예제 #1
	void cpuoptical_(int *gpusize)				

		// command line arguments
		float xdetector, ydetector, radius, height, n_C, n_IC, top_absfrac, bulk_abscoeff, beta, d_min, lbound_x, lbound_y, ubound_x, ubound_y, d_max, yield, sensorRefl;
		int pixelsize, num_primary, min_optphotons, max_optphotons, num_bins;

		float dcos[3]={0}; 		// directional cosines
		float normal[3]={0}; 		// normal to surface in case of TIR
		float pos[3] = {0}; 		// intersecting point coordinates
		float old_pos[3] = {0};  	// source coordinates
		int nbytes = (optical_.myctropt - (*gpusize))*sizeof(struct start_info);
		struct start_info *structa;
		structa = (struct start_info*) malloc(nbytes);
		if( structa == NULL )
			printf("\n Struct start_info array CANNOT BE ALLOCATED - %d !!", (optical_.myctropt-(*gpusize)));

		// get cpu time
		clock_t start, end;
		float num_sec;

		// get current time stamp to initialize seed input for RNG
		time_t seconds;
		seconds = time (NULL);
		struct timeval tv;

		float rr=0.0f, theta=0.0f;	
		float r=0.0f;			// random number
		float norm=0.0f;
		int jj=0;
		int my_index=0;
		int penindex = 0;		// equal to *gpusize
		int result_algo = 0;
		unsigned long long int *num_rebound;

		// initialize random number generator (RANECU)
		int seed_input = 271828182 ; 		// ranecu seed input
		int seed[2];

		// GNU scientific library (gsl) variables
		const gsl_rng_type * Tgsl;
		gsl_rng * rgsl;
		double mu_gsl;	
		// output image variables
		int xdim = 0;
		int ydim = 0;
		int indexi=0, indexj=0;

		// copy to local variables from PENELOPE buffers
		xdetector = inputargs_.detx;		// x dimension of detector (in um). x in (0,xdetector)
		ydetector = inputargs_.dety;		// y dimension of detector (in um). y in (0,ydetector)
		height = inputargs_.detheight;		// height of column and thickness of detector (in um). z in range (-H/2, H/2)
		radius = inputargs_.detradius;		// radius of column (in um).
		n_C = inputargs_.detnC;			// refractive index of columns
		n_IC = inputargs_.detnIC;		// refractive index of intercolumnar material
		top_absfrac = inputargs_.dettop;	// column's top surface absorption fraction (0.0, 0.5, 0.98)
		bulk_abscoeff = inputargs_.detbulk;	// column's bulk absorption coefficient (in um^-1) (0.001, 0.1 cm^-1) 
		beta = inputargs_.detbeta;		// roughness coefficient of column walls
		d_min = inputargs_.detdmin;		// minimum distance a photon can travel when transmitted from a column
		d_max = inputargs_.detdmax;
		lbound_x = inputargs_.detlboundx;	// x lower bound of region of interest of output image (in um)
		lbound_y = inputargs_.detlboundy;	// y lower bound (in um)
		ubound_x = inputargs_.detuboundx;	// x upper bound (in um) 
		ubound_y = inputargs_.detuboundy;	// y upper bound (in um)
		yield = inputargs_.detyield;		// yield (/eV)
		pixelsize = inputargs_.detpixel;	// 1 pixel = pixelsize microns (in um)
		sensorRefl = inputargs_.detsensorRefl;	// Non-Ideal sensor reflectivity (%)
		num_primary = inputargs_.mynumhist;	// total number of primaries to be simulated
		min_optphotons = inputargs_.minphotons;	// minimum number of optical photons detected to be included in PHS
		max_optphotons = inputargs_.maxphotons;	// maximum number of optical photons detected to be included in PHS
		num_bins = inputargs_.mynumbins;	// number of bins for genrating PHS

