int init(t_data *data) { char buf_ent[2048]; init_tab_keys(data); if (tgetent(buf_ent, getenv("TERM")) < 1) return (0); tcgetattr(0, &data->term); init_term(&data->term); init_history(data); data->cursor = 0; data->c_y = 0; data->nb_c = 0; signal(SIGINT, &signal_action); signal(SIGHUP, &signal_action); signal(SIGQUIT, &signal_action); signal(SIGTTIN, &signal_action); signal(SIGTERM, &signal_action); signal(SIGTSTP, &signal_action); signal(SIGCONT, &signal_action); signal(SIGILL, &signal_action); signal(SIGABRT, &signal_action); signal(SIGBUS, &signal_action); signal(SIGSEGV, &signal_action); return (1); }
void run(t_params const* params) { int fd; pid_t master; pid_t ptyfk; struct termios term; fd = open(params->file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | (params->append == 1 ? O_APPEND : O_TRUNC), 0644); if (fd == -1) xperror(); ptyfk = my_forkpty(&master, NULL); if (ptyfk == -1) xperror(); if (ptyfk == 0) { dup2_fd(master); execl(params->shell, params->shell, NULL); exit(0); } update_win_size(master); signal(SIGWINCH, handle_resize); remove_block(master, 0); init_term(&term); printf("Script started, file is %s\n", params->file); read_input(ptyfk, master, fd); restore_term(&term); close(fd); printf("Script done, file is %s\n", params->file); }
char *ft_seek_symbol(char *buff, t_data *st) { char stdin[3]; char *newbuff; int i; ft_bzero(stdin, 3); i = 0; newbuff = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); newbuff[i] = '\0'; buff = add_to_tab(buff, '\n', ft_strlen(buff)); tputs(tgetstr("cr", NULL), 0, ft_outc); ft_putstr_fd("\n> ", isatty(1)); init_term(st); while (read(1, &stdin, 3)) { if (stdin[0] == 10) return (ft_scan_buff(ft_strjoin(buff, newbuff), st)); else if (stdin[0] >= 32 && stdin[1] == 0) newbuff = func1(st, &i, newbuff, stdin); else if (stdin[0] == 27 && stdin[1] == 91) i = func2(st, i, newbuff, stdin); ft_bzero(stdin, 3); } return (buff); }
/* initialise the library and sets up the terminal */ int jx_initialise() { if (!(tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR))) return JX_ERR_OPEN_TTY; if (init_term()) { close(tty); return JX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TERMINAL; } if (pipe(winch_fds)) { close(tty); return JX_ERR_PIPE_TRAP_ERROR; } struct sigaction sa; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; sa.sa_handler = sigwinch_handler; sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, 0); if (tcgetattr(tty, &old_t)) return JX_ERR_TERMIOS; struct termios t = old_t; cfmakeraw(&t); t.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; t.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (tcsetattr(tty, TCSAFLUSH, &t)) return JX_ERR_TERMIOS; OUT_index = 0; IN_index = 0; BUF_PUTE(OUT, TS_CLEAR_SCREEN); BUF_PUTE(OUT, TS_ENTER_CA_MODE); BUF_PUTE(OUT, TS_KEYPAD_XMIT); BUF_PUTE(OUT, TS_CURSOR_INVISIBLE); BUF_DEBUG(OUT); BUF_FLUSH(OUT); /* TODO: check if this is needed */ int ret; sigwinch_handler(0); read(winch_fds[0], &ret, sizeof(int)); read(winch_fds[0], &t_columns, sizeof(unsigned short)); read(winch_fds[0], &t_lines, sizeof(unsigned short)); if (ret == -1) return JX_ERR_IOCTL; /* create first window for the screen */ window_head = window_tail = calloc(sizeof(jx_window), 1); window_head->w = t_columns; window_head->h = t_lines; window_head->flags = JX_WF_AUTOSIZE | JX_WF_AUTOSIZE; initialised = true; return JX_SUCCESS; }
