예제 #1
hypre_ParCSRMatrix * hypre_ParMatmul_FC(
   hypre_ParCSRMatrix * A, hypre_ParCSRMatrix * P, HYPRE_Int * CF_marker,
   HYPRE_Int * dof_func, HYPRE_Int * dof_func_offd )
/* hypre_parMatmul_FC creates and returns the "Fine"-designated rows of the
   matrix product A*P.  A's size is (nC+nF)*(nC+nF), P's size is (nC+nF)*nC
   where nC is the number of coarse rows/columns, nF the number of fine
   rows/columns.  The size of C=A*P is (nC+nF)*nC, even though not all rows
   of C are actually computed.  If we were to construct a matrix consisting
   only of the computed rows of C, its size would be nF*nC.
   "Fine" is defined solely by the marker array, and for example could be
   a proper subset of the fine points of a multigrid hierarchy.
   /* To compute a submatrix of C containing only the computed data, i.e.
      only "Fine" rows, we would have to do a lot of computational work,
      with a lot of communication.  The communication is because such a
      matrix would need global information that depends on which rows are

   MPI_Comm 	   comm = hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A);

   hypre_CSRMatrix *A_diag = hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A);
   double          *A_diag_data = hypre_CSRMatrixData(A_diag);
   HYPRE_Int             *A_diag_i = hypre_CSRMatrixI(A_diag);
   HYPRE_Int             *A_diag_j = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(A_diag);

   hypre_CSRMatrix *A_offd = hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(A);
   double          *A_offd_data = hypre_CSRMatrixData(A_offd);
   HYPRE_Int             *A_offd_i = hypre_CSRMatrixI(A_offd);
   HYPRE_Int             *A_offd_j = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(A_offd);

   HYPRE_Int *row_starts_A = hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A);
   HYPRE_Int	num_rows_diag_A = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(A_diag);
   HYPRE_Int	num_cols_diag_A = hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(A_diag);
   HYPRE_Int	num_cols_offd_A = hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(A_offd);
   hypre_CSRMatrix *P_diag = hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(P);
   double          *P_diag_data = hypre_CSRMatrixData(P_diag);
   HYPRE_Int             *P_diag_i = hypre_CSRMatrixI(P_diag);
   HYPRE_Int             *P_diag_j = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(P_diag);

   hypre_CSRMatrix *P_offd = hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(P);
   HYPRE_Int		   *col_map_offd_P = hypre_ParCSRMatrixColMapOffd(P);
   double          *P_offd_data = hypre_CSRMatrixData(P_offd);
   HYPRE_Int             *P_offd_i = hypre_CSRMatrixI(P_offd);
   HYPRE_Int             *P_offd_j = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(P_offd);

   HYPRE_Int	first_col_diag_P = hypre_ParCSRMatrixFirstColDiag(P);
   HYPRE_Int	last_col_diag_P;
   HYPRE_Int *col_starts_P = hypre_ParCSRMatrixColStarts(P);
   HYPRE_Int	num_rows_diag_P = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(P_diag);
   HYPRE_Int	num_cols_diag_P = hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(P_diag);
   HYPRE_Int	num_cols_offd_P = hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(P_offd);

   hypre_ParCSRMatrix *C;
   HYPRE_Int		      *col_map_offd_C;
   HYPRE_Int		      *map_P_to_C;

   hypre_CSRMatrix *C_diag;

   double          *C_diag_data;
   HYPRE_Int             *C_diag_i;
   HYPRE_Int             *C_diag_j;

   hypre_CSRMatrix *C_offd;

   double          *C_offd_data=NULL;
   HYPRE_Int             *C_offd_i=NULL;
   HYPRE_Int             *C_offd_j=NULL;

   HYPRE_Int              C_diag_size;
   HYPRE_Int              C_offd_size;
   HYPRE_Int		    num_cols_offd_C = 0;
   hypre_CSRMatrix *Ps_ext;
   double          *Ps_ext_data;
   HYPRE_Int             *Ps_ext_i;
   HYPRE_Int             *Ps_ext_j;

   double          *P_ext_diag_data;
   HYPRE_Int             *P_ext_diag_i;
   HYPRE_Int             *P_ext_diag_j;
   HYPRE_Int              P_ext_diag_size;

   double          *P_ext_offd_data;
   HYPRE_Int             *P_ext_offd_i;
   HYPRE_Int             *P_ext_offd_j;
   HYPRE_Int              P_ext_offd_size;

