ResAnim* ResAtlas::createEmpty(const XmlWalker& walker, CreateResourceContext& context) { ResAnim* ra = new ResAnim(this); ra->init(0, 0, 0, walker.getScaleFactor()); init_resAnim(ra, "", walker.getNode()); ra->setParent(this); context.resources->add(ra); return ra; }
void ResAtlas::loadAtlas(CreateResourceContext &context) { //string path = context.walker.getCurrentFolder(); pugi::xml_node node = context.walker.getNode(); pugi::xml_node meta = context.walker.getMeta(); int w = node.attribute("width").as_int(defaultAtlasWidth); int h = node.attribute("height").as_int(defaultAtlasHeight); const char *format = node.attribute("format").as_string("8888"); atlas_data ad; TextureFormat tf = string2TextureFormat(format); pugi::xml_node meta_image = meta.child("atlas"); bool compressed = false; while(meta_image) { const char *file = meta_image.attribute("file").value(); int w = meta_image.attribute("w").as_int(); int h = meta_image.attribute("h").as_int(); const char *file_format = meta_image.attribute("format").as_string(0); TextureFormat ffmt = TF_UNDEFINED; if (file_format) { ffmt = string2TextureFormat(file_format); compressed = isCompressedFormat(ffmt); } std::string alpha_file = meta_image.attribute("alpha").as_string(""); if (!alpha_file.empty()) { alpha_file = *context.prebuilt_folder + alpha_file; } addAtlas(tf, *context.prebuilt_folder + file, alpha_file, w, h); meta_image = meta_image.next_sibling("atlas"); context.walker.nextMeta(); } // std::vector<ResAnim*> anims; while (true) { XmlWalker walker =; if (walker.empty()) break; pugi::xml_node child_node = walker.getNode(); pugi::xml_node meta_frames = walker.getMeta(); const char *name =; if (!strcmp(name, "image")) { std::string id = child_node.attribute("id").value(); std::string file = child_node.attribute("file").value(); if (file.empty()) { ResAnim *ra = new ResAnim(this); ra->init(0, 0, 0, walker.getScaleFactor()); init_resAnim(ra, file, child_node); ra->setParent(this); context.resources->add(ra); continue; } if (meta) { OX_ASSERT(meta_frames && "Did you recreate atlasses?"); } MemoryTexture mt; ImageData im; int columns = 0; int rows = 0; int frame_width = 0; int frame_height = 0; float frame_scale = 1.0f; bool loaded = false; if (meta_frames || meta) { const char *frame_size = meta_frames.attribute("fs").value(); //int w = 0; //int h = 0; sscanf(frame_size, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%f", &columns, &rows, &frame_width, &frame_height, &frame_scale); loaded = true; //frame_scale = 0. //frame_scale /= walker.getScaleFactor();//todo! fix //im.w = w; //im.h = h; } else { file::buffer bf; file::read(walker.getPath("file").c_str(), bf); mt.init(bf, Renderer::getPremultipliedAlphaRender(), tf); im = mt.lock(); if (im.w) { rows = child_node.attribute("rows").as_int(); frame_width = child_node.attribute("frame_width").as_int(); columns = child_node.attribute("cols").as_int(); frame_height = child_node.attribute("frame_height").as_int(); if (!rows) rows = 1; if (!columns) columns = 1; if (frame_width) columns = im.w / frame_width; else frame_width = im.w / columns; if (frame_height) rows = im.h / frame_height; else frame_height = im.h / rows; } } if (columns) { animationFrames frames; int frames_count = rows * columns; frames.reserve(frames_count); ResAnim *ra = new ResAnim(this); if (meta) { OX_ASSERT(meta_frames); /* if (string(meta_frames.attribute("debug_image").as_string()) == "backleft.png") { } */ char *frames_data = (char*)meta_frames.first_child().value(); const char *begin = frames_data; while(*frames_data) { if (*frames_data == ';') { *frames_data = 0; int id = 0; int x = 0; int y = 0; int bbox_x = 0; int bbox_y = 0; int bbox_w = 0; int bbox_h = 0; sscanf(begin, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &id, &x, &y, &bbox_x, &bbox_y, &bbox_w, &bbox_h); begin = frames_data + 1; spNativeTexture &texture = _atlasses[id].base; spNativeTexture &alpha = _atlasses[id].alpha; float iw = 1.0f / texture->getWidth(); float ih = 1.0f / texture->getHeight(); RectF srcRect(x * iw, y * ih, bbox_w * iw, bbox_h * ih); float fs = frame_scale; RectF destRect( Vector2((float)bbox_x, (float)bbox_y) * fs, Vector2((float)bbox_w, (float)bbox_h) * fs ); AnimationFrame frame; Diffuse df; df.base = texture; df.alpha = alpha; //compressed data could not be premultiplied if (Renderer::getPremultipliedAlphaRender()) df.premultiplied = !compressed; else df.premultiplied = true;//render should think that it is already premultiplied and don't worry about alpha frame.init(ra, df, srcRect, destRect, Vector2((float)frame_width, (float)frame_height)); frames.push_back(frame); if((int)frames.size() >= frames_count) break; } ++frames_data; } } else { anims.push_back(ra); for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < columns; ++x) { Rect src; src.pos = Point(x * frame_width, y * frame_height); src.size = Point(frame_width, frame_height); ImageData srcImage = im.getRect(src); Rect dest(0,0,0,0); if (!ad.texture) { std::string atlas_id = getName(); next_atlas(w, h, tf, ad, atlas_id.c_str()); } bool s = ad.atlas.add(&, srcImage, dest); if (s == false) { apply_atlas(ad); next_atlas(w, h, tf, ad, walker.getCurrentFolder().c_str()); s = ad.atlas.add(&, srcImage, dest); OX_ASSERT(s); } /* float iw = 1.0f /; float ih = 1.0f /; */ float iw = 1.0f; float ih = 1.0f; RectF srcRect(dest.pos.x * iw, dest.pos.y * ih, dest.size.x * iw, dest.size.y * ih); Vector2 sizeScaled = Vector2((float)dest.size.x, (float)dest.size.y) * walker.getScaleFactor(); RectF destRect(Vector2(0, 0), sizeScaled); AnimationFrame frame; Diffuse df; df.base = ad.texture; df.premultiplied = true;//!Renderer::getPremultipliedAlphaRender(); frame.init(ra, df, srcRect, destRect, Vector2((float)frame_width, (float)frame_height) * walker.getScaleFactor()); frames.push_back(frame); } } } init_resAnim(ra, file, child_node); ra->init(frames, columns, walker.getScaleFactor()); ra->setParent(this); context.resources->add(ra); } } } apply_atlas(ad); for (std::vector<ResAnim*>::iterator i = anims.begin(); i != anims.end(); ++i) { ResAnim *rs = *i; int num = rs->getTotalFrames(); for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) { AnimationFrame &frame = const_cast<AnimationFrame&>(rs->getFrame(n)); float iw = 1.0f / frame.getDiffuse().base->getWidth(); float ih = 1.0f / frame.getDiffuse().base->getHeight(); RectF rect = frame.getSrcRect(); rect.pos.x *= iw; rect.pos.y *= ih; rect.size.x *= iw; rect.size.y *= ih; frame.setSrcRect(rect); } } }
void ResAtlasGeneric::loadAtlas2(CreateResourceContext& context) { _current = 0; pugi::xml_node node = context.walker.getNode(); int w = node.attribute("width").as_int(defaultAtlasWidth); int h = node.attribute("height").as_int(defaultAtlasHeight); const char* format = node.attribute("format").as_string("8888"); loadBase(node); atlas_data ad; TextureFormat tf = string2TextureFormat(format); bool compressed = false; std::vector<ResAnim*> anims; while (true) { XmlWalker walker =; if (walker.empty()) break; pugi::xml_node child_node = walker.getNode(); const char* name =; if (strcmp(name, "image")) continue; std::string id = child_node.attribute("id").value(); std::string file = child_node.attribute("file").value(); if (file.empty()) { createEmpty(walker, context); continue; } bool trim = child_node.attribute("trim").as_bool(true); bool extend = child_node.attribute("extend").as_bool(true); Point offset = extend ? Point(2, 2) : Point(0, 0); MemoryTexture mt; ImageData im; int columns = 0; int rows = 0; int frame_width = 0; int frame_height = 0; float frame_scale = 1.0f; bool loaded = false; file::buffer bf; file::read(walker.getPath("file"), bf); mt.init(bf, true, tf); im = mt.lock(); if (im.w) { rows = child_node.attribute("rows").as_int(); frame_width = child_node.attribute("frame_width").as_int(); columns = child_node.attribute("cols").as_int(); frame_height = child_node.attribute("frame_height").as_int(); if (!rows) rows = 1; if (!columns) columns = 1; if (frame_width) columns = im.w / frame_width; else frame_width = im.w / columns; if (frame_height) rows = im.h / frame_height; else frame_height = im.h / rows; } if (columns) { animationFrames frames; int frames_count = rows * columns; frames.reserve(frames_count); ResAnim* ra = new ResAnim(this); anims.push_back(ra); for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < columns; ++x) { Rect frameRect; frameRect.pos = Point(x * frame_width, y * frame_height); frameRect.size = Point(frame_width, frame_height); ImageData srcImage_ = im.getRect(frameRect); HitTestData adata; ImageData src; Rect bounds(0, 0, im.w, im.h); if (trim) makeAlpha(srcImage_, bounds, _hitTestBuffer, adata, walker.getAlphaHitTest()); src = srcImage_.getRect(bounds); Rect dest(0, 0, 0, 0); if (!ad.texture) { std::string atlas_id = getName(); nextAtlas(w, h, tf, ad, atlas_id.c_str()); } bool s = ad.atlas.add(&, src, dest, offset); if (s == false) { applyAtlas(ad, _linearFilter, _clamp2edge); nextAtlas(w, h, tf, ad, walker.getCurrentFolder().c_str()); s = ad.atlas.add(&, src, dest, offset); OX_ASSERT(s); } //extend = false; if (extend) { //duplicate image edges MemoryTexture& mt =; ImageData tmp; if (bounds.getY() == 0 && dest.pos.y != 0) { tmp = mt.lock(Rect(dest.pos.x, dest.pos.y - 1, src.w, 1)); operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(0, 0, src.w, 1)), tmp); } if (bounds.getHeight() == im.h && dest.getBottom() != mt.getHeight()) { tmp = mt.lock(Rect(dest.pos.x, dest.pos.y + src.h, src.w, 1)); operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(0, src.h - 1, src.w, 1)), tmp); } if (bounds.getX() == 0 && dest.pos.x != 0) { tmp = mt.lock(Rect(dest.pos.x - 1, dest.pos.y, 1, src.h)); operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(0, 0, 1, src.h)), tmp); } if (bounds.getWidth() == im.w && dest.getRight() != mt.getWidth()) { tmp = mt.lock(Rect(dest.pos.x + src.w, dest.pos.y, 1, src.h)); operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(src.w - 1, 0, 1, src.h)), tmp); } } //operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)), mt.lock(&Rect(dest.pos.x - 1, dest.pos.y - 1, 1, 1))); //operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(src.w - 1, 0, 1, 1)), mt.lock(&Rect(dest.pos.x + src.w, dest.pos.y - 1, 1, 1))); //operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(0, src.h - 1, 1, 1)), mt.lock(&Rect(dest.pos.x - 1, dest.pos.y + src.h, 1, 1))); //operations::copy(src.getRect(Rect(src.w - 1, src.h - 1, 1, 1)), mt.lock(&Rect(dest.pos.x + src.w, dest.pos.y + src.h, 1, 1))); float iw = 1.0f; float ih = 1.0f; RectF srcRect(dest.pos.x * iw, dest.pos.y * ih, dest.size.x * iw, dest.size.y * ih); Vector2 sizeScaled = Vector2((float)dest.size.x, (float)dest.size.y) * walker.getScaleFactor(); RectF destRect(bounds.pos.cast<Vector2>(), sizeScaled); AnimationFrame frame; Diffuse df; df.base = ad.texture; df.premultiplied = true;//!Renderer::getPremultipliedAlphaRender(); Vector2 fsize = Vector2((float)frame_width, (float)frame_height) * walker.getScaleFactor(); frame.init2(ra, x, y, df, srcRect, destRect, fsize); frame.setHitTestData(adata); frames.push_back(frame); } } init_resAnim(ra, file, child_node); ra->init(frames, columns, walker.getScaleFactor(), 1.0f / walker.getScaleFactor()); ra->setParent(this); context.resources->add(ra, context.options->_shortenIDS); } } applyAtlas(ad, _linearFilter, _clamp2edge); for (std::vector<ResAnim*>::iterator i = anims.begin(); i != anims.end(); ++i) { ResAnim* rs = *i; int num = rs->getTotalFrames(); for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) { AnimationFrame& frame = const_cast<AnimationFrame&>(rs->getFrame(n)); float iw = 1.0f / frame.getDiffuse().base->getWidth(); float ih = 1.0f / frame.getDiffuse().base->getHeight(); RectF rect = frame.getSrcRect(); rect.pos.x *= iw; rect.pos.y *= ih; rect.size.x *= iw; rect.size.y *= ih; frame.setSrcRect(rect); HitTestData ad = frame.getHitTestData(); if (ad.pitch) { = &_hitTestBuffer[reinterpret_cast<size_t>(]; frame.setHitTestData(ad); } } } }