예제 #1
ATF_TC_BODY(iaaddr_basic, tc)
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr;
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr_copy;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* and other common arguments */
    iaaddr = NULL;
    iaaddr_copy = NULL;

    /* tests */
    if (iasubopt_allocate(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iaaddr->state != FTS_FREE) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad state %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iaaddr->heap_index != -1) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad heap_index %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_reference(&iaaddr_copy, iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr_copy, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
예제 #2
ATF_TC_BODY(iaaddr_negative, tc)
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr;
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr_copy;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* tests */
    /* bogus allocate arguments */
    if (iasubopt_allocate(NULL, MDL) != DHCP_R_INVALIDARG) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    iaaddr = (struct iasubopt *)1;
    if (iasubopt_allocate(&iaaddr, MDL) != DHCP_R_INVALIDARG) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* bogus reference arguments */
    iaaddr = NULL;
    if (iasubopt_allocate(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_reference(NULL, iaaddr, MDL) != DHCP_R_INVALIDARG) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    iaaddr_copy = (struct iasubopt *)1;
    if (iasubopt_reference(&iaaddr_copy, iaaddr,
                           MDL) != DHCP_R_INVALIDARG) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    iaaddr_copy = NULL;
    if (iasubopt_reference(&iaaddr_copy, NULL, MDL) != DHCP_R_INVALIDARG) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* bogus dereference arguments */
    if (iasubopt_dereference(NULL, MDL) != DHCP_R_INVALIDARG) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    iaaddr = NULL;
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != DHCP_R_INVALIDARG) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
예제 #3
ATF_TC_BODY(ia_na_basic, tc)
    uint32_t iaid;
    struct ia_xx *ia_na;
    struct ia_xx *ia_na_copy;
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* and other common arguments */
    iaid = 666;
    ia_na = NULL;
    ia_na_copy = NULL;
    iaaddr = NULL;

    /* tests */
    if (ia_allocate(&ia_na, iaid, "TestDUID", 8, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (memcmp(ia_na->iaid_duid.data, &iaid, sizeof(iaid)) != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad IAID_DUID %s:%d", MDL);
    if (memcmp(ia_na->iaid_duid.data+sizeof(iaid), "TestDUID", 8) != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad IAID_DUID %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ia_na->num_iasubopt != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_iasubopt %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ia_reference(&ia_na_copy, ia_na, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_allocate(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ia_add_iasubopt(ia_na, iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_add_iasubopt() %s:%d", MDL);
    ia_remove_iasubopt(ia_na, iaaddr, MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ia_dereference(&ia_na, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ia_dereference(&ia_na_copy, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
예제 #4
 * Process a by-address lease query.
static int
process_lq_by_address(struct lq6_state *lq) {
	struct packet *packet = lq->packet;
	struct option_cache *oc;
	struct ipv6_pool *pool = NULL;
	struct data_string data;
	struct in6_addr addr;
	struct iasubopt *iaaddr = NULL;
	struct option_state *opt_state = NULL;
	u_int32_t lifetime;
	unsigned opt_cursor;
	int ret_val = 0;

	 * Get the IAADDR.
	oc = lookup_option(&dhcpv6_universe, lq->query_opts, D6O_IAADDR);
	if (oc == NULL) {
		if (!set_error(lq, STATUS_MalformedQuery,
			       "No OPTION_IAADDR.")) {
			log_error("process_lq_by_address: unable "
				  "to set MalformedQuery status code.");
			return 0;
		return 1;
	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
	if (!evaluate_option_cache(&data, packet,
				   NULL, NULL,
				   lq->query_opts, NULL,
				   &global_scope, oc, MDL) ||
	    (data.len < IAADDR_OFFSET)) {
		log_error("process_lq_by_address: error evaluating IAADDR.");
		goto exit;
	memcpy(&addr, data.data, sizeof(addr));
	data_string_forget(&data, MDL);