   HYPRE_Int		   *P_marker;
   HYPRE_Int		   *temp;

   HYPRE_Int              i, j;
   HYPRE_Int              i1, i2, i3;
   HYPRE_Int              jj2, jj3;
   HYPRE_Int              jj_count_diag, jj_count_offd;
   HYPRE_Int              jj_row_begin_diag, jj_row_begin_offd;
   HYPRE_Int              start_indexing = 0; /* start indexing for C_data at 0 */
   HYPRE_Int		    n_rows_A_global, n_cols_A_global;
   HYPRE_Int		    n_rows_P_global, n_cols_P_global;
   HYPRE_Int              allsquare = 0;
   HYPRE_Int              cnt, cnt_offd, cnt_diag;
   HYPRE_Int 		    num_procs;
   HYPRE_Int 		    value;

   double           a_entry;
   double           a_b_product;
   n_rows_A_global = hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A);
   n_cols_A_global = hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumCols(A);
   n_rows_P_global = hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(P);
   n_cols_P_global = hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumCols(P);

   if (n_cols_A_global != n_rows_P_global || num_cols_diag_A != num_rows_diag_P)
	hypre_printf(" Error! Incompatible matrix dimensions!\n");
	return NULL;
   /* if (num_rows_A==num_cols_P) allsquare = 1; */

    *  Extract P_ext, i.e. portion of P that is stored on neighbor procs
    *  and needed locally for matrix matrix product 

   hypre_MPI_Comm_size(comm, &num_procs);

   if (num_procs > 1)
    	* If there exists no CommPkg for A, a CommPkg is generated using
    	* equally load balanced partitionings within 
	* hypre_ParCSRMatrixExtractBExt
   	Ps_ext = hypre_ParCSRMatrixExtractBExt(P,A,1);
   	Ps_ext_data = hypre_CSRMatrixData(Ps_ext);
   	Ps_ext_i    = hypre_CSRMatrixI(Ps_ext);
   	Ps_ext_j    = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(Ps_ext);
   P_ext_diag_i = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_cols_offd_A+1);
   P_ext_offd_i = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_cols_offd_A+1);
   P_ext_diag_size = 0;
   P_ext_offd_size = 0;
   last_col_diag_P = first_col_diag_P + num_cols_diag_P -1;

   for (i=0; i < num_cols_offd_A; i++)
      for (j=Ps_ext_i[i]; j < Ps_ext_i[i+1]; j++)
         if (Ps_ext_j[j] < first_col_diag_P || Ps_ext_j[j] > last_col_diag_P)
      P_ext_diag_i[i+1] = P_ext_diag_size;
      P_ext_offd_i[i+1] = P_ext_offd_size;

   if (P_ext_diag_size)
      P_ext_diag_j = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, P_ext_diag_size);
      P_ext_diag_data = hypre_CTAlloc(double, P_ext_diag_size);
   if (P_ext_offd_size)
      P_ext_offd_j = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, P_ext_offd_size);
      P_ext_offd_data = hypre_CTAlloc(double, P_ext_offd_size);

   cnt_offd = 0;
   cnt_diag = 0;
   for (i=0; i < num_cols_offd_A; i++)
      for (j=Ps_ext_i[i]; j < Ps_ext_i[i+1]; j++)
         if (Ps_ext_j[j] < first_col_diag_P || Ps_ext_j[j] > last_col_diag_P)
            P_ext_offd_j[cnt_offd] = Ps_ext_j[j];
            P_ext_offd_data[cnt_offd++] = Ps_ext_data[j];
            P_ext_diag_j[cnt_diag] = Ps_ext_j[j] - first_col_diag_P;
            P_ext_diag_data[cnt_diag++] = Ps_ext_data[j];

   if (num_procs > 1)
      Ps_ext = NULL;

   cnt = 0;
   if (P_ext_offd_size || num_cols_offd_P)
      temp = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, P_ext_offd_size+num_cols_offd_P);
      for (i=0; i < P_ext_offd_size; i++)
         temp[i] = P_ext_offd_j[i];
      cnt = P_ext_offd_size;
      for (i=0; i < num_cols_offd_P; i++)
         temp[cnt++] = col_map_offd_P[i];
   if (cnt)
      qsort0(temp, 0, cnt-1);

