예제 #1
void cloverdet_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {

  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];
  g_mu = mnl->mu;
  g_mu3 = mnl->rho;
  g_c_sw = mnl->c_sw;
  mnl->csg_n = 0;
  mnl->csg_n2 = 0;
  mnl->iter0 = 0;
  mnl->iter1 = 0;

  sw_term(hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
  sw_invert(EE, mnl->mu);

  random_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[2], VOLUME/2, mnl->rngrepro);
  mnl->energy0 = square_norm(g_spinor_field[2], VOLUME/2, 1);
  mnl->Qp(mnl->pf, g_spinor_field[2]);
  chrono_add_solution(mnl->pf, mnl->csg_field, mnl->csg_index_array,
		      mnl->csg_N, &mnl->csg_n, VOLUME/2);

  g_mu = g_mu1;
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
    printf("called cloverdet_heatbath for id %d %d\n", id, mnl->even_odd_flag);
예제 #2
int init_operators() {
  static int oinit = 0;
  operator * optr;
  if(!oinit) {
    oinit = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < no_operators; i++) {
      optr = operator_list + i;
      /* This is a hack, it should be set on an operator basis. */
      optr->rel_prec = g_relative_precision_flag;
      if(optr->type == TMWILSON || optr->type == WILSON) {
	if(optr->c_sw > 0) {
	if(optr->even_odd_flag) {
	  optr->applyQp = &Qtm_plus_psi;
	  optr->applyQm = &Qtm_minus_psi;
	  optr->applyQsq = &Qtm_pm_psi;
	  optr->applyMp = &Mtm_plus_psi;
	  optr->applyMm = &Mtm_minus_psi;
	else {
	  optr->applyQp = &Q_plus_psi;
	  optr->applyQm = &Q_minus_psi;
	  optr->applyQsq = &Q_pm_psi;
	  optr->applyMp = &D_psi;
	  optr->applyMm = &D_psi;
	if(optr->solver == 12) {
	  if (g_cart_id == 0 && optr->even_odd_flag == 1)
	    fprintf(stderr, "CG Multiple mass solver works only without even/odd! Forcing!\n");
	  optr->even_odd_flag = 0;
	  if (g_cart_id == 0 && optr->DownProp)
	    fprintf(stderr, "CGMMS doesn't need AddDownPropagator! Switching Off!\n");
	  optr->DownProp = 0;
      else if(optr->type == OVERLAP) {
	optr->even_odd_flag = 0;
	optr->applyM = &Dov_psi;
	optr->applyQ = &Qov_psi;
      else if(optr->type == DBTMWILSON) {
	optr->even_odd_flag = 1;
	optr->applyDbQsq = &Qtm_pm_ndpsi;
	/* TODO: this should be here!       */
	/* Chi`s-spinors  memory allocation */
	/*       if(init_chi_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, 20) != 0) { */
	/* 	fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for 20 NDPHMC Chi fields! Aborting...\n"); */
	/* 	exit(0); */
	/*       } */
      else if(optr->type == DBCLOVER) {
	optr->even_odd_flag = 1;
	optr->applyDbQsq = &Qtm_pm_ndpsi;
예제 #3
void cloverndpoly_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {
  int j;
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];
  spinor *up0, *dn0, *up1, *dn1, *dummy;
  double atime, etime;
  atime = gettime();
  ndpoly_set_global_parameter(mnl, 0);
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  sw_term((const su3**)hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
  sw_invert_nd(mnl->mubar*mnl->mubar - mnl->epsbar*mnl->epsbar);
  // we measure before trajectory!
  if((mnl->rec_ev != 0) && (hf->traj_counter%mnl->rec_ev == 0)) {
    phmc_compute_ev(hf->traj_counter-1, id, &Qsw_pm_ndbipsi);

  mnl->energy0 = 0.;
  random_spinor_field_eo(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
  mnl->energy0 = square_norm(g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, 1);

  random_spinor_field_eo(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
  mnl->energy0 += square_norm(g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0], VOLUME/2, 1);

