QStringList Bus::idNames() const { QStringList list; for (quint32 bus = 0; bus < KBusCount; bus++) list << idName(bus); return list; }
PassRefPtr<EncodedFormData> PasswordCredential::encodeFormData( String& contentType) const { if (m_additionalData.isURLSearchParams()) { // If |additionalData| is a 'URLSearchParams' object, build a urlencoded // response. URLSearchParams* params = URLSearchParams::create(URLSearchParamsInit()); URLSearchParams* additionalData = m_additionalData.getAsURLSearchParams(); for (const auto& param : additionalData->params()) { const String& name = param.first; if (name != idName() && name != passwordName()) params->append(name, param.second); } params->append(idName(), id()); params->append(passwordName(), password()); contentType = AtomicString("application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"); return params->toEncodedFormData(); } // Otherwise, we'll build a multipart response. FormData* formData = FormData::create(nullptr); if (m_additionalData.isFormData()) { FormData* additionalData = m_additionalData.getAsFormData(); for (const FormData::Entry* entry : additionalData->entries()) { const String& name = formData->decode(entry->name()); if (name == idName() || name == passwordName()) continue; if (entry->blob()) formData->append(name, entry->blob(), entry->filename()); else formData->append(name, formData->decode(entry->value())); } } formData->append(idName(), id()); formData->append(passwordName(), password()); RefPtr<EncodedFormData> encodedData = formData->encodeMultiPartFormData(); contentType = AtomicString("multipart/form-data; boundary=") + encodedData->boundary().data(); return encodedData.release(); }
int txXMLParser::StartElement(const XML_Char *aName, const XML_Char **aAtts) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> prefix, localName; PRInt32 nsID; XMLUtils::splitExpatName(aName, getter_AddRefs(prefix), getter_AddRefs(localName), &nsID); Element* newElement = mDocument->createElementNS(prefix, localName, nsID); if (!newElement) { return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } const XML_Char** theAtts = aAtts; while (*theAtts) { XMLUtils::splitExpatName(*theAtts++, getter_AddRefs(prefix), getter_AddRefs(localName), &nsID); nsDependentString attValue(*theAtts++); nsresult rv = newElement->appendAttributeNS(prefix, localName, nsID, attValue); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; } } int idx; if ((idx = XML_GetIdAttributeIndex(mExpatParser)) > -1) { nsDependentString idName((const PRUnichar*)*(aAtts + idx)); nsDependentString idValue((const PRUnichar*)*(aAtts + idx + 1)); // make sure IDs are unique if (!idValue.IsEmpty()) { mDocument->setElementID(idValue, newElement); } } mCurrentNode->appendChild(newElement); mCurrentNode = newElement; return XML_ERROR_NONE; }
int Bus_Test::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: initTestCase(); break; case 1: defaults(); break; case 2: value(); break; case 3: name(); break; case 4: idName(); break; case 5: tap(); break; case 6: loadWrongRoot(); break; case 7: load(); break; case 8: loadWrongID(); break; case 9: save(); break; case 10: cleanupTestCase(); break; default: ; } _id -= 11; } return _id; }
void CodeBlock::dump(ExecState* exec, const Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator& begin, Vector<Instruction>::const_iterator& it) const { int location = it - begin; switch (exec->machine()->getOpcodeID(it->u.opcode)) { case op_load: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int k0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] load\t\t %s, %s\t\t\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), constantName(exec, k0, jsValues[k0]).c_str()); break; } case op_new_object: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] new_object\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_new_array: { int dst = (++it)->u.operand; int argv = (++it)->u.operand; int argc = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] new_array\t %s, %s, %d\n", location, registerName(dst).c_str(), registerName(argv).c_str(), argc); break; } case op_new_regexp: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int re0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] new_regexp\t %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), regexpName(re0, regexps[re0].get()).c_str()); break; } case op_mov: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] mov\t\t %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str()); break; } case op_not: { printUnaryOp(location, it, "not"); break; } case op_eq: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "eq"); break; } case op_neq: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "neq"); break; } case op_stricteq: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "stricteq"); break; } case op_nstricteq: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "nstricteq"); break; } case op_less: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "less"); break; } case op_lesseq: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "lesseq"); break; } case op_pre_inc: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] pre_inc\t\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_pre_dec: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] pre_dec\t\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_post_inc: { printUnaryOp(location, it, "post_inc"); break; } case op_post_dec: { printUnaryOp(location, it, "post_dec"); break; } case op_to_jsnumber: { printUnaryOp(location, it, "to_jsnumber"); break; } case op_negate: { printUnaryOp(location, it, "negate"); break; } case