예제 #1
파일: general.c 프로젝트: rkd77/elinks-tv
html_hr(struct html_context *html_context, unsigned char *a,
        unsigned char *html, unsigned char *eof, unsigned char **end)
	int i/* = par_format.width - 10*/;
	unsigned char r = (unsigned char) BORDER_DHLINE;
	int q = get_num(a, (unsigned char *)"size", html_context->doc_cp);

	if (q >= 0 && q < 2) r = (unsigned char) BORDER_SHLINE;
	html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
	par_format.align = ALIGN_CENTER;
	mem_free_set(&format.link, NULL);
	format.form = NULL;
	html_linebrk(html_context, a, html, eof, end);
	if (par_format.align == ALIGN_JUSTIFY) par_format.align = ALIGN_CENTER;
	par_format.leftmargin = par_format.rightmargin = html_context->margin;

	i = get_width(a, (unsigned char *)"width", 1, html_context);
	if (i == -1) i = get_html_max_width();
	format.style.attr = AT_GRAPHICS;
	html_context->special_f(html_context, SP_NOWRAP, 1);
	while (i-- > 0) {
		put_chrs(html_context, &r, 1);
	html_context->special_f(html_context, SP_NOWRAP, 0);
	ln_break(html_context, 2);
예제 #2
파일: html_tbl.c 프로젝트: ebichu/dd-wrt
void display_complicated_table(struct table *t, int x, int y, int *yy)
	int i, j;
	struct f_data *f = t->p->data;
	int yp, xp = x + ((t->frame & F_LHS) && t->border);
	for (i = 0; i < t->x; i++) {
		yp = y + ((t->frame & F_ABOVE) && t->border);
		for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) {
			struct table_cell *cell = CELL(t, i, j);
			if (cell->start) {
				int yt;
				struct part *p = NULL;
				int xw = 0, yw = 0, s;
				for (s = 0; s < cell->colspan; s++) {
					xw += t->w_c[i + s];
					if (s < cell->colspan - 1) xw += get_vline_width(t, i + s + 1) >= 0;
				for (s = 0; s < cell->rowspan; s++) {
					yw += t->r_heights[j + s];
					if (s < cell->rowspan - 1) yw += get_hline_width(t, j + s + 1) >= 0;
				html_top.dontkill = 1;
				if (cell->b) format.attr |= AT_BOLD;
				memcpy(&format.bg, &cell->bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb));
				memcpy(&par_format.bgcolor, &cell->bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb));
				p = format_html_part(cell->start, cell->end, cell->align, t->cellpd, xw, f, t->p->xp + xp, t->p->yp + yp + (cell->valign != VAL_MIDDLE && cell->valign != VAL_BOTTOM ? 0 : (yw - cell->height) / (cell->valign == VAL_MIDDLE ? 2 : 1)), NULL, cell->link_num);
				cell->xpos = xp;
				cell->ypos = yp;
				cell->xw = xw;
				cell->yw = yw;
				for (yt = 0; yt < p->y; yt++) {
					xxpand_lines(t->p, yp + yt);
					xxpand_line(t->p, yp + yt, xp + t->w_c[i]);
			cell->xpos = xp;
			cell->ypos = yp;
			cell->xw = t->w_c[i];
			yp += t->r_heights[j];
			if (j < t->y - 1) yp += (get_hline_width(t, j + 1) >= 0);
		if (i < t->x - 1) xp += t->w_c[i] + (get_vline_width(t, i + 1) >= 0);
	yp = y;
	for (j = 0; j < t->y; j++) {
		yp += t->r_heights[j];
		if (j < t->y - 1) yp += (get_hline_width(t, j + 1) >= 0);
	*yy = yp + (!!(t->frame & F_ABOVE) + !!(t->frame & F_BELOW)) * !!t->border;
예제 #3
파일: link.c 프로젝트: rkd77/elinks-tv
/* prefix can have entities in it, but linkname cannot.  */
put_link_line(unsigned char *prefix, unsigned char *linkname,
	      unsigned char *link, unsigned char *target,
	      struct html_context *html_context)
	html_context->has_link_lines = 1;
	html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
	ln_break(html_context, 1);
	mem_free_set(&format.link, NULL);
	mem_free_set(&format.target, NULL);
	mem_free_set(&format.title, NULL);
	format.form = NULL;
	put_chrs(html_context, prefix, strlen((const char *)prefix));
	format.link = join_urls(html_context->base_href, link);
	format.target = stracpy(target);
	format.style.color.foreground = format.color.clink;
	/* linkname typically comes from get_attr_val, which
	 * has already expanded character entity references.
	 * Tell put_chrs not to expand them again.  */
	format.style.attr |= AT_NO_ENTITIES;
	put_chrs(html_context, linkname, strlen((const char *)linkname));
	ln_break(html_context, 1);
예제 #4
파일: html_tbl.c 프로젝트: ebichu/dd-wrt
void format_table(unsigned char *attr, unsigned char *html, unsigned char *eof, unsigned char **end, void *f)
	struct part *p = f;
	int border, cellsp, vcellpd, cellpd, align;
	int frame, rules, width, wf;
	struct rgb bgcolor;
	struct table *t;
	char *al;
	int cye;
	int x;
	int i;
	/*int llm = last_link_to_move;*/
	struct s_e *bad_html;
	int bad_html_n;
	struct node *n, *nn;
	int cpd_pass, cpd_width, cpd_last;
	/*if (!p->data) {
		debug("nested tables not supported");
	memcpy(&bgcolor, &par_format.bgcolor, sizeof(struct rgb));
	get_bgcolor(attr, &bgcolor);
	if ((border = get_num(attr, "border")) == -1) border = has_attr(attr, "border") || has_attr(attr, "rules") || has_attr(attr, "frame");
	/*if (!border) border = 1;*/

