예제 #1
int main( int argc, const char * argv[] )
	Boolean initialized = FALSE;
	if (( argc != 4 ) && ( argc != 5 ))  {
		printf ( "usage: Dream Cheeky Notifier R G B [A]\n\tRGB values should be 0-31.  A is an optional parameter on whether to do the LED activation sequence.  Anything larger than 0 is YES, default is 0 (activate).\n\n");
		exit ( -1 );
	char r = (int)strtol ( argv[1], NULL, 10 );
	char g = (int)strtol ( argv[2], NULL, 10 );
	char b = (int)strtol ( argv[3], NULL, 10 );
	if ( argc == 5 ) {
		initialized = TRUE;
	if ((r < 0) || (r > 31) || (g < 0) || (g > 31) || (b < 0) || (b > 31)) {
		printf("RGB values must be within 0-31.");
		exit -1;
	// create a IO HID Manager reference
	IOHIDManagerRef tIOHIDManagerRef = IOHIDManagerCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	// Create a device matching dictionary
	CFDictionaryRef matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( TRUE,
																				  0x10 );
	// set the HID device matching dictionary
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching( tIOHIDManagerRef, matchingCFDictRef );
	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );
	// Now open the IO HID Manager reference
	IOReturn tIOReturn = IOHIDManagerOpen( tIOHIDManagerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	// and copy out its devices
	CFSetRef deviceCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	// how many devices in the set?
	CFIndex deviceIndex, deviceCount = CFSetGetCount( deviceCFSetRef );
	// allocate a block of memory to extact the device ref's from the set into
	IOHIDDeviceRef * tIOHIDDeviceRefs = malloc( sizeof( IOHIDDeviceRef ) * deviceCount );
	// now extract the device ref's from the set
	CFSetGetValues( deviceCFSetRef, (const void **) tIOHIDDeviceRefs );
	// before we get into the device loop we'll setup our element matching dictionary (Note: we don't do element matching anymore)
	matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( FALSE, 0, 0 );
	for ( deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++ ) {
		// if this isn't the notifier device...  TODO: let's detect via vendor/product ids instead
		long vendor_id = 0;
		IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty(tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey), &vendor_id);
		long product_id = 0;
		IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty(tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey), &product_id);
		if ((vendor_id != 0x1D34 ) || (product_id != 0x0004 )) {
			printf("	skipping device %p.\n", tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex] );
			continue;	// ...skip it
		printf( "	 device = %p.\n", tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex] );
		unsigned char report[8];
		if (initialized == FALSE) {
			report[0] = 0x1F; // turn on LEDs
			report[1] = 0x02;
			report[2] = 0x00;
			report[3] = 0x5F;
			report[4] = 0x00;
			report[5] = 0x00;
			report[6] = 0x1A;
			report[7] = 0x03;
            // Note: We don't use the returned value here, so the compiler might throw a warning.
			IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(
													   tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex],          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
													   kIOHIDReportTypeInput,   // IOHIDReportType for the report (input, output, feature)
													   0,           // CFIndex for the report ID
													   report,             // address of report buffer
													   8);      // length of the report
			initialized = TRUE;
		report[0] = r; // set brightness on LEDs to r, g, & b
		report[1] = g;
		report[2] = b;
		report[3] = 0x00;
		report[4] = 0x00;
		report[5] = 0x00;
		report[6] = 0x1A;
		report[7] = 0x05;
		tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(
										 tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex],          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
										 kIOHIDReportTypeInput,   // IOHIDReportType for the report (input, output, feature)
										 0,           // CFIndex for the report ID
										 report,             // address of report buffer
										 8);      // length of the report
	next_device: ;
	if ( tIOHIDManagerRef ) {
		CFRelease( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );
Oops:	;
	return -1;
} /* main */
예제 #2
//int main( int argc, const char * argv[] )
int manipulate_led( int which_led, int led_value )
#pragma unused ( argc, argv )
	IOHIDDeviceRef * tIOHIDDeviceRefs = nil;

	// create a IO HID Manager reference
	IOHIDManagerRef tIOHIDManagerRef = IOHIDManagerCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	require( tIOHIDManagerRef, Oops );

	// Create a device matching dictionary
	CFDictionaryRef matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( TRUE,
																				  kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard );
	require( matchingCFDictRef, Oops );

	// set the HID device matching dictionary
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching( tIOHIDManagerRef, matchingCFDictRef );

	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );

	// Now open the IO HID Manager reference
	IOReturn tIOReturn = IOHIDManagerOpen( tIOHIDManagerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
	require_noerr( tIOReturn, Oops );

