예제 #1
PMShell::PMShell( const KURL& url )
      : PMDockMainWindow( 0, "mainwindow" )
   setPluginLoadingMode( DoNotLoadPlugins );
   setInstance( PMFactory::instance( ), false );

   m_pPart = new PMPart( this, "part", this, "part", true, this );
   m_pPart->setReadWrite( ); // read-write mode
   m_viewNumber = 0;
   m_objectsToDelete.setAutoDelete( true );

   if (!initialGeometrySet())

   setupActions( );

   restoreOptions( );

   setupView( );
   setXMLFile( "kpovmodelershell.rc" );
   createGUI( m_pPart );

   //guiFactory( )->addClient( m_pPart );
   m_pStatusBar = statusBar( );
   m_pStatusBar->insertItem( " ", c_statusBarInfo, 1 );
   m_pStatusBar->insertItem( "" , c_statusBarControlPoints );

   KConfig* config = instance( )->config( );
   config->setGroup( "Appearance" );
   applyMainWindowSettings( config );

   if( !url.isEmpty( ) )
      openURL( url );

   setCaption( url.prettyURL( ) );
   connect( m_pPart, SIGNAL( modified( ) ), SLOT( slotModified( ) ) );
   connect( m_pPart, SIGNAL( controlPointMessage( const QString& ) ),
            SLOT( slotControlPointMsg( const QString& ) ) );
예제 #2
	: KParts::MainWindow( ),
	m_textViewPart( 0 ),
	m_textViewWidget( 0 ),
	m_eventLoopLocker( new QEventLoopLocker() )
	if ( !initialGeometrySet() )
	resize( 800, 480 );

	// set the shell's ui resource file

	// then, setup our actions

	m_viewPart = KMimeTypeTrader::createInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadWritePart>("text/x-patch", "Kompare/ViewPart", this);

	if ( m_viewPart )
		setCentralWidget( m_viewPart->widget() );
		// and integrate the part's GUI with the shell's
		// if we couldn't load our Part, we exit since the Shell by
		// itself can't do anything useful
		KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not load our KompareViewPart." ) );

	m_navTreeDock = new QDockWidget( i18n( "Navigation" ), this );
	m_navTreeDock->setObjectName( "Navigation" );

	// This part is implemented in KompareNavTreePart
	m_navTreePart = KServiceTypeTrader::createInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>
		("KParts/ReadOnlyPart", "'Kompare/NavigationPart' in ServiceTypes", m_navTreeDock);

	if ( m_navTreePart )
		m_navTreeDock->setWidget( m_navTreePart->widget() );
		addDockWidget( Qt::TopDockWidgetArea, m_navTreeDock );
// 			m_navTreeDock->manualDock( m_mainViewDock, KDockWidget::DockTop, 20 );
		// if we couldn't load our Part, we exit since the Shell by
		// itself can't do anything useful
		KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not load our KompareNavigationPart." ) );

	// Hook up the inter part communication
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL( modelsChanged(const Diff2::DiffModelList*) ),
	         m_navTreePart, SLOT( slotModelsChanged( const Diff2::DiffModelList*) ) );

	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL( kompareInfo(Kompare::Info*) ),
	         m_navTreePart, SLOT( slotKompareInfo(Kompare::Info*) ) );

	connect( m_navTreePart, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const Diff2::DiffModel*, const Diff2::Difference*) ),
	         m_viewPart, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const Diff2::DiffModel*, const Diff2::Difference*) ) );
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL( setSelection(const Diff2::DiffModel*, const Diff2::Difference*) ),
	         m_navTreePart, SLOT( slotSetSelection(const Diff2::DiffModel*, const Diff2::Difference*) ) );

	connect( m_navTreePart, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const Diff2::Difference*) ),
	         m_viewPart, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const Diff2::Difference*) ) );
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL( setSelection(const Diff2::Difference*) ),
	         m_navTreePart, SLOT( slotSetSelection(const Diff2::Difference*) ) );

	// This is the interpart interface, it is signal and slot based so no "real" nterface here
	// All you have to do is connect the parts from your application.
	// These just point to the method with the same name in the KompareModelList or get called
	// from the method with the same name in KompareModelList.

