예제 #1
파일: dispc.c 프로젝트: NaldoDj/core
static HB_FOFFSET getblock( PFT_DISPC dispc, HB_FOFFSET offset )
       set the file pointer to the proper offset
       and if an error occured then check to see
       if a positive offset was requested, if so
       then set the pointer to the offset from
       the end of the file, otherwise set it from
       the beginning of the file.

   hb_fsSeekLarge( dispc->infile, offset, FS_SET );

   /* read in the file and set the buffer bottom variable equal */
   /*  to the number of bytes actually read in.                 */

   dispc->buffbot = hb_fsReadLarge( dispc->infile, dispc->buffer, dispc->buffsize );

   /* if a full buffer's worth was not read in, make it full.   */

   if( dispc->buffbot != dispc->buffsize && dispc->fsize > dispc->buffsize )
      if( offset > 0 )
         hb_fsSeekLarge( dispc->infile, -dispc->buffsize, FS_END );
         hb_fsSeekLarge( dispc->infile, dispc->buffsize, FS_SET );

      dispc->buffbot = hb_fsReadLarge( dispc->infile, dispc->buffer, dispc->buffsize );

   /* return the actual file position */

   return hb_fsSeekLarge( dispc->infile, 0, FS_RELATIVE ) - dispc->buffbot;
예제 #2
/* deletes xxx bytes from the current file, beginning at the current record */
static int _del_buff( PFT_TEXT ft_text, HB_ISIZ iLen )
   char *     WriteBuff = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( BUFFSIZE );
   HB_FOFFSET fpRead, fpWrite;
   HB_ISIZ    WriteLen;
   HB_ISIZ    SaveLen;

   /* initialize file pointers */
   fpWrite = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ];
   fpRead  = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] + iLen;

   /* do initial load of buffer */
   hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpRead, FS_SET );
   WriteLen = hb_fsRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, BUFFSIZE );
   fpRead  += WriteLen;

   ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = 0;

   while( WriteLen > 0 )
      /* position to beginning of write area */
      hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpWrite, FS_SET );
      SaveLen = hb_fsWriteLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, WriteLen );

      /* move write pointer */
      fpWrite += SaveLen;

      if( SaveLen != WriteLen )
         /* error, fetch errcode and quit */
         ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsError();

      /* return to read area and read another buffer */
      hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpRead, FS_SET );
      WriteLen = hb_fsRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, BUFFSIZE );
      fpRead  += WriteLen;

   /* store length in bytes, set legacy EOF marker */
   ft_text->lastbyte[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpWrite, FS_SET );
   hb_fsWrite( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, 0 );

   /* clear last_rec so next gobot will recount the records */
   ft_text->last_rec[ ft_text->area ] = 0;
   hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ], FS_SET );

   hb_xfree( WriteBuff );

   return ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ];
예제 #3
파일: ctstrfil.c 프로젝트: NaldoDj/core
static HB_SIZE ct_StrFile( const char * pFileName, const char * pcStr, HB_SIZE nLen,
                           HB_BOOL bOverwrite, HB_FOFFSET nOffset, HB_BOOL bTrunc )
   HB_FHANDLE hFile;
   HB_BOOL bOpen = HB_FALSE;
   HB_BOOL bFile = hb_fsFile( pFileName );
   HB_SIZE nWrite = 0;

   if( bFile && bOverwrite )
      hFile = hb_fsOpen( pFileName, FO_READWRITE );
      bOpen = HB_TRUE;
   else if( ! bFile || ! ct_getsafety() )
      hFile = hb_fsCreate( pFileName, ct_getfcreate() );
      hFile = FS_ERROR;

   if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
      if( nOffset )
         hb_fsSeekLarge( hFile, nOffset, FS_SET );
      else if( bOpen )
         hb_fsSeek( hFile, 0, FS_END );

      nWrite = hb_fsWriteLarge( hFile, pcStr, nLen );
      if( ( nWrite == nLen ) && bOpen && bTrunc )
         hb_fsWrite( hFile, NULL, 0 );