	      	// create a generator chosen by the environment variable GSL_RNG_TYPE
	       	Tgsl = gsl_rng_default;
	       	rgsl = gsl_rng_alloc (Tgsl);
	       	// dimensions of PRF image
		xdim = ceil((ubound_x - lbound_x)/pixelsize);
		ydim = ceil((ubound_y - lbound_y)/pixelsize);
		unsigned long long int myimage[xdim][ydim];
		//initialize the output image 2D array
		for(indexi = 0; indexi < xdim; indexi++)
		 for(indexj = 0; indexj < ydim; indexj++)
		  myimage[indexi][indexj] = 0;
		// memory for storing histogram of # photons detected/primary
		int *h_num_detected_prim = 0;		
		h_num_detected_prim = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*num_primary);
		for(indexj=0; indexj < num_primary; indexj++)
		  h_num_detected_prim[indexj] = 0;
		// memory for storing histogram of # photons detected/primary
		int *h_histogram = 0;		
		h_histogram = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*num_bins);
		for(indexj=0; indexj < num_bins; indexj++)
		  h_histogram[indexj] = 0;

	penindex = *gpusize;
	for(my_index = 0; my_index < (optical_.myctropt-(*gpusize)); my_index++)		// iterate over x-rays

		// reset the global counters
		num_generated = 0;

		//re-initialize the output image 2D array
		for(indexi = 0; indexi < xdim; indexi++)
		 for(indexj = 0; indexj < ydim; indexj++)
		   myimage[indexi][indexj] = 0;

		// copying PENELOPE buffer into *structa

		// units in the penelope output file are in cm. Convert them to microns.
		structa[my_index].str_x = optical_.xbufopt[penindex+my_index] * 10000.0f;	// x-coordinate of interaction event
		structa[my_index].str_y = optical_.ybufopt[penindex+my_index] * 10000.0f;	// y-coordinate
		structa[my_index].str_z = optical_.zbufopt[penindex+my_index] * 10000.0f;	// z-coordinate
		structa[my_index].str_E = optical_.debufopt[penindex+my_index];			// energy deposited
		structa[my_index].str_histnum = optical_.nbufopt[penindex+my_index];		// x-ray history

		// sample # optical photons based on light yield and energy deposited for this interaction event (using Poisson distribution)
		mu_gsl = (double)structa[my_index].str_E * yield;
		structa[my_index].str_N = gsl_ran_poisson(rgsl,mu_gsl);

		if(structa[my_index].str_N > max_photon_per_EDE)
			printf("\n\n str_n exceeds max photons. program is exiting - %d !! \n\n",structa[my_index].str_N);

		num_rebound = (unsigned long long int*) malloc(structa[my_index].str_N*sizeof(unsigned long long int));
		if(num_rebound == NULL)
		printf("\n Error allocating num_rebound memory !\n");

		// start the clock
		start = clock();

		// initialize the RANECU generator in a position far away from the previous history:
		seed_input = (int)(seconds/3600+tv.tv_usec);			// seed input=seconds passed since 1970+current time in micro secs
		init_PRNG(my_index, 50000, seed_input, seed);      		// intialize RNG

		for(jj=0; jj<structa[my_index].str_N; jj++)
			num_rebound[jj] = 0;

		// reset the directional cosine and normal vectors
		dcos[0]=0.0f; dcos[1]=0.0f; dcos[2]=0.0f;
		normal[0]=0.0f; normal[1]=0.0f; normal[2]=0.0f;

		// re-initialize myimage
		for(indexi = 0; indexi < xdim; indexi++)
		 for(indexj = 0; indexj < ydim; indexj++)
			  myimage[indexi][indexj] = 0;
		// set starting location of photon
		pos[0] = structa[my_index].str_x; pos[1] = structa[my_index].str_y; pos[2] = structa[my_index].str_z;	
		old_pos[0] = structa[my_index].str_x; old_pos[1] = structa[my_index].str_y; old_pos[2] = structa[my_index].str_z;

		// initializing the direction cosines for the first particle in each core
		r = (ranecu(seed) * 2.0f) - 1.0f; 	// random number between (-1,1)
		while(fabs(r) <= 0.01f)	
		   	r = (ranecu(seed) * 2.0f) - 1.0f;  	

		dcos[2] = r;		// random number between (-1,1)
		rr = sqrt(1.0f-r*r);

		norm = sqrt(dcos[0]*dcos[0] + dcos[1]*dcos[1] + dcos[2]*dcos[2]);

		if ((norm < (1.0f - epsilon)) || (norm > (1.0f + epsilon)))	// normalize
			dcos[0] = dcos[0]/norm;
			dcos[1] = dcos[1]/norm;
			dcos[2] = dcos[2]/norm;

		local_counter=0;	// total number of photons terminated (either detected at sensor, absorbed at the top or in the bulk) [global variable]
		while(local_counter < structa[my_index].str_N)		// until all the optical photons are not transported
			absorbed = 0;
			detect = 0;
			bulk_abs = 0;

