inline HeapRegion* G1CollectedHeap::heap_region_containing(const T addr) const { HeapRegion* hr = heap_region_containing_raw(addr); if (hr->is_continues_humongous()) { return hr->humongous_start_region(); } return hr; }
// It dirties the cards that cover the block so that so that the post // write barrier never queues anything when updating objects on this // block. It is assumed (and in fact we assert) that the block // belongs to a young region. inline void G1CollectedHeap::dirty_young_block(HeapWord* start, size_t word_size) { assert_heap_not_locked(); // Assign the containing region to containing_hr so that we don't // have to keep calling heap_region_containing_raw() in the // asserts below. DEBUG_ONLY(HeapRegion* containing_hr = heap_region_containing_raw(start);)