      num_cols_offd_C = 1;
      value = temp[0];
      for (i=1; i < cnt; i++)
         if (temp[i] > value)
            value = temp[i];
            temp[num_cols_offd_C++] = value;

   if (num_cols_offd_C)
        col_map_offd_C = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int,num_cols_offd_C);

   for (i=0; i < num_cols_offd_C; i++)
      col_map_offd_C[i] = temp[i];

   if (P_ext_offd_size || num_cols_offd_P)

   for (i=0 ; i < P_ext_offd_size; i++)
      P_ext_offd_j[i] = hypre_BinarySearch(col_map_offd_C,
   if (num_cols_offd_P)
      map_P_to_C = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int,num_cols_offd_P);

      cnt = 0;
      for (i=0; i < num_cols_offd_C; i++)
         if (col_map_offd_C[i] == col_map_offd_P[cnt])
            map_P_to_C[cnt++] = i;
            if (cnt == num_cols_offd_P) break;

   *  Allocate marker array.

   P_marker = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_cols_diag_P+num_cols_offd_C);

    *  Initialize some stuff.

   for (i1 = 0; i1 < num_cols_diag_P+num_cols_offd_C; i1++)
      P_marker[i1] = -1;

/* no changes for the marked version above this point */
   /* This function call is the first pass: */
      &C_diag_i, &C_offd_i, &P_marker,
      A_diag_i, A_diag_j, A_offd_i, A_offd_j,
      P_diag_i, P_diag_j, P_offd_i, P_offd_j,
      P_ext_diag_i, P_ext_diag_j, P_ext_offd_i, P_ext_offd_j,
      &C_diag_size, &C_offd_size,
      num_rows_diag_A, num_cols_offd_A, allsquare,
      num_cols_diag_P, num_cols_offd_P,
      num_cols_offd_C, CF_marker, dof_func, dof_func_offd

   /* The above call of hypre_ParMatmul_RowSizes_Marked computed
      two scalars: C_diag_size, C_offd_size,
      and two arrays: C_diag_i, C_offd_i
      ( P_marker is also computed, but only used internally )

    *  Allocate C_diag_data and C_diag_j arrays.
    *  Allocate C_offd_data and C_offd_j arrays.
   last_col_diag_P = first_col_diag_P + num_cols_diag_P - 1;
   C_diag_data = hypre_CTAlloc(double, C_diag_size);
   C_diag_j    = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, C_diag_size);
   if (C_offd_size)
   	C_offd_data = hypre_CTAlloc(double, C_offd_size);
   	C_offd_j    = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, C_offd_size);

    *  Second Pass: Fill in C_diag_data and C_diag_j.
    *  Second Pass: Fill in C_offd_data and C_offd_j.

    *  Initialize some stuff.

   jj_count_diag = start_indexing;
   jj_count_offd = start_indexing;
   for (i1 = 0; i1 < num_cols_diag_P+num_cols_offd_C; i1++)
      P_marker[i1] = -1;
    *  Loop over interior c-points.
   for (i1 = 0; i1 < num_rows_diag_A; i1++)

      if ( CF_marker[i1] < 0 )  /* i1 is a fine row */
         /* ... This and the coarse row code are the only parts between first pass
            and near the end where
            hypre_ParMatmul_FC is different from the regular hypre_ParMatmul */

          *  Create diagonal entry, C_{i1,i1} 

         jj_row_begin_diag = jj_count_diag;
         jj_row_begin_offd = jj_count_offd;

          *  Loop over entries in row i1 of A_offd.
	 if (num_cols_offd_A)
            for (jj2 = A_offd_i[i1]; jj2 < A_offd_i[i1+1]; jj2++)
               i2 = A_offd_j[jj2];
               if( dof_func==NULL || dof_func[i1] == dof_func_offd[i2] )
               {  /* interpolate only like "functions" */
                  a_entry = A_offd_data[jj2];
                   *  Loop over entries in row i2 of P_ext.