			// set starting location of photon
			pos[0] = structa[my_index].str_x; pos[1] = structa[my_index].str_y; pos[2] = structa[my_index].str_z;	
			old_pos[0] = structa[my_index].str_x; old_pos[1] = structa[my_index].str_y; old_pos[2] = structa[my_index].str_z;
			result_algo = 0;

			while(result_algo == 0)
			  	result_algo = algo(normal, old_pos, pos, dcos, num_rebound, seed, structa[my_index], &myimage[0][0], xdetector, ydetector, radius, height, n_C, n_IC, top_absfrac, bulk_abscoeff, beta, d_min, pixelsize, lbound_x, lbound_y, ubound_x, ubound_y, sensorRefl, d_max, ydim, h_num_detected_prim);      


		// end the clock		
		end = clock();

		num_sec = (((float)end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

		 // type cast unsigned long long int to double
		 double cast_num_generated;
		 double cast_num_detect;
		 double cast_num_abs_top;
		 double cast_num_abs_bulk;
		 double cast_num_lost;
		 double cast_num_outofcol;
		 double cast_num_theta1;
		 double cast_gputime;

		 cast_num_generated = (double)num_generated;
		 cast_num_detect    = (double)num_detect;
		 cast_num_abs_top   = (double)num_abs_top;
		 cast_num_abs_bulk  = (double)num_abs_bulk;
		 cast_num_lost      = (double)num_lost;
		 cast_num_outofcol  = (double)num_outofcol;
		 cast_num_theta1    = (double)num_theta1;
		 cast_gputime	    = (double)(num_sec*1000.0);		// convert in millisecond

		 // save to global counters
		 optstats_.glgen      = optstats_.glgen      + cast_num_generated;
		 optstats_.gldetect   = optstats_.gldetect   + cast_num_detect;
		 optstats_.glabstop   = optstats_.glabstop   + cast_num_abs_top;
		 optstats_.glabsbulk  = optstats_.glabsbulk  + cast_num_abs_bulk;
		 optstats_.gllost     = optstats_.gllost     + cast_num_lost;
		 optstats_.gloutofcol = optstats_.gloutofcol + cast_num_outofcol;
		 optstats_.gltheta1   = optstats_.gltheta1   + cast_num_theta1;
		 optstats_.glgputime  = optstats_.glgputime  + cast_gputime;

		// release resources
	}	// my_index loop ends
	// make histogram of number of detected photons/primary for num_bins
	int binsize=0, newbin=0;
	int bincorr=0;
	binsize = floor((max_optphotons-min_optphotons)/num_bins);	// calculate size of each bin. Assuming equally spaced bins.
	bincorr = floor(min_optphotons/binsize);			// correction in bin number if min_optphotons > 0.
	for(indexi = 0; indexi < num_primary; indexi++)
	 	newbin = floor(h_num_detected_prim[indexi]/binsize) - bincorr;	// find bin #
	 	if(h_num_detected_prim[indexi] > 0)	// store only non-zero bins
		 	if(h_num_detected_prim[indexi] <= min_optphotons)	// # detected < minimum photons given by user, add to the first bin
		 	else if(h_num_detected_prim[indexi] >= max_optphotons)	// # detected > maximum photons given by user, then add to the last bin
	// add num_detected_primary to gldetprimary array in PENELOPE
	for(indexi = 0; indexi < num_bins; indexi++)
		outputdetprim_.gldetprimary[indexi] = outputdetprim_.gldetprimary[indexi] + h_histogram[indexi];
	// release resources

