예제 #1
int main()
	// Open input and output files
	FILE *fp =fopen("crypt1.in","r");
	FILE *fp2 =fopen("crypt1.out","w");

	int temp;							// temporary variable for input
	int i;								// For loop counter
	long int count = 0;					// The required answer
	int num1;							// 3 digit number
	int num2;							// 2 digit number
	int N;								// The cardinality of the set
	fscanf(fp, "%d",&N);
	for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i ++ )
		fscanf(fp, "%d", &temp);
		array[temp] = 1;

//	printf("%d %d\n", inSet(111,3), inSet(1111,4));
	for ( num1 = 111 ; num1 < 999 ; num1 ++ )
		for ( num2 = 11 ; num2 < 99 ; num2 ++ )
			if ( num1 * num2 > 9999 )

			if ( inSet (num1,3) && inSet(num2,2) )
				if ( inSet (num1*(num2%10), 3) && inSet(num1*(num2/10), 3))
					if ( inSet (num1 * num2, 4) ) {
						// fprintf(fp2, "%d  %d\n", num1, num2);
						count ++;

	fprintf(fp2, "%ld\n",count);

	// Close input and output files
예제 #2
 * Alignment2SequenceWorkerFactory
void Alignment2SequenceWorkerFactory::init() {
    // ports description
    QList<PortDescriptor*> portDescs;
        QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> inM;
        DataTypePtr inSet(new MapDataType(ALN_2_SEQUENCE_IN_TYPE_ID, inM));
        Descriptor inPortDesc(BasePorts::IN_MSA_PORT_ID(), Alignment2SequenceWorker::tr("Input alignment"),
            Alignment2SequenceWorker::tr("A alignment which will be split into sequences"));
        portDescs << new PortDescriptor(inPortDesc, inSet, true);

        QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> outM;
        outM[BaseSlots::DNA_SEQUENCE_SLOT()] = BaseTypes::DNA_SEQUENCE_TYPE();
        DataTypePtr outSet(new MapDataType(ALN_2_SEQUENCE_OUT_TYPE_ID, outM));
        Descriptor outPortDesc(BasePorts::OUT_SEQ_PORT_ID(), Alignment2SequenceWorker::tr("Output sequences"),
            Alignment2SequenceWorker::tr("Converted sequences"));
        portDescs << new PortDescriptor(outPortDesc, outSet, false);

    QList<Attribute*> attrs;

    Descriptor protoDesc(Alignment2SequenceWorkerFactory::ACTOR_ID,
        Alignment2SequenceWorker::tr("Split Alignment into Sequences"),
        Alignment2SequenceWorker::tr("Splits input alignment into sequences"));
    ActorPrototype * proto = new IntegralBusActorPrototype(protoDesc, portDescs, attrs);

    proto->setPrompter(new Alignment2SequencePrompter());

    WorkflowEnv::getProtoRegistry()->registerProto(BaseActorCategories::CATEGORY_ALIGNMENT(), proto);
    WorkflowEnv::getDomainRegistry()->getById( LocalDomainFactory::ID )->registerEntry( new Alignment2SequenceWorkerFactory() );
예제 #3
파일: tsp.c 프로젝트: starboy520/starboy
 * 将set中的第i位设置成0,表示从集合s中删除了
int deleteSet(int i, int set)
		set = ~(mypow(2,i-1))&set;
	return set;
예제 #4
bool validArgs(char* argv[])
    // if message or type point to the end of the set then that means that the arguments to the
    // program are not valid. So return false. Valid means taht both arguments are true.
    return inSet(OF_Messages, argv[1]) and inSet(OF_Message_Type, argv[2]);
예제 #5
void CollocationWorkerFactory::init() {

    QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> m;
        m[BaseSlots::DNA_SEQUENCE_SLOT()] = BaseTypes::DNA_SEQUENCE_TYPE();
    DataTypePtr inSet(new MapDataType(Descriptor("regioned.sequence"), m));
    DataTypeRegistry* dr = WorkflowEnv::getDataTypeRegistry();