                  for (jj3 = P_ext_offd_i[i2]; jj3 < P_ext_offd_i[i2+1]; jj3++)
                     i3 = num_cols_diag_P+P_ext_offd_j[jj3];
                     a_b_product = a_entry * P_ext_offd_data[jj3];
                      *  Check P_marker to see that C_{i1,i3} has not already
                      *  been accounted for. If it has not, create a new entry.
                      *  If it has, add new contribution.
                     if (P_marker[i3] < jj_row_begin_offd)
                        P_marker[i3] = jj_count_offd;
                        C_offd_data[jj_count_offd] = a_b_product;
                        C_offd_j[jj_count_offd] = i3-num_cols_diag_P;
                        C_offd_data[P_marker[i3]] += a_b_product;
                  for (jj3 = P_ext_diag_i[i2]; jj3 < P_ext_diag_i[i2+1]; jj3++)
                     i3 = P_ext_diag_j[jj3];
                     a_b_product = a_entry * P_ext_diag_data[jj3];

                     if (P_marker[i3] < jj_row_begin_diag)
                        P_marker[i3] = jj_count_diag;
                        C_diag_data[jj_count_diag] = a_b_product;
                        C_diag_j[jj_count_diag] = i3;
                        C_diag_data[P_marker[i3]] += a_b_product;
               {  /* Interpolation mat should be 0 where i1 and i2 correspond to
                     different "functions".  As we haven't created an entry for
                     C(i1,i2), nothing needs to be done. */


          *  Loop over entries in row i1 of A_diag.

         for (jj2 = A_diag_i[i1]; jj2 < A_diag_i[i1+1]; jj2++)
            i2 = A_diag_j[jj2];
            if( dof_func==NULL || dof_func[i1] == dof_func[i2] )
            {  /* interpolate only like "functions" */
               a_entry = A_diag_data[jj2];
                *  Loop over entries in row i2 of P_diag.

               for (jj3 = P_diag_i[i2]; jj3 < P_diag_i[i2+1]; jj3++)
                  i3 = P_diag_j[jj3];
                  a_b_product = a_entry * P_diag_data[jj3];
                   *  Check P_marker to see that C_{i1,i3} has not already
                   *  been accounted for. If it has not, create a new entry.
                   *  If it has, add new contribution.

                  if (P_marker[i3] < jj_row_begin_diag)
                     P_marker[i3] = jj_count_diag;
                     C_diag_data[jj_count_diag] = a_b_product;
                     C_diag_j[jj_count_diag] = i3;
                     C_diag_data[P_marker[i3]] += a_b_product;
               if (num_cols_offd_P)
                  for (jj3 = P_offd_i[i2]; jj3 < P_offd_i[i2+1]; jj3++)
                     i3 = num_cols_diag_P+map_P_to_C[P_offd_j[jj3]];
                     a_b_product = a_entry * P_offd_data[jj3];
                      *  Check P_marker to see that C_{i1,i3} has not already
                      *  been accounted for. If it has not, create a new entry.
                      *  If it has, add new contribution.

                     if (P_marker[i3] < jj_row_begin_offd)
                        P_marker[i3] = jj_count_offd;
                        C_offd_data[jj_count_offd] = a_b_product;
                        C_offd_j[jj_count_offd] = i3-num_cols_diag_P;
                        C_offd_data[P_marker[i3]] += a_b_product;
            {  /* Interpolation mat should be 0 where i1 and i2 correspond to
                  different "functions".  As we haven't created an entry for
                  C(i1,i2), nothing needs to be done. */
      else  /* i1 is a coarse row.*/
         /* Copy P coarse-row values to C.  This is useful if C is meant to
            become a replacement for P */
	 if (num_cols_offd_P)
            for (jj2 = P_offd_i[i1]; jj2 < P_offd_i[i1+1]; jj2++)
               C_offd_j[jj_count_offd] = P_offd_j[jj_count_offd];
               C_offd_data[jj_count_offd] = P_offd_data[jj_count_offd];
         for (jj2 = P_diag_i[i1]; jj2 < P_diag_i[i1+1]; jj2++)
            C_diag_j[jj_count_diag] = P_diag_j[jj2];
            C_diag_data[jj_count_diag] = P_diag_data[jj2];

   C = hypre_ParCSRMatrixCreate(
      comm, n_rows_A_global, n_cols_P_global,
      row_starts_A, col_starts_P, num_cols_offd_C, C_diag_size, C_offd_size );

   /* Note that C does not own the partitionings */

   C_diag = hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(C);
   hypre_CSRMatrixData(C_diag) = C_diag_data; 
   hypre_CSRMatrixI(C_diag) = C_diag_i; 
   hypre_CSRMatrixJ(C_diag) = C_diag_j; 