	}	// C main() ends
예제 #2
 * Construct a proof.
void constructProof(Credential *credential, unsigned char *masterSecret) {
  unsigned char i, j;
  unsigned int rA_size;
  unsigned int rA_offset;

  unsigned long dwPrevHashedBytes;
  unsigned short wLenMsgRem;
  unsigned short pRemainder;
  rA_size = realSize(credential->signature.v, SIZE_V) - 1 - realSize(credential->signature.e, SIZE_E);
  if (rA_size > SIZE_R_A) { rA_size = SIZE_R_A; }
  rA_offset = SIZE_R_A - rA_size;


  // HASH - init
  memset(session.prove.bufferHash, 0, 64);  

  pRemainder = 0;
  dwPrevHashedBytes = 0;
  wLenMsgRem = 0;

  //multosSecureHashIV(SIZE_STATZK, SHA_256, session.prove.challenge, public.prove.apdu.nonce, session.prove.bufferHash, &dwPrevHashedBytes, &wLenMsgRem, &pRemainder);

  /* C = Z^m * S^r \mod n */

  ModExp(SIZE_M, SIZE_N, credential->attribute[0], credential->issuerKey.n, credential->issuerKey.Z, public.prove.buffer.number[0]);          
  ModExp(SIZE_M, SIZE_N, r, credential->issuerKey.n, credential->issuerKey.S, public.prove.buffer.number[1]);          

  ModMul(SIZE_N, public.prove.buffer.number[0], public.prove.buffer.number[1], credential->issuerKey.n);  
  Copy(SIZE_N, session.prove.C, public.prove.buffer.number[0]);
  multosSecureHashIV(SIZE_N, SHA_256, session.prove.challenge, session.prove.C, session.prove.bufferHash, &dwPrevHashedBytes, &wLenMsgRem, &pRemainder);

  /* C_tilde = (Z^(m_r))^ \tilde{m_h} * S ^ \tilde{r}/ */

  ModExp(SIZE_M_, SIZE_N, session.prove.mHatTemp, credential->issuerKey.n, rev_attr_1, public.prove.buffer.number[0]);          

  ModExp(SIZE_M_, SIZE_N, session.prove.mHatTemp, credential->issuerKey.n, credential->issuerKey.S, public.prove.buffer.number[1]);          
  ModMul(SIZE_N, public.prove.buffer.number[0], public.prove.buffer.number[1], credential->issuerKey.n);  
  Copy(SIZE_N, session.prove.Ctilde, public.prove.buffer.number[0]);
  multosSecureHashIV(SIZE_N, SHA_256, session.prove.challenge, session.prove.Ctilde, session.prove.bufferHash, &dwPrevHashedBytes, &wLenMsgRem, &pRemainder);

  /* \tilde{Co} = Z^{\tilde{m}} * S^{\tilde{r}} \mod n */
  ModExp(SIZE_M_, SIZE_N, session.prove.mHatTemp, credential->issuerKey.n, credential->issuerKey.S, public.prove.buffer.number[1]);          

  ModExp(SIZE_M_, SIZE_N, session.prove.mHatTemp, credential->issuerKey.n, credential->issuerKey.Z, public.prove.buffer.number[0]);          

  ModMul(SIZE_N, public.prove.buffer.number[0], public.prove.buffer.number[1], credential->issuerKey.n);
  multosSecureHashIV(SIZE_N, SHA_256, session.prove.challenge, public.prove.buffer.number[0], session.prove.bufferHash, &dwPrevHashedBytes, &wLenMsgRem, &pRemainder);

  //reset_PRNG(); // XXXX: Move after \tilde{Z} ?

  // IMPORTANT: Correction to the length of eTilde to prevent overflows
  RandomBits(public.prove.eHat, LENGTH_E_ - 1);
  debugValue("eTilde", public.prove.eHat, SIZE_E_);
  // IMPORTANT: Correction to the length of vTilde to prevent overflows
  RandomBits(public.prove.vHat, LENGTH_V_ - 1);
  debugValue("vTilde", public.prove.vHat, SIZE_V_);
  // IMPORTANT: Correction to the length of rA to prevent negative values
  RandomBits(public.prove.rA + rA_offset, rA_size * 8 - 1);
  for (i = 0; i < rA_offset; i++) {
    public.prove.rA[i] = 0x00; // Set first byte(s) of rA, since it's not set by RandomBits command