예제 #1
// *******************************************************
// Initializes the ADC pins and their ISRs.
void heightInit(void)
	// using code from WEEK-2_ADC, my_adc.c written by Dr. Steve Weddell

	//                 SYSCTL_XTAL_8MHZ);

	// The ADC0 peripheral must be enabled for use.

	// For this example ADC0 is used with AIN0 on port B1. This
	// was given by the LM3S1968 data sheet.
	// Therefore, GPIO port B needs to be enabled
	// so these pins can be used.

	// Select the analog ADC function for these pins.
	// The LM3S1968 data sheet was consulted to see which functions are
	// allocated per pin.

	// Enable sample sequence 3 with a processor signal trigger.  Sequence 3
	// will do a single sample when the processor sends a signal to start the
	// conversion.  Each ADC module has 4 programmable sequences, sequence 0
	// to sequence 3.  This example is arbitrarily using sequence 3.
	ADCSequenceConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 3, ADC_TRIGGER_PROCESSOR, 0);

	// Configure step 0 on sequence 3.  Sample channel 0 (ADC_CTL_CH0) in
	// single-ended mode (default) and configure the interrupt flag
	// (ADC_CTL_IE) to be set when the sample is done.  Tell the ADC logic
	// that this is the last conversion on sequence 3 (ADC_CTL_END).  Sequence
	// 3 has only one programmable step.  Sequence 1 and 2 have 4 steps, and
	// sequence 0 has 8 programmable steps.  Since we are only doing a single
	// conversion using sequence 3 we will only configure step 0.  For more
	// information on the ADC sequences and steps, reference the datasheet.
	ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 3, 0, ADC_CTL_CH0 | ADC_CTL_IE |

	// Since sample sequence 3 is now configured, it must be enabled.
	ADCSequenceEnable(ADC0_BASE, 3);

	// Clear the interrupt status flag.  This is done to make sure the
	// interrupt flag is cleared before we sample.
	ADCIntClear(ADC0_BASE, 3);

	initCircBuf (&g_heightBuf, CIRCBUF_SIZE);

int main(void)
	unsigned int i;
	int sum = 0;
	int current = 0;
	int hgt_percent = 0;
	int degrees = 0;


	initCircBuf (&g_inBuffer, BUF_SIZE);

	// Enable interrupts to the processor.

	while (1)
		//double dt = SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICK_RATE_HZ;
		degrees = yawToDeg();

		// Background task: calculate the (approximate) mean of the values in the
		// circular buffer and display it.
		sum = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i++) {
			current = readCircBuf (&g_inBuffer);
			sum = sum + current;

		int newHght = ADC_TO_MILLIS(sum/BUF_SIZE);
		if(initialRead != 0)
			hgt_percent = calcHeight(initialRead, newHght);

			PIDControl(hgt_percent, SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICK_RATE_HZ);
			PWMPulseWidthSet (PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_1, period * main_duty / 100);
			PWMPulseWidthSet (PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_4, period * tail_duty / 100);

		displayInfo((int)initialRead, hgt_percent, degrees);
예제 #3
// Main function
void main(void) {
	reset_peripheral(); initClock(); initTimer(); initDisplay(); initPin();
	initGPIO(); initADC(); initConsole(); int i = 0;

	initCircBuf (&speed_buffer, BUF_SIZE); init_set_speed_data(&speed_set_data);

	int screen = 0; int screen_prev = 0; float speed = 0; float buffed_speed = 0;
	int fake_speed = 0; float acc = 0; float max_acc = 0; //float fuel_eco = 0;
	float distance = 0;

	bool fix = 0; uint8_t satillite = 0; float quality = 0; clock time;
	int aim_pos = 0; unsigned long adc = 0; //int error_stepper = 0;


		//reading data
		read_data = split_data(UART_char_data_old, read_data); 	// decode data
		speed = read_speed();									//read data into variables
		adc = run_adc()/7;

		aim_pos = speed_feedback(buffed_speed, encoder_1/40, speed_set_data.speed);
		if (speed_set_data.enable == 1){
			step_motor_control(encoder_1/40, aim_pos);

