int find_winner_euc(struct entries *codes, struct data_entry *sample, struct winner_info *win, int knn) { struct data_entry *codetmp; int dim, i, masked; float diffsf, diff, difference; eptr p; dim = codes->dimension; win->index = -1; win->winner = NULL; win->diff = -1.0; /* Go through all code vectors */ codetmp = rewind_entries(codes, &p); diffsf = FLT_MAX; while (codetmp != NULL) { difference = 0.0; masked = 0; /* Compute the distance between codebook and input entry */ for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { if ((sample->mask != NULL) && (sample->mask[i] != 0)) { masked++; continue; /* ignore vector components that have 1 in mask */ } diff = codetmp->points[i] - sample->points[i]; difference += diff * diff; if (difference > diffsf) break; } if (masked == dim) return 0; /* can't calculate winner, empty data vector */ /* If distance is smaller than previous distances */ if (difference < diffsf) { win->winner = codetmp; win->index = p.index; win->diff = difference; diffsf = difference; } codetmp = next_entry(&p); } if (win->index < 0) ifverbose(3) fprintf(stderr, "find_winner_euc: can't find winner\n"); return 1; /* number of neighbours */ }
int find_winner_euc2(struct entries *codes, struct data_entry *sample, struct winner_info *win, int knn) { struct data_entry *codetmp; int dim, i; float diffsf, diff, difference, *s, *c; eptr p; if (sample->mask != NULL) return find_winner_euc(codes, sample, win, knn); dim = codes->dimension; win->index = -1; win->winner = NULL; win->diff = -1.0; /* Go through all code vectors */ codetmp = rewind_entries(codes, &p); diffsf = FLT_MAX; while (codetmp != NULL) { difference = 0.0; /* Compute the distance between codebook and input entry */ c = codetmp->points; s = sample->points; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { diff = *c++ - *s++; difference += diff * diff; } /* If distance is smaller than previous distances */ if (difference < diffsf) { win->winner = codetmp; win->index = p.index; win->diff = difference; diffsf = difference; } codetmp = next_entry(&p); } if (win->index < 0) ifverbose(3) fprintf(stderr, "find_winner_euc: can't find winner\n"); return 1; /* number of neighbours */ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { long nod, buffer; float qerror; char *in_data_file; char *in_code_file; struct teach_params teach; int qmode; struct entries *data, *codes; global_options(argc, argv); if (extract_parameter(argc, argv, "-help", OPTION2)) { printhelp(); exit(0); } in_data_file = extract_parameter(argc, argv, IN_DATA_FILE, ALWAYS); in_code_file = extract_parameter(argc, argv, IN_CODE_FILE, ALWAYS); buffer = oatoi(extract_parameter(argc, argv, "-buffer", OPTION), 0); teach.radius = oatof(extract_parameter(argc, argv, TRAINING_RADIUS, OPTION), 1.0); qmode = oatoi(extract_parameter(argc, argv, "-qetype", OPTION), 0); label_not_needed(1); ifverbose(2) fprintf(stdout, "Input entries are read from file %s\n", in_data_file); data = open_entries(in_data_file); if (data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open datafile: %s\n", in_data_file); exit(1); } ifverbose(2) fprintf(stdout, "Codebook entries are read from file %s\n", in_code_file); codes = open_entries(in_code_file); if (codes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open code file '%s'\n", in_code_file); close_entries(data); exit(1); } if (codes->topol < TOPOL_HEXA) { fprintf(stderr, "File %s is not a map file\n", in_code_file); close_entries(data); close_entries(codes); exit(1); } if (data->dimension != codes->dimension) { fprintf(stderr, "Data and codebook vectors have different dimensions (%d != %d)", data->dimension, codes->dimension); close_entries(data); close_entries(codes); exit(1); } set_teach_params(&teach, codes, data, buffer); set_som_params(&teach); if (qmode > 0) qerror = find_qerror2(&teach); else qerror = find_qerror(&teach); nod =>num_entries; ifverbose(1) fprintf(stdout, "Quantization error of %s with map %s is %f per sample (%d samples)\n", in_data_file, in_code_file, qerror / (float) nod, nod); else