      hb_fsClose( hFile );
   return nWrite;
예제 #4
파일: utils.c 프로젝트: Andygon/core
static const char * s_findFileMimeType( HB_FHANDLE fileIn )
   char       buf[ 512 ];
   int        iLen;

   nPos = hb_fsSeekLarge( fileIn, 0, FS_RELATIVE );
   hb_fsSeek( fileIn, 0, FS_SET );
   iLen = hb_fsRead( fileIn, buf, sizeof( buf ) );

   if( iLen > 0 )
      hb_fsSeekLarge( fileIn, nPos, FS_SET );
      return s_findStringMimeType( buf, iLen );

   return NULL;
예제 #5
파일: fssize.c 프로젝트: AmericoBalboa/core
HB_FOFFSET hb_fsFSize( const char * pszFileName, HB_BOOL bUseDirEntry )
   if( bUseDirEntry )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      PHB_FFIND ffind = hb_fsFindFirst( pszFileName, HB_FA_ALL );
      hb_fsSetIOError( ffind != NULL, 0 );
      if( ffind )
         HB_FOFFSET size = ffind->size;
         hb_fsFindClose( ffind );
         return size;
#elif defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
      char * pszFree;
      HB_BOOL fResult;
      struct stat64 statbuf;
      pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
      statbuf.st_size = 0;
      fResult = stat64( pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
      hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
      if( fResult )
         return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
      char * pszFree;
      HB_BOOL fResult;
      struct stat statbuf;
      pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
      statbuf.st_size = 0;
      fResult = stat( ( char * ) pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
      hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
      if( fResult )
         return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
      HB_FHANDLE hFileHandle = hb_fsOpen( pszFileName, FO_READ | FO_COMPAT );

      if( hFileHandle != FS_ERROR )
         HB_FOFFSET nPos = hb_fsSeekLarge( hFileHandle, 0, FS_END );
         hb_fsClose( hFileHandle );
         return nPos;
   return 0;
예제 #6
파일: freadlin.c 프로젝트: NaldoDj/core
static char * hb_fsReadLine( HB_FHANDLE hFileHandle, HB_ISIZ * plBuffLen, const char ** pTerm, HB_ISIZ * pnTermSizes, HB_ISIZ nTerms, HB_BOOL * pbFound, HB_BOOL * pbEOF )
   HB_ISIZ nPosTerm = 0, nPos, nPosition;
   int     nTries;
   HB_ISIZ nRead = 0, nOffset, nSize;
   char *  pBuff;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsReadLine(%p, %" HB_PFS "d, %p, %p, %" HB_PFS "d, %p, %p)", ( void * ) ( HB_PTRUINT ) hFileHandle, *plBuffLen, pTerm, pnTermSizes, nTerms, pbFound, pbEOF ) );

   *pbFound = HB_FALSE;
   *pbEOF   = HB_FALSE;
   nTries   = 0;
   nOffset  = 0;
   nSize    = *plBuffLen;

   if( *plBuffLen < 10 )
      *plBuffLen = READING_BLOCK;

   pBuff = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( *plBuffLen + 1 );

      if( nTries > 0 )
         /* pBuff can be enlarged to hold the line as needed.. */
         nSize    = ( *plBuffLen * ( nTries + 1 ) ) + 1;
         pBuff    = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pBuff, nSize );
         nOffset += nRead;

      /* read from file */
      nRead = hb_fsReadLarge( hFileHandle, pBuff + nOffset, nSize - nOffset );