op_add: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "add"); break; } case op_mul: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "mul"); break; } case op_div: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "div"); break; } case op_mod: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "mod"); break; } case op_sub: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "sub"); break; } case op_lshift: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "lshift"); break; } case op_rshift: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "rshift"); break; } case op_urshift: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "urshift"); break; } case op_bitand: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "bitand"); break; } case op_bitxor: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "bitxor"); break; } case op_bitor: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "bitor"); break; } case op_bitnot: { printUnaryOp(location, it, "bitnot"); break; } case op_instanceof: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "instanceof"); break; } case op_typeof: { printUnaryOp(location, it, "typeof"); break; } case op_in: { printBinaryOp(location, it, "in"); break; } case op_resolve: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] resolve\t\t %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str()); break; } case op_resolve_skip: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; int skipLevels = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] resolve_skip\t %s, %s, %d\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str(), skipLevels); break; } case op_get_scoped_var: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int index = (++it)->u.operand; int skipLevels = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] get_scoped_var\t\t %s, %d, %d\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), index, skipLevels); break; } case op_put_scoped_var: { int index = (++it)->u.operand; int skipLevels = (++it)->u.operand; int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] put_scoped_var\t\t %d, %d, %s\n", location, index, skipLevels, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_resolve_base: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] resolve_base\t %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str()); break; } case op_resolve_with_base: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] resolve_with_base %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str()); break; } case op_resolve_func: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] resolve_func\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str()); break; } case op_get_by_id: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] get_by_id\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str()); break; } case op_put_by_id: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] put_by_id\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str()); break; } case op_put_getter: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] put_getter\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str()); break; } case op_put_setter: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] put_setter\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str()); break; } case op_del_by_id: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int id0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] del_by_id\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), idName(id0, identifiers[id0]).c_str()); break; } case op_get_by_val: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int r2 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] get_by_val\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), registerName(r2).c_str()); break; } case op_put_by_val: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int r2 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] put_by_val\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), registerName(r2).c_str()); break; } case op_del_by_val: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int r2 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] del_by_val\t %s, %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), registerName(r2).c_str()); break; } case op_put_by_index: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; unsigned n0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] put_by_index\t %s, %u, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), n0, registerName(r1).c_str()); break; } case op_jmp: { int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] jmp\t\t %d(->%d)\n", location, offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_loop: { int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] loop\t\t %d(->%d)\n", location, offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_jtrue: { printConditionalJump(begin, it, location, "jtrue"); break; } case op_loop_if_true: { printConditionalJump(begin, it, location, "loop_if_true"); break; } case op_jfalse: { printConditionalJump(begin, it, location, "jfalse"); break; } case op_jless: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] jless\t\t %s, %s, %d(->%d)\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_jnless: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] jnless\t\t %s, %s, %d(->%d)\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_loop_if_less: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] loop_if_less %s, %s, %d(->%d)\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_new_func: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int f0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] new_func\t\t %s, f%d\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), f0); break; } case op_new_func_exp: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int f0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] new_func_exp\t %s, f%d\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), f0); break; } case op_call: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int r2 = (++it)->u.operand; int tempCount = (++it)->u.operand; int argCount = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] call\t\t %s, %s, %s, %d, %d\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), registerName(r2).c_str(), tempCount, argCount); break; } case op_call_eval: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int r2 = (++it)->u.operand; int tempCount = (++it)->u.operand; int argCount = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] call_eval\t\t %s, %s, %s, %d, %d\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), registerName(r2).c_str(), tempCount, argCount); break; } case op_ret: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] ret\t\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_construct: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; int tempCount = (++it)->u.operand; int argCount = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] construct\t %s, %s, %d, %d\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str(), tempCount, argCount); break; } case op_get_pnames: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int r1 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] get_pnames\t %s, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), registerName(r1).c_str()); break; } case op_next_pname: { int dest = (++it)->u.operand; int iter = (++it)->u.operand; int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] next_pname\t %s, %s, %d(->%d)\n", location, registerName(dest).c_str(), registerName(iter).c_str(), offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_push_scope: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] push_scope\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_pop_scope: { printf("[%4d] pop_scope\n", location); break; } case op_jmp_scopes: { int scopeDelta = (++it)->u.operand; int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] jmp_scopes\t^%d, %d(->%d)\n", location, scopeDelta, offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_catch: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] catch\t\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_throw: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] throw\t\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } case op_new_error: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; int errorType = (++it)->u.operand; int k0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] new_error\t %s, %d, %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str(), errorType, constantName(exec, k0, jsValues[k0]).c_str()); break; } case op_jsr: { int retAddrDst = (++it)->u.operand; int offset = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] jsr\t\t %s, %d(->%d)\n", location, registerName(retAddrDst).c_str(), offset, jumpTarget(begin, it, offset)); break; } case op_sret: { int retAddrSrc = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] sret\t\t %s\n", location, registerName(retAddrSrc).c_str()); break; } case op_debug: { int debugHookID = (++it)->u.operand; int firstLine = (++it)->u.operand; int lastLine = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] debug\t\t %s, %d, %d\n", location, debugHookName(debugHookID), firstLine, lastLine); break; } case op_end: { int r0 = (++it)->u.operand; printf("[%4d] end\t\t %s\n", location, registerName(r0).c_str()); break; } default: { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); break; } } }
void PaneSubWidget::addWidget(QWidget *newWidget, const PanePosition Pos) { if(qobject_cast<PaneSubWidget*>(newWidget)){ qDebug() << "current wid: "<< qobject_cast<PaneSubWidget*>(newWidget)->idName() << " from parent "<< idName(); qDebug() << "ask for position "<<Pos; } // how is your dady? newWidget->setParent(this); // try to interpret the widget as PaneSubWidget PaneSubWidget *paneWidget = qobject_cast<PaneSubWidget*>(newWidget); // unfortunetaly I cannot override the "windowTitle" method, so use the cast-result QString winTitle= (!paneWidget) ? newWidget->windowTitle() : paneWidget->windowTitle(); // place widget at correct position switch(Pos) { default: qDebug() << Pos; qErrnoWarning("not implemented yet"); break; case TabIn: { // this is easy just add a Tab int idx; idx = addTab(newWidget,winTitle); if(paneWidget) { // if widget is a PaneSubWidget --> create connections connect(paneWidget,SIGNAL(clickPane(QWidget*)),this,SLOT(onClickSubPane(QWidget*))); connect(paneWidget,SIGNAL(dragPane(CurrentWidget)),this,SLOT(onDragSubPane(CurrentWidget))); connect(paneWidget,SIGNAL(movePane(bool)),this,SLOT(onMoveSubPane(bool))); connect(paneWidget,SIGNAL(releasePane()),this,SLOT(onReleaseSubPane())); } setCurrentIndex(idx); break; } case RightOut: { // the new widget should be placed left of "this" // ---------------------------------------------- // get parent panesub-object QWidget* parent = findGoodParent(this); if(qobject_cast<PaneSubWidget*>(parent)){ // next interesting parent is PaneSubWidget --> use that PaneSubWidget* parentPane = findParentOfType<PaneSubWidget*>(this); QWidget* find = parentPane->currentWidget(); QSplitter *replace = createSplitter(this,newWidget,parentPane); parentPane->replaceTab(find,replace); } if(qobject_cast<QSplitter*>(parent)){ // TODO :: QSplitter --> PaneSplitter for easier removing } break; } } }