int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // load the mesh Mesh mesh; H2DReader mloader; mloader.load("screen-quad.mesh", &mesh); // mloader.load("screen-tri.mesh", &mesh); // initialize the shapeset and the cache HcurlShapeset shapeset; PrecalcShapeset pss(&shapeset); // create finite element space HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset); space.set_bc_types(bc_types); space.set_bc_values(bc_values); space.set_uniform_order(P_INIT); // enumerate basis functions space.assign_dofs(); // initialize the weak formulation WeakForm wf(1); wf.add_biform(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form), SYM); // visualize solution and mesh ScalarView Xview_r("Electric field X - real", 0, 0, 450, 420); ScalarView Yview_r("Electric field Y - real", 460, 0, 450, 420); ScalarView Xview_i("Electric field X - imag", 920, 0, 450, 420); ScalarView Yview_i("Electric field Y - imag", 1380, 0, 450, 420); OrderView ord("Polynomial Orders", 0, 460, 450, 420); /* // view the basis functions VectorBaseView bview;; vbview.wait_for_keypress(); */ // matrix solver UmfpackSolver solver; // DOF and CPU convergence graphs SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_est, graph_cpu_exact; // adaptivity loop int it = 1, ndofs; bool done = false; double cpu = 0.0; Solution sln_coarse, sln_fine; do { info("\n---- Adaptivity step %d ---------------------------------------------\n", it++); // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the coarse mesh problem LinSystem sys(&wf, &solver); sys.set_spaces(1, &space); sys.set_pss(1, &pss); sys.assemble(); sys.solve(1, &sln_coarse); // time measurement cpu += end_time(); // calculating error wrt. exact solution Solution ex; ex.set_exact(&mesh, exact); double err_exact = 100 * hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &ex); info("Exact solution error: %g%%", err_exact); // visualization RealFilter real(&sln_coarse); ImagFilter imag(&sln_coarse); Xview_r.set_min_max_range(-3.0, 1.0); //Xview_r.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_0); Yview_r.set_min_max_range(-4.0, 4.0); //Yview_r.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_1); Xview_i.set_min_max_range(-1.0, 4.0); //Xview_i.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_0); Yview_i.set_min_max_range(-4.0, 4.0); //Yview_i.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_1);; // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the fine mesh problem RefSystem ref(&sys); ref.assemble(); ref.solve(1, &sln_fine); // calculate error estimate wrt. fine mesh solution HcurlOrthoHP hp(1, &space); double err_est_adapt = hp.calc_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; double err_est_hcurl = hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; info("Error estimate (adapt): %g%%", err_est_adapt); info("Error estimate (hcurl): %g%%", err_est_hcurl); // add entries to DOF convergence graphs graph_dof_exact.add_values(space.get_num_dofs(), err_exact);"conv_dof_exact.dat"); graph_dof_est.add_values(space.get_num_dofs(), err_est_hcurl);"conv_dof_est.dat"); // add entries to CPU convergence graphs graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu, err_exact);"conv_cpu_exact.dat"); graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu, err_est_hcurl);"conv_cpu_est.dat"); // if err_est_adapt too large, adapt the mesh if (err_est_adapt < ERR_STOP) done = true; else { hp.adapt(THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, ADAPT_TYPE, ISO_ONLY, MESH_REGULARITY); ndofs = space.assign_dofs(); if (ndofs >= NDOF_STOP) done = true; } // time measurement cpu += end_time(); } while (!done); verbose("Total running time: %g sec", cpu); // wait for keyboard or mouse input View::wait("Waiting for all views to be closed."); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int res = ERR_SUCCESS; #ifdef WITH_PETSC PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, (char *) PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL); #endif set_verbose(false); if (argc < 3) error("Not enough parameters"); HcurlShapesetLobattoHex