	if ((cellsp = get_num(attr, "cellspacing")) == -1) cellsp = 1;
	if ((cellpd = get_num(attr, "cellpadding")) == -1) {
		vcellpd = 0;
		cellpd = !!border;
	} else {
		vcellpd = cellpd >= HTML_CHAR_HEIGHT / 2 + 1;
		cellpd = cellpd >= HTML_CHAR_WIDTH / 2 + 1;
	if (!border) cellsp = 0;
	else if (!cellsp) cellsp = 1;
	if (border > 2) border = 2;
	if (cellsp > 2) cellsp = 2;
	align = par_format.align;
	if (align == AL_NO || align == AL_BLOCK) align = AL_LEFT;
	if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "align"))) {
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "left")) align = AL_LEFT;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "center")) align = AL_CENTER;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "right")) align = AL_RIGHT;
	frame = F_BOX;
	if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "frame"))) {
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "void")) frame = F_VOID;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "above")) frame = F_ABOVE;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "below")) frame = F_BELOW;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "hsides")) frame = F_HSIDES;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "vsides")) frame = F_VSIDES;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "lhs")) frame = F_LHS;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "rhs")) frame = F_RHS;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "box")) frame = F_BOX;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "border")) frame = F_BOX;
	rules = border ? R_ALL : R_NONE;
	if ((al = get_attr_val(attr, "rules"))) {
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "none")) rules = R_NONE;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "groups")) rules = R_GROUPS;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "rows")) rules = R_ROWS;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "cols")) rules = R_COLS;
		if (!strcasecmp(al, "all")) rules = R_ALL;
	if (!border) frame = F_VOID;
	wf = 0;
	if ((width = get_width(attr, "width", p->data || p->xp)) == -1) {
		width = par_format.width - par_format.leftmargin - par_format.rightmargin;
		if (width < 0) width = 0;
		wf = 1;
	if (!(t = parse_table(html, eof, end, &bgcolor, p->data || p->xp, &bad_html, &bad_html_n))) {
		goto ret0;
	for (i = 0; i < bad_html_n; i++) {
		while (bad_html[i].s < bad_html[i].e && WHITECHAR(*bad_html[i].s)) bad_html[i].s++;
		while (bad_html[i].s < bad_html[i].e && WHITECHAR(bad_html[i].e[-1])) bad_html[i].e--;
		if (bad_html[i].s < bad_html[i].e) parse_html(bad_html[i].s, bad_html[i].e, put_chars_f, line_break_f, special_f, p, NULL);
	html_top.dontkill = 1;
	par_format.align = AL_LEFT;
	t->p = p;
	t->border = border;
	t->cellpd = cellpd;
	t->vcellpd = vcellpd;
	t->cellsp = cellsp;
	t->frame = frame;
	t->rules = rules;
	t->width = width;
	t->wf = wf;
	cpd_pass = 0;
	cpd_last = t->cellpd;
	cpd_width = 0;	/* not needed, but let the warning go away */
	if (get_column_widths(t)) goto ret2;
	if (!p->data && !p->xp) {
		if (!wf && t->max_t > width) t->max_t = width;
		if (t->max_t < t->min_t) t->max_t = t->min_t;
		if (t->max_t + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin > p->xmax) p->xmax = t->max_t + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin;
		if (t->min_t + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin > p->x) p->x = t->min_t + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin;
		goto ret2;
	if (!cpd_pass && t->min_t > width && t->cellpd) {
		t->cellpd = 0;
		cpd_pass = 1;
		cpd_width = t->min_t;
		goto again;
	if (cpd_pass == 1 && t->min_t > cpd_width) {
		t->cellpd = cpd_last;
		cpd_pass = 2;
		goto again;
	/*debug("%d %d %d", t->min_t, t->max_t, width);*/
	if (t->min_t >= width) distribute_widths(t, t->min_t);
	else if (t->max_t < width && wf) distribute_widths(t, t->max_t);
	else distribute_widths(t, width);
	if (!p->data && p->xp == 1) {
		int ww = t->rw + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin;
		if (ww > par_format.width) ww = par_format.width;
		if (ww < t->rw) ww = t->rw;
		if (ww > p->x) p->x = ww;
		p->cy += t->rh;
		goto ret2;
	x = par_format.leftmargin;
	if (align == AL_CENTER) x = (par_format.width + par_format.leftmargin - par_format.rightmargin - t->rw) / 2;
	if (align == AL_RIGHT) x = par_format.width - par_format.rightmargin - t->rw;
	if (x + t->rw > par_format.width) x = par_format.width - t->rw;
	if (x < 0) x = 0;
	/*display_table(t, x, p->cy, &cye);*/
	if (!p->data) {
		if (t->rw + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin > p->x) p->x = t->rw + par_format.leftmargin + par_format.rightmargin;
		p->cy += t->rh;
		goto ret2;
	n = p->data->nodes.next;
	n->yw = p->yp - n->y + p->cy;
	display_complicated_table(t, x, p->cy, &cye);
	display_table_frames(t, x, p->cy);
	nn = mem_alloc(sizeof(struct node));
	nn->x = n->x;
	nn->y = p->yp + cye;
	nn->xw = n->xw;
	add_to_list(p->data->nodes, nn);
	/*for (y = p->cy; y < cye; y++) {
		last_link_to_move = llm;
		align_line(p, y);
	/*if (p->cy + t->rh != cye) internal("size does not match; 1:%d, 2:%d", p->cy + t->rh, cye);*/
	p->cy = cye;
	p->cx = -1;

