예제 #1
int intersectLineSegment(Point2f a, Point2f b, Point2f c, double r, Point2f& p1, Point2f& p2) {
	int n = intersectLineCircle(a, b, c, r, p1, p2);
	if (n == 0) {
		return 0;

	std::cout << "DEBUG: " << p1.x << " " << p1.y << " " << p2.x << " " << p2.y << std::endl;
	Point2f p1a, p2a;

	n = 0;
	if (inSegment(a, b, p1)) {
		p1a = p1;
		std::cout << "p1 drin" << std::endl;

	if (inSegment(a, b, p2)) {
		if (n == 0) {
			p1a = p2;
		p2a = p2;
		std::cout << "p2 drin" << std::endl;

	p1 = p1a;
	p2 = p2a;
	return n;
예제 #2
float EKFLocalization::getDistance(wmLine* wmline, Vector2<double> ps3D, Vector2<double> pe3D)
	double lenght = sqrt(((ps3D.x-pe3D.x)*(ps3D.x-pe3D.x)) + ((ps3D.y-pe3D.y)*(ps3D.y-pe3D.y)));

	int divs = 10;
	Vector2<double> vd, vod;
	vd.x = (ps3D.x-pe3D.x)/(double)divs;
	vd.y = (ps3D.y-pe3D.y)/(double)divs;
	vod.x = -vd.y;
	vod.y = vd.x;

	float min = 10000.0;

	Vector2<double> pw1, pw2;

	pw1.x = _WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p1)->p.X;
	pw1.y = _WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p1)->p.Y;
	pw2.x = _WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p2)->p.X;
	pw2.y = _WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p2)->p.Y;

	float aux;
	aux = sqrt((pw1.x-ps3D.x)*(pw1.x-ps3D.x)+(pw1.y-ps3D.y)*(pw1.y-ps3D.y));
	if(aux<min) min=aux;
	aux = sqrt((pw2.x-ps3D.x)*(pw2.x-ps3D.x)+(pw2.y-ps3D.y)*(pw2.y-ps3D.y));
	if(aux<min) min=aux;
	aux = sqrt((pw1.x-pe3D.x)*(pw1.x-pe3D.x)+(pw1.y-pe3D.y)*(pw1.y-pe3D.y));
	if(aux<min) min=aux;
	aux = sqrt((pw2.x-pe3D.x)*(pw2.x-pe3D.x)+(pw2.y-pe3D.y)*(pw2.y-pe3D.y));
	if(aux<min) min=aux;

	float s = 0.0;
	for(int i=0; i<divs; i++)
		float dist;
		Vector2<double> pd;

		//		s=s+(lenght/(float)divs);

		pd.x = pe3D.x + (double)i * vd.x;
		pd.y = pe3D.y + (double)i * vd.y;
		double A,B,C;
		getEqLine(pd, vod, A, B, C);

		Vector2<double> iwm;
		if(getInterseccLines(A, B, C, wmline->A, wmline->B, wmline->C, iwm))
			//cerr<<"\t("<<iwm.x<<","<<iwm.y<<") -> ("<<pd.x<<","<<pd.y<<")  ["<<iwm.x<<","<<iwm.y<<"] ";

			if((fabs(iwm.x)>10000.0) || (fabs(iwm.y)>10000.0))
			//cerr<<" = ";
			//cerr<<"i = ("<<iwm.x<<","<<iwm.y<<")"<<endl;
			HPoint3D ps3DH, pe3DH;

			ps3DH.X = ps3D.x;
			ps3DH.Y = ps3D.y;
			pe3DH.X = pe3D.x;
			pe3DH.Y = pe3D.y;

			if(inSegment(_WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p1)->p, _WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p2)->p, iwm))
				dist = getDistance(iwm, pd);

			if((dist<min) && (dist>1.0))

	//cerr<<"("<<_WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p1)->p.X<<","<<_WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p1)->p.Y<<") -> ";
	//cerr<<"("<<_WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p2)->p.X<<","<<_WorldModel->getPoint(wmline->p2)->p.Y<<") = "<<min<<endl;

	return min;

예제 #3
int intersect2D_Segments( const Vector2d &p1, const Vector2d &p2,
			  const Vector2d &p3, const Vector2d &p4,
			  Vector2d &I0, Vector2d &I1,
			  double maxerr)
  Vector2d    u = p2 - p1;
  Vector2d    v = p4 - p3;
  Vector2d    w = p1 - p3;
  double    D = perp(u,v);
  double t0, t1; // Temp vars for parametric checks

