc < 6)
    return printf("%s [outfile.dot] [graph name] [reg file] [x86 file] [stack file] [postfix expression]\n", argv[0]), 0;
  hashtab h;
  hashtab_init(&h, hash_2, 20);
  insert(&h, "ln");
  insert(&h, "log");
  insert(&h, "exp");
  insert(&h, "cos");
  insert(&h, "sin");
  insert(&h, "tan");
  insert(&h, "cosh");
  insert(&h, "sinh");
  insert(&h, "acos");
  insert(&h, "asin");
  insert(&h, "cotan");

  tree t = build(argv[6], &h);
  printf("Expr : ");

  printf("Tree :\n");

  //Fictional register machine code generation
  gen_reg_asm_code(argv[3], t);
  //x86 machine code generation
  gen_x86_asm_code(argv[4], t);

  //Stack machine code generation
  gen_stack_code(argv[5], t);

  printf("\nParallel sub expressions : \n");
  leaf *l;
  lstack *s = get_par_subtrees(t);

  //Write the AST with some nice colors
  write_tree_dot(argv[1], argv[2], t, s); 
  while (lpop(s, &l))
    print_tree(l), printf("\n");


  return 0;
예제 #2
파일: search.c 프로젝트: trolando/Divine2
// do a depth-first or breadth-first search in state space up to specified depth
// bfs: boolean flag if to do a breadth-first seach (depth_max is ignored in this case)
// buffer_len: size of state buffer
// hash_entries, hash_retries: parameters of hash table to finf duplicate states
// graph_out: if != NULL state graph will be output to this tream in graphviz dot format
// print_hex: if to print states in hex
// ini_state: state to start simulation at (or NULL to use default)
search (nipsvm_bytecode_t *bytecode, int bfs, unsigned int depth_max, unsigned long buffer_len,
		unsigned long hash_entries, unsigned long hash_retries, FILE *graph_out, int print_hex,
		nipsvm_state_t *ini_state) // extern
  char *p_buffer, *p_buf;
  t_hashtab hashtab;
  unsigned long buf_len;
  nipsvm_state_t *state;
  st_search_context ctx;
  struct timeval time_start, time_end, time_diff;
  double us_state;

  // allocate buffer for states
  p_buffer = (char *)malloc( buffer_len );
  if( p_buffer == NULL )
    rt_err( "out of memory (state buffer for search)" );
  p_buf = p_buffer;
  buf_len = buffer_len;
  // allocate hash table
  hashtab = hashtab_new( hash_entries, hash_retries );
  if( hashtab == NULL )
	  rt_err( "out of memory (hash table)" );

  // tell user to wait
  if( bfs )
    printf( "doing breadth-first search, please wait...\n" );
    printf( "doing depth-first search up to depth %u, please wait...\n", depth_max );

  // remember start time
  gettimeofday( &time_start, NULL );

  // set up context for successor state generation
  nipsvm_init (&ctx.nipsvm, bytecode, &search_succ_cb, &search_err_cb);

  // get initial state
  if( ini_state == NULL ) {
	  ini_state = nipsvm_initial_state (&ctx.nipsvm);

  // insert initial state into table
	  size_t sz = nipsvm_state_size (ini_state);
	  state = nipsvm_state_copy (sz, ini_state, &p_buf, &buf_len);
	  hashtab_insert (hashtab, sz, ini_state);
  // set up rest of context for search
  ctx.depth_max = depth_max;
  ctx.depth_reached = 0;
  ctx.state_cnt = 0;
  ctx.transition_cnt = 0;
  ctx.n_atomic_steps = 0;
  ctx.max_state_size = 0;
  ctx.p_buf = p_buf;
  ctx.buf_len = buf_len;
  ctx.hashtab = hashtab;
  ctx.error = 0;
  ctx.graph_out = graph_out;
  ctx.graph_out_pred = state;
  ctx.print_hex = print_hex;

  // start search
  if( bfs )
    search_internal_bfs( state, &ctx );
    search_internal_dfs_to_depth( state, 0, &ctx );
  nipsvm_finalize (&ctx.nipsvm);

  // update pointer and length of state buffer
  p_buf = ctx.p_buf;
  buf_len = ctx.buf_len;

  // remember end time
  gettimeofday( &time_end, NULL );
  // get time difference
  time_diff.tv_usec = time_end.tv_usec - time_start.tv_usec;
  time_diff.tv_sec = time_end.tv_sec - time_start.tv_sec;
  if( time_diff.tv_usec < 0 )
    time_diff.tv_usec += 1000000;
  // get time per state (in microseconds)
  us_state = ((double)time_diff.tv_sec * 1000000.0 + (double)time_diff.tv_usec)
           / (double)ctx.state_cnt;

  // print statistics
  table_statistics_t t_stats;
  table_statistics (hashtab, &t_stats);
  unsigned long used_buffer_space = buffer_len - buf_len;
  double table_fill_ratio = 100.0 * (double)t_stats.entries_used / (double)t_stats.entries_available;
  double state_memory_fill_ratio = 100.0 * (double)used_buffer_space / (double)buffer_len;

  printf(   "\n" );
  if( bfs )
    printf( "breadth-first search %s:\n", ctx.error ? "aborted" : "completed" );
    printf( "depth-first search up to depth %u %s:\n", depth_max, ctx.error ? "aborted" : "completed" );
  printf(   "          states visited: %lu\n", ctx.state_cnt );
  printf(   "     transitions visited: %lu\n", ctx.transition_cnt );
  printf(   "            atomic steps: %lu\n", ctx.n_atomic_steps );
  printf(   "      maximum state size: %u\n", ctx.max_state_size );
  if( ! bfs )
    printf( "           reached depth: %u\n", ctx.depth_reached );
  printf(   "              total time: %lu.%06lu s\n"
            "          time per state: %f us\n", time_diff.tv_sec,
            (unsigned long)time_diff.tv_usec, us_state );
  printf(   "\n" );
  printf(   "state memory statistics:\n" );
  printf(   "                   total: %0.2fMB\n", buffer_len / 1048576.0 );
  printf(   "                    used: %0.2fMB (%0.1f%%)\n", used_buffer_space / 1048576.0,
			state_memory_fill_ratio );
  printf(   "\n" );
  printf(   "state table statistics:\n"
            "            memory usage: %0.2fMB\n", t_stats.memory_size / 1048576.0 );
  printf(   "  buckets used/available: %lu/%lu (%0.1f%%)\n", t_stats.entries_used,
			t_stats.entries_available, table_fill_ratio );
  printf(   "     max. no. of retries: %lu\n", t_stats.max_retries );
  printf(   "    conflicts (resolved): %lu\n", t_stats.conflicts );

  // free state buffer and hash table
  free( p_buffer );
  hashtab_free( hashtab );