	p->link_num = t->link_num;
	if (p->cy > p->y) p->y = p->cy;
	if (!table_level) free_table_cache();
예제 #5
파일: link.c 프로젝트: rkd77/elinks-tv
static void
html_img_do(unsigned char *a, unsigned char *object_src,
            struct html_context *html_context)
	int ismap, usemap = 0;
	int add_brackets = 0;
	unsigned char *src = NULL;
	unsigned char *label = NULL;
	unsigned char *usemap_attr;
	struct document_options *options = html_context->options;
	int display_style = options->image_link.display_style;

	/* Note about display_style:
	 * 0     means always display IMG
	 * 1     means always display filename
	 * 2     means display alt/title attribute if possible, IMG if not
	 * 3     means display alt/title attribute if possible, filename if not */

	usemap_attr = get_attr_val(a, (unsigned char *)"usemap", html_context->doc_cp);
	if (usemap_attr) {
		unsigned char *joined_urls = join_urls(html_context->base_href,
		unsigned char *map_url;

		if (!joined_urls) return;
		map_url = straconcat((unsigned char *)"MAP@", joined_urls,
				     (unsigned char *) NULL);
		if (!map_url) return;

		html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
		mem_free_set(&format.link, map_url);
		format.form = NULL;
		format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;
		usemap = 1;

	ismap = format.link
	        && has_attr(a, (unsigned char *)"ismap", html_context->doc_cp)
	        && !usemap;

	if (display_style == 2 || display_style == 3) {
		label = get_attr_val(a, (unsigned char *)"alt", html_context->doc_cp);
		if (!label)
			label = get_attr_val(a, (unsigned char *)"title", html_context->doc_cp);

