예제 #1
void twinOrfStats(char *axtFile, char *raFile, char *outFile)
/* twinOrfStats - Collect stats on refSeq cDNAs aligned to another species via axtForEst. */
struct hash *rsiHash = readRefRa(raFile);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(axtFile, TRUE);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct axt *axt;
static struct countMatrix kozak[10], all, utr5, utr3, cds;
static struct c2Counts c2All, c2Utr5, c2Utr3, c2Cds;
char label[64];
char *predictFile = optionVal("predict", NULL);
int i;
struct codonCounts codons;

initCounts(&codons, 1);

threshold = optionFloat("threshold", threshold);
while ((axt = axtRead(lf)) != NULL)
    struct refSeqInfo *rsi = hashFindVal(rsiHash, axt->tName);
    if (rsi != NULL && rsi->cdsStart >= 5)
	if (checkAtg(axt, rsi->cdsStart))
	    for (i=0; i<10; ++i)
		addPos(&kozak[i], axt, rsi->cdsStart - 5 + i);
	    addRange(&all, &c2All, axt, 0, rsi->size);
	    addRange(&utr5, &c2Utr5, axt, 0, rsi->cdsStart);
	    addRange(&cds, &c2Cds, axt, rsi->cdsStart, rsi->cdsEnd);
	    addRange(&utr3, &c2Utr3, axt, rsi->cdsEnd, rsi->size);
	    addCodons(&codons, axt, rsi->cdsStart, rsi->cdsEnd-3);
dumpCounts(f, &all, "all");
dumpCounts(f, &utr5, "utr5");
dumpCounts(f, &cds, "cds");
dumpCounts(f, &utr3, "utr3");
dumpM1(f, &c2All, "c2_all");
dumpM1(f, &c2Utr5, "c2_utr5");
dumpM1(f, &c2Cds, "c2_cds");
dumpM1(f, &c2Utr3, "c2_utr3");
for (i=0; i<10; ++i)
    sprintf(label, "kozak[%d]", i-5);
    dumpCounts(f, &kozak[i], label);
dumpCodon(f, &codons, "codon");
if (predictFile)
    predict(kozak, &all, axtFile, predictFile, rsiHash);
예제 #2
QuoteDialog::QuoteDialog(bool full, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) 
    QFile styleSheet(":/resources/styles/fritzing.qss");
    if (!styleSheet.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        DebugDialog::debug("Unable to open :/resources/styles/fritzing.qss");
    } else {

	setWindowTitle(tr("Fritzing Fab Quote"));

	QVBoxLayout * vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);

    QLabel * label = new QLabel(tr("Order your PCB from Fritzing Fab"));

	m_messageLabel = new QLabel(tr(""));

    m_tableWidget = new QTableWidget(3, MessageCount + 1);


    m_tableWidget->setItemDelegate(new CustomDelegate(m_tableWidget));
    QStringList labels;
    labels << tr("Copies") << tr("Price per board") << tr("Price");
    int ix = 0;
    foreach (QString labl, labels) {
        QTableWidgetItem * item = new QTableWidgetItem(labl);
        m_tableWidget->setItem(ix, 0, item);
        ix += 1;
예제 #3
** Function: testStandardConditions
** Description: execute tests for standard conditions (see above).
** Parameters:
**		players: the number of players
**		player: the current player index
**		handpos: index in hand the card was played from
**		pre: gameState before card effect execution
**		post: gameState after card effect execution
**		passes: count of tests passed
**		failures: count of tests failed
** Pre-Conditions:
**		2 <= players <= MAX_PLAYERS
**		0 <= player < MAX_PLAYERS
**		handpos valid for current player
**		pre and post are pointers to valid gameState structs
**		passes and failures are pointers to valid integer accumulators
** Post-Conditions: passes and failures are incremented per test results
void testStandardConditions(int players, int player, int handpos, struct gameState* pre, struct gameState* post, int* passes, int* failures)
	int i;
	int result, result1, result2;
	int treasures;
	int playerDeltas[treasure_map + 1]; /* array of all card types */
	int playedDeltas[treasure_map + 1]; /* array of all card types */
	int handDeltas[treasure_map + 1]; /* array of all card types */

	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("\nState: %d players, player index %d played " xstr(CARDUNDERTEST) " from hand position %d\n", players, player, handpos);


	/* 1. The played card is added to the played cards pile */
	/* check playedCardCount */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Count played cards...\n");
	result = deltaPlayedCardCount(pre, post);
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: Played %d cards, expected %d. ", result, 1);
	updateTestResult(result == 1, passes, failures);