shapeset; printf("* Loading mesh '%s'\n", argv[1]); Mesh mesh; Mesh3DReader mesh_loader; if (!mesh_loader.load(argv[1], &mesh)) error("Loading mesh file '%s'\n", argv[1]); printf("* Setting the space up\n"); HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset); space.set_bc_types(bc_types); int order; sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &order); int dir_x = order, dir_y = order, dir_z = order; order3_t o(dir_x, dir_y, dir_z); printf(" - Setting uniform order to (%d, %d, %d)\n", o.x, o.y ,o.z); space.set_uniform_order(o); int ndofs = space.assign_dofs(); printf(" - Number of DOFs: %d\n", ndofs); printf("* Calculating a solution\n"); #if defined WITH_UMFPACK UMFPackMatrix mat; UMFPackVector rhs; UMFPackLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs); #elif defined WITH_PARDISO PardisoMatrix mat; PardisoVector rhs; PardisoSolver solver(&mat, &rhs); #elif defined WITH_PETSC PetscMatrix mat; PetscVector rhs; PetscLinearSolver solver(&mat, &rhs); #elif defined WITH_MUMPS MumpsMatrix mat; MumpsVector rhs; MumpsSolver solver(&mat, &rhs); #endif WeakForm wf; wf.add_matrix_form(bilinear_form<double, scalar>, bilinear_form<ord_t, ord_t>, SYM); wf.add_matrix_form_surf(bilinear_form_surf<double, scalar>, bilinear_form_surf<ord_t, ord_t>); wf.add_vector_form(linear_form<double, scalar>, linear_form<ord_t, ord_t>); wf.add_vector_form_surf(linear_form_surf<double, scalar>, linear_form_surf<ord_t, ord_t>); LinearProblem lp(&wf, &space); // assemble stiffness matrix Timer assemble_timer("Assembling stiffness matrix"); assemble_timer.start(); lp.assemble(&mat, &rhs); assemble_timer.stop(); // solve the stiffness matrix Timer solve_timer("Solving stiffness matrix"); solve_timer.start(); bool solved = solver.solve(); solve_timer.stop(); //#ifdef OUTPUT_DIR mat.dump(stdout, "a"); rhs.dump(stdout, "b"); //#endif if (solved) { scalar *s = solver.get_solution(); Solution sln(&mesh); sln.set_coeff_vector(&space, s); printf("* Solution:\n"); for (int i = 1; i <= ndofs; i++) { printf(" x[% 3d] = " SCALAR_FMT "\n", i, SCALAR(s[i])); } // output the measured values printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", assemble_timer.get_name(), assemble_timer.get_human_time(), assemble_timer.get_seconds()); printf("%s: %s (%lf secs)\n", solve_timer.get_name(), solve_timer.get_human_time(), solve_timer.get_seconds()); // norm ExactSolution ex_sln(&mesh, exact_solution); double hcurl_sln_norm = hcurl_norm(&sln); double hcurl_err_norm = hcurl_error(&sln, &ex_sln); printf(" - Hcurl solution norm: % le\n", hcurl_sln_norm); printf(" - Hcurl error norm: % le\n", hcurl_err_norm); double l2_sln_norm = l2_norm_hcurl(&sln); double l2_err_norm = l2_error_hcurl(&sln, &ex_sln); printf(" - L2 solution norm: % le\n", l2_sln_norm); printf(" - L2 error norm: % le\n", l2_err_norm); if (hcurl_err_norm > EPS || l2_err_norm > EPS) { // calculated solution is not enough precise res = ERR_FAILURE; } #if 0 //def OUTPUT_DIR // output printf("starting output\n"); const char *of_name = OUTPUT_DIR "/solution.vtk"; FILE *ofile = fopen(of_name, "w"); if (ofile != NULL) { ExactSolution ex_sln(&mesh, exact_solution_0, exact_solution_1, exact_solution_2); RealPartFilter real_sln(&mesh, &sln, FN_VAL); ImagPartFilter imag_sln(&mesh, &sln, FN_VAL); DiffFilter eh(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln); DiffFilter eh_dx(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DX, FN_DX); // DiffFilter eh_dy(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DY, FN_DY); // DiffFilter eh_dz(&mesh, &sln, &ex_sln, FN_DZ, FN_DZ); // GmshOutputEngine output(ofile); VtkOutputEngine output(ofile); output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh", FN_VAL); output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh", FN_VAL); output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh_0", FN_VAL_0); output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh_1", FN_VAL_1); output.out(&real_sln, "real_Uh_2", FN_VAL_2); output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh_0", FN_VAL_0); output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh_1", FN_VAL_1); output.out(&imag_sln, "imag_Uh_2", FN_VAL_2); fclose(ofile); } else { warning("Can not open '%s' for writing.", of_name); } #endif } #ifdef WITH_PETSC;; PetscFinalize(); #endif return res; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // load the mesh Mesh mesh; H2DReader mloader; mloader.load("lshape3q.mesh", &mesh); // mloader.load("lshape3t.mesh", &mesh); // initialize the shapeset and the cache HcurlShapeset shapeset; PrecalcShapeset pss(&shapeset); // create finite element space HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset); space.set_bc_types(bc_types); space.set_uniform_order(P_INIT); // enumerate basis functions space.assign_dofs(); // initialize the weak formulation WeakForm wf(1); wf.add_biform(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form), SYM); wf.add_biform_surf(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form_surf)); wf.add_liform_surf(0, linear_form_surf, linear_form_surf_ord); // matrix solver UmfpackSolver solver; // convergence graph wrt. the number of degrees of freedom GnuplotGraph graph; graph.set_captions("Error Convergence for the Bessel Problem in H(curl)", "Degrees of Freedom", "Error [%]"); graph.add_row("exact error", "k", "-", "o"); graph.add_row("error estimate", "k", "--"); graph.set_log_y(); // convergence graph wrt. CPU time GnuplotGraph graph_cpu; graph_cpu.set_captions("Error Convergence for the Bessel Problem in H(curl)", "CPU Time", "Error [%]"); graph_cpu.add_row("exact error", "k", "-", "o"); graph_cpu.add_row("error estimate", "k", "--"); graph_cpu.set_log_y(); // adaptivity loop int it = 1, ndofs; bool done = false; double cpu = 0.0; Solution sln_coarse, sln_fine; do { info("\n---- Adaptivity step %d ---------------------------------------------\n", it++); // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the coarse mesh problem LinSystem sys(&wf, &solver); sys.set_spaces(1, &space); sys.set_pss(1, &pss); sys.assemble(); sys.solve(1, &sln_coarse); // time measurement cpu += end_time(); // calculating error wrt. exact solution ExactSolution ex(&mesh, exact); double err = 100 * hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &ex); info("Exact solution error: %g%%", err); // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the fine mesh problem RefSystem rs(&sys); rs.assemble(); rs.solve(1, &sln_fine); // calculate error estimate wrt. fine mesh solution HcurlOrthoHP hp(1, &space); double err_est = hp.calc_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; info("Error estimate: %g%%", err_est); // add entry to DOF convergence graph graph.add_values(0, space.get_num_dofs(), err); graph.add_values(1, space.get_num_dofs(), err_est);""); // add entry to CPU convergence graph graph_cpu.add_values(0, cpu, err); graph_cpu.add_values(1, cpu, err_est);""); // if err_est too large, adapt the mesh if (err_est < ERR_STOP) done = true; else { hp.adapt(THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, ADAPT_TYPE, ISO_ONLY, MESH_REGULARITY); ndofs = space.assign_dofs(); if (ndofs >= NDOF_STOP) done = true; } // time measurement cpu += end_time(); } while (!done); verbose("Total running time: %g sec", cpu); #define ERROR_SUCCESS 0 #define ERROR_FAILURE -1 int n_dof_allowed = 3000; printf("n_dof_actual = %d\n", ndofs); printf("n_dof_allowed = %d\n", n_dof_allowed);// ndofs was 2680 at the time this test was created if (ndofs <= n_dof_allowed) { printf("Success!\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { printf("Failure!