  Qsw_ndpsi(g_chi_up_spinor_field[1], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1], 
	    g_chi_up_spinor_field[0], g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0]);

  up0 = g_chi_up_spinor_field[0];
  up1 = g_chi_up_spinor_field[1];
  dn0 = g_chi_dn_spinor_field[0];
  dn1 = g_chi_dn_spinor_field[1];
  for(j = 1; j < (mnl->MDPolyDegree); j++){
    Qsw_tau1_sub_const_ndpsi(up0, dn0,
			     up1, dn1, 
    dummy = up1; up1 = up0; up0 = dummy;
    dummy = dn1; dn1 = dn0; dn0 = dummy;
  Ptilde_ndpsi(up0, dn0, mnl->PtildeCoefs, 
	       mnl->PtildeDegree, up1, dn1, &Qsw_pm_ndpsi);
  assign(mnl->pf, up0, VOLUME/2);
  assign(mnl->pf2, dn0, VOLUME/2);
  etime = gettime();
  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    if(g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("# Time for %s monomial heatbath: %e s\n", mnl->name, etime-atime);
    if(g_debug_level > 3) {
      printf("called cloverndpoly_heatbath for id %d energy %f\n", id, mnl->energy0);
예제 #4
void clover_trlog_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];
  mnl->energy0 = 0.;

  sw_term(hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
  /*compute the contribution from the clover trlog term */
  mnl->energy0 = -sw_trace(EO, mnl->mu);
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
    printf("called clover_trlog_heatbath for id %d E = %e\n", id, mnl->energy0);
double cloverdetratio_rwacc(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];
  int save_sloppy = g_sloppy_precision_flag;
  double atime, etime;
  atime = gettime();

  g_mu = mnl->mu2;

  sw_term( (const su3**) hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa2, mnl->c_sw); 
  sw_invert(EE, mnl->mu2);
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  mnl->Qp(mnl->w_fields[1], mnl->pf);

  g_mu3 = 0.;
  g_mu = mnl->mu;
  sw_term( (const su3**) hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
  sw_invert(EE, mnl->mu);

  chrono_guess(mnl->w_fields[0], mnl->w_fields[1], mnl->csg_field, mnl->csg_index_array, 
	       mnl->csg_N, mnl->csg_n, VOLUME/2, &Qtm_plus_psi);
  g_sloppy_precision_flag = 0;    
  mnl->iter0 += solve_degenerate(mnl->w_fields[0], mnl->w_fields[1], mnl->solver_params, mnl->maxiter, mnl->accprec,  
		      g_relative_precision_flag, VOLUME/2, mnl->Qsq, mnl->solver);
  mnl->Qm(mnl->w_fields[0], mnl->w_fields[0]);

  g_sloppy_precision_flag = save_sloppy;

  /* Compute the energy contr. from second field */
  mnl->energy1 = square_norm(mnl->w_fields[0], VOLUME/2, 1);

  g_mu = g_mu1;
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  etime = gettime();
  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    if(g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("# Time for %s monomial rwacc step: %e s\n", mnl->name, etime-atime);
    if(g_debug_level > 3) {
      printf("called cloverdetratio_rwacc for id %d dH = %1.10e\n", 
	     id, mnl->energy1 - mnl->energy0);
  return(mnl->energy1 - mnl->energy0);
void cloverdet_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {

  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];
  double atime, etime;
  atime = gettime();
  int N = VOLUME/2;

  g_mu = mnl->mu;
  g_mu3 = mnl->rho;
  g_c_sw = mnl->c_sw;
  mnl->csg_n = 0;
  mnl->csg_n2 = 0;
  mnl->iter0 = 0;
  mnl->iter1 = 0;

  sw_term( (const su3**) hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 

  if(!mnl->even_odd_flag) {
    N = VOLUME;
    random_spinor_field_lexic(mnl->w_fields[0], mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
  else {
    sw_invert(EE, mnl->mu);
    random_spinor_field_eo(mnl->w_fields[0], mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
  mnl->energy0 = square_norm(mnl->w_fields[0], N, 1);
  mnl->Qp(mnl->pf, mnl->w_fields[0]);
  chrono_add_solution(mnl->pf, mnl->csg_field, mnl->csg_index_array,
                      mnl->csg_N, &mnl->csg_n, N);