      /* scan the read buffer */
      if( nRead > 0 )
         for( nPos = 0; nPos < nRead; nPos++ )
            for( nPosTerm = 0; nPosTerm < nTerms; nPosTerm++ )
               /* Compare with the LAST terminator byte */
               if( pBuff[ nOffset + nPos ] == pTerm[ nPosTerm ][ pnTermSizes[ nPosTerm ] - 1 ] && ( pnTermSizes[ nPosTerm ] - 1 ) <= ( nPos + nOffset ) )
                  *pbFound = HB_TRUE;

                  for( nPosition = 0; nPosition < ( pnTermSizes[ nPosTerm ] - 1 ); nPosition++ )
                     if( pTerm[ nPosTerm ][ nPosition ] != pBuff[ nOffset + ( nPos - pnTermSizes[ nPosTerm ] ) + nPosition + 1 ] )
                        *pbFound = HB_FALSE;

                  if( *pbFound )

            if( *pbFound )

         if( *pbFound )
            *plBuffLen = nOffset + nPos - pnTermSizes[ nPosTerm ] + 1;

            pBuff[ *plBuffLen ] = '\0';

            /* Set handle pointer in the end of the line */
            hb_fsSeekLarge( hFileHandle, ( ( nRead - nPos ) * -1 ) + 1, FS_RELATIVE );

            return pBuff;
         if( ! *pbFound )
            if( nTries == 0 )
               pBuff[ 0 ] = '\0';
               *plBuffLen = 0;
               pBuff[ nOffset + nRead ] = '\0';
               *plBuffLen = nOffset + nRead;

            *pbEOF = HB_TRUE;

   while( ! *pbFound && nRead > 0 );

   return pBuff;
예제 #7
static HB_FOFFSET s_fileSize( PHB_FILE pFile )
   return hb_fsSeekLarge( pFile->hFile, 0, FS_END );
예제 #8
static HB_FOFFSET s_fileSeek( PHB_FILE pFile, HB_FOFFSET nOffset,
                              HB_USHORT uiFlags )
   return hb_fsSeekLarge( pFile->hFile, nOffset, uiFlags );
예제 #9
/* internal routine to do buffer skips.  Passing a positive value performs
   a downward skip, a negative number does an upward skip.  Passing 0
   skips to the end of file.
   Returns a long indicating the number of records skipped */
static long _ft_skip( long iRecs )
   PFT_TEXT ft_text = ( PFT_TEXT ) hb_stackGetTSD( &s_ft_text );

   HB_ISIZ iByteCount;
   HB_ISIZ iBytesRead, iBytesRemaining;
   char *  cPtr;
   long    iSkipped = 0;

   char *     cBuff    = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( BUFFSIZE );
   HB_FOFFSET fpOffset = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ];

   ft_text->isBof[ ft_text->area ] = HB_FALSE;
   ft_text->isEof[ ft_text->area ] = HB_FALSE;
   ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = 0;

   /* iRecs is zero if they want to find the EOF, start a top of file */
   if( iRecs == 0 )
      fpOffset = 0;
      ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ] = 1;

   if( iRecs >= 0 )
         cPtr = cBuff;

         /* position file pointer to beginning of current record */
         hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpOffset, FS_SET );

         /* read a chunk */
         iBytesRead = hb_fsRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], cBuff, BUFFSIZE );

         if( ! iBytesRead )
            /* buffer is empty thus EOF, set vars and quit */
            ft_text->isEof[ ft_text->area ]    = HB_TRUE;
            ft_text->last_rec[ ft_text->area ] = ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ];
            ft_text->last_off[ ft_text->area ] = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ];
            ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ]    = hb_fsError();

         iBytesRemaining = iBytesRead;
         /* parse the buffer while there's still stuff in it */
            /* get count of chars in this line */
            iByteCount = _findeol( cPtr, iBytesRemaining, NULL );

            if( iByteCount > 0 && iByteCount != iBytesRemaining )
               /* found an EOL, iByteCount points to first char of next record */
               iBytesRemaining -= iByteCount;
               fpOffset        += iByteCount;
               cPtr += iByteCount;
               ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] = fpOffset;
               ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ]++;
               if( iRecs && ( iSkipped == iRecs ) )
                  iBytesRemaining = iBytesRead = 0;
               /* no more EOLs in this buffer, or EOL is last chars in the buffer */

