예제 #1
void *
thread_function (void *arg)
  int my_number = (long) arg;
  int *myp = (int *) &counters[my_number];
  static volatile int t;

  /* Don't run forever.  Run just short of it :)  */
  while (*myp > 0)
      t = break_here_before_inc ();

      int y = inc_x (my_number);

      if (y >= 0)
	  (*myp) ++; usleep (1);  /* Loop increment.  */
	  if (my_number == 0)
	    break_here ();
	  usleep (1);

  pthread_exit (NULL);
예제 #2
파일: le_core.c 프로젝트: am-ivanov/le2d
void le_step_x(le_task *t)
	assert(t->stype == ST_AOS); // this is array of structere
	 * Due to our system of pde is linear, we can use some simple way to solve it.
	 * du/dt + A * du/dx = 0.
	 * Vector u = {vx, vy, sxx, sxy, syy}.
	 * Matrix A could be represent in form OmegaL * Lambda * OmegaR,
	 * where Lambda - diagonal matrix of eigen values of matrix A.
	 * In our case Lambda = diag{c1, -c1, c2, -c2, 0}.
	 * OmegaR and OmegaL - metrices from eigen vectors of matrix A,
	 * OmegaR * OmegaL = E, where E = diag{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}.
	 * We can rewrite out system in form:
	 * du/dt + OmegaL * Lambda * OmegaR du/dx = 0, multiply on matrix OmegaR:
	 * OmegaR * du/dt + OmegaR * OmegaL * Lambda * OmegaR du/dx = 0.
	 * Introduce new variables (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_invariant):
	 * w = {w1, w2, w3, w4, w5},
	 * w = OmegaR * u, then we got:
	 * dw/dt + Lambda * dw/dx = 0.
	 * And we get system of independent advection equations, that we can solve separatly.
	 * So we get next algorithm:
	 * 1. Introduce new variables w = OmegaR * u;
	 * 2. Solve 5 equations of linear advection (in real we solve only 4, because of in fifth equation speed is 0);
	 * 3. Make inverse transformation u = OmegaL * w. 
	int i, j;
	// Courant number (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courant%E2%80%93Friedrichs%E2%80%93Lewy_condition).
	const real k1 = t->dt * t->mat.c1 / t->h.x;
	const real k2 = t->dt * t->mat.c2 / t->h.x;
	int num_of_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
	#pragma omp parallel for shared(t) private(i,j)
	    for (j = 0; j < t->n.y; j++) {
		     * Riemann invariants for 5-point sctencil difference scheme.
		    le_w w_2, w_1, w, w1, w2;
		    omega_x(&t->mat, &gind(0, j), &w);
		    omega_x(&t->mat, &gind(1, j), &w1);
		    omega_x(&t->mat, &gind(2, j), &w2);
		    w_2 = w_1 = w; // In linear case we can do this.
		    for (i = 0; i < t->n.x; i++) {
			    le_w d;
			    reconstruct(w_2, w_1, w, w1, w2, k1, k2, &d);
			    inc_x(&t->mat, &gind(i, j), &d);
			    w_2 = w_1;
			    w_1 = w;
			    w   = w1;
			    w1  = w2;
			    if (i < t->n.x - 3) omega_x(&t->mat, &gind(i + 3, j), &w2);