void my_game(t_game *game) { struct termios termios; t_term *term; game->x = 0; game->y = 0; term = malloc(sizeof(*term)); init_term(term); set_getattr(term->fo, &termios); my_refresh(game, term); while ((game->fileread = read(0, game->buffer, 6))) { if (game->player1 == 1) my_keys(game, &termios, term); else if (game->player2 == 1) my_keys(game, &termios, term); if (game->buffer[0] == 10) my_enter(game); if (game->buffer[0] == 27 && game->fileread == 1) my_esc(term, &termios); my_refresh(game, term); } termios.c_lflag |= (ICANON | ECHO); tcsetattr(term->fo, TCSADRAIN, &termios); }
int termcaps(t_llist *env, t_memory *memo, int len, t_win *win) { struct termios term; int code; init_term(&term, env, win, len); while (win->buffer[0] != RETURN) { ft_bzero(win->buffer, 4); read(0, win->buffer, 4); if (win->buffer[0] == CTRL_D) termcaps_exit("close", &term); if ((ft_isalnum(win->buffer[0])) == 1 || (my_ctrl(win->buffer[0])) == 1) { memo->line = push_line(win->buffer[0], memo->line, win); ft_putchar(win->buffer[0]); } else if ((code = termc_ctrl(memo->line, win, env, memo)) > 0) memo->line = parsing_term(code, memo->line, win); } if (memo->c_t_r + RETURN == TAB + RETURN) tabulation(memo->line, win); bring_back_shell(&term); win->pos[1]++; return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_list *list; t_list *current; int i; i = 1; list = NULL; init_term(); if (ac > 1) { while (av[i] != 0) { ft_new_elem(&list, av[i]); i++; } current = list; print_list(list, current); while (42) read_button(&list, ¤t); } else ft_putendl_fd("Too few arguments", 2); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct termios oldline; t_area ar; if (argc > 1) { non_canonical_mode(&oldline); init_term(&ar, argv, argc); display_arguments(&ar); while ((ar.len = read(0, ar.buff, sizeof(ar.buff)))) { x_read(ar.len); init_lines(&ar, &oldline); check_ctrl(&ar); check_keys(&ar, ar.len); check_select(&ar); if (my_exit(&oldline, &ar) == 1 || void_exit(&ar, &oldline) == 1) return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } restore_mode(&oldline, &ar); free_struct(&ar); } else my_put_error(ERR_ARGV); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_all all; int ret; all.elem = NULL; = 0; = 1; if (ac > 1 && av[1] != NULL) { ft_signal(); if (init_term(&all)) return (-1); if ((ret = init_lst(&(all.elem), av, &all)) == TRUE) { memoire(&all, 0); ret = ft_select(&all); } if (reset_term(&all) == -1) return (-1); if (ret == -2) print_select(&all); if ( > 0) freelst(&all); } return (0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int ch; int i = 0; int f_flag = 0; char *filename = "data"; ToxWindow* a; for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-') { if(argv[i][1] == 'f') { if(argv[i + 1] != NULL) filename = argv[i + 1]; else { f_flag = -1; } } } } init_term(); init_tox(); load_data(filename); init_windows(); if(f_flag == -1) { attron(COLOR_PAIR(3) | A_BOLD); wprintw(prompt->window, "You passed '-f' without giving an argument!\n" "defaulting to 'data' for a keyfile...\n"); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(3) | A_BOLD); } while(true) { // Update tox. do_tox(); // Draw. a = &windows[w_active]; prepare_window(a->window); a->blink = false; draw_bar(); a->onDraw(a); // Handle input. ch = getch(); if(ch == '\t') { w_active = (w_active + 1) % w_num; } else if(ch == KEY_BTAB) { w_active = (w_active + w_num - 1) % w_num; } else if(ch != ERR) { a->onKey(a, ch); } } return 0; }
bool Syscon_Init() { input_on = true; init_term(); set_raw(false); con_redirectOutput(Syscon_Print); return true; }
