예제 #1
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    const mwSize *N = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
    //mexPrintf("dimensions: %d ", dimensions);   
    float *A = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[0]);
    float *B = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[1]);
    //int *offsets = (int *) mxGetData(prhs[2]);
    //float *distances = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[3]);
    int wsearch= mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
    int patch_w= mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);   
    mexPrintf("wsearc: %d ", wsearch);
    mexPrintf("\nwpatch: %d ", patch_w);

    int rows=N[0];
    int cols=N[1];
    int slices=N[2];
    int objects=N[3];
    int aew = cols- patch_w+1, aeh = rows - patch_w + 1,  aez= slices - patch_w +1;    /* Effective width and height (possible upper left corners of patches). */
    //const mwSize dim_offsets[4]= {N[0],N[1],N[2], 4};
   // plhs[0]= mxCreateNumericMatrix(0, 0,mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL); /* Create an empty array */    
    //mxSetDimensions(plhs[0],(const mwSize *)dim_offsets, 4); /* Set the dimensions to N[0] x ... x N[K?1] */
    //mxSetData(plhs[0], mxMalloc(sizeof(int)*(N[0]*N[1]*N[2]*4))); /* Allocate memory */
    //int *offsets_o=(int *) mxGetData(plhs[0]);
    //plhs[1]= mxCreateNumericMatrix(0, 0,mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL); /* Create an empty array */    
    //mxSetDimensions(plhs[1], (const mwSize *)N, 3); /* Set the dimensions to N[0] x ... x N[K?1] */
    //mxSetData(plhs[1], mxMalloc(sizeof(float)*(N[0]*N[1]*N[2]))); /* Allocate memory */
    //float *distances_o=(float *) mxGetData(plhs[1]);
    int *offsets_o=(int *) mxGetData(plhs[0]);
    float *distances_o=(float *) mxGetData(plhs[1]);
    int pm_iters=4;
    mexPrintf("\naew=%d ",aew);
    for (int iter = 0; iter < pm_iters; iter++){
        int r_start = 0, r_end = aeh, r_change = 1;
        int c_start = 0, c_end = aew, c_change = 1;
        int z_start = 0, z_end = aez, z_change = 1;    

        if (iter % 2 == 1) {//impares
          r_start = r_end-1, r_end = -1, r_change = -1;
          c_start = c_end-1, c_end = -1, c_change = -1;
          z_start = z_end-1, z_end = -1, z_change = -1;
        for (int az = z_start; az != z_end; az+=z_change){
            for (int ar = r_start; ar != r_end; ar+=r_change){
                for(int ac = c_start; ac != c_end; ac+=c_change){

                    int r_best=offsets_o[0*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];
                    int c_best=offsets_o[1*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];
                    int z_best=offsets_o[2*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];
                    int t_best=offsets_o[3*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];

                    float d_best = distances_o[az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];
                    //mexPrintf("\nfinished reading distances and offsets");
                     /* Propagation: Improve current guess by trying instead correspondences from left and above (below and right on odd iterations). */
                    //check left()
                    if ((unsigned) (ac - c_change) < (unsigned) aew){
                      int rp = offsets_o[0*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+(ac-c_change)*rows+ar];//row of the element in the left() of the current position
                      int cp = offsets_o[1*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+(ac-c_change)*rows+ar];//row of the element in the left() of the current position
                      cp=cp+c_change;//col right()
                      int zp = offsets_o[2*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+(ac-c_change)*rows+ar];//row of the element in the left() of the current position
                      int tp = offsets_o[3*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+(ac-c_change)*rows+ar];//idx in the left() of the current position

                      if ((unsigned) cp < (unsigned) aew){
                        improve_guess(A, B,ar,ac,az,r_best,c_best,z_best,t_best,d_best,rp,cp,zp,tp,patch_w,rows,cols,slices);
                    //mexPrintf("\nfinished checking left");
                    //check above ()
                    if ((unsigned) (ar - r_change) < (unsigned) aeh) {
                      int rp = offsets_o[0*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+(ar-r_change)];//row of the element above() of the current position
                      rp=rp+r_change;// row down()
                      int cp=offsets_o[1*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+(ar-r_change)];//col of the element above() of the current position
                      int zp=offsets_o[2*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+(ar-r_change)];//slice of the element above() of the current position
                      int tp=offsets_o[3*(slices*rows*cols)+az*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+(ar-r_change)];//idx of elt above

                      if ((unsigned) rp < (unsigned) aeh) {
                        improve_guess(A, B,ar,ac,az,r_best,c_best,z_best,t_best,d_best,rp,cp,zp,tp,patch_w,rows,cols,slices);
                    //("\nfinished checking above");