  g_mu = g_mu1;
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  etime = gettime();
  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    if(g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("# Time for %s monomial heatbath: %e s\n", mnl->name, etime-atime);
    if(g_debug_level > 3) {
      printf("called cloverdet_heatbath for id %d energy %f\n", id, mnl->energy0);
예제 #7
void cloverdetratio_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];

  g_mu = mnl->mu;
  g_c_sw = mnl->c_sw;
  mnl->csg_n = 0;
  mnl->csg_n2 = 0;
  mnl->iter0 = 0;
  mnl->iter1 = 0;
  sw_term( (const su3**) hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
  sw_invert(EE, mnl->mu);

  random_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[4], VOLUME/2, mnl->rngrepro);
  mnl->energy0  = square_norm(g_spinor_field[4], VOLUME/2, 1);
  g_mu3 = mnl->rho;
  mnl->Qp(g_spinor_field[3], g_spinor_field[4]);
  g_mu3 = mnl->rho2;

  mnl->iter0 = cg_her(mnl->pf, g_spinor_field[3], mnl->maxiter, mnl->accprec,  
		      g_relative_precision_flag, VOLUME/2, mnl->Qsq); 

  chrono_add_solution(mnl->pf, mnl->csg_field, mnl->csg_index_array,
		      mnl->csg_N, &mnl->csg_n, VOLUME/2);
  mnl->Qm(mnl->pf, mnl->pf);

  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
    printf("called cloverdetratio_heatbath for id %d \n", id);
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  g_mu = g_mu1;
예제 #8
void op_invert(const int op_id, const int index_start, const int write_prop) {
  operator * optr = &operator_list[op_id];
  double atime = 0., etime = 0., nrm1 = 0., nrm2 = 0.;
  int i;
  optr->iterations = 0;
  optr->reached_prec = -1.;
  g_kappa = optr->kappa;

  atime = gettime();
  if(optr->type == TMWILSON || optr->type == WILSON || optr->type == CLOVER) {
    g_mu = optr->mu;
    g_c_sw = optr->c_sw;
    if(optr->type == CLOVER) {
      if (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
	printf("#\n# csw = %e, computing clover leafs\n", g_c_sw);
      sw_term( (const su3**) g_gauge_field, optr->kappa, optr->c_sw); 
      /* this must be EE here!   */
      /* to match clover_inv in Qsw_psi */
      sw_invert(EE, optr->mu);

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      if (g_cart_id == 0) {
        printf("#\n# 2 kappa mu = %e, kappa = %e, c_sw = %e\n", g_mu, g_kappa, g_c_sw);
      if(optr->type != CLOVER) {
	else {
	optr->iterations = invert_eo( optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->sr0, optr->sr1,
				      optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
				      optr->solver, optr->rel_prec,
				      0, optr->even_odd_flag,optr->no_extra_masses, optr->extra_masses, optr->id );
	/* check result */
	M_full(g_spinor_field[4], g_spinor_field[5], optr->prop0, optr->prop1);
      else {
	optr->iterations = invert_clover_eo(optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->sr0, optr->sr1,
					    optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
					    optr->solver, optr->rel_prec,
					    &g_gauge_field, &Qsw_pm_psi, &Qsw_minus_psi);
	/* check result */
 	Msw_full(g_spinor_field[4], g_spinor_field[5], optr->prop0, optr->prop1);

      diff(g_spinor_field[4], g_spinor_field[4], optr->sr0, VOLUME / 2);
      diff(g_spinor_field[5], g_spinor_field[5], optr->sr1, VOLUME / 2);

      nrm1 = square_norm(g_spinor_field[4], VOLUME / 2, 1);
      nrm2 = square_norm(g_spinor_field[5], VOLUME / 2, 1);
      optr->reached_prec = nrm1 + nrm2;