   C_offd = hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(C);
   hypre_CSRMatrixI(C_offd) = C_offd_i; 
   hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(C) = C_offd;

   if (num_cols_offd_C)
      hypre_CSRMatrixData(C_offd) = C_offd_data; 
      hypre_CSRMatrixJ(C_offd) = C_offd_j; 
      hypre_ParCSRMatrixColMapOffd(C) = col_map_offd_C;


    *  Free various arrays

   if (P_ext_diag_size)
   if (P_ext_offd_size)
   if (num_cols_offd_P) hypre_TFree(map_P_to_C);

   return C;
예제 #2
 *      CGC Coarsening routine
hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCGCb( hypre_ParCSRMatrix    *S,
                            hypre_ParCSRMatrix    *A,
                            HYPRE_Int                    measure_type,
                            HYPRE_Int                    coarsen_type,
			    HYPRE_Int                    cgc_its,
                            HYPRE_Int                    debug_flag,
                            HYPRE_Int                  **CF_marker_ptr)
   MPI_Comm         comm          = hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(S);
   hypre_ParCSRCommPkg   *comm_pkg      = hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(S);
   hypre_ParCSRCommHandle *comm_handle;
   hypre_CSRMatrix *S_diag        = hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(S);
   hypre_CSRMatrix *S_offd        = hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(S);
   HYPRE_Int             *S_i           = hypre_CSRMatrixI(S_diag);
   HYPRE_Int             *S_j           = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(S_diag);
   HYPRE_Int             *S_offd_i      = hypre_CSRMatrixI(S_offd);
   HYPRE_Int             *S_offd_j;
   HYPRE_Int              num_variables = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(S_diag);
   HYPRE_Int              num_cols_offd = hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(S_offd);
   hypre_CSRMatrix *S_ext;
   HYPRE_Int             *S_ext_i;
   HYPRE_Int             *S_ext_j;
   hypre_CSRMatrix *ST;
   HYPRE_Int             *ST_i;
   HYPRE_Int             *ST_j;
   HYPRE_Int             *CF_marker;
   HYPRE_Int             *CF_marker_offd=NULL;
   HYPRE_Int              ci_tilde = -1;
   HYPRE_Int              ci_tilde_mark = -1;

   HYPRE_Int             *measure_array;
   HYPRE_Int             *measure_array_master;
   HYPRE_Int             *graph_array;
   HYPRE_Int 	           *int_buf_data=NULL;
   /*HYPRE_Int 	           *ci_array=NULL;*/

   HYPRE_Int              i, j, k, l, jS;
   HYPRE_Int		    ji, jj, index;
   HYPRE_Int		    set_empty = 1;
   HYPRE_Int		    C_i_nonempty = 0;
   HYPRE_Int		    num_nonzeros;
   HYPRE_Int		    num_procs, my_id;
   HYPRE_Int		    num_sends = 0;
   HYPRE_Int		    first_col, start;
   HYPRE_Int		    col_0, col_n;

   hypre_LinkList   LoL_head;
   hypre_LinkList   LoL_tail;

   HYPRE_Int             *lists, *where;
   HYPRE_Int              measure, new_meas;
   HYPRE_Int              num_left;
   HYPRE_Int              nabor, nabor_two;

   HYPRE_Int              ierr = 0;
   HYPRE_Int              use_commpkg_A = 0;
   HYPRE_Real	    wall_time;

   HYPRE_Int              measure_max; /* BM Aug 30, 2006: maximal measure, needed for CGC */

   if (coarsen_type < 0) coarsen_type = -coarsen_type;

    * Initialize the C/F marker, LoL_head, LoL_tail  arrays

   LoL_head = NULL;
   LoL_tail = NULL;
   lists = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_variables);
   where = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_variables);

#if 0 /* debugging */
   char  filename[256];
   FILE *fp;
   HYPRE_Int   iter = 0;

    * Compute a CSR strength matrix, S.
    * For now, the "strength" of dependence/influence is defined in
    * the following way: i depends on j if
    *     aij > hypre_max (k != i) aik,    aii < 0
    * or
    *     aij < hypre_min (k != i) aik,    aii >= 0
    * Then S_ij = 1, else S_ij = 0.
    * NOTE: the entries are negative initially, corresponding
    * to "unaccounted-for" dependence.