\n"); return ERROR_FAILURE; } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // load the mesh Mesh mesh; mesh.load("screen-quad.mesh"); // mesh.load("screen-tri.mesh"); // initialize the shapeset and the cache HcurlShapeset shapeset; PrecalcShapeset pss(&shapeset); // create finite element space HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset); space.set_bc_types(bc_types); space.set_bc_values(bc_values); space.set_uniform_order(P_INIT); // enumerate basis functions space.assign_dofs(); // initialize the weak formulation WeakForm wf(1); wf.add_biform(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form), SYM); // visualize solution and mesh ScalarView Xview_r("Electric field X - real", 0, 0, 320, 320); ScalarView Yview_r("Electric field Y - real", 325, 0, 320, 320); ScalarView Xview_i("Electric field X - imag", 650, 0, 320, 320); ScalarView Yview_i("Electric field Y - imag", 975, 0, 320, 320); OrderView ord("Polynomial Orders", 325, 400, 600, 600); // matrix solver UmfpackSolver solver; // convergence graph wrt. the number of degrees of freedom GnuplotGraph graph; graph.set_captions("Error Convergence for the Screen Problem in H(curl)", "Degrees of Freedom", "Error [%]"); graph.add_row("exact error", "k", "-", "o"); graph.add_row("error estimate", "k", "--"); graph.set_log_y(); // convergence graph wrt. CPU time GnuplotGraph graph_cpu; graph_cpu.set_captions("Error Convergence for the Screen Problem in H(curl)", "CPU Time", "Error [%]"); graph_cpu.add_row("exact error", "k", "-", "o"); graph_cpu.add_row("error estimate", "k", "--"); graph_cpu.set_log_y(); // adaptivity loop int it = 1, ndofs; bool done = false; double cpu = 0.0; Solution sln_coarse, sln_fine; do { info("\n---- Adaptivity step %d ---------------------------------------------\n", it++); // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the coarse mesh problem LinSystem sys(&wf, &solver); sys.set_spaces(1, &space); sys.set_pss(1, &pss); sys.assemble(); sys.solve(1, &sln_coarse); // time measurement cpu += end_time(); // calculating error wrt. exact solution Solution ex; ex.set_exact(&mesh, exact); double error = 100 * hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &ex); info("Exact solution error: %g%%", error); // visualization RealFilter real(&sln_coarse); ImagFilter imag(&sln_coarse); Xview_r.set_min_max_range(-3.0, 1.0); Xview_r.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_0); Yview_r.set_min_max_range(-4.0, 4.0); Yview_r.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_1); Xview_i.set_min_max_range(-1.0, 4.0); Xview_i.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_0); Yview_i.set_min_max_range(-4.0, 4.0); Yview_i.show_scale(false);, EPS_NORMAL, FN_VAL_1);; // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the fine mesh problem RefSystem ref(&sys); ref.assemble(); ref.solve(1, &sln_fine); // calculate error estimate wrt. fine mesh solution HcurlOrthoHP hp(1, &space); double err_est = hp.calc_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; info("Error estimate: %g%%", err_est); // add entry to DOF convergence graph graph.add_values(0, space.get_num_dofs(), error); graph.add_values(1, space.get_num_dofs(), err_est);""); // add entry to CPU convergence graph graph_cpu.add_values(0, cpu, error); graph_cpu.add_values(1, cpu, err_est);""); // if err_est too large, adapt the mesh if (err_est < ERR_STOP) done = true; else { hp.adapt(THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, ADAPT_TYPE, ISO_ONLY, MESH_REGULARITY); ndofs = space.assign_dofs(); if (ndofs >= NDOF_STOP) done = true; } // time measurement cpu += end_time(); } while (!done); verbose("Total running time: %g sec", cpu); // wait for keyboard or mouse input View::wait("Waiting for keyboard or mouse input."); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // load the mesh Mesh mesh; H2DReader mloader; mloader.load("lshape3q.mesh", &mesh); // mloader.load("lshape3t.mesh", &mesh); // initialize the shapeset and the cache HcurlShapeset shapeset; PrecalcShapeset pss(&shapeset); // create finite element space HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset); space.set_bc_types(bc_types); space.set_uniform_order(P_INIT); // enumerate basis functions space.assign_dofs(); // initialize the weak formulation WeakForm wf(1); wf.add_biform(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form), SYM); wf.add_biform_surf(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form_surf)); wf.add_liform_surf(0, linear_form_surf, linear_form_surf_ord); // visualize solution and mesh OrderView