      /* convert to standard normalisation  */
      /* we have to mult. by 2*kappa        */
      if (optr->kappa != 0.) {
        mul_r(optr->prop0, (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop0, VOLUME / 2);
        mul_r(optr->prop1, (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop1, VOLUME / 2);
      if (optr->solver != CGMMS && write_prop) /* CGMMS handles its own I/O */
        optr->write_prop(op_id, index_start, i);
      if(optr->DownProp) {
        optr->mu = -optr->mu;
      } else 
  else if(optr->type == DBTMWILSON || optr->type == DBCLOVER) {
    g_mubar = optr->mubar;
    g_epsbar = optr->epsbar;
    g_c_sw = 0.;
    if(optr->type == DBCLOVER) {
      g_c_sw = optr->c_sw;
      if (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
	printf("#\n# csw = %e, computing clover leafs\n", g_c_sw);
      sw_term( (const su3**) g_gauge_field, optr->kappa, optr->c_sw); 

    for(i = 0; i < SourceInfo.no_flavours; i++) {
      if(optr->type != DBCLOVER) {
	optr->iterations = invert_doublet_eo( optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->prop2, optr->prop3, 
					      optr->sr0, optr->sr1, optr->sr2, optr->sr3,
					      optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
					      optr->solver, optr->rel_prec);
      else {
	optr->iterations = invert_cloverdoublet_eo( optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->prop2, optr->prop3, 
						    optr->sr0, optr->sr1, optr->sr2, optr->sr3,
						    optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
						    optr->solver, optr->rel_prec);
      g_mu = optr->mubar;
      if(optr->type != DBCLOVER) {
	M_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->prop0, optr->prop1); 
      else {
	Msw_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->prop0, optr->prop1); 
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], optr->prop2, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->prop3, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);

      g_mu = -g_mu;
      if(optr->type != DBCLOVER) {
	M_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->prop2, optr->prop3); 
      else {
	Msw_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->prop2, optr->prop3);
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], optr->prop0, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->prop1, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);

      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], optr->sr0, VOLUME/2); 
      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->sr1, VOLUME/2); 
      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], optr->sr2, VOLUME/2); 
      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->sr3, VOLUME/2); 

      nrm1  = square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      nrm1 += square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      nrm1 += square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      nrm1 += square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      optr->reached_prec = nrm1;
      g_mu = g_mu1;
      /* For standard normalisation */
      /* we have to mult. by 2*kappa */
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop0, VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop1, VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop2, VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop3, VOLUME/2);
      /* the final result should be stored in the convention used in */
      /* hep-lat/0606011                                             */
      /* this requires multiplication of source with                 */
      /* (1+itau_2)/sqrt(2) and the result with (1-itau_2)/sqrt(2)   */

      mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->prop0, optr->prop2, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], 
                       g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], -1., VOLUME/2);
      mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->prop1, optr->prop3, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], 
                       g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], -1., VOLUME/2);
      /* write propagator */
      if(write_prop) optr->write_prop(op_id, index_start, i);

      mul_r(optr->prop0, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(optr->prop1, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(optr->prop2, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(optr->prop3, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], VOLUME/2);

      /* mirror source, but not for volume sources */
      if(i == 0 && SourceInfo.no_flavours == 2 && SourceInfo.type != 1) {
        if (g_cart_id == 0) {
          fprintf(stdout, "# Inversion done in %d iterations, squared residue = %e!\n",
                  optr->iterations, optr->reached_prec);
        mul_one_pm_itau2(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->sr0, optr->sr2, -1., VOLUME/2);
        mul_one_pm_itau2(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], optr->sr1, optr->sr3, -1., VOLUME/2);

        mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->sr0, optr->sr2, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], +1., VOLUME/2);
        mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->sr1, optr->sr3, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], +1., VOLUME/2);

      /* volume sources need only one inversion */
      else if(SourceInfo.type == 1) i++;
  else if(optr->type == OVERLAP) {
    g_mu = 0.;
    eigenvalues(&optr->no_ev, 5000, optr->ev_prec, 0, optr->ev_readwrite, nstore, optr->even_odd_flag);
/*     ov_check_locality(); */
/*      index_jd(&optr->no_ev_index, 5000, 1.e-12, optr->conf_input, nstore, 4); */


    if(g_debug_level > 3) ov_check_ginsparg_wilson_relation_strong(); 

    invert_overlap(op_id, index_start); 

