예제 #1
data_stress_molecular_print (FILE * pfile, const sys_info_t * p_sys_info,
			     const int snap, const double t)
/*1    2    3   4  5  6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  */
/*snap t e_str xx xy yy Lxx Lxy Lyy Rxx Rxy Ryy fxL fyL fxR fyR  */

  fprintf (pfile, "mol " 
	   "%d %.5e %.5e " 
	   "%.5e %.5e %.5e "  // mean
	   "%.5e %.5e %.5e "  // L
	   "%.5e %.5e %.5e "  // R
	   "%.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e\n", // forces

	   snap, t, e_strain,



	   forca_L[index_x(0)], forca_L[index_y(0)],
	   forca_R[index_x(0)], forca_R[index_y(0)]);

  return 0;
예제 #2
void Grid::removeItem( GridItemPtr item)
    const vec2 & location = item->getPos();
    Cell& cell = cellRef( index_x( location.x ), index_y( location.y ) );
    cell.remove( item );
    numItems -= 1;
예제 #3
void Grid::putItem( GridItemPtr item)
    const vec2 & location = item->getPos();
    Cell& cell = cellRef( index_x( location.x ), index_y( location.y ) );
    cell.add( item );
    numItems += 1;
예제 #4
historia_stress_writer (FILE * pfile, const double * sys,
			const sys_info_t * p_sys_info)
     /* implementacio de writer_funcp_t  **/
  static const char * new_line = "\n";
  static const char * particle_delim = ":";

  /* historia stressos:       i    x    y   xx   xy   yy  **/
  const char * format_file = "%d %.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e %.5e";
  int phys_size = p_sys_info->phys_size;
  int i;
  fprintf (pfile, particle_delim);
  for (i = 0; i < phys_size; i++)
      fprintf (pfile, format_file,
	       i,                           // 1. i
	       sys[index_x(i)],             // 2. x
	       sys[index_y(i)],             // 3. y
	       stress_tensor[index_xx(i)] - mean_stress[index_xx(0)],  // 4. xx
	       stress_tensor[index_xy(i)] - mean_stress[index_xy(0)],  // 5. xy
	       stress_tensor[index_yy(i)] - mean_stress[index_yy(0)]); // 6. yy
      fprintf (pfile, particle_delim);
  fprintf (pfile, new_line);  
  return 0;
readIndexSetFromFile(IndexSet<Index2D> &Lambda, string filename)
    std::ifstream infile (filename.c_str());
    if (infile.is_open()) {
        cerr << "   Indexset file is open." << endl;
    else {
        cerr << "   Indexset file " << filename.c_str()  << " is not open." << endl;

	int t1,t2;
    int j1,j2;
    long k1,k2;
    T coeff;

    while(!infile.eof()) {

    	infile >> t1 >> j1 >> k1 >> t2 >> j2 >> k2 >> coeff;

        if (t1 == 1 && t2 == 1) {
            Index1D index_x(j1,k1,XWavelet);
            Index1D index_y(j2,k2,XWavelet);
        else if (t1 == 1 && t2 == 0) {
            Index1D index_x(j1,k1,XWavelet);
            Index1D index_y(j2,k2,XBSpline);
        else if (t1 == 0 && t2 == 1) {
            Index1D index_x(j1,k1,XBSpline);
            Index1D index_y(j2,k2,XWavelet);
        else if (t1 == 0 && t2 == 0) {
            Index1D index_x(j1,k1,XBSpline);
            Index1D index_y(j2,k2,XBSpline);
        else {
            std::cerr << "Could not read file." << std::endl;
            exit(1); return;
예제 #6
data_energy_extract (const sys_info_t * p_sys_info,
		     const double * sys, const double * f,
		     const int snap, const double t)
  energy_energy = 0.;
  energy_energy2 = 0.;
  dW_per_particle = 0.;
  dW = 0.;
  sum_modul_per_particle = 0.;
  sum_modul = 0.;

  int phys_size = p_sys_info->phys_size;
  double norm = 1. / ((double) phys_size);
  int i;
  int sys_size = p_sys_info->sys_size;
  for (i = 0; i < phys_size; i++)
  //for (i = 0; i < sys_size; i++)
      double x_i = sys[index_x(i)];
      double y_i = sys[index_y(i)];

      double e_i = 0.;

      double fx_i = f[index_x(i)];
      double fy_i = f[index_y(i)];
      double vx_i = f[index_x(i)];
      double vy_i = f[index_y(i)];
      double dW_i = fx_i * vx_i + fy_i * vy_i; // v and f are the same, but...
      double mod_v_i = sqrt(vx_i * vx_i + vy_i * vy_i);

      int j;
      //for (j = 0; j < phys_size; j++)
      for (j = 0; j < sys_size; j++)
	  /* avoid self  */
	  if (j == i) continue;

	  double x_j = sys[index_x(j)];
	  double y_j = sys[index_y(j)];
	  double r2 = (x_j - x_i) * (x_j - x_i) + (y_j - y_i) * (y_j - y_i);
	  double over_r2 = 1. / r2;
	  double over_r6 = over_r2 * over_r2 * over_r2;
	  double over_r12 = over_r6 * over_r6;
	  double e_ij = 4 * (over_r12 - over_r6);
	  e_i = e_i + e_ij;