	// There is currently no applying possible from the navtreepart to the viewpart
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL(applyDifference(bool)),
	         m_navTreePart, SLOT(slotApplyDifference(bool)) );
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL(applyAllDifferences(bool)),
	         m_navTreePart, SLOT(slotApplyAllDifferences(bool)) );
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL(applyDifference(const Diff2::Difference*, bool)),
	         m_navTreePart, SLOT(slotApplyDifference(const Diff2::Difference*, bool)) );

	// Hook up the KomparePart -> KompareShell communication
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL( setStatusBarModelInfo( int, int, int, int, int ) ),
	         this, SLOT( slotUpdateStatusBar( int, int, int, int, int ) ) );
	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL( setStatusBarText(const QString&) ),
	         this, SLOT( slotSetStatusBarText(const QString&) ) );

	connect( m_viewPart, SIGNAL(diffString(const QString&)),
	         this, SLOT(slotSetDiffString(const QString&)) );

	// Read basic main-view settings, and set to autosave
	setAutoSaveSettings( "General Options" );
예제 #3
KateMainWindow::KateMainWindow (KConfig *sconfig, const QString &sgroup)
    : KateMDI::MainWindow (0)
  // first the very important id
  myID = uniqueID;

  new KateMainWindowAdaptor( this );
  m_dbusObjectPath = "/MainWindow/" + QString::number( myID );
  QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject( m_dbusObjectPath, this );

  m_modignore = false;

  // here we go, set some usable default sizes
  if (!initialGeometrySet())
    int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(parentWidget());
    QRect desk = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(scnum);

    QSize size;

    // try to load size
    if (sconfig)
      KConfigGroup cg( sconfig, sgroup );
      size.setWidth (cg.readEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Width %1").arg(desk.width()), 0 ));
      size.setHeight (cg.readEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Height %1").arg(desk.height()), 0 ));

    // if thats fails, try to reuse size
    if (size.isEmpty())
      // first try to reuse size known from current or last created main window ;=)
      if (KateApp::self()->mainWindows () > 0)
        KateMainWindow *win = KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow ();

        if (!win)
          win = KateApp::self()->mainWindow (KateApp::self()->mainWindows () - 1);

        size = win->size();
      else // now fallback to hard defaults ;)
        // first try global app config
        KConfigGroup cg( KGlobal::config(), "MainWindow" );
        size.setWidth (cg.readEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Width %1").arg(desk.width()), 0 ));
        size.setHeight (cg.readEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Height %1").arg(desk.height()), 0 ));

        if (size.isEmpty())
          size = QSize (qMin (700, desk.width()), qMin(480, desk.height()));

      resize (size);

  // start session restore if needed
  startRestore (sconfig, sgroup);

  m_mainWindow = new Kate::MainWindow (this);

  // setup most important actions first, needed by setupMainWindow
  setupImportantActions ();

  // setup the most important widgets

  // setup the actions

  setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled( true );
  setXMLFile( "kateui.rc" );
  createShellGUI ( true );

  //kDebug() << "****************************************************************************" << sconfig;

  // register mainwindow in app
  KateApp::self()->addMainWindow (this);

  // enable plugin guis
  KatePluginManager::self()->enableAllPluginsGUI (this, sconfig);

  // caption update
  for (uint i = 0; i < KateDocManager::self()->documents(); i++)
    slotDocumentCreated (KateDocManager::self()->document(i));

  connect(KateDocManager::self(), SIGNAL(documentCreated(KTextEditor::Document*)), this, SLOT(slotDocumentCreated(KTextEditor::Document*)));


  if (sconfig)
    m_viewManager->restoreViewConfiguration (KConfigGroup(sconfig, sgroup) );

  finishRestore ();

  fileOpenRecent->loadEntries( KConfigGroup(sconfig, "Recent Files" ) );


  connect(KateSessionManager::self(), SIGNAL(sessionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateCaption()));

  connect(this,SIGNAL(sigShowPluginConfigPage(Kate::PluginConfigPageInterface *,uint)),this,SLOT(showPluginConfigPage(Kate::PluginConfigPageInterface *,uint)));