	 * Find the lease.
	 * Note the RFC 5007 says to use the link-address to find the link
	 * or the ia-aadr when it is :: but in any case the ia-addr has
	 * to be on the link, so we ignore the link-address here.
	if (find_ipv6_pool(&pool, D6O_IA_NA, &addr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
		if (!set_error(lq, STATUS_NotConfigured,
			       "Address not in a pool.")) {
			log_error("process_lq_by_address: unable "
				  "to set NotConfigured status code.");
			goto exit;
		ret_val = 1;
		goto exit;
	if (iasubopt_hash_lookup(&iaaddr, pool->leases, &addr,
				 sizeof(addr), MDL) == 0) {
		ret_val = 1;
		goto exit;
	if ((iaaddr == NULL) || (iaaddr->state != FTS_ACTIVE) ||
	    (iaaddr->ia == NULL) || (iaaddr->ia->iaid_duid.len <= 4)) {
		ret_val = 1;
		goto exit;

	 * Build the client-data option (with client-id, ia-addr and clt-time).
	if (!option_state_allocate(&opt_state, MDL)) {
		log_error("process_lq_by_address: "
			  "no memory for option state.");
		goto exit;

	data_string_copy(&data, &iaaddr->ia->iaid_duid, MDL);
	data.data += 4;
	data.len -= 4;
	if (!save_option_buffer(&dhcpv6_universe, opt_state,
				NULL, (unsigned char *)data.data, data.len,
				D6O_CLIENTID, 0)) {
		log_error("process_lq_by_address: error saving client ID.");
		goto exit;
	data_string_forget(&data, MDL);

	data.len = IAADDR_OFFSET;
	if (!buffer_allocate(&data.buffer, data.len, MDL)) {
		log_error("process_lq_by_address: no memory for ia-addr.");
		goto exit;
	data.data = data.buffer->data;
	memcpy(data.buffer->data, &iaaddr->addr, 16);
	lifetime = iaaddr->prefer;
	putULong(data.buffer->data + 16, lifetime);
	lifetime = iaaddr->valid;
	putULong(data.buffer->data + 20, lifetime);
	if (!save_option_buffer(&dhcpv6_universe, opt_state,
				NULL, (unsigned char *)data.data, data.len,
				D6O_IAADDR, 0)) {
		log_error("process_lq_by_address: error saving ia-addr.");
		goto exit;
	data_string_forget(&data, MDL);

	lifetime = htonl(iaaddr->ia->cltt);
	if (!save_option_buffer(&dhcpv6_universe, opt_state,
				NULL, (unsigned char *)&lifetime, 4,
				D6O_CLT_TIME, 0)) {
		log_error("process_lq_by_address: error saving clt time.");
		goto exit;

	 * Store the client-data option.
	opt_cursor = lq->cursor;
	putUShort(lq->buf.data + lq->cursor, (unsigned)D6O_CLIENT_DATA);
	lq->cursor += 2;
	/* Skip option length. */
	lq->cursor += 2;

	lq->cursor += store_options6((char *)lq->buf.data + lq->cursor,
				     sizeof(lq->buf) - lq->cursor,
				     opt_state, lq->packet,
				     required_opt_CLIENT_DATA, NULL);
	/* Reset the length. */
	putUShort(lq->buf.data + opt_cursor + 2,
		  lq->cursor - (opt_cursor + 4));

	/* Done. */
	ret_val = 1;

	if (data.data != NULL)
		data_string_forget(&data, MDL);
	if (pool != NULL)
		ipv6_pool_dereference(&pool, MDL);
	if (iaaddr != NULL)
		iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL);
	if (opt_state != NULL)
		option_state_dereference(&opt_state, MDL);
	return ret_val;
예제 #5
ATF_TC_BODY(small_pool, tc)
    struct in6_addr addr;
    struct ipv6_pool *pool;
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr;
    char *uid;
    struct data_string ds;
    unsigned int attempts;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* and other common arguments */
    inet_pton(AF_INET6, "1:2:3:4::", &addr);
    addr.s6_addr[14] = 0x81;

    uid = "client0";
    memset(&ds, 0, sizeof(ds));
    ds.len = strlen(uid);
    if (!buffer_allocate(&ds.buffer, ds.len, MDL)) {
        atf_tc_fail("Out of memory");
    ds.data = ds.buffer->data;
    memcpy((char *)ds.data, uid, ds.len);

    pool = NULL;
    iaaddr = NULL;