    QList<PortDescriptor*> p; QList<Attribute*> a;
    p << new PortDescriptor(Descriptor(BasePorts::IN_SEQ_PORT_ID(), CollocationWorker::tr("Input data"),
        CollocationWorker::tr("An input sequence and a set of annotations to search in.")), inSet, true /*input*/);
    QMap<Descriptor, DataTypePtr> outM;
    p << new PortDescriptor(Descriptor(BasePorts::OUT_ANNOTATIONS_PORT_ID(),
        CollocationWorker::tr("Group annotations"), CollocationWorker::tr("Annotated regions containing found collocations.")),
        DataTypePtr(new MapDataType(Descriptor("collocation.annotations"), outM)), false /*input*/, true/*multi*/);

    static const QString newAnnsStr = CollocationWorker::tr("Create new annotations");
        Descriptor nd(NAME_ATTR, CollocationWorker::tr("Result annotation"),
            CollocationWorker::tr("Name of the result annotations to mark found collocations."));
        Descriptor ad(ANN_ATTR, CollocationWorker::tr("Group of annotations"),
            CollocationWorker::tr("A list of annotation names to search. Found regions will contain all the named annotations."));
        Descriptor ld(LEN_ATTR, CollocationWorker::tr("Region size"),
            CollocationWorker::tr("Effectively this is the maximum allowed distance between the interesting annotations in a group."));
        Descriptor fd(FIT_ATTR, CollocationWorker::tr("Must fit into region"),
            CollocationWorker::tr("Whether the interesting annotations should entirely fit into the specified region to form a group."));
        Descriptor td(TYPE_ATTR, CollocationWorker::tr("Result type"),
            CollocationWorker::tr("Copy original annotations or annotate found regions with new ones."));
        Descriptor id(INC_BOUNDARY_ATTR, CollocationWorker::tr("Include boundaries"),
            CollocationWorker::tr("Include most left and most right boundary annotations regions into result or exclude them."));
        Attribute *nameAttr = new Attribute(nd, BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE(), true, QVariant("misc_feature"));
        Attribute *typeAttr = new Attribute(td, BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE(), false, NEW_TYPE_ATTR);
        Attribute *boundAttr = new Attribute(id, BaseTypes::BOOL_TYPE(), false, true);
        a << typeAttr;
        a << nameAttr;
        a << boundAttr;
        a << new Attribute(ad, BaseTypes::STRING_TYPE(), true);
        a << new Attribute(ld, BaseTypes::NUM_TYPE(), false, QVariant(1000));
        a << new Attribute(fd, BaseTypes::BOOL_TYPE(), false, QVariant(false));

        nameAttr->addRelation(new VisibilityRelation(TYPE_ATTR, NEW_TYPE_ATTR));
        boundAttr->addRelation(new VisibilityRelation(TYPE_ATTR, NEW_TYPE_ATTR));

    Descriptor desc(ACTOR_ID, CollocationWorker::tr("Collocation Search"),
        CollocationWorker::tr("Finds groups of specified annotations in each supplied set of annotations, stores found regions as annotations."));
    ActorPrototype* proto = new IntegralBusActorPrototype(desc, p, a);
    QMap<QString, PropertyDelegate*> delegates;
        QVariantMap lenMap; lenMap["minimum"] = QVariant(0); lenMap["maximum"] = QVariant(INT_MAX);
        delegates[LEN_ATTR] = new SpinBoxDelegate(lenMap);
        delegates[FIT_ATTR] = new ComboBoxWithBoolsDelegate();

        QVariantMap typeMap;
        typeMap[CollocationWorker::tr("Copy original annotations")] = COPY_TYPE_ATTR;
        typeMap[newAnnsStr] = NEW_TYPE_ATTR;
        delegates[TYPE_ATTR] = new ComboBoxDelegate(typeMap);

    proto->setEditor(new DelegateEditor(delegates));
    proto->setValidator(new CollocationValidator());
    proto->setPrompter(new CollocationPrompter());
    WorkflowEnv::getProtoRegistry()->registerProto(BaseActorCategories::CATEGORY_BASIC(), proto);