	/* check that the played card is the only type added to playedCards */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Played exactly 1 " xstr(CARDUNDERTEST) " card...\n");
	result = checkSpecificPlayedCard(pre, post, CARDUNDERTEST);
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: ");
	updateTestResult(result == TRUE, passes, failures);

	/* 2. Current player receives <= 2 cards */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Count cards added to hand...\n");
	/* check count of cards in play (player hand + played) */
	result = 0;
	result += deltaPlayedCardCount(pre, post);
	result += deltaPlayerHandCount(pre, post, player);
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: Added %d cards, expected <= %d. ", result, 2);
	updateTestResult(result <= 2 && result >= 0, passes, failures);
	result1 = result;

	/* Cards added are treasure cards */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Cards added to hand are treasures...\n");
	deltaPlayerCardTypesInHand(pre, post, player, handDeltas);
	result = TRUE;
	treasures = 0;
	for (i = 0; i <= treasure_map; i++)
		if (i == copper || i == silver || i == gold)
			if (handDeltas[i] < 0) result = FALSE;
			treasures += handDeltas[i];
		else if (i == CARDUNDERTEST) /* card that was played */
			if (handDeltas[i] != -1) result = FALSE;
			if (handDeltas[i] != 0) result = FALSE;
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: ");
	updateTestResult(result == TRUE && treasures >= 0, passes, failures);

	/* 3. <= 2 cards received from the current player's deck */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Count cards removed from deck...\n");
	/* check count of cards drawn from player deck */
	result = 0;
	result += deltaPlayerDeckCount(pre, post, player); /* current deck, may include discards shuffled into new deck */
	result += deltaPlayerDiscardCount(pre, post, player); /* discard may have been shuffled into a new deck */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: Removed %d cards, expected <= %d. ", -result, 2); /* deck supply cards should decrease, so check negative of result */
	updateTestResult(-result <= 2 && -result >= 0, passes, failures);
	result2 = -result;

	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Count cards added to hand == cards removed from deck...\n");
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: Added %d, removed %d. ", result1, result2);
	updateTestResult(result1 == result2, passes, failures);

	* 4. The cards of the player's set of cards (in deck, hand, played, discard)
	*    are unchanged(no cards "magically" appear or disappear).
	/* check count of cards */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Player overall card COUNT (hand + deck + discard + played) unchanged...\n");
	result = 0;
	result += deltaPlayedCardCount(pre, post);
	result += deltaPlayerCardCount(pre, post, player);
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: ");
	updateTestResult(result == 0, passes, failures);

	/* check type of cards */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Player overall card TYPES (hand + deck + discard + played) unchanged...\n");
	deltaPlayedCardTypes(pre, post, playedDeltas);
	deltaPlayerCardTypes(pre, post, player, playerDeltas);
	result = 0;
	for (i = 0; i <= treasure_map; i++) result += playedDeltas[i] + playerDeltas[i];
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: ");
	updateTestResult(result == 0, passes, failures);

	/* 5. No state changes occur to other players */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Other players' states unchanged...\n");
	for (i = 0; i < players; i++)
		if (i != player)
			if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Result: Player %d state: ", i);
			result = playerCardStateChanged(pre, post, i);
			if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1)
				if (result == FALSE) printf("unchanged. ");
				else printf("changed. ");
			updateTestResult(result == FALSE, passes, failures);

	/* 6. No state changes occur to the supply cards(kingdom, treasure, curse) nor to the victory cards */
	if (OUTPUTLEVEL > 1) printf("Test: Curse, Victory, Treasure, Kingdom card COUNTS unchanged...\n");

	result = curseCardStateChanged(pre, post);
		if (result == FALSE) printf("Result: Curse cards unchanged. ");
		else printf("Result: Curse cards changed. ");
	updateTestResult(result == FALSE, passes, failures);

	result = victoryCardStateChanged(pre, post);
		if (result == FALSE) printf("Result: Victory cards unchanged. ");
		else printf("Result: Victory cards changed. ");
	updateTestResult(result == FALSE, passes, failures);

	result = treasureCardStateChanged(pre, post);
		if (result == FALSE) printf("Result: Treasure cards unchanged. ");
		else printf("Result: Treasure cards changed. ");
	updateTestResult(result == FALSE, passes, failures);

	result = kingdomCardStateChanged(pre, post, Kingdom);
		if (result == FALSE) printf("Result: Kingdom cards unchanged. ");
		else printf("Result: Kingdom cards changed. ");
	updateTestResult(result == FALSE, passes, failures);