ordview("Polynomial Orders", 600, 0, 600, 500); VectorView vecview("Real part of Electric Field - VectorView", 0, 0, 600, 500); /* // view the basis functions VectorBaseView bview;; vbview.wait_for_keypress(); */ // matrix solver UmfpackSolver solver; // DOF and CPU convergence graphs SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_dof_exact, graph_cpu_est, graph_cpu_exact; // adaptivity loop int it = 1, ndofs; bool done = false; double cpu = 0.0; Solution sln_coarse, sln_fine; do { info("\n---- Adaptivity step %d ---------------------------------------------\n", it++); // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the coarse mesh problem LinSystem sys(&wf, &solver); sys.set_spaces(1, &space); sys.set_pss(1, &pss); sys.assemble(); sys.solve(1, &sln_coarse); // time measurement cpu += end_time(); // calculating error wrt. exact solution ExactSolution ex(&mesh, exact); double err_exact = 100 * hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &ex); info("Exact solution error: %g%%", err_exact); // show real part of the solution and mesh; RealFilter real(&sln_coarse); vecview.set_min_max_range(0, 1);, EPS_HIGH); // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the fine mesh problem RefSystem rs(&sys); rs.assemble(); rs.solve(1, &sln_fine); // calculate error estimate wrt. fine mesh solution HcurlOrthoHP hp(1, &space); double err_est_adapt = hp.calc_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; double err_est_hcurl = hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; info("Error estimate (adapt): %g%%", err_est_adapt); info("Error estimate (hcurl): %g%%", err_est_hcurl); // add entries to DOF convergence graphs graph_dof_exact.add_values(space.get_num_dofs(), err_exact);"conv_dof_exact.dat"); graph_dof_est.add_values(space.get_num_dofs(), err_est_hcurl);"conv_dof_est.dat"); // add entries to CPU convergence graphs graph_cpu_exact.add_values(cpu, err_exact);"conv_cpu_exact.dat"); graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu, err_est_hcurl);"conv_cpu_est.dat"); // if err_est_adapt too large, adapt the mesh if (err_est_adapt < ERR_STOP) done = true; else { hp.adapt(THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, ADAPT_TYPE, ISO_ONLY, MESH_REGULARITY); ndofs = space.assign_dofs(); if (ndofs >= NDOF_STOP) done = true; } // time measurement cpu += end_time(); } while (!done); verbose("Total running time: %g sec", cpu); // show the fine solution - this is the final result vecview.set_title("Final solution");; // wait for keyboard or mouse input View::wait("Waiting for all views to be closed."); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // load the mesh Mesh mesh; if (ALIGN_MESH) mesh.load("oven_load_circle.mesh"); else mesh.load("oven_load_square.mesh"); // initialize the shapeset and the cache HcurlShapeset shapeset; PrecalcShapeset pss(&shapeset); // create finite element space HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset); space.set_bc_types(e_bc_types); space.set_uniform_order(P_INIT); // enumerate basis functions space.assign_dofs(); // initialize the weak formulation WeakForm wf(1); wf.add_biform(0, 0, bilinear_form); wf.add_liform_surf(0, linear_form_surf); // visualize solution and mesh VectorView eview("Electric field",0,0,800, 590); OrderView ord("Order", 800, 0, 700, 590); // matrix solver UmfpackSolver solver; // convergence graph wrt. the number of degrees of freedom GnuplotGraph graph; graph.set_captions("Error Convergence for the Waveguide Problem", "Degrees of Freedom", "Error Estimate [%]"); graph.add_row("error estimate", "-", "o"); graph.set_log_y(); // convergence graph wrt. CPU time GnuplotGraph graph_cpu; graph_cpu.set_captions("Error Convergence for the Waveguide Problem", "CPU Time", "Error Estimate [%]"); graph_cpu.add_row("error estimate", "-", "o"); graph_cpu.set_log_y(); // adaptivity loop int it = 1, ndofs; bool done = false; double cpu = 0.0; Solution sln_coarse, sln_fine; do { info("\n---- Adaptivity step %d ---------------------------------------------\n", it++); // time measurement