   if (debug_flag == 3) wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();


   if (!comm_pkg)
        use_commpkg_A = 1;
        comm_pkg = hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A); 

   if (!comm_pkg)
        comm_pkg = hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A); 

   num_sends = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg);

   if (num_cols_offd) S_offd_j = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(S_offd);

   jS = S_i[num_variables];

   ST = hypre_CSRMatrixCreate(num_variables, num_variables, jS);
   ST_i = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int,num_variables+1);
   ST_j = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int,jS);
   hypre_CSRMatrixI(ST) = ST_i;
   hypre_CSRMatrixJ(ST) = ST_j;

    * generate transpose of S, ST

   for (i=0; i <= num_variables; i++)
      ST_i[i] = 0;
   for (i=0; i < jS; i++)
   for (i=0; i < num_variables; i++)
      ST_i[i+1] += ST_i[i];
   for (i=0; i < num_variables; i++)
      for (j=S_i[i]; j < S_i[i+1]; j++)
	 index = S_j[j];
       	 ST_j[ST_i[index]] = i;
   for (i = num_variables; i > 0; i--)
      ST_i[i] = ST_i[i-1];
   ST_i[0] = 0;

    * Compute the measures
    * The measures are given by the row sums of ST.
    * Hence, measure_array[i] is the number of influences
    * of variable i.
    * correct actual measures through adding influences from
    * neighbor processors

   measure_array_master = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_variables);
   measure_array = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_variables);

   for (i = 0; i < num_variables; i++)
      measure_array_master[i] = ST_i[i+1]-ST_i[i];

   if ((measure_type || (coarsen_type != 1 && coarsen_type != 11)) 
		&& num_procs > 1)
      if (use_commpkg_A)
         S_ext      = hypre_ParCSRMatrixExtractBExt(S,A,0);
         S_ext      = hypre_ParCSRMatrixExtractBExt(S,S,0);
      S_ext_i    = hypre_CSRMatrixI(S_ext);
      S_ext_j    = hypre_CSRMatrixJ(S_ext);
      num_nonzeros = S_ext_i[num_cols_offd];
      first_col = hypre_ParCSRMatrixFirstColDiag(S);
      col_0 = first_col-1;
      col_n = col_0+num_variables;
      if (measure_type)
	 for (i=0; i < num_nonzeros; i++)
	    index = S_ext_j[i] - first_col;
	    if (index > -1 && index < num_variables)

    * Loop until all points are either fine or coarse.

   if (debug_flag == 3) wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();

   /* first coarsening phase */

   *   Initialize the lists

   CF_marker = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_variables);
   num_left = 0;
   for (j = 0; j < num_variables; j++)
     if ((S_i[j+1]-S_i[j])== 0 &&
	 (S_offd_i[j+1]-S_offd_i[j]) == 0)
       CF_marker[j] = SF_PT;
       measure_array_master[j] = 0;
       CF_marker[j] = UNDECIDED; 
       /*        num_left++; */ /* BM May 19, 2006: see below*/

   if (coarsen_type==22) {
     /* BM Sep 8, 2006: allow_emptygrids only if the following holds for all points j: 
        (a) the point has no strong connections at all, OR
        (b) the point has a strong connection across a boundary */
     for (j=0;j<num_variables;j++)
       if (S_i[j+1]>S_i[j] && S_offd_i[j+1] == S_offd_i[j]) {coarsen_type=21;break;}

   for (l = 1; l <= cgc_its; l++)
     LoL_head = NULL;
     LoL_tail = NULL;
     num_left = 0;  /* compute num_left before each RS coarsening loop */
     memcpy (measure_array,measure_array_master,num_variables*sizeof(HYPRE_Int));
     memset (lists,0,sizeof(HYPRE_Int)*num_variables);
     memset (where,0,sizeof(HYPRE_Int)*num_variables);

