int main() { igraph_t graph; FILE *ifile = fopen("cattr_bool_bug.graphml", "r"); if (!ifile) { printf("Cannot open input file"); return 1; } igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); igraph_read_graph_graphml(&graph, ifile, 0); fclose(ifile); check_attr(&graph, 10); igraph_to_directed(&graph, IGRAPH_TO_DIRECTED_ARBITRARY); check_attr(&graph, 20); if (GAB(&graph, "loops")) { return 2; } igraph_destroy(&graph); return 0; }
int TMIgraph::readTopology(char *file_name) { int ret; Bitvector *lid; Bitvector *ilid; ifstream infile; string str; size_t found, first, second; FILE *instream;, ifstream::in); /*first the Global graph attributes - c igraph does not do it!!*/ while (infile.good()) { getline(infile, str); found = str.find("<data key=\"FID_LEN\">"); if (found != string::npos) { first = str.find(">"); second = str.find("<", first); sscanf(str.substr(first + 1, second - first - 1).c_str(), "%d", &fid_len); } found = str.find("<data key=\"TM\">"); if (found != string::npos) { first = str.find(">"); second = str.find("<", first); nodeID = str.substr(first + 1, second - first - 1); } found = str.find("<data key=\"TM_MODE\">"); if (found != string::npos) { first = str.find(">"); second = str.find("<", first); mode = str.substr(first + 1, second - first - 1); } } infile.close(); instream = fopen(file_name, "r"); ret = igraph_read_graph_graphml(&graph, instream, 0); fclose(instream); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } cout << "TM: " << igraph_vcount(&graph) << " nodes" << endl; cout << "TM: " << igraph_ecount(&graph) << " edges" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < igraph_vcount(&graph); i++) { string nID = string(igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "NODEID", i)); string iLID = string(igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "iLID", i)); reverse_node_index.insert(pair<string, int>(nID, i)); ilid = new Bitvector(iLID); nodeID_iLID.insert(pair<string, Bitvector *>(nID, ilid)); vertex_iLID.insert(pair<int, Bitvector *>(i, ilid)); //cout << "node " << i << " has NODEID " << nID << endl; //cout << "node " << i << " has ILID " << ilid->to_string() << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < igraph_ecount(&graph); i++) { string LID = string(igraph_cattribute_EAS(&graph, "LID", i)); reverse_edge_index.insert(pair<string, int>(LID, i)); lid = new Bitvector(LID); edge_LID.insert(pair<int, Bitvector *>(i, lid)); //cout << "edge " << i << " has LID " << lid->to_string() << endl; } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc != 2) { printf("USAGE: %s path/to/file.graphml.xml\n", argv[0]); return -1; } char* fileName = argv[1]; igraph_attribute_table_t* oldHandler = igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); FILE* graphFile = fopen(fileName, "r"); if(!graphFile) { printf("error opening graph file at %s\n", fileName); return -2; } igraph_t graph; time_t start = time(NULL); int r = igraph_read_graph_graphml(&graph, graphFile, 0); time_t end = time(NULL); fclose(graphFile); if(r != IGRAPH_SUCCESS) { printf("error loading graph file at %s\n", fileName); r = -3; } else { printf("successfully loaded graph file at %s in %li seconds\n", fileName, (long int)(end-start)); r = 0; } printf("graph has %li vertices and %li edges\n", (long int)igraph_vcount(&graph), (long int)igraph_ecount(&graph)); igraph_integer_t largestCliqueSize = 0; start = time(NULL); r = igraph_clique_number(&graph, &largestCliqueSize); end = time(NULL); if(r != IGRAPH_SUCCESS) { printf("error computing igraph_clique_number\n"); r = -4; } else { printf("igraph_clique_number = %i in %li seconds\n", (int) largestCliqueSize, (long int)(end-start)); r = 0; } start = time(NULL); igraph_destroy(&graph); end = time(NULL); printf("igraph_destroy finished in %li seconds\n", (long int)end-start); return r; }
static igraph_t* _tgengraph_loadNewGraph(const gchar* path) { /* get the file */ FILE* graphFile = fopen(path, "r"); if(!graphFile) { tgen_critical("fopen returned NULL, problem opening graph file path '%s'", path); return FALSE; } tgen_info("reading graphml action graph at '%s'...", path); igraph_t* graph = g_new0(igraph_t, 1); gint result = igraph_read_graph_graphml(graph, graphFile, 0); fclose(graphFile); if(result != IGRAPH_SUCCESS) { tgen_critical("igraph_read_graph_graphml return non-success code %i", result); g_free(graph); return NULL; } tgen_info("successfully read graphml action graph at '%s'", path); return graph; }