                    //check slice above ()
                    if ((unsigned) (az - z_change) < (unsigned) aez) {
                      int rp = offsets_o[0*(slices*rows*cols)+(az-z_change)*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];//row of the element in slice above() of the current position
                      int cp=offsets_o[1*(slices*rows*cols)+(az-z_change)*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];//col of the element in slice above() of the current position
                      int zp=offsets_o[2*(slices*rows*cols)+(az-z_change)*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];//slice of the element in slice above() of the current position
                      zp=zp+z_change;//slice down()
                      int tp=offsets_o[3*(slices*rows*cols)+(az-z_change)*(rows*cols)+ac*rows+ar];//idx of the element in slice above() of the current position

                      if ((unsigned) zp < (unsigned) aez) {
                        improve_guess(A, B,ar,ac,az,r_best,c_best,z_best,t_best,d_best,rp,cp,zp,tp,patch_w,rows,cols,slices);
                    //mexPrintf("\nfinished checking slice above");
                    //Random Search
                    //rand() % (HIGH - LOW + 1) + LOW;
                   // mexPrintf("antes del Random");
                    for (int mag = wsearch; mag >= 1; mag /= 2) {
                        // Sampling window //
                        int cmin = MAX(c_best-mag, 0), cmax = MIN(c_best+mag+1,aew);
                        int rmin = MAX(r_best-mag, 0), rmax = MIN(r_best+mag+1,aeh);
                        int zmin = MAX(z_best-mag, 0), zmax = MIN(z_best+mag+1,aez);
                        //mexPrintf("\nfinished computing boundaries");
                        //mexPrintf("\nrmax:%d \nrmin:%d \ncmax:%d \ncmin:%d \nzmax:%d \nzmin:%d",rmax,rmin,cmax,cmin,zmax,zmin);
                        int rp = rmin+rand()%(rmax-rmin);
                        int cp = cmin+rand()%(cmax-cmin);
                        int zp = zmin+rand()%(zmax-zmin);
                        int tp = t_best;
                        //mexPrintf("\nfinished computing random values");
                        //mexPrintf("\nrp:%d \ncp:%d \nzp:%d \ntp:%d",rp,cp,zp,tp);
                        improve_guess(A, B,ar,ac,az,r_best,c_best,z_best,t_best,d_best,rp,cp,zp,tp,patch_w,rows,cols,slices);

                    //mexPrintf("\nfinish random search");
                    //End Random Search

                    //mexPrintf("\nUpdate offsets and distances random search");




예제 #2
파일: fill.c 프로젝트: j0sh/thesis
static void patchmatch(IplImage *a, IplImage *b, IplImage *ann, IplImage *annd, IplImage *mask)
    int iter, rs_start, mag;
    int w = ann->width, h = ann->height;
    int32_t *data = (int32_t*)ann->imageData;
    int32_t *ddata = (int32_t*)annd->imageData;
    int stride = ann->widthStep/sizeof(int32_t);
    int aew = a->width - PATCH_W + 1;
    int aeh = a->height - PATCH_W + 1;
    int bew = b->width - PATCH_W + 1;
    int beh = b->height - PATCH_W + 1;

    int ax, ay;