    DomainFactory* localDomain = WorkflowEnv::getDomainRegistry()->getById(LocalDomainFactory::ID);
    localDomain->registerEntry(new CollocationWorkerFactory());
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void AggregateCopyPropagation::IterateToFixedpoint() {
    // We use an iterative data-flow algorithm to propagate the copies
    // that are available on entry of each block. Add the blocks
    // in reverse-postorder, this minimizes the number of iterations.
    StaticList<Block*, 64> worklist;
    SparseBitVector inWorklist;

    CFGInfo<Block, Function> cfgInfo(funct_->FirstBlock(), false);
    auto& postorderList = cfgInfo.PostorderList();
    int copyCount = infoList_.Count();

    // Add all blocks to the worklist.
    for(int i = 0; i < postorderList.Count(); i++) {
        auto block = const_cast<Block*>(postorderList[i]);

    while(worklist.IsNotEmpty()) {
        // Extract a block from the worklist.
        auto block = worklist.RemoveLast();

        // Compute the 'in' set, which is the intersection
        // out the 'out' sets of the predecessors.
        BitVector inSet(copyCount, false);
        auto predecessorEnum = block->GetPredecessorEnum();
        bool first = true;

        while(predecessorEnum.IsValid()) {
            auto predecessorBlock = predecessorEnum.Next();

            if(first) {
                inSet = outSets_[predecessorBlock];
                first = false;
            else inSet.And(outSets_[predecessorBlock]);

        // Save the 'in' set, it's needed later
        // when we want to eliminate the copies.
        inSets_.Add(block, inSet);

        // Now compute the new 'out' set, which is the union of the 'copy' set
        // with the 'in' set, from which the 'kill' set has been subtracted.
        // Out(B) = Copy(B) U (In(B) - Kill(B))
        BitVector outSet = copySets_[block];

        if(outSets_[block] != outSet) {
            // The 'out' set must be updated, and all successors
            // must be added to the worklist and reprocessed.
            outSets_[block] = outSet;

            auto successorEnum = block->GetSuccessorEnum();

            while(successorEnum.IsValid()) {
                auto successorBlock = successorEnum.Next();

                if(inWorklist.IsSet(successorBlock->Id()) == false) {
예제 #7
int Classifier::loadData(string testConf, string pathToSil)
     // Open file with testing configuration
    ifstream tcStream(testConf.c_str());
    if (!tcStream.is_open())
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not open %s\n", testConf.c_str());
        return 1;

    string classId;
    string folderName;
    set<string> testImgsNames;
    while (tcStream.good())
        // Skip comments and empty lines
        string line;
        getline(tcStream, line);
        if (!hasData(line)) 
            folderName = line;                  // Get folder name
            classId = getClassId(folderName);   // Get classId

            while (tcStream.good())             // Get names of test images
                getline(tcStream, line);
                if(!hasData(line)) break;

        // Get pictures from folder
	string dirPath = pathToSil + folderName;
	const vector<string>& filenames = getFilesFromFolder(dirPath);
#ifdef WIN32

        dirPath += "\\";
        dirPath += "/";


        for (int i = 0; i < (int) filenames.size(); i++) 
            // Store image to corresponding set (test or learning)
            string imgName = filenames[i];
            string imgPath = dirPath + imgName;

            Mat imgMat = imread(imgPath, 1);
            if (inSet(imgName, testImgsNames))

        if (testData[classId].size() != testImgsNames.size())
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Test set for %s is badly defined!\n", classId.c_str());

    // Everything went ok
    return 0;
예제 #8
파일: tsp.c 프로젝트: starboy520/starboy
int insertSet(int i, int set)
	if(inSet(i, set)==0)
		return set|mypow(2,i-1);
	return set;