      // el 0.5 \sum_{i<j} = 0.5 \sum_{ij} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      energy_energy = energy_energy + 0.5 * e_i;
      energy_energy2 = energy_energy2 + 0.5 * e_i * e_i; //??? el 0.5 no ho sé
      dW_per_particle = dW_per_particle + norm * dW_i;
      dW = dW + dW_i;
      sum_modul_per_particle = sum_modul_per_particle + norm * mod_v_i;
      sum_modul = sum_modul + mod_v_i;

  /* e_strain  **/
  double V = p_sys_info->V;
  double delta_x = p_sys_info->delta_x;
  int NX = p_sys_info->NX;
  double x_length_0 = (NX + 1) * delta_x;//(NX - 0.5) * delta_x;
  double vt = 2 * V * t;
  e_strain = vt / x_length_0;

  return 0;
예제 #7
data_stress_molecular_extract (const sys_info_t * p_sys_info,
			       const double * sys, const double * f,
			       const int snap, const double t)
  mean_stress[index_xx(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress[index_xy(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress[index_yy(0)] = 0.;

  mean_stress2[index_xx(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress2[index_xy(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress2[index_yy(0)] = 0.;

  mean_stress_L[index_xx(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress_L[index_xy(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress_L[index_yy(0)] = 0.;

  mean_stress2_L[index_xx(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress2_L[index_xy(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress2_L[index_yy(0)] = 0.;

  mean_stress_R[index_xx(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress_R[index_xy(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress_R[index_yy(0)] = 0.;

  mean_stress2_R[index_xx(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress2_R[index_xy(0)] = 0.;
  mean_stress2_R[index_yy(0)] = 0.;

  forca_L[index_x(0)] = 0.;
  forca_L[index_y(0)] = 0.;
  forca_R[index_x(0)] = 0.;
  forca_R[index_y(0)] = 0.;

  int sys_size = p_sys_info->sys_size;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < sys_size; i++) 
      stress_tensor[index_xx(i)] = 0.;
      stress_tensor[index_xy(i)] = 0.;
      stress_tensor[index_yy(i)] = 0.;

  for (i = 0; i < sys_size; i++)
      double x_i = sys[index_x(i)];
      double y_i = sys[index_y(i)];
      double s_xx_i = 0.;
      double s_xy_i = 0.;
      double s_yy_i = 0.;

      int jotes = 0;
      int j;
      for (j = 0; j < sys_size; j++)
	  /* avoid self  */
	  if (i == j) continue;

	  double x_j = sys[index_x(j)];
	  double y_j = sys[index_y(j)];

	  /* La i es l'origen, la f actua sobre la j.  */
	  double x_ij = x_j - x_i;
	  double y_ij = y_j - y_i;
	  double r2_ij = x_ij * x_ij + y_ij * y_ij;

	  /* cut off  */
	  if (r2_ij > range2) continue;
	  double f_x_ij = 0.;
	  double f_y_ij = 0.;
	  /* caluculo la forca  entre _i_ i _j_*/
	  double over_r2 = 1./r2_ij;
	  double over_r6 = over_r2 * over_r2 * over_r2;
	  double factor;
	  factor = 24. * over_r2 * over_r6 * (2 * over_r6 - 1);

	  f_x_ij = factor * x_ij;
	  f_y_ij = factor * y_ij;

	  s_xx_i = s_xx_i + f_x_ij * x_ij;
	  s_xy_i = s_xy_i + f_x_ij * y_ij;
	  s_yy_i = s_yy_i + f_y_ij * y_ij;

	  /* valors propis  */
/* 	  double suma = 0.5 * (s_xx_i + s_yy_i); */
/* 	  double resta = 0.5 * (s_xx_i - s_yy_i); */
/* 	  double arrel = sqrt (resta * resta + s_xy_i * s_xy_i); */

/* 	  double lambda_menys = suma - arrel; */
/* 	  double lambda_mes = suma + arrel; */

      double norm = 1./ ((double) jotes);
      s_xx_i = norm * s_xx_i;
      s_xy_i = norm * s_xy_i;
      s_yy_i = norm * s_yy_i;

      stress_tensor[index_xx(i)] = s_xx_i;
      stress_tensor[index_xy(i)] = s_xy_i;
      stress_tensor[index_yy(i)] = s_yy_i;