		/* Little hack to preserve rendering of [   ], in directory listings,
		 * but we still want to drop extra spaces in alt or title attribute
		 * to limit display width on certain websites. --Zas */
		if (label && strlen((const char *)label) > 5) clr_spaces(label);

	src = null_or_stracpy(object_src);
	if (!src) src = get_url_val(a, (unsigned char *)"src", html_context->doc_cp);
	if (!src) src = get_url_val(a, (unsigned char *)"dynsrc", html_context->doc_cp);

	/* If we have no label yet (no title or alt), so
	 * just use default ones, or image filename. */
	if (!label || !*label) {
		mem_free_set(&label, NULL);
		/* Do we want to display images with no alt/title and with no
		 * link on them ?
		 * If not, just exit now. */
		if (!options->images && !format.link) {
			if (usemap) pop_html_element(html_context);

		add_brackets = 1;

		if (usemap) {
			label = stracpy((const unsigned char *)"USEMAP");
		} else if (ismap) {
			label = stracpy((const unsigned char *)"ISMAP");
		} else {
			if (display_style == 3)
				label = get_image_filename_from_src(options->image_link.filename_maxlen, src);

	} else {
		label = get_image_label(options->image_link.label_maxlen, label);

	if (!label || !*label) {
		mem_free_set(&label, NULL);
		add_brackets = 1;
		if (display_style == 1)
			label = get_image_filename_from_src(options->image_link.filename_maxlen, src);
		if (!label || !*label)
			mem_free_set(&label, stracpy((const unsigned char *)"IMG"));

	mem_free_set(&format.image, NULL);
	mem_free_set(&format.title, NULL);

	if (label) {
		int img_link_tag = options->image_link.tagging;

		if (img_link_tag && (img_link_tag == 2 || add_brackets)) {
			unsigned char *img_link_prefix = options->image_link.prefix;
			unsigned char *img_link_suffix = options->image_link.suffix;
			unsigned char *new_label = straconcat(img_link_prefix, label, img_link_suffix, (unsigned char *) NULL);

			if (new_label) mem_free_set(&label, new_label);

		if (!options->image_link.show_any_as_links) {
			put_image_label(a, label, html_context);

		} else {
			if (src) {
				format.image = join_urls(html_context->base_href, src);

			format.title = get_attr_val(a, (unsigned char *)"title", html_context->doc_cp);

			if (ismap) {
				unsigned char *new_link;

				html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
				new_link = straconcat(format.link, (unsigned char *)"?0,0", (unsigned char *) NULL);
				if (new_link)
					mem_free_set(&format.link, new_link);

			put_image_label(a, label, html_context);

			if (ismap) pop_html_element(html_context);
			mem_free_set(&format.image, NULL);
			mem_free_set(&format.title, NULL);


	if (usemap) pop_html_element(html_context);
예제 #6
파일: forms.c 프로젝트: rkd77/elinks-tv
html_textarea(struct html_context *html_context, unsigned char *attr,
              unsigned char *html, unsigned char *eof, unsigned char **end)
	struct form_control *fc;
	unsigned char *p, *t_name, *wrap_attr;
	int t_namelen;
	int cols, rows;
	int i;

	html_focusable(html_context, attr);
	while (html < eof && (*html == '\n' || *html == '\r')) html++;
	p = html;
	while (p < eof && *p != '<') {

	if (p >= eof) {
		*end = eof;
	if (parse_element(p, eof, &t_name, &t_namelen, NULL, end)) goto pp;
	if (c_strlcasecmp(t_name, t_namelen, (const unsigned char *)"/TEXTAREA", 9)) goto pp;

	fc = init_form_control(FC_TEXTAREA, attr, html_context);
	if (!fc) return;

