예제 #1
파일: i2c.c 프로젝트: Jlassi/coldfire
 * Transmit byte array to slave (addr)
 * @param addr Address of the slave
 * @param size Number of bytes in data to transmit
 * @param data Array of bytes
 * @param delay_us Microseconds to delay between each send
void i2c_tx(uint8_t addr, int size, uint8_t *data, int delay_us) {
	i2c_acquire_bus(); // Waits for bus to become idle
	i2c_tx_addr(addr, I2C_WRITE, delay_us); // Transmit start bit, slave address, and write bit
	// Send each byte in data
	for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		i2c_tx_byte(data[i], delay_us);
	// Terminate communication with slave
예제 #2
int hashlet_setup(const char *bus, unsigned int addr)
    int fd = i2c_setup(bus);

    i2c_acquire_bus(fd, addr);


    return fd;

예제 #3
파일: i2c.c 프로젝트: Jlassi/coldfire
 * Reads count bytes of data from the slave (addr)
 * @param addr Address of the slave to read from
 * @param size Number of bytes to read from the slave
 * @param data Array of bytes to transmit
 * @param delay_us Busy waits for delay_us microseconds following each transferred byte
void i2c_rx(uint8_t addr, int size, uint8_t *data, int delay_us) {
	i2c_acquire_bus(); // Wait for bus to become idle
	i2c_tx_addr(addr, I2C_READ, delay_us); // Send start bit, slave address, and read bit

	MCF_I2C0_I2CR &= ~(MCF_I2C_I2CR_MTX); // Become a receiver
	MCF_I2C0_I2CR &= ~(MCF_I2C_I2CR_TXAK); // Configure to ACK each recv'd data byte
	// Read a dummy byte in order to complete the mode switch
	uint8_t dummy = i2c_rx_byte(delay_us);
	// Master-receivers must generate clock pulses on SCL to recv 8 data bytes from slave
	// Read and ACK up until the last byte (size-2)
	for(int i = 0; i <= (size-2); i++)
		data[i] = i2c_rx_byte(delay_us);
	// NACK to stop transmission and read the last byte
	data[size-1] = i2c_rx_byte(delay_us);
	// Terminate communication