int TEgraphMF::readTopology(const char *file_name) { int ret = 0; Bitvector* lid; Bitvector* ilid; ifstream infile; string str; size_t found, first, second; FILE *instream;, ifstream::in); /*first the Global graph attributes - c igraph does not do it!!*/ while (infile.good()) { getline(infile, str); found = str.find("<data key=\"FID_LEN\">"); if (found != string::npos) { first = str.find(">"); second = str.find("<", first); sscanf(str.substr(first + 1, second - first - 1).c_str(), "%d", &fid_len); } found = str.find("<data key=\"TM\">"); if (found != string::npos) { first = str.find(">"); second = str.find("<", first); nodeID = str.substr(first + 1, second - first - 1); } found = str.find("<data key=\"RV\">"); if (found != string::npos) { first = str.find(">"); second = str.find("<", first); RVnodeID = str.substr(first + 1, second - first - 1); } found = str.find("<data key=\"TM_MODE\">"); if (found != string::npos) { first = str.find(">"); second = str.find("<", first); mode = str.substr(first + 1, second - first - 1); } } infile.close(); instream = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (instream == NULL) { return -1; } //EF_ALLOW_MALLOC_0=1; ret = igraph_read_graph_graphml(&graph, instream, 0); //EF_ALLOW_MALLOC_0=0; fclose(instream); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } //cout << "TM: " << igraph_vcount(&graph) << " nodes" << endl; //cout << "TM: " << igraph_ecount(&graph) << " edges" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < igraph_vcount(&graph); i++) { string nID = string(igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "NODEID", i)); string iLID = string(igraph_cattribute_VAS(&graph, "iLID", i)); reverse_node_index.insert(pair<string, int>(nID, i)); ilid = new Bitvector(iLID); nodeID_iLID.insert(pair<string, Bitvector* >(nID, ilid)); vertex_iLID.insert(pair<int, Bitvector* >(i, ilid)); cout<<"node "<<i<<" has NODEID"<<nID<<endl; cout<<"node "<<i<<" has ILID"<<ilid->to_string()<<endl; } for (int i = 0; i < igraph_ecount(&graph); i++) { string LID = string(igraph_cattribute_EAS(&graph, "LID", i)); reverse_edge_index.insert(pair<string, int>(LID, i)); lid = new Bitvector(LID); edge_LID.insert(pair<int, Bitvector* >(i, lid)); igraph_integer_t head; igraph_integer_t tail; igraph_edge(&graph, i,&head,&tail); cout << "edge " << i <<" "<<head<<"->"<<tail<<" has LID " << lid->to_string() << endl; } std::vector<int> edgepairs; std::vector<double> capacities; igraph_eit_t ieit; igraph_eit_create(&graph,igraph_ess_all(IGRAPH_EDGEORDER_ID),&ieit); while(!IGRAPH_EIT_END(ieit)) { igraph_integer_t edgeid = IGRAPH_EIT_GET(ieit); igraph_integer_t head; igraph_integer_t tail; // WARNING all edge capacities are give the same value // this needs to come from deployment script capacities.push_back(defaultBW); igraph_edge(&graph, edgeid,&head,&tail); cout<<"edge"<<head<<"->"<<tail<<endl; edgepairs.push_back(head); edgepairs.push_back(tail); IGRAPH_EIT_NEXT(ieit); } igraph_eit_destroy(&ieit); // create an initial dmand matrix assuming equal traffic // between all node pairs - unlikely to be correct but // as booststrap we do not know any better // THIS WILL NEED TO BE DYNAMICALLY UPDATED LATER for (int i = 0; i < igraph_vcount(&graph); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < igraph_vcount(&graph); j++) { if( i == j) continue; mf_demand demand; demand.source = i; demand.sink = j; // WARNING HARDCODED VALUE, ok for initial boostrap // as it is all relative. It should be obtained from // the deployment script as an initial demand. demand.demand = 1.0; demandMapMeasured.insert(pair<intpair,mf_demand>(intpair(i,j), demand)); } } graphMF = Graph_mf((int)igraph_vcount(&graph),edgepairs,capacities); // now demands are set to half the maximum flow when // using shortest paths assuming equal flow between // all pairs - enough for boostrapping // initial demand matrix