    // initialize with random values
    for (ay = 0; ay < h; ay++) {
        int xy = ay * stride;
        for (ax = 0; ax < w; ax++) {
            uint16_t bx = ax;
            uint16_t by = ay;
            while (masked(mask, bx, by)) {
                bx = rand() % bew;
                by = rand() % beh;
            *(data + xy) = XY_TO_INT(bx, by);
            *(ddata + xy) = dist(a, b, ax, ay, bx, by, 0, mask);
            xy += 1;

    for (iter = 0; iter < PM_ITERS; iter++) {
        int ystart = 0, yend = aeh, ychange = 1;
        int xstart = 0, xend = aew, xchange = 1;
        if (iter % 2) {
            ystart = yend - 1; yend = -1; ychange = -1;
            xstart = xend - 1; xend = -1; xchange = -1;
        for (ay = ystart; ay != yend; ay += ychange) {
            for (ax = xstart; ax != xend; ax += xchange) {
                if (!masked(mask, ax, ay)) continue;
                // current best guess
                int xy = ay * stride + ax;
                int v = *(data + xy);
                int xbest = XY_TO_X(v), ybest = XY_TO_Y(v);
                int dbest = *(ddata + xy);

                // Propagation: Improve current guess by trying
                // correspondences from left and above,
                // or below and right on odd iterations
                if ((unsigned)(ax - xchange) < (unsigned)aew) {
                    int vp = *(data + ay * stride + (ax - xchange));
                    int xp = XY_TO_X(vp) + xchange, yp = XY_TO_Y(vp);
                    if ((unsigned)xp < (unsigned)bew) {
                        improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, &xbest, &ybest, &dbest, xp, yp, mask);

                if ((unsigned)(ay - ychange) < (unsigned)aeh) {
                    int vp = *(data + ay * stride + (ax - xchange));
                    int xp = XY_TO_X(vp), yp = XY_TO_Y(vp) + ychange;
                    if ((unsigned)yp < (unsigned)beh) {
                        improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, &xbest, &ybest, &dbest, xp, yp, mask);

                rs_start = RS_MAX;
                if (rs_start > max(b->width, b->height)) rs_start = max(b->width, b->height);
                for (mag = rs_start; mag >= 1; mag /= 2) {
                    // sampling window
                    int xmin = max(xbest - mag, 0);
                    int xmax = min(xbest + mag + 1, bew);
                    int ymin = max(ybest - mag, 0);
                    int ymax = min(ybest + mag + 1, beh);
                    int xp = xmin + rand() % (xmax - xmin);
                    int yp = ymin + rand() % (ymax - ymin);
                    improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, &xbest, &ybest, &dbest, xp, yp, mask);

                *(data +  xy) = XY_TO_INT(xbest, ybest);
                *(ddata + xy) = dbest;
/* Match image a to image b, returning the nearest neighbor field mapping a => b coords, stored in an RGB 24-bit image as (by<<12)|bx. */
void patchmatch(BITMAP *a, BITMAP *b, BITMAP *&ann, BITMAP *&annd) {
  /* Initialize with random nearest neighbor field (NNF). */
  ann = new BITMAP(a->w, a->h);
  annd = new BITMAP(a->w, a->h);
  int aew = a->w - patch_w+1, aeh = a->h - patch_w + 1;       /* Effective width and height (possible upper left corners of patches). */
  int bew = b->w - patch_w+1, beh = b->h - patch_w + 1;
  memset(ann->data, 0, sizeof(int)*a->w*a->h);
  memset(annd->data, 0, sizeof(int)*a->w*a->h);
  for (int ay = 0; ay < aeh; ay++) {
    for (int ax = 0; ax < aew; ax++) {
      int bx = rand()%bew;
      int by = rand()%beh;
      (*ann)[ay][ax] = XY_TO_INT(bx, by);
      (*annd)[ay][ax] = dist(a, b, ax, ay, bx, by);
  for (int iter = 0; iter < pm_iters; iter++) {
    /* In each iteration, improve the NNF, by looping in scanline or reverse-scanline order. */
    int ystart = 0, yend = aeh, ychange = 1;
    int xstart = 0, xend = aew, xchange = 1;
    if (iter % 2 == 1) {
      xstart = xend-1; xend = -1; xchange = -1;
      ystart = yend-1; yend = -1; ychange = -1;
    for (int ay = ystart; ay != yend; ay += ychange) {
      for (int ax = xstart; ax != xend; ax += xchange) { 
        /* Current (best) guess. */
        int v = (*ann)[ay][ax];
        int xbest = INT_TO_X(v), ybest = INT_TO_Y(v);
        int dbest = (*annd)[ay][ax];