  // test if they are parallel (includes either being a point)
  if (abs(D) < maxerr) {          // S1 and S2 are parallel
    if (perp(u,w) != 0 || perp(v,w) != 0) {
      return 0;                   // they are NOT collinear
    // they are collinear or degenerate
    // check if they are degenerate points
    double du = u.dot(u);
    double dv = v.dot(v);
    if (du==0 && dv==0) {           // both segments are points
      if (p1 != p3)         // they are distinct points
	return 0;
      I0 = p1;                // they are the same point
      return 1;
    if (du==0) {                    // S1 is a single point
      if (!inSegment(p1, p3, p4))  // but is not in S2
	return 0;
      I0 = p1;
      return 1;
    if (dv==0) {                    // S2 a single point
      if (!inSegment(p3, p1,p2))  // but is not in S1
	return 0;
      I0 = p3;
      return 1;
    // they are collinear segments - get overlap (or not)
    Vector2d w2 = p2 - p3;
    if (v.x() != 0) {
      t0 = w.x() / v.x();
      t1 = w2.x() / v.x();
    else {
      t0 = w.y() / v.y();
      t1 = w2.y() / v.y();
    if (t0 > t1) {                  // must have t0 smaller than t1
      double t=t0; t0=t1; t1=t;    // swap if not
    if (t0 > 1 || t1 < 0) {
      return 0;     // NO overlap
    t0 = t0<0? 0 : t0;              // clip to min 0
    t1 = t1>1? 1 : t1;              // clip to max 1
    if (t0 == t1) {                 // intersect is a point
      I0 = p3 + v*t0;
      return 1;

    // they overlap in a valid subsegment
    I0 = p3 + v*t0;
    I1 = p3 + v*t1;
    return 2;
  } // end parallel

  bool outside = false;
  // the segments are skew and may intersect in a point
  // get the intersect parameter for S1
  t0 = perp(v,w) / D;
  if (t0 < 0 || t0 > 1)               // no intersect in S1
    outside = true;
  //return 0;

  // get the intersect parameter for S2
  t1 = perp(u,w) / D;
  if (t1 < 0 || t1 > 1)               // no intersect in S2
    outside = true;
  //    return 0;

  I0 = p1 + u * t0;               // compute S1 intersect point
  if (outside) return 3;
  return 1;
예제 #4
	// Following function licensed as:
	// Copyright 2001, softSurfer (www.softsurfer.com)
	// This code may be freely used and modified for any purpose
	// providing that this copyright notice is included with it.
	// SoftSurfer makes no warranty for this code, and cannot be held
	// liable for any real or imagined damage resulting from its use.
	// Users of this code must verify correctness for their application.
	// intersect2D_2Segments(): the intersection of 2 finite 2D segments
	//    Input:  two finite segments S1 and S2
	//    Output: *I0 = intersect point (when it exists)
	//            *I1 = endpoint of intersect segment [I0,I1] (when it exists)
	//    Return: 0=disjoint (no intersect)
	//            1=intersect in unique point I0
	//            2=overlap in segment from I0 to I1
	int intersect2D_Segments( const Vector2d &p1, const Vector2d &p2, const Vector2d &p3, const Vector2d &p4, Vector2d &I0, Vector2d &I1, double &t0, double &t1 )
		Vector2d    u = p2 - p1;
		Vector2d    v = p4 - p3;
		Vector2d    w = p1 - p3;
		double    D = perp(u,v);

		// test if they are parallel (includes either being a point)
		if (fabs(D) < SMALL_NUM) {          // S1 and S2 are parallel
			if (perp(u,w) != 0 || perp(v,w) != 0) {
				return 0;                   // they are NOT collinear
			// they are collinear or degenerate
			// check if they are degenerate points
			double du = dot(u,u);
			double dv = dot(v,v);
			if (du==0 && dv==0) {           // both segments are points
				if (p1 != p3)         // they are distinct points
					return 0;
				I0 = p1;                // they are the same point
				return 1;
			if (du==0) {                    // S1 is a single point
				if (inSegment(p1, p3, p4) == 0)  // but is not in S2
					return 0;
				I0 = p1;
				return 1;
			if (dv==0) {                    // S2 a single point
				if (inSegment(p3, p1,p2) == 0)  // but is not in S1
					return 0;
				I0 = p3;
				return 1;
			// they are collinear segments - get overlap (or not)
			//double t0, t1;                   // endpoints of S1 in eqn for S2
			Vector2d w2 = p2 - p3;
			if (v.x != 0) {
				t0 = w.x / v.x;
				t1 = w2.x / v.x;
			else {
				t0 = w.y / v.y;
				t1 = w2.y / v.y;
			if (t0 > t1) {                  // must have t0 smaller than t1
				double t=t0; t0=t1; t1=t;    // swap if not
			if (t0 > 1 || t1 < 0) {
				return 0;     // NO overlap
			t0 = t0<0? 0 : t0;              // clip to min 0
			t1 = t1>1? 1 : t1;              // clip to max 1
			if (t0 == t1) {                 // intersect is a point
				I0 = p3 + v*t0;
				return 1;

			// they overlap in a valid subsegment
			I0 = p3 + v*t0;
			I1 = p3 + v*t1;
			return 2;

		// the segments are skew and may intersect in a point
		// get the intersect parameter for S1
		t0 = perp(v,w) / D;
		if (t0 < 0 || t0 > 1)               // no intersect with S1
			return 0;

		// get the intersect parameter for S2
		t1 = perp(u,w) / D;
		if (t1 < 0 || t1 > 1)               // no intersect with S2
			return 0;

		I0 = p1 + u * t0;               // compute S1 intersect point
		return 1;