      //      fprintf (stderr, "%d %f %f %f\n", i, s_xx_i, s_xy_i, s_yy_i);

  /* calculo les mitjanes, que haurien de coincidir  */
  int phys_size = p_sys_info->phys_size;
  double norm = 1./ ((double) phys_size);
  for (i = 0; i < phys_size; i++)
      double s_xx_i = stress_tensor[index_xx(i)];
      double s_xy_i = stress_tensor[index_xy(i)];
      double s_yy_i = stress_tensor[index_yy(i)];

      mean_stress[index_xx(0)] = mean_stress[index_xx(0)] + norm * s_xx_i;
      mean_stress[index_xy(0)] = mean_stress[index_xy(0)] + norm * s_xy_i;
      mean_stress[index_yy(0)] = mean_stress[index_yy(0)] + norm * s_yy_i;

      mean_stress2[index_xx(0)] = mean_stress2[index_xx(0)] 
	                        + norm * s_xx_i * s_xx_i;
      mean_stress[index_xy(0)] = mean_stress[index_xy(0)] 
                               + norm * s_xy_i * s_xy_i;
      mean_stress[index_yy(0)] = mean_stress[index_yy(0)] 
                               + norm * s_yy_i * s_yy_i;

  /* e_strain  **/  
  double V = p_sys_info->V;
  double delta_x = p_sys_info->delta_x;
  int NX = p_sys_info->NX;
  double x_length_0 = (NX + 1) * delta_x;//(NX - 0.5) * delta_x;
  double vt = 2 * V * t;
  e_strain = vt / x_length_0;

  int paret_size = p_sys_info->paret_size;
  norm = 1. / ((double) paret_size);
  int NY = p_sys_info->NY;
  double delta_y = p_sys_info->delta_y;
  double norm_f = 1. / (delta_y * ((double) NY));
  //  fprintf (stdout, "norm: %f\n", norm_f);
  //forca total, no normalitzem / ((double) NY);
  /* paretL  */
  for (i = phys_size; i < phys_size + paret_size; i++)
      double xx = stress_tensor[index_xx(i)];
      double xy = stress_tensor[index_xy(i)];
      double yy = stress_tensor[index_yy(i)];

      mean_stress_L[index_xx(0)] = mean_stress_L[index_xx(0)] + norm * xx;
      mean_stress_L[index_xy(0)] = mean_stress_L[index_xy(0)] + norm * xy;
      mean_stress_L[index_yy(0)] = mean_stress_L[index_yy(0)] + norm * yy;

      mean_stress2_L[index_xx(0)] = mean_stress2_L[index_xx(0)] 
	                          + norm * xx * xx;
      mean_stress2_L[index_xy(0)] = mean_stress2_L[index_xy(0)] 
                                  + norm * xy * xy;
      mean_stress2_L[index_yy(0)] = mean_stress2_L[index_yy(0)] 
                                  + norm * yy * yy;

      forca_L[index_x(0)] = forca_L[index_x(0)] + norm_f * f[index_x(i)];
      forca_L[index_y(0)] = forca_L[index_y(0)] + norm_f * f[index_y(i)];

  norm = 1. / ((double) paret_size);
  //  norm_f = 1.; // forca total, no normalitzem / ((double) NY);
  /* paretR */
  for (i = phys_size + paret_size; i < phys_size + 2 * paret_size; i++)
      double xx = stress_tensor[index_xx(i)];
      double xy = stress_tensor[index_xy(i)];
      double yy = stress_tensor[index_yy(i)];

      mean_stress_R[index_xx(0)] = mean_stress_R[index_xx(0)] + norm * xx;
      mean_stress_R[index_xy(0)] = mean_stress_R[index_xy(0)] + norm * xy;
      mean_stress_R[index_yy(0)] = mean_stress_R[index_yy(0)] + norm * yy;

      mean_stress2_R[index_xx(0)] = mean_stress2_R[index_xx(0)] 
	                          + norm * xx * xx;
      mean_stress2_R[index_xy(0)] = mean_stress2_R[index_xy(0)] 
                                  + norm * xy * xy;
      mean_stress2_R[index_yy(0)] = mean_stress2_R[index_yy(0)] 
                                  + norm * yy * yy;

      forca_R[index_x(0)] = forca_R[index_x(0)] + norm_f * f[index_x(i)];
      forca_R[index_y(0)] = forca_R[index_y(0)] + norm_f * f[index_y(i)];

  if (historia_stress_b) 
    dr_writer_write_frame (stress_history_pfile, sys,
			   p_sys_info, snap, t);

  return 0;