    if(write_prop) optr->write_prop(op_id, index_start, 0);
  etime = gettime();
  if (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "# Inversion done in %d iterations, squared residue = %e!\n",
            optr->iterations, optr->reached_prec);
    fprintf(stdout, "# Inversion done in %1.2e sec. \n", etime - atime);
예제 #9
void ndratcor_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];
  double atime, etime, delta;
  spinor * up0, * dn0, * up1, * dn1, * tup, * tdn, * Zup, * Zdn;
  double coefs[6] = {1./4., -3./32., 7./128., -77./2048., 231./8192., -1463./65536.}; // series of (1+x)^(1/4)
  double coefs_check[6] = {1./2., -1./8., 1./16., -5./128., 7./256., -21./1024.}; // series of (1+x)^(1/2)
  atime = gettime();
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  mnl->iter0 = 0;
  if(mnl->type == NDCLOVERRATCOR) {
    sw_term((const su3**)hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
    sw_invert_nd(mnl->mubar*mnl->mubar - mnl->epsbar*mnl->epsbar);
  // we measure before the trajectory!
  if((mnl->rec_ev != 0) && (hf->traj_counter%mnl->rec_ev == 0)) {
    if(mnl->type != NDCLOVERRAT) phmc_compute_ev(hf->traj_counter-1, id, &Qtm_pm_ndbipsi);
    else phmc_compute_ev(hf->traj_counter-1, id, &Qsw_pm_ndbipsi);

  // the Gaussian distributed random fields
  mnl->energy0 = 0.;
  random_spinor_field_eo(mnl->pf, mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
  mnl->energy0 = square_norm(mnl->pf, VOLUME/2, 1);

  random_spinor_field_eo(mnl->pf2, mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
  mnl->energy0 += square_norm(mnl->pf2, VOLUME/2, 1);

  mnl->solver_params.max_iter = mnl->maxiter;
  mnl->solver_params.squared_solver_prec = mnl->accprec;
  mnl->solver_params.no_shifts = mnl->rat.np;
  mnl->solver_params.shifts = mnl->rat.mu;
  mnl->solver_params.type = mnl->solver;
  mnl->solver_params.M_ndpsi = &Qtm_pm_ndpsi;
  mnl->solver_params.M_ndpsi32 = &Qtm_pm_ndpsi_32;    
  if(mnl->type == NDCLOVERRATCOR) {
    mnl->solver_params.M_ndpsi = &Qsw_pm_ndpsi;
    mnl->solver_params.M_ndpsi32 = &Qsw_pm_ndpsi_32;
  mnl->solver_params.sdim = VOLUME/2;
  mnl->solver_params.rel_prec = g_relative_precision_flag;

  // apply B to the random field to generate pseudo-fermion fields
  up0 = mnl->w_fields[0]; dn0 = mnl->w_fields[1];
  up1 = mnl->w_fields[2]; dn1 = mnl->w_fields[3];
  Zup = mnl->w_fields[4]; Zdn = mnl->w_fields[5];

  apply_Z_ndpsi(up0, dn0, mnl->pf, mnl->pf2, id, hf, &(mnl->solver_params));
  // computing correction to energy1
  delta = coefs_check[0]*(scalar_prod_r(mnl->pf, up0, VOLUME/2, 1) + scalar_prod_r(mnl->pf2, dn0, VOLUME/2, 1));
  if(g_debug_level > 2 && g_proc_id == 0)
    printf("# NDRATCOR heatbath: c_%d*(R * Z^%d * R) = %e\n", 1, 1, delta);
  // debug for showing that the old check was giving a smaller delta
  if(g_debug_level > 3) {
    double delta_old = square_norm(up0, VOLUME/2, 1) + square_norm(dn0, VOLUME/2, 1);
    if(g_proc_id == 0) {
      printf("# NDRATCOR old check: || Z^%d * R ||^2 = %e\n", 1, delta_old);
      printf("# NDRATCOR new check: (c_%d*(R * Z^%d * R))^2 = %e\n", 1, 1, delta*delta);