        /* Propagation: Improve current guess by trying instead correspondences from left and above (below and right on odd iterations). */
        if ((unsigned) (ax - xchange) < (unsigned) aew) {
          int vp = (*ann)[ay][ax-xchange];
          int xp = INT_TO_X(vp) + xchange, yp = INT_TO_Y(vp);
          if ((unsigned) xp < (unsigned) bew) {
            improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest, xp, yp);

        if ((unsigned) (ay - ychange) < (unsigned) aeh) {
          int vp = (*ann)[ay-ychange][ax];
          int xp = INT_TO_X(vp), yp = INT_TO_Y(vp) + ychange;
          if ((unsigned) yp < (unsigned) beh) {
            improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest, xp, yp);

        /* Random search: Improve current guess by searching in boxes of exponentially decreasing size around the current best guess. */
        int rs_start = rs_max;
        if (rs_start > MAX(b->w, b->h)) { rs_start = MAX(b->w, b->h); }
        for (int mag = rs_start; mag >= 1; mag /= 2) {
          /* Sampling window */
          int xmin = MAX(xbest-mag, 0), xmax = MIN(xbest+mag+1,bew);
          int ymin = MAX(ybest-mag, 0), ymax = MIN(ybest+mag+1,beh);
          int xp = xmin+rand()%(xmax-xmin);
          int yp = ymin+rand()%(ymax-ymin);
          improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest, xp, yp);

        (*ann)[ay][ax] = XY_TO_INT(xbest, ybest);
        (*annd)[ay][ax] = dbest;
예제 #4
/* Match image a to image b, returning the nearest neighbor field mapping a => b coords, stored in an RGB 24-bit image as (by<<12)|bx. */
void PatchMatch::patchmatch(cv::Mat &image, cv::Mat &b, BITMAP *ann, BITMAP &annd) {
  /* Initialize with random nearest neighbor field (NNF). */
		cv::Mat a(image.size(), CV_64F);
  int aew = a.cols - patch_w+1, aeh = a.rows - patch_w + 1;       /* Effective width and height (possible upper left corners of patches). */
  int bew = b.cols - patch_w+1, beh = b.rows - patch_w + 1;

  for (int ay = 0; ay < aeh; ay++) {
    for (int ax = 0; ax < aew; ax++) {
		int bx, by;
		//if((*ann)[ay][ax] == 0){
		//	  bx = rand() % bew;
		//	  by = rand() % beh;
		//	  (*ann)[ay][ax] = XY_TO_INT(bx, by);
		//	bx = INT_TO_X((*ann)[ay][ax]);
		//	by = INT_TO_Y((*ann)[ay][ax]);
		bx = rand() % bew;
		by = rand() % beh;
		(*ann)[ay][ax] = XY_TO_INT(bx, by);
      annd[ay][ax] = dist(a, b, ax, ay, bx, by);
    int as;
    std::ofstream o_file;
  for (int iter = 0; iter < pm_iters; iter++) {
    /* In each iteration, improve the NNF, by looping in scanline or reverse-scanline order. */
    int ystart = 0, yend = aeh, ychange = 1;
    int xstart = 0, xend = aew, xchange = 1;
    if (iter % 2 == 1) {
      xstart = xend-1; xend = -1; xchange = -1;
      ystart = yend-1; yend = -1; ychange = -1;

//	if(iter == 2)
		as = 0;
    for (int ay = ystart; ay != yend; ay += ychange) {
      for (int ax = xstart; ax != xend; ax += xchange) { 
        /* Current (best) guess. */
		  //if(ax == 366 && ay == 367)
			 // as++;
		//  int sdsd = targetMask[ay * a.cols + ax];
		//if(ax == 352 && ay == 73){
		//	as++;
        int v = (*ann)[ay][ax];
        int xbest = INT_TO_X(v), ybest = INT_TO_Y(v);
        int dbest = annd[ay][ax];

