void KuickShow::slotConfigApplied() { dialog->applyConfig(); initImlib(); kdata->save(); ImageWindow *viewer; QValueListIterator<ImageWindow*> it = s_viewers.begin(); while ( it != s_viewers.end() ) { viewer = *it; viewer->updateActions(); ++it; } fileWidget->reloadConfiguration(); }
XDesktopContainer::XDesktopContainer(AbstractApp * a) : DesktopContainer(a) { xcontainer=this; initXWin(); initImlib(); }
KuickShow::KuickShow( const char *name ) : KMainWindow( 0L, name ), m_slideshowCycle( 1 ), fileWidget( 0L ), dialog( 0L ), id( 0L ), m_viewer( 0L ), oneWindowAction( 0L ), m_accel( 0L ), m_delayedRepeatItem( 0L ), m_slideShowStopped(false) { aboutWidget = 0L; kdata = new KuickData; kdata->load(); initImlib(); resize( 400, 500 ); m_slideTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( m_slideTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( nextSlide() )); KConfig *kc = KGlobal::config(); bool isDir = false; // true if we get a directory on the commandline // parse commandline options KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); // files to display // either a directory to display, an absolute path, a relative path, or a URL KURL startDir; startDir.setPath( QDir::currentDirPath() + '/' ); int numArgs = args->count(); if ( numArgs >= 10 ) { // Even though the 1st i18n string will never be used, it needs to exist for plural handling - mhunter if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n("Do you really want to display this 1 image at the same time? This might be quite resource intensive and could overload your computer.<br>If you choose %1, only the first image will be shown.", "Do you really want to display these %n images at the same time? This might be quite resource intensive and could overload your computer.<br>If you choose %1, only the first image will be shown.", numArgs).arg(KStdGuiItem::no().plainText()), i18n("Display Multiple Images?")) != KMessageBox::Yes ) { numArgs = 1; } } for ( int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++ ) { KURL url = args->url( i ); KFileItem item( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, url, false ); // for remote URLs, we don't know if it's a file or directory, but // FileWidget::isImage() should correct in most cases. // For non-local non-images, we just assume directory. if ( FileWidget::isImage( &item ) ) { showImage( &item, true, false, true ); // show in new window, not fullscreen-forced and move to 0,0 // showImage( &item, true, false, false ); // show in new window, not fullscreen-forced and not moving to 0,0 } else if ( item.isDir() ) { startDir = url; isDir = true; } // need to check remote files else if ( !url.isLocalFile() ) { KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL( url ); QString name = mime->name(); if ( name == "application/octet-stream" ) // unknown -> stat() name = KIO::NetAccess::mimetype( url, this ); // text/* is a hack for bugs.kde.org-attached-images urls. // The real problem here is that NetAccess::mimetype does a HTTP HEAD, which doesn't // always return the right mimetype. The rest of KDE start a get() instead.... if ( name.startsWith( "image/" ) || name.startsWith( "text/" ) ) { FileWidget::setImage( item, true ); showImage( &item, true, false, true ); } else // assume directory, KDirLister will tell us if we can't list { startDir = url; isDir = true; } } // else // we don't handle local non-images } if ( (kdata->startInLastDir && args->count() == 0) || args->isSet( "lastfolder" )) { kc->setGroup( "SessionSettings"); startDir = kc->readPathEntry( "CurrentDirectory", startDir.url() ); } if ( s_viewers.isEmpty() || isDir ) { initGUI( startDir ); if (!kapp->isRestored()) // during session management, readProperties() will show() show(); } else { // don't show browser, when image on commandline hide(); KStartupInfo::appStarted(); } }