    /* tests */
    if (ipv6_pool_allocate(&pool, D6O_IA_NA, &addr,
                           127, 128, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);

    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr, &attempts,
              &ds, 42) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr, &attempts,
              &ds, 11) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr, &attempts,
              &ds, 11) != ISC_R_NORESOURCES) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ipv6_pool_dereference(&pool, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
예제 #6
ATF_TC_BODY(expire_order_reduce, tc)
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr1, *iaaddr2;
    struct ipv6_pool *pool;
    struct in6_addr addr;
    char *uid;
    struct data_string ds;
    struct iasubopt *expired_iaaddr;
    unsigned int attempts;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* and other common arguments */
    inet_pton(AF_INET6, "1:2:3:4::", &addr);

    uid = "client0";
    memset(&ds, 0, sizeof(ds));
    ds.len = strlen(uid);
    if (!buffer_allocate(&ds.buffer, ds.len, MDL)) {
        atf_tc_fail("Out of memory");
    ds.data = ds.buffer->data;
    memcpy((char *)ds.data, uid, ds.len);

    pool = NULL;
    iaaddr1 = NULL;
    iaaddr2 = NULL;
    expired_iaaddr = NULL;

     * Add two leases iaaddr1 with expire time of 200
     * and iaaddr2 with expire time of 300.  Then update
     * iaaddr2 to expire in 100 instead.  This should cause
     * iaaddr2 to move with the hash list.
    /* create pool and add iaaddr1 and iaaddr2 */
    if (ipv6_pool_allocate(&pool, D6O_IA_NA, &addr,
                           64, 128, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr1, &attempts, &ds, 200) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr1) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr2, &attempts, &ds, 300) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr2) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* verify pool */
    if (pool->num_active != 2) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);

    /* reduce lease for iaaddr2 */
    iaaddr2->soft_lifetime_end_time = 100;
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr2) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* expire a lease, it should be iaaddr2 with an expire time of 100 */
    if (expire_lease6(&expired_iaaddr, pool, 1000) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: expire_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr == NULL) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: should have expired a lease %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr != iaaddr2) {
        atf_tc_fail("Error: incorrect lease expired %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr->hard_lifetime_end_time != 100) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad hard_lifetime_end_time %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&expired_iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* expire a lease, it should be iaaddr1 with an expire time of 200 */
    if (expire_lease6(&expired_iaaddr, pool, 1000) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: expire_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr == NULL) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: should have expired a lease %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr != iaaddr1) {
        atf_tc_fail("Error: incorrect lease expired %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr->hard_lifetime_end_time != 200) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad hard_lifetime_end_time %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&expired_iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* cleanup */
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr1, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr2, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ipv6_pool_dereference(&pool, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
예제 #7
ATF_TC_BODY(expire_order, tc)
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr;
    struct ipv6_pool *pool;
    struct in6_addr addr;
        int i;
    char *uid;
    struct data_string ds;
    struct iasubopt *expired_iaaddr;
    unsigned int attempts;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* and other common arguments */
    inet_pton(AF_INET6, "1:2:3:4::", &addr);

    uid = "client0";
    memset(&ds, 0, sizeof(ds));
    ds.len = strlen(uid);
    if (!buffer_allocate(&ds.buffer, ds.len, MDL)) {
        atf_tc_fail("Out of memory");
    ds.data = ds.buffer->data;
    memcpy((char *)ds.data, uid, ds.len);

    iaaddr = NULL;
    expired_iaaddr = NULL;

    /* tests */
    pool = NULL;
    if (ipv6_pool_allocate(&pool, D6O_IA_NA, &addr,
                           64, 128, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);

    for (i=10; i<100; i+=10) {
        if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr, &attempts,
                  &ds, i) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (pool->num_active != (i / 10)) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 9) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);