		//sending fake data
		fake_speed = (int)adc;//= random_at_most(100/1.852);

		//storing data
		buffed_speed = analysis_speed();
		acc = read_acceleration(buffed_speed);
		max_acc = max_acc_func(acc, max_acc);
		time = read_time();
		satillite = read_satillite();
		fix = read_fix();
		quality = read_quality();
		debounce_button();										// debounce buttons
		screen = read_button_screen(screen, fix);
		distance = read_distance();
		select_read();											//need a mosfet for turning power off
																// select adds a an on and off switch yo

		if (screen == 1){
			if(screen_prev != 1 && screen == 1){
				speed_set_data.speed = buffed_speed;
			speed_set_data.speed = set_speed(speed_set_data.speed);					// set the speed to cruise at
		if (screen == 2){ //0 to 100
		// refresh chainging
		if (fix == 1 && speed_set_data.old == speed_set_data.speed && refresh_rate < 4){
			UARTSend((unsigned char *)PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_5HZ, 18, 0);
			refresh_rate += 1;
		if (i >= 50){
			display(screen, buffed_speed, acc, max_acc, speed_set_data.speed, satillite,
					encoder_1/40, time, distance, quality, UART_char_data_old, aim_pos, adc, acc_times);
			i = 0;
		screen_prev = screen;
예제 #4
int main(void)
	led_init();	led_set(0x01); //show life
	UART_Init(BAUD); UART_Write("\nInit"); //Show UART life
	//Enable Analog pins

	//Sensor value variables
	uint16_t sensor_left_value = 0; uint16_t sensor_right_value  = 0; uint16_t sensor_front_value  = 0;

	//Analog inputSignal conditioning arrays
	circBuf_t left_buffer; circBuf_t right_buffer; 	circBuf_t front_buffer;

    //Initialise sensor averaging buffers
	initCircBuf(&left_buffer, ROLLING_AVERAGE_LENGTH);
	initCircBuf(&right_buffer, ROLLING_AVERAGE_LENGTH);
	initCircBuf(&front_buffer, ROLLING_AVERAGE_LENGTH);

	//UART output buffer
	char buffer[UART_BUFF_SIZE] = {0};

	//=====Application specific variables=====								//TODO: initialise circbuff
	circBuf_t sweep_times;
	initCircBuf(&sweep_times, SWEEP_TIME_MEMORY_LENGTH);
	short sweep_del_t_last = 0;
	short sweep_end_t_last = 0;
	//time when front sensor begins to see grey.
	uint32_t grey_time_start = 0;

	bool sweep_ended = FALSE;
	//set high if the front sensor crosses the line
	bool front_crossed_black = FALSE; 
	//set high if front finds finish line
	bool front_crossed_grey = FALSE;

	bool sensor_update_serviced = TRUE;
	action current_action = IDLE;
	int16_t forward_speed = DEFAULT_FORWARD_SPEED;
	int16_t turn_speed = DEFAULT_SPEED;
	//Scheduler variables
	uint32_t t = 0;	

	//Loop control time variables
	uint32_t maze_logic_t_last = 0;
	uint32_t sample_t_last = 0;
	uint32_t UART_t_last = 0;

	sei(); // Enable all interrupts

	//wait for start command
	DDRD &= ~BIT(7);
	PORTD |= BIT(7);
	//motor_set(128, 128);
	while((PIND & BIT(7)))

		t = clock_get_ms();
		//check if a sensor update has occured
		if ((sensor_update_serviced == FALSE) && 
			(t%MAZE_LOGIC_PERIOD == 0) && (t != maze_logic_t_last))
			sensor_update_serviced = TRUE;

