예제 #1
/* 'do it all in one go' subroutine     */
void hmac_sha1(const unsigned char key[], unsigned int key_len,
               const unsigned char data[], unsigned int data_len,
               unsigned char mac[], unsigned int mac_len)
{   hmac_ctx    cx[1];

    hmac_sha1_key(key, key_len, cx);
    hmac_sha1_data(data, data_len, cx);
    hmac_sha1_end(mac, mac_len, cx);
예제 #2
파일: zaes.c 프로젝트: maxpat78/ZTools
void Encrypt(PK0304* le, AE_EXTRA* ae, char* password)
 char *salt, *key1, *key2, *check, digest[40];
 u32 key_len = KeySize*2 + 2;
 u32 dig_len = 40;

 salt = BUF;
 key1 = salt+SaltSize;
 key2 = key1+KeySize;
 check = key2+KeySize;

 /* Gets a random salt (8-16 byte) */
 sprng_read(salt, SaltSize, 0);

 /* Generates 2 keys for AES and HMAC, plus 2-byte password verification value */
 if (pkcs_5_alg2(password, strlen(password), salt, SaltSize, 1000, 0, key1, &key_len) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to derive encryption keys");

// dump("salt", salt, SaltSize);
// dump("key", key1, KeySize);

 if (ctr_start(0, IV, key1, KeySize, 0, CTR_COUNTER_LITTLE_ENDIAN, &ctr) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to setup AES CTR encoder");
 hmac_sha1_key(key2, KeySize, &hmac);
 if (hmac_init(&hmac, 0, key2, KeySize) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to setup HMAC-SHA1");
 if (AE2) le->Crc32 = 0;
 le->Flag |= 1;
 le->CompMethod = 99;
 le->ExtraLen += 11;
 le->CompSize += SaltSize + 12; /* variable salt, fixed password check and hmac */

 safeWrite(ZOUT, le, sizeof(PK0304));
 fileCopy(ZOUT, ZIN, le->NameLen+le->ExtraLen-11);
 safeWrite(ZOUT, ae, 11);
 safeWrite(ZOUT, salt, SaltSize);
 safeWrite(ZOUT, check, 2);
 /* encrypt contents */
 fileFilter(ZOUT, ZIN, le->CompSize-SaltSize-12);
 hmac_sha1_end(digest, dig_len, &hmac);
 if (hmac_done(&hmac, digest, &dig_len) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to computate HMAC");
 safeWrite(ZOUT, digest, 10);
예제 #3
파일: zaes.c 프로젝트: maxpat78/ZTools
void Decrypt(PK0304 *le, char *password)
 char *salt, *key1, *key2, *check, digest[40];
 u32 key_len, dig_len = 40, start, xlen;

 start = ftell(ZIN);
 /* Searches for AE-1 header */
 fseek(ZIN, le->NameLen, SEEK_CUR);
 for(xlen=le->ExtraLen; xlen;)
  safeRead(&ae, ZIN, 4);
  xlen -= (4 + ae.Size);
  if (ae.Sig == 0x9901)
   safeRead(&ae.Version, ZIN, 7);
  fseek(ZIN, ae.Size, SEEK_CUR);
 if (ae.Sig != 0x9901)
  Z_ERROR("Fatal! Can't find AE extra header!");
 if (ae.Strength < 1 || ae.Strength > 3)
  Z_ERROR("Bad encryption strength");
 SaltSize = KS[ae.Strength].Salt;
 KeySize = KS[ae.Strength].Key;

 salt = BUF;
 key1 = salt+SaltSize;
 key2 = key1+KeySize;
 check = key2+KeySize;
 key_len = KeySize*2+2;

 /* Loads salt and password check value, and regenerates original crypto material */
 fseek(ZIN, start+le->NameLen+le->ExtraLen, SEEK_SET);
 safeRead(salt, ZIN, SaltSize);
 safeRead(check+2, ZIN, 2);
 if (pkcs_5_alg2(password, strlen(password), salt, SaltSize, 1000, 0, key1, &key_len) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to derive encryption keys");
 if (memcmp(check, check+2, 2))
  printf("\nCan't decrypt data: try another password.\nNew password: "******"\n");
  goto point1;
 if (ctr_start(0, IV, key1, KeySize, 0, CTR_COUNTER_LITTLE_ENDIAN, &ctr) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to setup AES CTR decoder");
 hmac_sha1_key(key2, KeySize, &hmac);
 if (hmac_init(&hmac, 0, key2, KeySize) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to setup HMAC-SHA1");
 /* Adjusts local header */
 le->Flag ^= 1;
 le->CompMethod = ae.CompMethod;
 le->ExtraLen -= 11;
 le->CompSize -= (SaltSize + 12);
 /* Writes local header and copies extra, except 0x9901 */
 safeWrite(ZOUT, le, sizeof(PK0304));
 fseek(ZIN, start, SEEK_SET);
 fileCopy(ZOUT, ZIN, le->NameLen);
 for(xlen=le->ExtraLen+11; xlen;)
  safeRead(&ae, ZIN, 4);
  xlen -= (4 + ae.Size);
  if (ae.Sig == 0x9901)
   safeRead(&ae.Version, ZIN, 7);
  safeWrite(ZOUT, &ae, 4);
  fileCopy(ZOUT, ZIN, ae.Size);
 fseek(ZIN, SaltSize+2, SEEK_CUR);

 fileFilter(ZOUT, ZIN, le->CompSize);

 hmac_sha1_end(digest, dig_len, &hmac);
 if (hmac_done(&hmac, digest, &dig_len) != CRYPT_OK)
  Z_ERROR("Failed to computate HMAC");
 /* Retrieves and checks HMACs */
 safeRead(digest+10, ZIN, 10);
 if (memcmp(digest, digest+10, 10))
  printf(" authentication failed, contents were lost!");