	fc->id = get_attr_val(attr, (unsigned char *)"id", html_context->doc_cp);
	fc->name = get_attr_val(attr, (unsigned char *)"name", html_context->doc_cp);
	fc->default_value = convert_string(NULL, html, p - html,
	for (p = fc->default_value; p && p[0]; p++) {
		/* FIXME: We don't cope well with entities here. Bugzilla uses
		 * &#13; inside of textarea and we fail miserably upon that
		 * one.  --pasky */
		if (p[0] == '\r') {
			if (p[1] == '\n'
			    || (p > fc->default_value && p[-1] == '\n')) {
				memmove(p, p + 1, strlen((const char *)p));
			} else {
				p[0] = '\n';

	cols = get_num(attr, (unsigned char *)"cols", html_context->doc_cp);
	if (cols <= 0)
		cols = html_context->options->default_form_input_size;
	cols++; /* Add 1 column, other browsers may have different
		   behavior here (mozilla adds 2) --Zas */
	if (cols > html_context->options->box.width)
		cols = html_context->options->box.width;
	fc->cols = cols;

	rows = get_num(attr, (unsigned char *)"rows", html_context->doc_cp);
	if (rows <= 0) rows = 1;
	if (rows > html_context->options->box.height)
		rows = html_context->options->box.height;
	fc->rows = rows;
	html_context->options->needs_height = 1;

	wrap_attr = get_attr_val(attr, (unsigned char *)"wrap", html_context->doc_cp);
	if (wrap_attr) {
		if (!c_strcasecmp((const char *)wrap_attr, "hard")
		    || !c_strcasecmp((const char *)wrap_attr, "physical")) {
			fc->wrap = FORM_WRAP_HARD;
		} else if (!c_strcasecmp((const char *)wrap_attr, "soft")
			   || !c_strcasecmp((const char *)wrap_attr, "virtual")) {
			fc->wrap = FORM_WRAP_SOFT;
		} else if (!c_strcasecmp((const char *)wrap_attr, "none")
			   || !c_strcasecmp((const char *)wrap_attr, "off")) {
			fc->wrap = FORM_WRAP_NONE;

	} else if (has_attr(attr, (unsigned char *)"nowrap", html_context->doc_cp)) {
		fc->wrap = FORM_WRAP_NONE;

	} else {
		fc->wrap = FORM_WRAP_SOFT;

	fc->maxlength = get_num(attr, (unsigned char *)"maxlength", html_context->doc_cp);
	if (fc->maxlength == -1) fc->maxlength = INT_MAX;

	if (rows > 1) ln_break(html_context, 1);
	else put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);

	html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
	format.form = fc;
	format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;

	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		int j;

		for (j = 0; j < cols; j++)
			put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"_", 1);
		if (i < rows - 1)
			ln_break(html_context, 1);

	if (rows > 1)
		ln_break(html_context, 1);
		put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
	html_context->special_f(html_context, SP_CONTROL, fc);
예제 #7
파일: forms.c 프로젝트: rkd77/elinks-tv
html_option(struct html_context *html_context, unsigned char *a,
            unsigned char *xxx3, unsigned char *xxx4, unsigned char **xxx5)
	struct form_control *fc;
	unsigned char *val;

	if (!format.select) return;

	val = get_attr_val(a, (unsigned char *)"value", html_context->doc_cp);
	if (!val) {
		struct string str;
		unsigned char *p, *r;
		unsigned char *name;
		int namelen;

		for (p = a - 1; *p != '<'; p--);

		if (!init_string(&str)) goto end_parse;
		if (parse_element(p, html_context->eoff, NULL, NULL, NULL, &p)) {
			INTERNAL("parse element failed");
			val = str.source;
			goto end_parse;

		while (p < html_context->eoff && isspace(*p)) p++;
		while (p < html_context->eoff && !isspace(*p) && *p != '<') {

			add_char_to_string(&str, *p ? *p : ' '), p++;

		r = p;
		val = str.source; /* Has to be before the possible 'goto end_parse' */

		while (r < html_context->eoff && isspace(*r)) r++;
		if (r >= html_context->eoff) goto end_parse;
		if (r - 2 <= html_context->eoff && (r[1] == '!' || r[1] == '?')) {
			p = skip_comment(r, html_context->eoff);
			goto se;
		if (parse_element(r, html_context->eoff, &name, &namelen, NULL, &p)) goto sp;