	// and copy out its devices
	CFSetRef deviceCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	require( deviceCFSetRef, Oops );

	// how many devices in the set?
	CFIndex deviceIndex, deviceCount = CFSetGetCount( deviceCFSetRef );

	// allocate a block of memory to extact the device ref's from the set into
	tIOHIDDeviceRefs = malloc( sizeof( IOHIDDeviceRef ) * deviceCount );
	if (!tIOHIDDeviceRefs) {
		deviceCFSetRef = NULL;
		goto Oops;

	// now extract the device ref's from the set
	CFSetGetValues( deviceCFSetRef, (const void **) tIOHIDDeviceRefs );
	deviceCFSetRef = NULL;

	// before we get into the device loop we'll setup our element matching dictionary
	matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateMatchingDictionaryUsagePageUsage( FALSE, kHIDPage_LEDs, 0 );
	require( matchingCFDictRef, Oops );

	int pass;	// do 256 passes
	//for ( pass = 0; pass < 256; pass++ ) {
		Boolean delayFlag = FALSE;	// if we find an LED element we'll set this to TRUE

		//printf( "pass = %d.\n", pass );
		for ( deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++ ) {

			// if this isn't a keyboard device...
			if ( !IOHIDDeviceConformsTo( tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard ) ) {
				continue;	// ...skip it

			//printf( "	 device = %p.\n", tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex] );

			// copy all the elements
			CFArrayRef elementCFArrayRef = IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements( tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex],
																		   kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
			require( elementCFArrayRef, next_device );

			// for each device on the system these values are divided by the value ranges of all LED elements found
			// for example, if the first four LED element have a range of 0-1 then the four least significant bits of
			// this value will be sent to these first four LED elements, etc.
			int device_value = pass;

			// iterate over all the elements
			CFIndex elementIndex, elementCount = CFArrayGetCount( elementCFArrayRef );
			for ( elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementCount; elementIndex++ ) {
				IOHIDElementRef tIOHIDElementRef = ( IOHIDElementRef ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( elementCFArrayRef, elementIndex );
				require( tIOHIDElementRef, next_element );

				uint32_t usagePage = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage( tIOHIDElementRef );

				// if this isn't an LED element...
				if ( kHIDPage_LEDs != usagePage ) {
					continue;	// ...skip it

				uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage( tIOHIDElementRef );
				IOHIDElementType tIOHIDElementType = IOHIDElementGetType( tIOHIDElementRef );

				//printf( "		 element = %p (page: %d, usage: %d, type: %d ).\n",
				//	   tIOHIDElementRef, usagePage, usage, tIOHIDElementType );

				// get the logical mix/max for this LED element
				CFIndex minCFIndex = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin( tIOHIDElementRef );
				CFIndex maxCFIndex = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax( tIOHIDElementRef );

				// calculate the range
				CFIndex modCFIndex = maxCFIndex - minCFIndex + 1;

				// compute the value for this LED element
				//CFIndex tCFIndex = minCFIndex + ( device_value % modCFIndex );
				CFIndex tCFIndex = led_value;
				device_value /= modCFIndex;

				//printf( "			 value = 0x%08lX.\n", tCFIndex );

				uint64_t timestamp = 0; // create the IO HID Value to be sent to this LED element
				IOHIDValueRef tIOHIDValueRef = IOHIDValueCreateWithIntegerValue( kCFAllocatorDefault, tIOHIDElementRef, timestamp, tCFIndex );
				if ( tIOHIDValueRef ) {
					// now set it on the device
					tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetValue( tIOHIDDeviceRefs[deviceIndex], tIOHIDElementRef, tIOHIDValueRef );
					CFRelease( tIOHIDValueRef );
					require_noerr( tIOReturn, next_element );
					delayFlag = TRUE;	// set this TRUE so we'll delay before changing our LED values again
			next_element:	;
			CFRelease( elementCFArrayRef );
		next_device: ;

		// if we found an LED we'll delay before continuing
		//if ( delayFlag ) {
		//	usleep( 500000 ); // sleep one half second

		// if the mouse is down…
		//if (GetCurrentButtonState()) {
		//	break;	// abort pass loop
	//}						  // next pass

	if ( matchingCFDictRef ) {
		CFRelease( matchingCFDictRef );
Oops:	;
	if ( tIOHIDDeviceRefs ) {

	if ( tIOHIDManagerRef ) {
		CFRelease( tIOHIDManagerRef );
	return 0;
} /* main */