int16_t main(void) { // printf("Starting Rocket Controller...\r\n"); init_clock(); init_ui(); init_pin(); init_timer(); init_i2c(); setup(); init_servo_driver(&sd1, &i2c3, 16000., 0x0); init_servo(&servo4, &sd1, 0); InitUSB(); U1IE = 0xFF; //setting up ISR for USB requests U1EIE = 0xFF; IFS5bits.USB1IF = 0; //flag IEC5bits.USB1IE = 1; //enable // uint32_t pid_command; servo_set(&servo4, 1500, 0); while (1) { if (timer_flag(&timer1)) { // Blink green light to show normal operation. timer_lower(&timer1); led_toggle(&led2); // servo_set(&servo4, 1500, 0); } } }
int main() { create_connect(); init_servo(); //light_it_up(LIGHT_PORT); lightstart(LIGHT_PORT,120.0); create_full(); create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED, -150); start_process(set_top); create_drive_arc(HIGH_SPEED, -200, 155); create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED, -365); create_drive_arc(HIGH_SPEED, 90, -64); create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED, -85); create_cease(); set_top(); align_twall(); grab_top_de(); create_spin_angle(400,-165); create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED, -320); //align_wall(); create_stop(); create_sync(); dump_kelp_de(); create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED,30);//go away from starting box create_spin_angle(HIGH_SPEED, -78);//turn to gate part 1 create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED, 938);//go to gate create_drive_arc(HIGH_SPEED,185,84);//arc to gate //create_drive_time(HIGH_SPEED,1800);//go through the gate /* create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED,1470); create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED,-100); create_spin_angle(HIGH_SPEED,78); */ create_cease(); create_drive_straight(HIGH_SPEED);//go onto oppponent's side of board msleep(1400); create_stop(); create_arc(350,550);//arc to the opponent's mpa msleep(2500L); create_stop();//pause to keep the creat create_drive_straight(HIGH_SPEED);//go onto oppponent's side of board msleep(750); create_stop(); create_drive_straight(-HIGH_SPEED);//go onto oppponent's side of board msleep(5000); create_stop(); /* create_drive_segment(500,-500);//go past the IC create_drive_arc(320,-250,25);//arc to create_drive_arc(320,250,-8); */ //create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED,-750); //create_drive_arc(HIGH_SPEED,100,84); //create_drive_segment(HIGH_SPEED,1300); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { init_display(); init_std_threads(); init_servo(); shutdown_std_threads(); return 0; }
void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer init_LED(); init_button(); init_servo(); TA0CTL=TASSEL_2 | ID_0 | MC_1; _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits | GIE); }
/*! @brief Program entry point */ int main (void) { struct MagnetInit magnetInit; struct ServoInit boomServoInit, crowdServoInit, swingServoInit; struct RobotInit robotInit; magnetInit.periph = RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD; magnetInit.GPIOx = GPIOD; = GPIO_Pin_15; boomServoInit.CCR = 1; boomServoInit.maxPosition = BOOM_ANGLE_MAX; boomServoInit.minPosition = BOOM_ANGLE_MIN; crowdServoInit.CCR = 2; crowdServoInit.maxPosition = CROWD_ANGLE_MAX; crowdServoInit.minPosition = CROWD_ANGLE_MIN; swingServoInit.CCR = 3; swingServoInit.maxPosition = SWING_ANGLE_MAX; swingServoInit.minPosition = SWING_ANGLE_MIN; robotInit.boomServo = &boomServo; robotInit.crowdServo = &crowdServo; robotInit.swingServo = &swingServo; osThreadId tid_armThread; osThreadId tid_ledThread; init_TIM4(1 / SERVO_DUTY_CYCLE_STEP, SERVO_FREQUENCY); init_LEDS_PWM(); init_LEDS(); init_servo(&boomServo, &boomServoInit); init_servo(&crowdServo, &crowdServoInit); init_servo(&swingServo, &swingServoInit); init_robot(&robot, &robotInit); init_magnet(&magnet, &magnetInit); init_receiver(&receiver); tid_armThread = osThreadCreate(osThread(armThread), NULL); tid_ledThread = osThreadCreate(osThread(ledThread), NULL); osDelay(osWaitForever); }