		if (namelen < 6) goto se;
		if (name[0] == '/') name++, namelen--;
		if (c_strlcasecmp(name, namelen, (const unsigned char *)"OPTION", 6)
		    && c_strlcasecmp(name, namelen, (const unsigned char *)"SELECT", 6)
		    && c_strlcasecmp(name, namelen, (const unsigned char *)"OPTGROUP", 8))
			goto se;

	fc = init_form_control(FC_CHECKBOX, a, html_context);
	if (!fc) {

	fc->id = get_attr_val(a, (unsigned char *)"id", html_context->doc_cp);
	fc->name = null_or_stracpy(format.select);
	fc->default_value = val;
	fc->default_state = has_attr(a, (unsigned char *)"selected", html_context->doc_cp);
	fc->mode = has_attr(a, (unsigned char *)"disabled", html_context->doc_cp)
	           ? FORM_MODE_DISABLED
	           : format.select_disabled;

	put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
	html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
	format.form = fc;
	format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;
	put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"[ ]", 3);
	put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
	html_context->special_f(html_context, SP_CONTROL, fc);
예제 #8
파일: forms.c 프로젝트: rkd77/elinks-tv
static void
do_html_select(unsigned char *attr, unsigned char *html,
	       unsigned char *eof, unsigned char **end,
	       struct html_context *html_context)
	struct conv_table *ct = (struct conv_table *)html_context->special_f(html_context, SP_TABLE, NULL);
	struct form_control *fc;
	struct string lbl = NULL_STRING, orig_lbl = NULL_STRING;
	unsigned char **values = NULL;
	unsigned char **labels;
	unsigned char *name, *t_attr, *en;
	int namelen;
	int nnmi = 0;
	int order = 0;
	int preselect = -1;
	int group = 0;
	int i, max_width;
	int closing_tag;

	html_focusable(html_context, attr);

        en = html;

        html = en;
	while (html < eof && *html != '<') html++;

	if (html >= eof) {

		*end = html;
		if (lbl.source) done_string(&lbl);
		if (orig_lbl.source) done_string(&orig_lbl);
		if (values) {
			int j;

			for (j = 0; j < order; j++)
		*end = en;

	if (lbl.source) {
		unsigned char *q, *s = en;
		int l = html - en;

		while (l && isspace(s[0])) s++, l--;
		while (l && isspace(s[l-1])) l--;
		q = convert_string(ct, s, l,
		                   CSM_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		if (q) add_to_string(&lbl, q), mem_free(q);
		add_bytes_to_string(&orig_lbl, s, l);

	if (html + 2 <= eof && (html[1] == '!' || html[1] == '?')) {
		html = skip_comment(html, eof);
		goto se;

	if (parse_element(html, eof, &name, &namelen, &t_attr, &en)) {
		goto se;

	if (!namelen) goto see;

	if (name[0] == '/') {
		if (!namelen) goto see;
		closing_tag = 1;
	} else {
		closing_tag = 0;

	if (closing_tag && !c_strlcasecmp(name, namelen, (const unsigned char *)"SELECT", 6)) {
		add_select_item(&lnk_menu, &lbl, &orig_lbl, values, order, nnmi);
		goto end_parse;

	if (!c_strlcasecmp(name, namelen, (const unsigned char *)"OPTION", 6)) {
		add_select_item(&lnk_menu, &lbl, &orig_lbl, values, order, nnmi);

		if (!closing_tag) {
			unsigned char *value, *label;

			if (has_attr(t_attr, (unsigned char *)"disabled", html_context->doc_cp))
				goto see;
			if (preselect == -1
			    && has_attr(t_attr, (unsigned char *)"selected", html_context->doc_cp))
				preselect = order;
			value = get_attr_val(t_attr, (unsigned char *)"value", html_context->doc_cp);

			if (!mem_align_alloc(&values, order, order + 1, 0xFF))
				goto abort;

			values[order++] = value;
			label = get_attr_val(t_attr, (unsigned char *)"label", html_context->doc_cp);
			if (label) new_menu_item(&lnk_menu, label, order - 1, 0);
			if (!value || !label) {
				nnmi = !!label;

		goto see;