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int not, bnot, error; int xdim, ydim; int topol, neigh; float alpha1, radius1; int fixed, weights; float alpha2, radius2; float qerror, qerrorb; char *in_data_file, *in_test_file, *out_code_file, *alpha_s; struct entries *data = NULL; struct entries *testdata = NULL; struct entries *codes = NULL; struct entries *codess = NULL; struct entries *tmp; struct teach_params params; long buffer, length1, length2, noc, nod; int qmode; struct typelist *type_tmp; error = 0; global_options(argc, argv); print_description(); not = get_int("Give the number of trials", 0); in_data_file = get_str("Give the input data file name"); in_test_file = get_str("Give the input test file name"); out_code_file = get_str("Give the output map file name"); topol = topol_type(get_str("Give the topology type")); if (topol == TOPOL_UNKNOWN) { ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown topology type, using hexagonal\n"); topol = TOPOL_HEXA; } neigh = neigh_type(get_str("Give the neighborhood type")); if (neigh == NEIGH_UNKNOWN) { ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown neighborhood type, using bubble\n"); neigh = NEIGH_BUBBLE; } xdim = get_int("Give the x-dimension", 0); ydim = get_int("Give the y-dimension", 0); length1 = get_int("Give the training length of first part", 0); alpha1 = get_float("Give the training rate of first part", 0.0); radius1 = get_float("Give the radius in first part", 0.0); length2 = get_int("Give the training length of second part", 0); alpha2 = get_float("Give the training rate of second part", 0.0); radius2 = get_float("Give the radius in second part", 0.0); printf("\n"); fixed = (int) oatoi(extract_parameter(argc, argv, FIXPOINTS, OPTION), 0); weights = (int) oatoi(extract_parameter(argc, argv, WEIGHTS, OPTION), 0); buffer = oatoi(extract_parameter(argc, argv, "-buffer", OPTION), 0); alpha_s = extract_parameter(argc, argv, "-alpha_type", OPTION); qmode = oatoi(extract_parameter(argc, argv, "-qetype", OPTION), 0); use_fixed(fixed); use_weights(weights); label_not_needed(1); ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Input entries are read from file %s\n", in_data_file); data = open_entries(in_data_file); if (data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open data file '%s'\n", in_data_file); error = 1; goto end; } set_buffer(data, buffer); ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Test entries are read from file %s\n", in_test_file); testdata = open_entries(in_test_file); if (testdata == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open test data file '%s'\n", in_test_file); error = 1; goto end; } set_buffer(testdata, buffer); noc = xdim * ydim; if (noc <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dimensions of map (%d %d) are incorrect\n", xdim, ydim); error = 1; goto end; } if (xdim < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dimensions of map (%d %d) are incorrect\n", xdim, ydim); error = 1; goto end; } if (alpha_s) { type_tmp = get_type_by_str(alpha_list, alpha_s); if (type_tmp->data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown alpha type %s\n", alpha_s); error = 1; goto end; } } else type_tmp = get_type_by_id(alpha_list, ALPHA_LINEAR); params.alpha_type = type_tmp->id; params.alpha_func = type_tmp->data; codess = NULL; qerrorb = FLT_MAX; bnot = 0; while (not) { init_random(not); ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Initializing codebook\n"); codes = randinit_codes(data, topol, neigh, xdim, ydim); if (codes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing random codebook, aborting\n"); error = 1; goto end; } set_teach_params(¶ms, codes, NULL, 0); set_som_params(¶ms); = data; params.length = length1; params.alpha = alpha1; params.radius = radius1; ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Training map, first part, rlen: %ld alpha: %f\n", params.length, params.alpha); codes = som_training(¶ms); params.length = length2; params.alpha = alpha2; params.radius = radius2; ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Training map, second part, rlen: %ld alpha: %f\n", params.length, params.alpha); codes = som_training(¶ms); = testdata; ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "Calculating quantization error\n"); if (qmode > 0) qerror = find_qerror2(¶ms); else qerror = find_qerror(¶ms); nod = testdata->num_entries; if (qerror < qerrorb) { qerrorb = qerror; bnot = not; tmp = codess; codess = codes; codes = tmp; } close_entries(codes); codes = NULL; ifverbose(1) fprintf(stderr, "%3d: %f\n", not, qerror/(float) nod); not--; } if (codess != NULL) { ifverbose(2) fprintf(stdout, "Codebook entries are saved to file %s\n", out_code_file); save_entries(codess, out_code_file); ifverbose(1) fprintf(stdout, "Smallest error with random seed %3d: %f\n", bnot, qerrorb/(float) nod); } end: if (codess) close_entries(codess); if (data) close_entries(data); if (testdata) close_entries(testdata); return(error); }
struct snapshot_info *get_snapshot(char *filename, long interval, int type) { struct snapshot_info *shot; int len = 0; shot = malloc(sizeof(struct snapshot_info)); if (shot == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "get_snapshot: Can't allocate structure\n"); perror("get_snapshot"); return NULL; } shot->flags = 0; shot->fi = NULL; #ifndef NO_BACKGROUND_SNAP shot->pid = -1; #endif shot->counter = 0; shot->data = NULL; /* allocate room for string */ shot->filename = NULL; if (filename) { len = strlen(filename); if ((shot->filename = malloc(len + 1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "get_snapshot: Can't allocate mem for string\n"); perror("get_snapshot"); free(shot); return NULL; } else strcpy(shot->filename, filename); } if (len > 0) if (shot->filename[len - 1] == '&') { shot->filename[len - 1] = '\0'; shot->flags |= SNAPFLAG_BACKGROUND; } shot->interval = interval; shot->type = type; switch (type) { case SNAPSHOT_KEEPOPEN: shot->flags |= SNAPFLAG_KEEPOPEN; shot->flags &= (~SNAPFLAG_NOWAIT); break; #ifndef NO_BACKGROUND_SNAP case SNAPSHOT_ASYNC: shot->flags |= SNAPFLAG_BACKGROUND; break; case SNAPSHOT_ASYNC_NOWAIT: shot->flags |= SNAPFLAG_BACKGROUND|SNAPFLAG_NOWAIT; break; #endif default: break; } ifverbose(2) fprintf(stderr, "snapshot: filename: '%s', interval: %ld, type: %s\n", shot->filename, shot->interval, get_str_by_id(snapshot_list, type)); return shot; }
int save_snapshot(struct teach_params *teach, long iter) { struct entries *codes = teach->codes; struct snapshot_info *shot = teach->snapshot; struct data_entry *entry; eptr p; char filename[1024]; /* hope this is enough */ struct file_info *fi = NULL; int retcode = 0; int bg = shot->flags & SNAPFLAG_BACKGROUND; int ko = shot->flags & SNAPFLAG_KEEPOPEN; shot->counter++; if (ko) if ((fi = shot->fi) == NULL) { if ((shot->fi = open_file(shot->filename, "w")) == NULL) return 1; fi = shot->fi; } else fi = shot->fi; #ifndef NO_BACKGROUND_SNAP if (bg) { if (shot->pid > 0) { int statptr; if (!