begin_time(); // coarse problem LinSystem sys(&wf, &solver); sys.set_spaces(1, &space); sys.set_pss(1, &pss); sys.assemble(); sys.solve(1, &sln_coarse); // time measurement cpu += end_time(); // show real part of the solution AbsFilter abs(&sln_coarse); eview.set_min_max_range(0, 4e3);;; // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the fine mesh problem RefSystem ref(&sys); ref.assemble(); ref.solve(1, &sln_fine); // calculate error estimate wrt. fine mesh solution HcurlOrthoHP hp(1, &space); hp.set_kappa(sqr(kappa)); double err_est = hp.calc_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; info("Hcurl error estimate: %g%%", hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100); info("Adapt error estimate: %g%%", err_est); // add entry to DOF convergence graph graph.add_values(0, space.get_num_dofs(), err_est);""); // add entry to CPU convergence graph graph_cpu.add_values(0, cpu, err_est);""); // if err_est too large, adapt the mesh if (err_est < ERR_STOP) done = true; else { hp.adapt(THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, ADAPT_TYPE, ISO_ONLY, MESH_REGULARITY); ndofs = space.assign_dofs(); if (ndofs >= NDOF_STOP) done = true; } // time measurement cpu += end_time(); } while (done == false); verbose("Total running time: %g sec", cpu); // wait for keyboard or mouse input printf("Waiting for keyboard or mouse input.\n"); View::wait(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // load the mesh Mesh mesh; H2DReader mloader; if (ALIGN_MESH) mloader.load("oven_load_circle.mesh", &mesh); else mloader.load("oven_load_square.mesh", &mesh); //mesh.refine_all_elements(); // initialize the shapeset and the cache HcurlShapeset shapeset; PrecalcShapeset pss(&shapeset); // create finite element space HcurlSpace space(&mesh, &shapeset); space.set_bc_types(e_bc_types); space.set_uniform_order(P_INIT); // enumerate basis functions space.assign_dofs(); // initialize the weak formulation WeakForm wf(1); wf.add_biform(0, 0, callback(bilinear_form)); wf.add_liform_surf(0, callback(linear_form_surf)); // visualize solution and mesh VectorView eview("Electric field",0,0,800, 590); OrderView ord("Order", 800, 0, 700, 590); /* // view the basis functions VectorBaseView bview;; vbview.wait_for_keypress(); */ // matrix solver UmfpackSolver solver; // DOF and CPU convergence graphs SimpleGraph graph_dof_est, graph_cpu_est; // adaptivity loop int it = 1, ndofs; bool done = false; double cpu = 0.0; Solution sln_coarse, sln_fine; do { info("\n---- Adaptivity step %d ---------------------------------------------\n", it++); // time measurement begin_time(); // coarse problem LinSystem sys(&wf, &solver); sys.set_spaces(1, &space); sys.set_pss(1, &pss); sys.assemble(); sys.solve(1, &sln_coarse); // time measurement cpu += end_time(); // show real part of the solution AbsFilter abs(&sln_coarse); eview.set_min_max_range(0, 4e3);;; // time measurement begin_time(); // solve the fine mesh problem RefSystem ref(&sys); ref.assemble(); ref.solve(1, &sln_fine); // calculate error estimate wrt. fine mesh solution HcurlOrthoHP hp(1, &space); hp.set_biform(0, 0, callback(hcurl_form_kappa)); double err_est_adapt = hp.calc_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; double err_est_hcurl = hcurl_error(&sln_coarse, &sln_fine) * 100; info("Error estimate (adapt): %g%%", err_est_adapt); info("Error estimate (hcurl): %g%%", err_est_hcurl); // add entries to DOF convergence graphs graph_dof_est.add_values(space.get_num_dofs(), err_est_hcurl);"conv_dof_est.dat"); // add entries to CPU convergence graphs graph_cpu_est.add_values(cpu, err_est_hcurl);"conv_cpu_est.dat"); // if err_est_adapt too large, adapt the mesh if (err_est_adapt < ERR_STOP) done = true; else { hp.adapt(THRESHOLD, STRATEGY, ADAPT_TYPE, ISO_ONLY, MESH_REGULARITY); ndofs = space.assign_dofs(); if (ndofs >= NDOF_STOP) done = true; } // time measurement cpu += end_time(); } while (done == false); verbose("Total running time: %g sec", cpu); // wait for keyboard or mouse input View::wait("Waiting for all views to be closed."); return 0; }