  if(delta*delta > mnl->accprec) {
    assign_add_mul_r(mnl->pf, up0, coefs[0], VOLUME/2);
    assign_add_mul_r(mnl->pf2, dn0, coefs[0], VOLUME/2);
    // saving first application
    assign(Zup, up0, VOLUME/2);
    assign(Zdn, dn0, VOLUME/2);
    for(int i = 2; i < 8; i++) {
      // computing next order correction to energy1
      delta = coefs_check[i-1]*(scalar_prod_r(Zup, up0, VOLUME/2, 1) + scalar_prod_r(Zup, dn0, VOLUME/2, 1)); 
      if(g_debug_level > 2 && g_proc_id == 0)
        printf("# NDRATCOR heatbath: c_%d*(R * Z^%d * R) = %e\n", i, i, delta);
      // debug for showing that the old check was giving a smaller delta
      if(g_debug_level > 3) {
        double delta_old = square_norm(up0, VOLUME/2, 1) + square_norm(dn0, VOLUME/2, 1);
        if(g_proc_id == 0) {
          printf("# NDRATCOR old check: || Z^%d * R ||^2 = %e\n", 1, delta_old);
          printf("# NDRATCOR new check: (c_%d*(R * Z^%d * R))^2 = %e\n", 1, 1, delta*delta);
      if(delta*delta < mnl->accprec) break;

      apply_Z_ndpsi(up1, dn1, up0, dn0, id, hf, &(mnl->solver_params));
      assign_add_mul_r(mnl->pf, up1, coefs[i-1], VOLUME/2);
      assign_add_mul_r(mnl->pf2, dn1, coefs[i-1], VOLUME/2);

      tup = up0; tdn = dn0;
      up0 = up1; dn0 = dn1;
      up1 = tup; dn1 = tdn;
  etime = gettime();
  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    if(g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("# Time for %s monomial heatbath: %e s\n", mnl->name, etime-atime);
    if(g_debug_level > 3) { 
      printf("called ndratcor_heatbath for id %d energy %f\n", id, mnl->energy0);
void reweighting_factor(const int N, const int nstore) {
  int n = VOLUME;
  monomial * mnl;
  FILE * ofs;
  hamiltonian_field_t hf;

  hf.gaugefield = g_gauge_field;
  hf.momenta = NULL;
  hf.derivative = NULL;
  hf.update_gauge_copy = g_update_gauge_copy;

  double * data = (double*)calloc(no_monomials*N, sizeof(double));
  double * trlog = (double*)calloc(no_monomials, sizeof(double));

  // we compute the trlog part first, because they are independent of 
  // stochastic noise. This is only needed for even/odd monomials
  for(int j = 0; j < no_monomials; j++) {
    mnl = &monomial_list[j];
    if(mnl->even_odd_flag) {
      double c_sw = mnl->c_sw;
      if(c_sw < 0.) c_sw = 0.;

      sw_term( (const su3**) hf.gaugefield, mnl->kappa, c_sw); 
      if(mnl->type != NDDETRATIO) {
        trlog[j] = -sw_trace(0, mnl->mu);
      else {
        trlog[j] = -sw_trace_nd(0, mnl->mubar, mnl->epsbar);
      sw_term( (const su3**) hf.gaugefield, mnl->kappa2, c_sw);
      if(mnl->type != NDDETRATIO) {
        trlog[j] -= -sw_trace(0, mnl->mu2);
      else {
        trlog[j] -= -sw_trace_nd(0, mnl->mubar2, mnl->epsbar2);
    else {
      trlog[j] = 0.;
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
      printf("# monomial[%d] %s, trlog = %e\n", j, mnl->name, trlog[j]);

  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
      printf("# computing reweighting factors for sample %d\n", i);
    for(int j = 0; j < no_monomials; j++) {
      mnl = &monomial_list[j];
      if(mnl->type != GAUGE) {
	if(mnl->even_odd_flag) {
	  random_spinor_field_eo(mnl->pf, mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
          mnl->energy0 = square_norm(mnl->pf, n/2, 1);
	else {
          random_spinor_field_lexic(mnl->pf, mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
          mnl->energy0 = square_norm(mnl->pf, n, 1);
	if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
	  printf("# monomial[%d] %s, energy0 = %e\n", j, mnl->name, mnl->energy0);
	if(mnl->type == NDDETRATIO) {
	  if(mnl->even_odd_flag) {
	    random_spinor_field_eo(mnl->pf2, mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
            mnl->energy0 += square_norm(mnl->pf, n/2, 1);
	  else {
            random_spinor_field_lexic(mnl->pf, mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
            mnl->energy0 += square_norm(mnl->pf2, n, 1);