     for (j = 0; j < num_variables; j++) 
       measure = measure_array[j];
       if (CF_marker[j] != SF_PT)  
	 if (measure > 0)
	   enter_on_lists(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, measure, j, lists, where);
	   num_left++; /* compute num_left before each RS coarsening loop */
	 else if (CF_marker[j] == 0) /* increase weight of strongly coupled neighbors only 
					if j is not conained in a previously constructed coarse grid.
					Reason: these neighbors should start with the same initial weight
					in each CGC iteration.                    BM Aug 30, 2006 */
	   if (measure < 0) hypre_printf("negative measure!\n");
/* 	   CF_marker[j] = f_pnt; */
	   for (k = S_i[j]; k < S_i[j+1]; k++)
	     nabor = S_j[k];
/*  	     if (CF_marker[nabor] != SF_PT)  */
 	     if (CF_marker[nabor] == 0)  /* BM Aug 30, 2006: don't alter weights of points 
 					    contained in other candidate coarse grids */ 
	       if (nabor < j)
		 new_meas = measure_array[nabor];
		 if (new_meas > 0)
		   remove_point(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, new_meas, 
				nabor, lists, where);
		 else num_left++; /* BM Aug 29, 2006 */
		 new_meas = ++(measure_array[nabor]);
		 enter_on_lists(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, new_meas,
				nabor, lists, where);
		 new_meas = ++(measure_array[nabor]);
	   /* 	   --num_left; */ /* BM May 19, 2006 */

     /* BM Aug 30, 2006: first iteration: determine maximal weight */
     if (num_left && l==1) measure_max = measure_array[LoL_head->head]; 
     /* BM Aug 30, 2006: break CGC iteration if no suitable 
	starting point is available any more */
     if (!num_left || measure_array[LoL_head->head]<measure_max) {
       while (LoL_head) {
	 hypre_LinkList list_ptr = LoL_head;
	 LoL_head = LoL_head->next_elt;
	 dispose_elt (list_ptr);

    *  Main loop of Ruge-Stueben first coloring pass.
    *  WHILE there are still points to classify DO:
    *        1) find first point, i,  on list with max_measure
    *           make i a C-point, remove it from the lists
    *        2) For each point, j,  in S_i^T,
    *           a) Set j to be an F-point
    *           b) For each point, k, in S_j
    *                  move k to the list in LoL with measure one
    *                  greater than it occupies (creating new LoL
    *                  entry if necessary)
    *        3) For each point, j,  in S_i,
    *                  move j to the list in LoL with measure one
    *                  smaller than it occupies (creating new LoL
    *                  entry if necessary)

     while (num_left > 0)
       index = LoL_head -> head;
/*         index = LoL_head -> tail;  */

/*        CF_marker[index] = C_PT; */
       CF_marker[index] = l;  /* BM Aug 18, 2006 */
       measure = measure_array[index];
       measure_array[index] = 0;
       measure_array_master[index] = 0; /* BM May 19: for CGC */
       remove_point(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, measure, index, lists, where);
       for (j = ST_i[index]; j < ST_i[index+1]; j++)
         nabor = ST_j[j];
/*          if (CF_marker[nabor] == UNDECIDED) */
	 if (measure_array[nabor]>0) /* undecided point */
	   /* 	   CF_marker[nabor] = F_PT; */ /* BM Aug 18, 2006 */
	   measure = measure_array[nabor];

	   remove_point(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, measure, nabor, lists, where);
	   for (k = S_i[nabor]; k < S_i[nabor+1]; k++)
	     nabor_two = S_j[k];
/* 	     if (CF_marker[nabor_two] == UNDECIDED) */
	     if (measure_array[nabor_two]>0) /* undecided point */
	       measure = measure_array[nabor_two];
	       remove_point(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, measure, 
			    nabor_two, lists, where);
	       new_meas = ++(measure_array[nabor_two]);
	       enter_on_lists(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, new_meas,
			      nabor_two, lists, where);
       for (j = S_i[index]; j < S_i[index+1]; j++)
         nabor = S_j[j];
/*          if (CF_marker[nabor] == UNDECIDED) */
	 if (measure_array[nabor]>0) /* undecided point */
	   measure = measure_array[nabor];
	   remove_point(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, measure, nabor, lists, where);
	   measure_array[nabor] = --measure;
	   if (measure > 0)
	     enter_on_lists(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, measure, nabor, 
			    lists, where);
/* 	     CF_marker[nabor] = F_PT; */ /* BM Aug 18, 2006 */