               /* check for EOF */
               if( iBytesRead != BUFFSIZE )
                  /* buffer was not full, thus EOF, set vars and quit */
                  iBytesRemaining = 0;
                  ft_text->last_rec[ ft_text->area ] = ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ];
                  ft_text->last_off[ ft_text->area ] = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ];
                  if( iRecs )
                     ft_text->isEof[ ft_text->area ] = HB_TRUE;
                  /* buffer was full, so probably not EOF, but maybe EOL straddled end
                     of buffer, so back up pointer a bit before doing the next read */
                  fpOffset        = hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], 0, FS_RELATIVE ) - 1;
                  iBytesRemaining = 0;
         while( iBytesRemaining > 0 );
      while( iBytesRead == BUFFSIZE );
      /* skip backwards */
      iRecs = -iRecs;

      if( ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ] > iRecs )
            /* calc offset to read area of file ahead of current pointer */
            fpOffset = HB_MAX( ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] - BUFFSIZE, 0 );

            /* move file pointer */
            hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpOffset, FS_SET );

            /* read a chunk */
            iBytesRead =
               hb_fsRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], cBuff, BUFFSIZE );

            if( ! iBytesRead )
               /* buffer is empty thus file is zero len, set vars and quit */
               ft_text->isBof[ ft_text->area ]    = HB_TRUE;
               ft_text->isEof[ ft_text->area ]    = HB_TRUE;
               ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ]    = 0;
               ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ]   = 0;
               ft_text->last_rec[ ft_text->area ] = 0;
               ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ]    = hb_fsError();

            /* set pointer within buffer */

            iBytesRemaining = ( int ) ( ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] - fpOffset );

            cPtr = cBuff + iBytesRemaining;

            /* parse the buffer while there's still stuff in it */
               /* get count of chars in this line */
               iByteCount = _findbol( cPtr, iBytesRemaining );

               if( iByteCount > 0 )
                  /* found an EOL, iByteCount points to first char of next
                     record */
                  iBytesRemaining -= iByteCount;
                  ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] -= iByteCount;
                  cPtr    -= iByteCount;
                  fpOffset = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ];
                  ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ]--;
                  if( iSkipped == iRecs )
                     iBytesRemaining = iBytesRead = 0;
                  /* no more EOLs in this buffer so we're either at
                     BOF or record crosses buffer boundary */
                  /* check for BOF */
                  if( iBytesRead != BUFFSIZE )
                     /* buffer was not full, thus BOF, set vars and quit */
                     iBytesRemaining = 0;
                     ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] = 0;
                     ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ]  = 1;
                     ft_text->isBof[ ft_text->area ]  = HB_TRUE;
                     /* buffer was full, so not BOF */
                     iBytesRemaining = 0;
            while( iBytesRemaining > 0 );
         while( fpOffset > 0 && iBytesRead == BUFFSIZE );
         ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] = 0;
         ft_text->recno[ ft_text->area ]  = 1;
         ft_text->isBof[ ft_text->area ]  = HB_TRUE;

   hb_xfree( cBuff );
   return iSkipped;
예제 #10
/* the contents of the inserted bytes are indeterminate, i.e. you'll have to
     write to them before they mean anything */
static int _ins_buff( PFT_TEXT ft_text, HB_ISIZ iLen )
   char *     ReadBuff  = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( BUFFSIZE );
   char *     WriteBuff = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( BUFFSIZE );
   char *     SaveBuff;
   HB_FOFFSET fpRead, fpWrite;
   HB_ISIZ    WriteLen, ReadLen;
   HB_ISIZ    SaveLen;
   HB_ISIZ    iLenRemaining = iLen;

   /* set target move distance, this allows iLen to be greater than BUFFSIZE */
   iLen = HB_MIN( iLenRemaining, BUFFSIZE );
   iLenRemaining -= iLen;

   /* initialize file pointers */
   fpRead  = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ];
   fpWrite = ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ] + iLen;

   /* do initial load of both buffers */
   hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpRead, FS_SET );
   WriteLen = hb_fsRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, BUFFSIZE );
   fpRead  += WriteLen;

   ReadLen = hb_fsRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], ReadBuff, BUFFSIZE );
   fpRead += ReadLen;

   ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = 0;

   while( ! ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] && iLen > 0 )
      while( WriteLen > 0 )
         /* position to beginning of write area */
         if( hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpWrite, FS_SET ) != fpWrite )
            ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsError();

         SaveLen = hb_fsWriteLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, WriteLen );

         if( ! SaveLen )
            ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsError();

         /* move write pointer */
         fpWrite += SaveLen;

         if( SaveLen != WriteLen )
            /* error, fetch errcode and quit */
            ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsError();
#if 0
         WriteLen = SaveLen;

         /* swap buffers */
         SaveBuff  = WriteBuff;
         WriteBuff = ReadBuff;
         ReadBuff  = SaveBuff;
         WriteLen  = ReadLen;

         /* return to read area and read another buffer */
         hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpRead, FS_SET );
         ReadLen = hb_fsRead( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], ReadBuff, BUFFSIZE );
         fpRead += ReadLen;

      iLen = HB_MIN( iLenRemaining, BUFFSIZE );
      iLenRemaining -= iLen;

   /* store length in bytes, set legacy EOF marker */
   ft_text->lastbyte[ ft_text->area ] = hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], fpWrite, FS_SET );
   hb_fsWrite( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], WriteBuff, 0 );

   /* clear last_rec so next gobot will recount the records */
   ft_text->last_rec[ ft_text->area ] = 0;
   hb_fsSeekLarge( ft_text->handles[ ft_text->area ], ft_text->offset[ ft_text->area ], FS_SET );

   hb_xfree( ReadBuff  );
   hb_xfree( WriteBuff );

   return ft_text->error[ ft_text->area ];
예제 #11
HB_FOFFSET hb_fsFSize( const char * pszFileName, HB_BOOL bUseDirEntry )
    if( bUseDirEntry )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
        static _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX s_pGetFileAttributesEx = ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX ) -1;

        if( s_pGetFileAttributesEx == ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX ) -1 )
            HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle( TEXT( "kernel32.dll" ) );
            if( hModule )
                s_pGetFileAttributesEx = ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX )
                                         HB_WINAPI_GETPROCADDRESST( hModule, "GetFileAttributesEx" );
                s_pGetFileAttributesEx = NULL;

        if( s_pGetFileAttributesEx )
            LPCTSTR lpFileName;
            LPTSTR lpFree;
            WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrex;
            HB_BOOL fResult;

            lpFileName = HB_FSNAMECONV( pszFileName, &lpFree );
            memset( &attrex, 0, sizeof( attrex ) );
            fResult = s_pGetFileAttributesEx( lpFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrex ) &&
                      ( attrex.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) == 0;
            hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
            if( lpFree )
                hb_xfree( lpFree );
            if( fResult )
                return ( HB_FOFFSET ) attrex.nFileSizeLow +
                       ( ( HB_FOFFSET ) attrex.nFileSizeHigh << 32 );
            PHB_FFIND ffind = hb_fsFindFirst( pszFileName, HB_FA_ALL );
            hb_fsSetIOError( ffind != NULL, 0 );
            if( ffind )
                HB_FOFFSET size = ffind->size;
                hb_fsFindClose( ffind );
                return size;
#elif defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
        char * pszFree;
        HB_BOOL fResult;
        struct stat64 statbuf;
        pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
        statbuf.st_size = 0;
        fResult = stat64( pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
        hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
        if( pszFree )
            hb_xfree( pszFree );
        if( fResult )
            return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
        char * pszFree;
        HB_BOOL fResult;
        struct stat statbuf;
        pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
        statbuf.st_size = 0;
        fResult = stat( ( char * ) pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
        hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
        if( pszFree )
            hb_xfree( pszFree );
        if( fResult )
            return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
        HB_FHANDLE hFileHandle = hb_fsOpen( pszFileName, FO_READ | FO_COMPAT );

        if( hFileHandle != FS_ERROR )
            HB_FOFFSET nPos = hb_fsSeekLarge( hFileHandle, 0, FS_END );
            hb_fsClose( hFileHandle );
            return nPos;

    return 0;