    for(int j = 0; j < no_monomials; j++) {
      mnl = &monomial_list[j];
      if(mnl->type != GAUGE) {
	double y = mnl->accfunction(j, &hf);
	data[i*no_monomials + j] = y;
	if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
	  printf("# monomial[%d] %s, stochastic part: w_%d=%e exp(w_%d)=%e\n", j, mnl->name, j, j, y, exp(y));
  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    char filename[50];
    sprintf(filename, "reweighting_factor.data.%.5d", nstore);
    if((ofs = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) {
      fatal_error("Could not open file for data output", "reweighting_factor");
    else {
      for(int j = 0; j < no_monomials; j++) {
        mnl = &monomial_list[j];
        for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
          fprintf(ofs, "%.2d %.5d %e %e %e %e %.10e\n", j, i, mnl->kappa, mnl->kappa2, mnl->mu, mnl->mu2, data[i*no_monomials + j] + trlog[j]);
예제 #11
void rat_heatbath(const int id, hamiltonian_field_t * const hf) {
  monomial * mnl = &monomial_list[id];
  solver_pm_t solver_pm;
  double atime, etime, dummy;
  atime = gettime();
  // only for non-twisted operators
  g_mu = 0.;
  g_mu3 = 0.;

  mnl->iter1 = 0;
  g_mu3 = 0.;
  if(mnl->type == CLOVERRAT) {
    g_c_sw = mnl->c_sw;
    sw_term((const su3**)hf->gaugefield, mnl->kappa, mnl->c_sw); 
    sw_invert(EE, 0.);
  // we measure before the trajectory!
  if((mnl->rec_ev != 0) && (hf->traj_counter%mnl->rec_ev == 0)) {
    //if(mnl->type != CLOVERRAT) phmc_compute_ev(hf->traj_counter-1, id, &Qtm_pm_ndbipsi);
    //else phmc_compute_ev(hf->traj_counter-1, id, &Qsw_pm_ndbipsi);

  // the Gaussian distributed random fields
  mnl->energy0 = 0.;
  random_spinor_field_eo(mnl->pf, mnl->rngrepro, RN_GAUSS);
  mnl->energy0 = square_norm(mnl->pf, VOLUME/2, 1);

  // set solver parameters
  solver_pm.max_iter = mnl->maxiter;
  solver_pm.squared_solver_prec = mnl->accprec;
  solver_pm.no_shifts = mnl->rat.np;
  solver_pm.shifts = mnl->rat.nu;
  solver_pm.type = CGMMS;
  solver_pm.M_psi = mnl->Qsq;
  solver_pm.sdim = VOLUME/2;
  solver_pm.rel_prec = g_relative_precision_flag;
  mnl->iter0 = cg_mms_tm(g_chi_up_spinor_field, mnl->pf,
			 &solver_pm, &dummy);

  assign(mnl->w_fields[2], mnl->pf, VOLUME/2);

  // apply C to the random field to generate pseudo-fermion fields
  for(int j = (mnl->rat.np-1); j > -1; j--) {
    // Q - i nu_j (not twisted mass term, so Qp=Qm=Q
    mnl->Qp(g_chi_up_spinor_field[mnl->rat.np], g_chi_up_spinor_field[j]);
    assign_add_mul(g_chi_up_spinor_field[mnl->rat.np], g_chi_up_spinor_field[j], -I*mnl->rat.nu[j], VOLUME/2);
    assign_add_mul(mnl->pf, g_chi_up_spinor_field[mnl->rat.np], I*mnl->rat.rnu[j], VOLUME/2);

  etime = gettime();
  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
    if(g_debug_level > 1) {
      printf("# Time for %s monomial heatbath: %e s\n", mnl->name, etime-atime);
    if(g_debug_level > 3) { 
      printf("called rat_heatbath for id %d energy %f\n", id, mnl->energy0);