    for (i=10; i<100; i+=10) {
        if (expire_lease6(&expired_iaaddr,
                  pool, 1000) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: expire_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (expired_iaaddr == NULL) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: should have expired a lease %s:%d",
        if (pool->num_active != (9 - (i / 10))) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
        if (expired_iaaddr->hard_lifetime_end_time != i) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad hard_lifetime_end_time %s:%d",
        if (iasubopt_dereference(&expired_iaaddr, MDL) !=
                ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    expired_iaaddr = NULL;
    if (expire_lease6(&expired_iaaddr, pool, 1000) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: expire_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ipv6_pool_dereference(&pool, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
예제 #8
ATF_TC_BODY(ipv6_pool_basic, tc)
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr;
    struct in6_addr addr;
    struct ipv6_pool *pool;
    struct ipv6_pool *pool_copy;
    char addr_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    char *uid;
    struct data_string ds;
    struct iasubopt *expired_iaaddr;
    unsigned int attempts;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* and other common arguments */
    inet_pton(AF_INET6, "1:2:3:4::", &addr);

    uid = "client0";
    memset(&ds, 0, sizeof(ds));
    ds.len = strlen(uid);
    if (!buffer_allocate(&ds.buffer, ds.len, MDL)) {
        atf_tc_fail("Out of memory");
    ds.data = ds.buffer->data;
    memcpy((char *)ds.data, uid, ds.len);

    /* tests */
    /* allocate, reference */
    pool = NULL;
    if (ipv6_pool_allocate(&pool, D6O_IA_NA, &addr,
                           64, 128, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->bits != 64) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad bits %s:%d", MDL);
    inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pool->start_addr, addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf));
    if (strcmp(inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &pool->start_addr, addr_buf,
                         sizeof(addr_buf)), "1:2:3:4::") != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad start_addr %s:%d", MDL);
    pool_copy = NULL;
    if (ipv6_pool_reference(&pool_copy, pool, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_reference() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* create_lease6, renew_lease6, expire_lease6 */
    iaaddr = NULL;
    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr,
                      &attempts, &ds, 1) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_inactive != 1) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_inactive %s:%d", MDL);
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 1) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    expired_iaaddr = NULL;
    if (expire_lease6(&expired_iaaddr, pool, 0) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: expire_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr != NULL) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: should not have expired a lease %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 1) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expire_lease6(&expired_iaaddr, pool, 1000) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: expire_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (expired_iaaddr == NULL) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: should have expired a lease %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&expired_iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* release_lease6, decline_lease6 */
    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr, &attempts,
              &ds, 1) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 1) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (release_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: decline_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 0) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (create_lease6(pool, &iaaddr, &attempts,
              &ds, 1) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: create_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (renew_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: renew_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 1) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (decline_lease6(pool, iaaddr) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: decline_lease6() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (pool->num_active != 1) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: bad num_active %s:%d", MDL);
    if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* dereference */
    if (ipv6_pool_dereference(&pool, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ipv6_pool_dereference(&pool_copy, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ipv6_pool_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
예제 #9
ATF_TC_BODY(ia_na_manyaddrs, tc)
    uint32_t iaid;
    struct ia_xx *ia_na;
    struct iasubopt *iaaddr;
    int i;

    /* set up dhcp globals */

    /* tests */
    /* lots of iaaddr that we delete */
    iaid = 666;
    ia_na = NULL;
    if (ia_allocate(&ia_na, iaid, "TestDUID", 8, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        iaaddr = NULL;
        if (iasubopt_allocate(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (ia_add_iasubopt(ia_na, iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_add_iasubopt() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);

#if 0
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        iaaddr = ia_na->iasubopt[random() % ia_na->num_iasubopt];
        ia_remove_iasubopt(ia_na, iaaddr, MDL);
        /* TODO: valgrind reports problem here: Invalid read of size 8
         * Address 0x51e6258 is 56 bytes inside a block of size 88 free'd */
    if (ia_dereference(&ia_na, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);

    /* lots of iaaddr, let dereference cleanup */
    iaid = 666;
    ia_na = NULL;
    if (ia_allocate(&ia_na, iaid, "TestDUID", 8, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        iaaddr = NULL;
        if (iasubopt_allocate(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_allocate() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (ia_add_iasubopt(ia_na, iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_add_iasubopt() %s:%d", MDL);
        if (iasubopt_dereference(&iaaddr, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
            atf_tc_fail("ERROR: iasubopt_reference() %s:%d", MDL);
    if (ia_dereference(&ia_na, MDL) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
        atf_tc_fail("ERROR: ia_dereference() %s:%d", MDL);