(shot->flags & SNAPFLAG_NOWAIT)) { /* fprintf(stderr, "Snap: waiting for pid %d\n", (int)shot->pid); */ /* wait for previous child before forking a new one */ waitpid(shot->pid, &statptr, 0); shot->pid = -1; } } if ((shot->pid = fork()) < 0) { perror("save_snapshot(background):"); return 1; } if (shot->pid == 0) { /* fprintf(stderr, "saving snapshot\n"); */ } else { /* fprintf(stderr, "forked pid %d\n", (int)shot->pid); */ return 0; } } #endif /* NO_BACKGROUND_SNAP */ if (fi == NULL) { /* make filename */ sprintf(filename, shot->filename, iter); if ((fi = open_file(filename, "w")) == NULL) return 1; } if (ko) fprintf(fi2fp(fi), "#start %d\n", shot->counter); if (write_header(fi, codes)) { fprintf(stderr, "save_snapshot: Error writing headers\n"); close_file(shot->fi); shot->fi = NULL; return 1; } /* open file for writing */ ifverbose(3) fprintf(stderr, "saving snapshot: file '%s', type '%s'\n", filename, get_str_by_id(snapshot_list, shot->type)); fprintf(fi2fp(fi), "#SNAPSHOT FILE\n#iterations: %ld/%ld\n", iter, teach->length); for (entry = rewind_entries(codes, &p); entry != NULL; entry = next_entry(&p)) { if (write_entry(fi, codes, entry)) { fprintf(stderr, "save_entries: Error writing entry, aborting\n"); retcode = 1; break; } } if (ko) { fprintf(fi2fp(fi), "#end\n"); fflush(fi2fp(fi)); } else close_file(fi); #ifndef NO_BACKGROUND_SNAP if (bg) exit(retcode); else #endif return(retcode); }
int find_winner_knn2(struct entries *codes, struct data_entry *sample, struct winner_info *win, int knn) { struct data_entry *codetmp; int dim, i, j; float difference, diff, *s, *c; eptr p; if (sample->mask != NULL) return find_winner_knn(codes, sample, win, knn); if (knn == 1) /* might be a little faster */ return find_winner_euc2(codes, sample, win, 1); dim = codes->dimension; for (i = 0; i < knn; i++) { win[i].index = -1; win[i].winner = NULL; win[i].diff = FLT_MAX; } /* Go through all code vectors */ codetmp = rewind_entries(codes, &p); while (codetmp != NULL) { difference = 0.0; /* Compute the distance between codebook and input entry */ c = codetmp->points; s = sample->points; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { diff = *c++ - *s++; difference += diff * diff; } /* If distance is smaller than previous distances */ for (i = 0; (i < knn) && (difference > win[i].diff); i++); if (i < knn) { for (j = knn - 1; j > i; j--) { win[j].diff = win[j - 1].diff; win[j].index = win[j - 1].index; win[j].winner = win[j - 1].winner; } win[i].diff = difference; win[i].index = p.index; win[i].winner = codetmp; } codetmp = next_entry(&p); } if (win->index < 0) ifverbose(3) fprintf(stderr, "find_winner_knn: can't find winner\n"); return knn; /* number of neighbours */ }
int find_winner_knn(struct entries *codes, struct data_entry *sample, struct winner_info *win, int knn) { struct data_entry *codetmp; int dim, i, j, masked; float difference, diff; eptr p; if (knn == 1) /* might be a little faster */ return find_winner_euc(codes, sample, win, 1); dim = codes->dimension; for (i = 0; i < knn; i++) { win[i].index = -1; win[i].winner = NULL; win[i].diff = FLT_MAX; } /* Go through all code vectors */ codetmp = rewind_entries(codes, &p); while (codetmp != NULL) { difference = 0.0; masked = 0; /* Compute the distance between codebook and input entry */ for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { /* pitaisiko ottaa huomioon myos codebookissa olevat?? */ if ((sample->mask != NULL) && (sample->mask[i] != 0)) { masked++; continue; /* ignore vector components that have 1 in mask */ } diff = codetmp->points[i] - sample->points[i]; difference += diff * diff; if (difference > win[knn-1].diff) break; } if (masked == dim) return 0; /* If distance is smaller than previous distances */ for (i = 0; (i < knn) && (difference > win[i].diff); i++); if (i < knn) { for (j = knn - 1; j > i; j--) { win[j].diff = win[j - 1].diff; win[j].index = win[j - 1].index; win[j].winner = win[j - 1].winner; } win[i].diff = difference; win[i].index = p.index; win[i].winner = codetmp; } codetmp = next_entry(&p); } if (win->index < 0) ifverbose(3) fprintf(stderr, "find_winner_knn: can't find winner\n"); return knn; /* number of neighbours */ }