static int bin_echotc(char *name, char **argv, UNUSED(Options ops), UNUSED(int func)) { char *s, buf[2048], *t, *u; int num, argct; s = *argv++; if (termflags & TERM_BAD) return 1; if ((termflags & TERM_UNKNOWN) && (isset(INTERACTIVE) || !init_term())) return 1; /* if the specified termcap has a numeric value, display it */ if ((num = tgetnum(s)) != -1) { printf("%d\n", num); return 0; } /* if the specified termcap is boolean, and set, say so */ switch (ztgetflag(s)) { case -1: break; case 0: puts("no"); return 0; default: puts("yes"); return 0; } /* get a string-type capability */ u = buf; t = tgetstr(s, &u); if (t == (char *)-1 || !t || !*t) { /* capability doesn't exist, or (if boolean) is off */ zwarnnam(name, "no such capability: %s", s); return 1; } /* count the number of arguments required */ for (argct = 0, u = t; *u; u++) if (*u == '%') { if (u++, (*u == 'd' || *u == '2' || *u == '3' || *u == '.' || *u == '+')) argct++; } /* check that the number of arguments provided is correct */ if (arrlen(argv) != argct) { zwarnnam(name, (arrlen(argv) < argct) ? "not enough arguments" : "too many arguments"); return 1; } /* output string, through the proper termcap functions */ if (!argct) tputs(t, 1, putraw); else { /* This assumes arguments of <lines> <columns> for cap 'cm' */ num = (argv[1]) ? atoi(argv[1]) : atoi(*argv); tputs(tgoto(t, num, atoi(*argv)), 1, putraw); } return 0; }
void af_unix_connection(void *xxx) { socklen_t l = s_unix_l; int ns; memset(s_unix_acc, 0, l); ns = accept(s_unix_fd, (struct sockaddr *)s_unix_acc, &l); if (ns == -1) return; init_term(ns, ns, win_func); set_highpri(); }
static HashNode gettermcap(UNUSED(HashTable ht), char *name) { int len, num; char *tcstr, buf[2048], *u; Param pm = NULL; /* This depends on the termcap stuff in init.c */ if (termflags & TERM_BAD) return NULL; if ((termflags & TERM_UNKNOWN) && (isset(INTERACTIVE) || !init_term())) return NULL; unmetafy(name, &len); pm = (Param) hcalloc(sizeof(struct param)); pm->nam = dupstring(name); pm->flags = PM_READONLY; u = buf; /* logic in the following cascade copied from echotc, above */ if ((num = tgetnum(name)) != -1) { pm->gsu.i = &nullsetinteger_gsu; pm->u.val = num; pm->flags |= PM_INTEGER; return (HashNode) pm; } pm->gsu.s = &nullsetscalar_gsu; switch (ztgetflag(name)) { case -1: break; case 0: pm->u.str = dupstring("no"); pm->flags |= PM_SCALAR; return (HashNode) pm; default: pm->u.str = dupstring("yes"); pm->flags |= PM_SCALAR; return (HashNode) pm; } if ((tcstr = (char*)tgetstr(name, &u)) != NULL && tcstr != (char *)-1) { pm->u.str = dupstring(tcstr); pm->flags |= PM_SCALAR; } else { /* zwarn("no such capability: %s", name, 0); */ pm->u.str = dupstring(""); pm->flags |= PM_UNSET; } return (HashNode) pm; }
int tb_init_fd(int inout_) { inout = inout_; if (inout == -1) { return TB_EFAILED_TO_OPEN_TTY; } if (init_term() < 0) { close(inout); return TB_EUNSUPPORTED_TERMINAL; } if (pipe(winch_fds) < 0) { close(inout); return TB_EPIPE_TRAP_ERROR; } struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sigwinch_handler; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, 0); tcgetattr(inout, &orig_tios); struct termios tios; memcpy(&tios, &orig_tios, sizeof(tios)); tios.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON); tios.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; tios.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN); tios.