예제 #1
void verif_maps_crees()
	int i;

	/* On verifie que les 3 premiers inodes sont a 1 et tous les autres à 0 */
	for (i = 0; i < NB_INODES; i = i + 1)
		if (i < 3)
			assert(info_map(inodes, i) == 1);
			assert(info_map(inodes, i) == 0);

	/* On verifie que tous les blocs sont à 0 */
	for (i = 0; i < BLOCS_RESTANTS; i = i + 1)
		assert(info_map(blocs,i) == 0);

	/* Cas limites : demande d'états incorrects */
	assert(info_map(inodes, -1) == -1);
	assert(info_map(blocs, -1) == -1);
	assert(info_map(inodes, NB_INODES) == -1);
	assert(info_map(blocs, BLOCS_RESTANTS) == -1);
예제 #2
    void StorageSystem::issue_jobs() {
        auto storeloc = info_map.begin();

        for (auto it = global_set<item::Item>::begin();
             it != global_set<item::Item>::end();
            // We only store items not currently being used.
            if ((*it)->locked) {

            // We only store food.
            if (!(*it)->parent->has<Foodstuff>()) {

            // Is this item currently in a stockpile?
            auto pt = (*it)->pos();
            if (info_map(pt.as_point()) != nullptr) {

            // Do we already have a job for this item?
            auto jptr = std::lower_bound(jobs.begin(), jobs.end(), *it,
                                         [](const jobs_t::value_type& l, item::Item* item) -> bool { return l.first < item; });
            if (jptr != jobs.end() && jptr->first == *it) {

            // Find a free space to store it

            for(;;) {
                if (storeloc == info_map.end()) {
                if (*storeloc != nullptr && *storeloc != this) {

            // We will only reach here if:
            // * the item is unlocked
            // * the item is food
            // * the item is not in a stockpile
            // * we do not have a job for the item
            // * we have found a free stockpile space
            point dest = info_map.pointof(storeloc);
            auto jb = make_storage_job({ city, dest.first, dest.second }, *it);
            jobs.emplace_back(*it, jb);

예제 #3
    /// Creates (effectively) a bitmap of the storage situation
    ///@todo Use the job list to clear out any in-progress destinations
    void StorageSystem::build_info_map() {
        info_map.resize(city->getXSize(), city->getYSize());

        for (auto e : ents) {
            auto storage = e->assert_get<Storage>();
            // For the moment, we only support storage rooms
            auto room = e->assert_get<Room>();

            for (auto y = room->r.y; y < room->r.y + room->r.h; ++y) {
                for (auto x = room->r.x; x < room->r.x + room->r.w; ++x) {
                    if (city->ent(x, y).empty()) {
                        info_map(x, y) = storage;
                    } else {
                        // Quick hack.
                        info_map(x, y) = this;
예제 #4
void modifier_maps()
	int i;
	superbloc_s *ptr = recup_ptr_superbloc();

	/* Modification des blocs : tout a 1*/
	for (i = 0; i < BLOCS_RESTANTS; i++)
		//modifier_map(blocs, i, 1); // modifier map ne décremente pas !!

	assert(ptr->nb_blocs_libres == 0);

	/* Modification des inodes */
	for (i = 0; i < NB_INODES; i++)
		//modifier_map(inodes, i, 1);

	assert(ptr->nb_inodes_libres == 0);

	/* Verification que tout est à 1*/
	for (i = 0; i < BLOCS_RESTANTS; i++)
		assert(info_map(blocs, i) == 1);

	for (i = 0; i < NB_INODES; i++)
		assert(info_map(inodes, i) == 1);

	/* Plus de place disponible */
	assert(recuperer_id(inodes) == -1);
	assert(recuperer_id(blocs) == -1);
	assert(ptr->nb_blocs_libres == 0);
	assert(ptr->nb_inodes_libres == 0);

	/* Quelques modif */

	/* Liberation */
	liberer_id(inodes, 214);
	liberer_id(inodes, 18);
	assert(ptr->nb_inodes_libres == 2);

	liberer_id(blocs, 5);
	liberer_id(blocs, 850);
	assert(ptr->nb_blocs_libres == 2);

	/* Verification que les bits ont bien ete mis à 0 */
	assert(info_map(inodes, 18) == 0);
	assert(info_map(inodes, 214) == 0);
	assert(info_map(blocs, 5) == 0);
	assert(info_map(blocs, 850) == 0);

	/* Recuperation des id : on recupere bien ce qu'on a libéré */
	assert(recuperer_id(inodes) == 18);
	assert(recuperer_id(inodes) == 214);
	assert(recuperer_id(blocs) == 5);
	assert(recuperer_id(blocs) == 850);

	/* Verification que les bits ont bien ete REMIS à 1 */
	assert(info_map(inodes, 18) == 1);
	assert(info_map(inodes, 214) == 1);
	assert(info_map(blocs, 5) == 1);
	assert(info_map(blocs, 850) == 1);