			// finishing condition is a grey read for a set period
			if(is_grey(sensor_front_value) && front_crossed_grey == FALSE)
				front_crossed_grey = TRUE;
				grey_time_start = t;	                                   //TODO: adjust so that finishing condition is a 1/2 whole sweeps on grey line
			else if (is_grey(sensor_front_value) && front_crossed_grey == TRUE)
				if ((grey_time_start + GREY_TIME) <= t )
					// Finish line found. Stop robot.
					maze_completed(); // wait for button push
					front_crossed_grey = FALSE;

				front_crossed_grey = FALSE;
			//see if the front sensor crosses the line in case we run into a gap
			if(is_black(sensor_front_value)&&front_crossed_black == FALSE)
				front_crossed_black = TRUE;
				//check for false finish line
					front_crossed_grey = FALSE; //false alarm
			// when both rear sensors go black, this indicates an intersection (turns included).
			// try turning left
			if(is_black(sensor_left_value) && is_black(sensor_right_value))
				sweep_ended = TRUE;
				motor_set(0, 255);									
				PORTB |= BIT(3);
				PORTB |= BIT(4);
			//when both sensors are completely white this indicates a dead end or a tape-gap
			else if (is_white(sensor_left_value) && is_white(sensor_right_value))
				sweep_ended = TRUE;
				PORTB &= ~BIT(3);
				PORTB &= ~BIT(4);
				//current_action = ON_WHITE;
				//Check if the front sensor is on black, or has been during the last sweep.
				if(is_black(sensor_front_value) | front_crossed_black)
					motor_set(255, 255);
				else if (is_white(sensor_front_value))
					motor_set(-255, 255);
			//sweep to the side that reads the darkest value			
			else if (sensor_left_value + SENSOR_TOLLERANCE < sensor_right_value)
				PORTB &= ~BIT(3);
				PORTB |= BIT(4);
				if (current_action == SWEEP_LEFT)
					sweep_ended = TRUE;
				current_action = SWEEP_RIGHT;
				motor_set(forward_speed + turn_speed, forward_speed);
			else if(sensor_right_value + SENSOR_TOLLERANCE< sensor_left_value)
				PORTB |= BIT(3);
				PORTB &= ~BIT(4);			
				if (current_action == SWEEP_RIGHT)
					sweep_ended = TRUE;
				current_action = SWEEP_LEFT;
				motor_set(forward_speed, forward_speed+ turn_speed);

            //If a new sweep started this cycle, find how long it took
            if (sweep_ended)
            	//reset front black crossing detection variable
				sweep_ended = FALSE;
				if (front_crossed_black)
					front_crossed_black = FALSE;

				//Calculate sweep time
				sweep_del_t_last = t - sweep_end_t_last;
				sweep_end_t_last = t;
				writeCircBuf(&sweep_times, sweep_del_t_last);
				//adjust turn_speed for battery level.
				if (sweep_del_t_last > IDEAL_SWEEP_TIME)
					turn_speed += 5;
				if (sweep_del_t_last < IDEAL_SWEEP_TIME)
					turn_speed -= 5;
				turn_speed = regulate_within(turn_speed, MIN_TURN_SPEED, MAX_TURN_SPEED);
		//Sensor value update
 		if((t%SAMPLE_PERIOD == 0) & (t!=sample_t_last))
            sample_t_last = t;
            //read in analog values
            sensor_update(CHANNEL_SENSOR_LEFT, &left_buffer, &sensor_left_value );
            sensor_update(CHANNEL_SENSOR_RIGHT, &right_buffer, &sensor_right_value );
            sensor_update(CHANNEL_SENSOR_FRONT, &front_buffer, &sensor_front_value );
			sensor_update_serviced = FALSE;

		//display debug information		
		if((t%UART_PERIOD == 0) & (t != UART_t_last) & UART_ENABLED)
			UART_t_last = t;
			sprintf(buffer, "sweep_time: %u \n", sweep_del_t_last);

			sprintf(buffer, "L: %u F: %u R: %u", sensor_left_value, sensor_front_value, sensor_right_value);