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); tios.c_cflag |= CS8; tios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(inout, TCSAFLUSH, &tios); bytebuffer_init(&input_buffer, 128); bytebuffer_init(&output_buffer, 32 * 1024); bytebuffer_puts(&output_buffer, funcs[T_ENTER_CA]); bytebuffer_puts(&output_buffer, funcs[T_ENTER_KEYPAD]); bytebuffer_puts(&output_buffer, funcs[T_HIDE_CURSOR]); send_clear(); update_term_size(); cellbuf_init(&back_buffer, termw, termh); cellbuf_init(&front_buffer, termw, termh); cellbuf_clear(&back_buffer); cellbuf_clear(&front_buffer); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; int f_flag = 0; char *filename = "data"; ToxWindow* a; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv[i] == NULL) break; else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (argv[i][1] == 'f') { if (argv[i + 1] != NULL) filename = argv[i + 1]; else f_flag = -1; } } } init_term(); init_tox(); load_data(filename); init_windows(); init_window_status(); if (f_flag == -1) { attron(COLOR_PAIR(3) | A_BOLD); wprintw(prompt->window, "You passed '-f' without giving an argument!\n" "defaulting to 'data' for a keyfile...\n"); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(3) | A_BOLD); } while(true) { /* Update tox */ do_tox(); /* Draw */ a = &windows[active_window]; prepare_window(a->window); a->blink = false; draw_bar(); a->onDraw(a); /* Handle input */ ch = getch(); if (ch == '\t' || ch == KEY_BTAB) set_active_window(ch); else if (ch != ERR) a->onKey(a, ch); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { init_x(); init_term(); pthread_t thread_term, thread_gui; pthread_create(&thread_gui, NULL, x_main_loop, NULL); pthread_create(&thread_term, NULL, term_main_loop, NULL); pthread_join(thread_gui, NULL); pthread_cancel(thread_term); close_term(); close_x(); }
static int *init_prog(struct termios *term, t_list *list, int max, int **coord) { int *index; tcgetattr(0, term); init_term(*term); index = init_index(max); *coord = print_list(list, index[0]); init_signal(); return (index); }
void kmain(uint32_t magic, multiboot_info_t *mboot, uintptr_t ebp) { monitor_clear(); printf("Booting Dionysus!\n"); ASSERT(magic == MULTIBOOT_BOOTLOADER_MAGIC && "Not booted with multiboot."); ASSERT(mboot->flags & MULTIBOOT_INFO_MEMORY && "No memory info."); ASSERT(mboot->flags & MULTIBOOT_INFO_MEM_MAP && "No memory map."); printf("Initializing GDT\n"); init_gdt(); printf("Initializing IDT\n"); init_idt(); // Check for modules if (mboot->flags & MULTIBOOT_INFO_MODS && mboot->mods_count) { multiboot_module_t *mods = (multiboot_module_t *)mboot->mods_addr; placement_address = mods[mboot->mods_count - 1].mod_end + KERNEL_BASE; } printf("Setting up paging\n"); init_paging(mboot->mem_lower + mboot->mem_upper, mboot->mmap_addr, mboot->mmap_length); printf("Initializing timers\n"); init_time(); init_timer(); printf("Starting task scheduling\n"); init_tasking(ebp); init_syscalls(); printf("Initializing vfs\n"); init_vfs(); printf("Initializing driver subsystem\n"); init_blockdev(); init_chardev(); init_term(); printf("Enumerating PCI bus(ses)\n"); init_pci(); dump_pci(); init_devfs(); ASSERT(mount(NULL, "/dev", "devfs", 0) == 0); init_ide(); halt(); }
int tb_init(void) { out = open("/dev/tty", O_WRONLY); in = fopen("/dev/tty", "r"); if (out == -1 || !in) return TB_EFAILED_TO_OPEN_TTY; out_fileno = out; in_fileno = fileno(in); if (init_term() < 0) return TB_EUNSUPPORTED_TERMINAL; if (pipe(winch_fds) < 0) return TB_EPIPE_TRAP_ERROR; struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = sigwinch_handler; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, 0); tcgetattr(out_fileno, &orig_tios); struct termios tios; memcpy(&tios, &orig_tios, sizeof(tios)); tios.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON); tios.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; tios.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN); tios.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); tios.c_cflag |= CS8; tios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(out_fileno, TCSAFLUSH, &tios); memstream_init(&write_buffer, out_fileno, write_buffer_data, sizeof(write_buffer_data)); memstream_puts(&write_buffer, funcs[T_ENTER_CA]); memstream_puts(&write_buffer, funcs[T_ENTER_KEYPAD]); memstream_puts(&write_buffer, funcs[T_HIDE_CURSOR]); send_clear(); update_term_size(); cellbuf_init(&back_buffer, termw, termh); cellbuf_init(&front_buffer, termw, termh); cellbuf_clear(&back_buffer); cellbuf_clear(&front_buffer); init_ringbuffer(&inbuf, 4096); return 0; }