	     for (k = S_i[nabor]; k < S_i[nabor+1]; k++)
	       nabor_two = S_j[k];
/* 	       if (CF_marker[nabor_two] == UNDECIDED) */
	       if (measure_array[nabor_two]>0)
		 new_meas = measure_array[nabor_two];
		 remove_point(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, new_meas, 
			      nabor_two, lists, where);
		 new_meas = ++(measure_array[nabor_two]);
		 enter_on_lists(&LoL_head, &LoL_tail, new_meas,
				nabor_two, lists, where);
     if (LoL_head) hypre_printf ("Linked list not empty! head: %d\n",LoL_head->head);
   l--; /* BM Aug 15, 2006 */


   if (debug_flag == 3)
      wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds() - wall_time;
      hypre_printf("Proc = %d    Coarsen 1st pass = %f\n",
                     my_id, wall_time); 

     if (num_procs>1) {
       if (debug_flag == 3)  wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();
       hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCGC (S,l,coarsen_type,CF_marker);
       if (debug_flag == 3)  { 
	 wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds() - wall_time; 
	 hypre_printf("Proc = %d    Coarsen CGC = %f\n", 
		my_id, wall_time);  
     else {
       /* the first candiate coarse grid is the coarse grid */ 
       for (j=0;j<num_variables;j++) {
	 if (CF_marker[j]==1) CF_marker[j]=C_PT;
	 else CF_marker[j]=F_PT;

   /* BM May 19, 2006:
      Set all undecided points to be fine grid points. */
   for (j=0;j<num_variables;j++)
     if (!CF_marker[j]) CF_marker[j]=F_PT;

    * Initialize the graph array

   graph_array = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_variables);

   for (i = 0; i < num_variables; i++)
      graph_array[i] = -1;

   if (debug_flag == 3) wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();

      for (i=0; i < num_variables; i++)
	 if (ci_tilde_mark != i) ci_tilde = -1;
         if (CF_marker[i] == -1)
   	    for (ji = S_i[i]; ji < S_i[i+1]; ji++)
   	       j = S_j[ji];
   	       if (CF_marker[j] > 0)
   	          graph_array[j] = i;
   	    for (ji = S_i[i]; ji < S_i[i+1]; ji++)
   	       j = S_j[ji];
   	       if (CF_marker[j] == -1)
   	          set_empty = 1;
   	          for (jj = S_i[j]; jj < S_i[j+1]; jj++)
   		     index = S_j[jj];
   		     if (graph_array[index] == i)
   		        set_empty = 0;
   	          if (set_empty)
   		     if (C_i_nonempty)
   		        CF_marker[i] = 1;
   		        if (ci_tilde > -1)
   			   CF_marker[ci_tilde] = -1;
   		           ci_tilde = -1;
   	    		C_i_nonempty = 0;
   		        ci_tilde = j;
   		        ci_tilde_mark = i;
   		        CF_marker[j] = 1;
   		        C_i_nonempty = 1;

   if (debug_flag == 3 && coarsen_type != 2)
      wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds() - wall_time;
      hypre_printf("Proc = %d    Coarsen 2nd pass = %f\n",
                       my_id, wall_time); 

   /* third pass, check boundary fine points for coarse neighbors */

       * Exchange boundary data for CF_marker

      if (debug_flag == 3) wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();
      CF_marker_offd = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_cols_offd);
      int_buf_data = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart(comm_pkg,
      index = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < num_sends; i++)
        start = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart(comm_pkg, i);
        for (j = start; j < hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStart(comm_pkg, i+1); j++)
                 = CF_marker[hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapElmt(comm_pkg,j)];
      if (num_procs > 1)
      comm_handle = hypre_ParCSRCommHandleCreate(11, comm_pkg, int_buf_data,
      AmgCGCBoundaryFix (S,CF_marker,CF_marker_offd);
      if (debug_flag == 3)
         wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds() - wall_time;
         hypre_printf("Proc = %d    CGC boundary fix = %f\n",
                       my_id, wall_time); 

    * Clean up and return

   /*if (coarsen_type != 1)
   { */  
     if (CF_marker_offd) hypre_TFree(CF_marker_offd);  /* BM Aug 21, 2006 */
     if (int_buf_data) hypre_TFree(int_buf_data); /* BM Aug 21, 2006 */
     /*if (ci_array) hypre_TFree(ci_array);*/ /* BM Aug 21, 2006 */
   /*} */   
   if ((measure_type || (coarsen_type != 1 && coarsen_type != 11)) 
		&& num_procs > 1)
   *CF_marker_ptr   = CF_marker;
   return (ierr);