// ============================================================================================ // for initialization of swarm dynamics function // ============================================================================================ void init_common() { int i; init_servo(); for(i=0;i<NUM_NEIGHBORS;i++){ mchip.neix[i] = 0.0; mchip.neiy[i] = 0.0;[i] = false; } }
void reset(int num) { reset_myself(num); init_servo(); //send reset messege mdata.x = 0.0; mdata.y = 0.0; mdata.pnum = 50 + num; Xgrid::Packet pkt; pkt.type = 0; pkt.flags = 0; pkt.radius = 14; = (uint8_t *)&mdata; pkt.data_len = sizeof(point); xgrid.send_packet(&pkt,0b00111111); // send to all neighbors }
// Initialize a Servo instance int Servo2D::init() { ML_LOG(Debug, "Servo2D Initializing."); // Set up the prism createInitialPrism(); lumin::ui::Cursor::SetScale(prism_, 0.03f); instanceInitialScenes(); // Get the planar resource that holds the EGL context lumin::RootNode* root_node = prism_->getRootNode(); if (!root_node) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to get root node"); abort(); return 1; } std::string content_node_id = Servo2D_exportedNodes::content; content_node_ = lumin::QuadNode::CastFrom(prism_->findNode(content_node_id, root_node)); if (!content_node_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to get content node"); abort(); return 1; } content_node_->setTriggerable(true); content_panel_ = lumin::ui::UiPanel::CastFrom(prism_->findNode(Servo2D_exportedNodes::contentPanel, root_node)); if (!content_panel_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to get content panel"); abort(); return 1; } lumin::ui::UiPanel::RequestFocus(content_panel_); lumin::ResourceIDType plane_id = prism_->createPlanarEGLResourceId(); if (!plane_id) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to create EGL resource"); abort(); return 1; } plane_ = static_cast<lumin::PlanarResource*>(prism_->getResource(plane_id)); if (!plane_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to create plane"); abort(); return 1; } content_node_->setRenderResource(plane_id); // Get the EGL context, surface and display. EGLContext ctx = plane_->getEGLContext(); EGLSurface surf = plane_->getEGLSurface(); EGLDisplay dpy = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); // Hook into servo servo_ = init_servo(ctx, surf, dpy, this, logger, history, HOME_PAGE, VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H, HIDPI); if (!servo_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to init servo instance"); abort(); return 1; } // Add a callback to the back button std::string back_button_id = Servo2D_exportedNodes::backButton; back_button_ = lumin::ui::UiButton::CastFrom(prism_->findNode(back_button_id, root_node)); if (!back_button_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to get back button"); abort(); return 1; } back_button_->onActivateSub(std::bind(traverse_servo, servo_, -1)); // Add a callback to the forward button std::string fwd_button_id = Servo2D_exportedNodes::fwdButton; fwd_button_ = lumin::ui::UiButton::CastFrom(prism_->findNode(fwd_button_id, root_node)); if (!fwd_button_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to get forward button"); abort(); return 1; } fwd_button_->onActivateSub(std::bind(traverse_servo, servo_, +1)); // Add a callback to the URL bar std::string url_bar_id = Servo2D_exportedNodes::urlBar; url_bar_ = lumin::ui::UiTextEdit::CastFrom(prism_->findNode(url_bar_id, root_node)); if (!url_bar_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to get URL bar"); abort(); return 1; } lumin::ui::KeyboardProperties keyboard_properties; keyboard_properties.keyboardZPosition = lumin::ui::KeyboardProperties::KeyboardZPosition::kVolumeCursorPlane; keyboard_properties.width = KEYBOARD_W; url_bar_->setKeyboardProperties(keyboard_properties); url_bar_->onFocusLostSub(std::bind(&Servo2D::urlBarEventListener, this)); // Add the laser pointer laser_ = lumin::LineNode::CastFrom(prism_->findNode(Servo2D_exportedNodes::laser, root_node)); if (!laser_) { ML_LOG(Error, "Servo2D Failed to get laser"); abort(); return 1; } return 0; }