void move_bot(t_select **begin_list) { t_select *tmp; tmp = *begin_list; while (tmp->hover == 0) tmp = tmp->next; tmp->hover = 0; tmp = tmp->next; tmp->hover = 1; init_term(0); }
file_t * create_file(char * where, char * filename) { file_t * file = malloc(sizeof(file_t)); file->term = init_term(); file->buff = init_buff(); file->modbuff = init_buff(); file->rend = init_renderer(); file->path = where; file->filename = filename; file->size = 0; file->is_modal = 0; init_keys(); init_func(file); return file; }
int attach_terminal(int in, int out, int ctl, void *info, int len) { struct terminal *term; fcntl(terminal_pipe[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); fcntl(terminal_pipe[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); handle_trm(in, out, out, terminal_pipe[1], ctl, info, len); mem_free(info); if ((term = init_term(terminal_pipe[0], out, win_func))) { handle_basic_signals(term); /* OK, this is race condition, but it must be so; GPM installs it's own buggy TSTP handler */ return terminal_pipe[1]; } close(terminal_pipe[0]); close(terminal_pipe[1]); return -1; }
/*static*/ int Main::main(void) { init_term(); printf("\nEDBMS Start"); pM = &m; InitEndian(); m.execute(); printf("\nEDBMS Stop"); return 0; }
int env_sw(void) { static int i = 0; static struct termios *term; static struct termios *reset; char *term_name; term_name = getenv("TERM"); if (!term) if (!(init_term(&term, &reset))) return (0); if (!(set_env(term, reset, term_name, i))) return (0); i = i ^ 1; return (1); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { char buff[6] = {0}; t_term_data data; int j; init_term(data); while (!(buff[0] == 27 && buff[1] == 0 && buff[2] == 0)) { bzero(buff, 6); read(0, buff, 6); for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) printf("%x\n", buff[j]); } return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_select params; params.list = NULL; if (ac <= 1) return (-1); ft_signal(); if (init_term(¶ms) == -1) return (-1); if (ft_select(ac, av, ¶ms) == -1) return (-1); if (restore_term(¶ms) == -1) return (-1); return (0); }
int attach_terminal(int in, int out, int ctl, void *info, int len) { struct terminal *term; int rs; set_nonblock(terminal_pipe[0]); set_nonblock(terminal_pipe[1]); handle_trm(in, out, out, terminal_pipe[1], ctl, info, len); mem_free(info); if ((term = init_term(terminal_pipe[0], out, win_func))) { handle_basic_signals(term); /* OK, this is race condition, but it must be so; GPM installs it's own buggy TSTP handler */ return terminal_pipe[1]; } EINTRLOOP(rs, close(terminal_pipe[0])); EINTRLOOP(rs, close(terminal_pipe[1])); return -1; }
void selected(t_select **begin_list) { t_select *tmp; tmp = *begin_list; while (tmp->hover == 0) tmp = tmp->next; tmp->hover = 0; if (tmp->selected == 1) tmp->selected = 0; else tmp->selected = 1; tmp = tmp->next; tmp->hover = 1; init_term(0); }
void move_top(t_select **begin_list) { t_select *tmp; t_select *tmp2; tmp = *begin_list; tmp2 = *begin_list; tmp = tmp->next; while (tmp->hover == 0) { tmp = tmp->next; tmp2 = tmp2->next; } tmp->hover = 0; tmp2->hover = 1; init_term(0); }