	if (!c_strlcasecmp(name, namelen, (const unsigned char *)"OPTGROUP", 8)) {
		add_select_item(&lnk_menu, &lbl, &orig_lbl, values, order, nnmi);

		if (group) new_menu_item(&lnk_menu, NULL, -1, 0), group = 0;

		if (!closing_tag) {
			unsigned char *label;

			label = get_attr_val(t_attr, (unsigned char *)"label", html_context->doc_cp);

			if (!label) {
				label = stracpy((const unsigned char *)"");
				if (!label) goto see;
			new_menu_item(&lnk_menu, label, -1, 0);
			group = 1;

	goto see;

	*end = en;
	if (!order) goto abort;

	labels = (unsigned char **)mem_calloc(order, sizeof(unsigned char *));
	if (!labels) goto abort;

	fc = init_form_control(FC_SELECT, attr, html_context);
	if (!fc) {
		goto abort;

	fc->id = get_attr_val(attr, (unsigned char *)"id", html_context->doc_cp);
	fc->name = get_attr_val(attr, (unsigned char *)"name", html_context->doc_cp);
	fc->default_state = preselect < 0 ? 0 : preselect;
	fc->default_value = order ? stracpy(values[fc->default_state]) : stracpy((const unsigned char *)"");
	fc->nvalues = order;
	fc->values = values;
	fc->menu = detach_menu(&lnk_menu);
	fc->labels = labels;

	menu_labels(fc->menu, (unsigned char *)"", labels);
	put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"[", 1);
	html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
	format.form = fc;
	format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;

	max_width = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < order; i++) {
		if (!labels[i]) continue;
#ifdef CONFIG_UTF8
		if (html_context->options->utf8)
					utf8_ptr2cells(labels[i], NULL));
#endif /* CONFIG_UTF8 */
			int_lower_bound(&max_width, strlen((const char *)labels[i]));

	for (i = 0; i < max_width; i++)
		put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"_", 1);

	put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"]", 1);
	html_context->special_f(html_context, SP_CONTROL, fc);
예제 #9
파일: forms.c 프로젝트: rkd77/elinks-tv
static void
html_input_format(struct html_context *html_context, unsigned char *a,
	   	  struct form_control *fc)
	put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);
	html_stack_dup(html_context, ELEMENT_KILLABLE);
	html_focusable(html_context, a);
	format.form = fc;
	if (format.title) mem_free(format.title);
	format.title = get_attr_val(a, (unsigned char *)"title", html_context->doc_cp);
	switch (fc->type) {
		case FC_TEXT:
		case FC_FILE:
			int i;

			format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;
			for (i = 0; i < fc->size; i++)
				put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"_", 1);
			format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;
			put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"[&nbsp;]", 8);
		case FC_RADIO:
			format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;
			put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"(&nbsp;)", 8);
		case FC_IMAGE:
			unsigned char *al;

			mem_free_set(&format.image, NULL);
			al = get_url_val(a, (unsigned char *)"src", html_context->doc_cp);
			if (!al)
				al = get_url_val(a, (unsigned char *)"dynsrc",
			if (al) {
				format.image = join_urls(html_context->base_href, al);
			format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;
			put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"[&nbsp;", 7);
			format.style.attr |= AT_NO_ENTITIES;
			if (fc->alt)
				put_chrs(html_context, fc->alt, strlen((const char *)fc->alt));
			else if (fc->name)
				put_chrs(html_context, fc->name, strlen((const char *)fc->name));
				put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"Submit", 6);
			format.style.attr &= ~AT_NO_ENTITIES;

			put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"&nbsp;]", 7);
		case FC_SUBMIT:
		case FC_RESET:
		case FC_BUTTON:
			format.style.attr |= AT_BOLD;
			put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"[&nbsp;", 7);
			if (fc->default_value) {
				format.style.attr |= AT_NO_ENTITIES;
				put_chrs(html_context, fc->default_value, strlen((const char *)fc->default_value));
				format.style.attr &= ~AT_NO_ENTITIES;
			put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)"&nbsp;]", 7);
		case FC_SELECT:
		case FC_HIDDEN:
			INTERNAL("bad control type");
	put_chrs(html_context, (unsigned char *)" ", 1);