done! //update_paths(); preCalculateFids(); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); char * in_graph_fn; char * out_graph_fn; if (argc < 3) { printf("[ERROR] usage: mm-writer in_graph_fn out_graph_fn\n"); exit(-1); } else { in_graph_fn = &argv[1][0]; out_graph_fn = &argv[2][0]; } igraph_t g; FILE *ifile, *ofile; ifile = fopen(in_graph_fn, "r"); if (ifile == 0) { return 10; } igraph_read_graph_graphml(&g, ifile, 0); fclose(ifile); igraph_to_directed(&g, IGRAPH_TO_DIRECTED_ARBITRARY); printf("The graph stats:\n"); printf("Vertices: %li\n", (long int) igraph_vcount(&g)); printf("Edges: %li\n", (long int) igraph_ecount(&g)); printf("Directed: %i\n", (int) igraph_is_directed(&g)); ofile = fopen(out_graph_fn, "w"); if (ofile == 0) { return 10; } // Write MM format fprintf(ofile, "%li %li %li\n", (long int) igraph_vcount(&g), (long int) igraph_vcount(&g), (long int) igraph_ecount(&g)); igraph_integer_t to; igraph_integer_t from; igraph_integer_t eid; igraph_real_t weight; for (eid = 0; eid < (long int) igraph_ecount(&g); eid++) { igraph_edge(&g, eid, &from, &to); weight = igraph_cattribute_EAN(&g, "weight",eid); // TODO: time fprintf(ofile, "%i %i %f\n", from, to, weight); //printf("Edge %i => %i --> %i\n", eid, from, to); //printf("Edge %i has weight %f\n", eid, igraph_cattribute_EAN(&g, "weight",eid)); // TODO: time } // For all. TODO: time #if 0 igraph_es_t eids; igraph_es_all(&eids, IGRAPH_EDGEORDER_ID); // Order edges igraph_vector_t result; igraph_vector_init(&result, (int long) igraph_ecount(&g)); igraph_cattribute_EANV(&g, "weight", eids, &result); igraph_integer_t i; for (i = 0; i < (int long) igraph_ecount(&g); i++) printf("Edge %i value: %f\n", i, VECTOR(result)[i]); // Free memory igraph_es_destroy(&eids); igraph_vector_destroy(&result); #endif igraph_destroy(&g); fclose(ofile); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { igraph_t g; igraph_error_handler_t* oldhandler; igraph_warning_handler_t* oldwarnhandler; int result; FILE *ifile, *ofile; igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); /* GraphML */ ifile=fopen("test.gxl", "r"); if (ifile==0) { return 10; } oldhandler=igraph_set_error_handler(igraph_error_handler_ignore); oldwarnhandler=igraph_set_warning_handler(custom_warning_handler); if ((result=igraph_read_graph_graphml(&g, ifile, 0))) { /* maybe it is simply disabled at compile-time */ if (result == IGRAPH_UNIMPLEMENTED) return 77; return 1; } igraph_set_error_handler(oldhandler); fclose(ifile); /* Write it back */ ofile=fopen("test2.gxl", "w"); /* If we can't create the test file, just skip the test */ if (ofile) { if ((result=igraph_write_graph_graphml(&g, ofile, /*prefixattr=*/ 1))) { return 1; } fclose(ofile); unlink("test2.gxl"); } dump_graph("The directed graph:\n", &g); igraph_destroy(&g); /* The same with undirected graph */ ifile=fopen("test.gxl", "r"); if ((result=igraph_read_graph_graphml(&g, ifile, 0))) { return 1; } fclose(ifile); dump_graph("The undirected graph:\n", &g); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Test a GraphML file with default attributes */ ifile=fopen("graphml-default-attrs.xml", "r"); if ((result=igraph_read_graph_graphml(&g, ifile, 0))) { return 1; } fclose(ifile); dump_graph("The directed graph:\n", &g); dump_vertex_attribute_bool("type", &g); dump_vertex_attribute_string("gender", &g); dump_vertex_attribute_numeric("age", &g); dump_vertex_attribute_bool("retired", &g); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Test a GraphML file with namespaces */ ifile=fopen("graphml-namespace.xml", "r"); if ((result=igraph_read_graph_graphml(&g, ifile, 0))) { return 1; } fclose(ifile); dump_graph("The undirected graph:\n", &g); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Restore the old warning handler */ igraph_set_warning_handler(oldwarnhandler); /* There were sometimes problems with this file */ /* Only if called from R though, and only on random occasions, once in every ten reads. Do testing here doesn't make much sense, but if we have the file then let's do it anyway. */ ifile=fopen("graphml-hsa05010.xml", "r"); igraph_read_graph_graphml(&g, ifile, 0); fclose(ifile); igraph_destroy(&g); return 0; }