        /* Propagation: Improve current guess by trying instead correspondences from left and above (below and right on odd iterations). */
		int targetCount = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < patch_w; i++){
			for(int j = 0; j < patch_w; j++){
				if(targetMask[(ay + i) * a.cols + ax + j] > 0)
		if(targetCount > patch_w){
			int vp = (*ann)[ay][ax - xchange];
			int xp = INT_TO_X(vp) + xchange, yp = INT_TO_Y(vp);
			if ((unsigned) xp < (unsigned) bew) {
				xbest = xp;
				ybest = yp;
				(*ann)[ay][ax] = XY_TO_INT(xbest, ybest);
				annd[ay][ax] = annd[ay][ax - xchange];
			//	vp = (*ann)[ay - ychange][ax];
			//	xp = INT_TO_X(vp), yp = INT_TO_Y(vp) + ychange;
			//	if ((unsigned) yp < (unsigned) beh) {
			//		xbest = xp;
			//		ybest = yp;
			//		(*ann)[ay][ax] = XY_TO_INT(xbest, ybest);
			//		annd[ay][ax] = annd[ay - ychange][ax];
			//		continue;
			//	}
			if((unsigned) (ay - ychange) < (unsigned) aeh){
				int vp = (*ann)[ay - ychange][ax];
			    int xp = INT_TO_X(vp), yp = INT_TO_Y(vp) + ychange;
			    if ((unsigned) yp < (unsigned) beh) {
			 		improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest, xp, yp);
			if ((unsigned) (ax - xchange) < (unsigned) aew) {
			  int vp = (*ann)[ay][ax - xchange];
			  int xp = INT_TO_X(vp) + xchange, yp = INT_TO_Y(vp);
			  if ((unsigned) xp < (unsigned) bew) {
				improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest, xp, yp);

			if ((unsigned) (ay - ychange) < (unsigned) aeh) {
			  int vp = (*ann)[ay - ychange][ax];
			  int xp = INT_TO_X(vp), yp = INT_TO_Y(vp) + ychange;
			  if ((unsigned) yp < (unsigned) beh) {
				improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest, xp, yp);

        /* Random search: Improve current guess by searching in boxes of exponentially decreasing size around the current best guess. */
        int rs_start = rs_max;
        if (rs_start > MAX(b.cols, b.rows)) { rs_start = MAX(b.cols, b.rows); }
        for (int mag = rs_start; mag >= 1; mag /= 2) {
            /* Sampling window */
            int xmin = MAX(xbest-mag, 0), xmax = MIN(xbest+mag+1,bew);
            int ymin = MAX(ybest-mag, 0), ymax = MIN(ybest+mag+1,beh);
            int xp = xmin+rand()%(xmax-xmin);
            int yp = ymin+rand()%(ymax-ymin);

		    int targetCount = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < patch_w; i++){
				for(int j = 0; j < patch_w; j++){
					if(targetMask[(yp + i) * a.cols + xp + j] > 0){
				if(targetCount > 0)
			if(targetCount > 0){
				mag *= 2;
            improve_guess(a, b, ax, ay, xbest, ybest, dbest, xp, yp);

        (*ann)[ay][ax] = XY_TO_INT(xbest, ybest);
        annd[ay][ax] = dbest;
		//a.at<cv::Vec3b>(ay, ax) = b.at<cv::Vec3b>(ybest, xbest);
		//for (int dy = 0; dy < patch_w; dy++) {
		//	for (int dx = 0; dx < patch_w; dx++) {
		//		a.at<cv::Vec3b>(ay + dy, ax + dx) = b.at<cv::Vec3b>(ybest + dy, xbest + dx);
		//	}
	 //   }
		if(ay != ybest || ax != xbest)

		if(ax == 352 && ay == 73){
	//	for(int i = 0; i < cvImage.rows - 7 + 1; i++){
	//	for(int j = 0; j < cvImage.cols - 7 + 1; j++){
	//		int v = (*ann)[i][j];
	//		int x = INT_TO_X(v);
	//		int y = INT_TO_Y(v);
	//		anni.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j).val[0] = (0+ x) % 256;
	//		anni.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j).val[1] = (0 + y) % 256;
	//		anni.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j).val[2] = 0;

	//		if(annd[i][j] > 0){
	//		anndi.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j).val[0] = annd[i][j] % 256;
	//		}
	//		else 
	//			anndi.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j).val[0] = 0;
	//		anndi.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j).val[1] = 0;
	//		anndi.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j).val[2] = 0;
	//	}
	//cv::imshow("r", anni);
	//cv::imshow("rd", anndi);
	//std::string s[] = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"};
	//cv::imshow(s[iter], a);

