void VideoContentReveal::setup ( string _path , ofRectangle _bounds )
    path = ofToDataPath( _path ) ;
    video.loadMovie ( _path ) ;
    video.setAnchorPercent( 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
    video.setLoopState( OF_LOOP_NONE ) ;

    if ( _path == "/videos/AboutAll.mov" )
        video.setSpeed( 1.25f ) ;

   // cout << "video speed is: " << video.getSpeed() << endl ;
    cout << "attemping to load path" << path << endl ;
   // bool result = video.loadMovie( ofToDataPath( path ) ) ;
   // cout << " result : " << result << endl ;
    //scale = 1 / ((float)video.width  / (float) _bounds.width) ;
    scale = 1.0f ;
  //  cout << "scale : " << scale << " | 1/ ( " << video.getWidth() << " / " << _bounds.width << " )" <<  endl ;
  //  cout << "heights : " << video.getHeight() << " , " << video.height << endl ;
   // float newHeight = (float)video.getHeight() * scale ;
   // float newWidth = (float)video.getWidth() * scale ;
    //bounds = ofRectangle( _bounds.width , _bounds.height  ,newWidth , newHeight ) ;
    //bounds = ofRectangle( 125 , newHeight * -.65 ,newWidth , newHeight ) ;
    initialValues() ;
    maxScale = 1.0f ;
    //In here for Debug
    //video.setVolume(0.0f ) ;
예제 #2
		void BanditSingleSparseStump::init() {
			const int numClasses = _pTrainingData->getNumClasses();
			const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();
			const int armNumber = _banditAlgo->getArmNumber();

			if ( numColumns < armNumber )
				cerr << "The number of colums smaller than the number of the arms!!!!!!" << endl;
				exit( -1 );

			BaseLearner* pWeakHypothesisSource = 

			_banditAlgo->setArmNumber( numColumns );

			vector<AlphaReal> initialValues( numColumns );

			for( int i=0; i < numColumns; i++ )
				SingleSparseStumpLearner* singleStump = dynamic_cast<SingleSparseStumpLearner*>( pWeakHypothesisSource->create());

				AlphaReal energy = singleStump->run( i );
				AlphaReal edge = singleStump->getEdge();
				AlphaReal reward = getRewardFromEdge( (AlphaReal) edge );

				initialValues[i] = reward;

				delete singleStump;

			_banditAlgo->initialize( initialValues );

void ImageContent::transitionIn ( float time , float delay )
    initialValues() ;

    Tweenzor::add( &scale , scale , maxScale , delay , time, EASE_OUT_QUAD ) ;
    Tweenzor::add( &alpha , alpha , 1.0f , delay , time , EASE_OUT_QUAD ) ;
void VideoContentReveal::transitionIn ( float time , float delay )
    initialValues() ;
     video.play() ;
     video.update() ;
     video.stop() ;
    Tweenzor::add( &alpha , alpha , 1.0f , delay , time , EASE_OUT_QUAD ) ;
    Tweenzor::add( &scale , scale , maxScale , delay , time , EASE_OUT_QUAD ) ;
    Tweenzor::addCompleteListener( Tweenzor::getTween( &alpha ) , this , &VideoContentReveal::transitionInComplete ) ;
    //Tweenzor::addCompleteListener( Tweenzor::getTween( &alpha ) , this , VideoContent::transitionInComplete ) ;
//     Tweenzor::add( &playImage.alpha , playImage.alpha , 1.0f , delay , time , EASE_OUT_QUAD ) ;
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  QUESO::FullEnvironment env(MPI_COMM_WORLD, "", "", NULL);

  QUESO::VectorSpace<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> paramSpace(env,
      "space_", 1, NULL);

  QUESO::GslVector minBound(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  minBound[0] = -10.0;

  QUESO::GslVector maxBound(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  maxBound[0] = 10.0;

  QUESO::BoxSubset<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> domain("", paramSpace,
      minBound, maxBound);

  QUESO::UniformVectorRV<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> prior("", domain);

  Likelihood<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> likelihood("", domain);

  QUESO::GenericVectorRV<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> posterior("",

  QUESO::StatisticalInverseProblem<QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix> ip("",
      NULL, prior, likelihood, posterior);

  QUESO::GslVector initialValues(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  initialValues[0] = 9.0;

  QUESO::GslMatrix proposalCovarianceMatrix(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  proposalCovarianceMatrix(0, 0) = 1.0;

  ip.solveWithBayesMetropolisHastings(NULL, initialValues,

  // The first sample should be the seed
  QUESO::GslVector first_sample(paramSpace.zeroVector());

  // Looser tolerance for the derivative calculated by using a finite
  // difference
  if (std::abs(first_sample[0]) > 1e-5) {
    std::cerr << "seedWithMAPEstimator failed.  Seed was: " << first_sample[0]
              << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Actual seed should be 0.0" << std::endl;

  return 0;
void VideoContent::setup ( string _path , ofRectangle _bounds )
    path = ofToDataPath( _path ) ;

    scale = 1.0f ;
    initialValues() ;
    maxScale = 1.0f ;

    updateFrameOnce = false ;
    bUseFboTexture = false ;

void VideoContent::transitionIn ( float time , float delay )
    initialValues() ;
	video.loadMovie( path ) ; 
    updateFrameOnce = true ;
	video.play() ; 
	videoFbo.allocate( video.getWidth() , video.getHeight() ) ; 
	videoFbo.begin() ; 
		ofClear( 0 , 0 , 0, 1 ) ; 
		drawIntoTexture() ; 
	videoFbo.end() ; 

    Tweenzor::add( &alpha , 0.0f , 1.0f , delay , time , EASE_OUT_QUAD ) ;
	Tweenzor::addCompleteListener( Tweenzor::getTween( &alpha ) , this , &VideoContent::transitionInComplete ) ;
예제 #8
	void BanditSingleStumpLearner::load(nor_utils::StreamTokenizer& st)
		//recalculate the initial values
		//these values can be stored also avoiding the recalculation of this values (maybe this would be better solution)
		if ( ! this->_banditAlgo->isInitialized() ) {
			const int numColumns = _pTrainingData->getNumAttributes();
			const int armNumber = _banditAlgo->getArmNumber();
			if ( numColumns < armNumber )
				cerr << "The number of colums smaller than the number of the arms!!!!!!" << endl;
				exit( -1 );
			_banditAlgo->setArmNumber( numColumns );
			vector<AlphaReal> initialValues(0);
			_banditAlgo->initialize( initialValues );

		// Calling the super-class method

		_threshold = UnSerialization::seekAndParseEnclosedValue<float>(st, "threshold");

		stringstream thresholdString;
		thresholdString << _threshold;
		_id = _id + thresholdString.str();

		//restore the rewards		
		UnSerialization::seekAndParseVectorTag( st, "rewards", "arm", _armsForPulling, _rewards );

		_reward = -numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
		for( int i=0; i<(int)_rewards.size(); i++ )
			_banditAlgo->receiveReward( _armsForPulling[i], _rewards[i] );
			if ( _reward < _rewards[i] ) _reward = (float)_rewards[i];
예제 #9
파일: verif2_gsl.C 프로젝트: RhysU/queso
void solveSip(const uqFullEnvironmentClass& env)
  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering solveSip()..."
                          << std::endl;

  // Step 1 of 5: Instantiate the parameter space
  unsigned int p = 2;
  uqVectorSpaceClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> paramSpace(env, "param_", p, NULL);
  uqGslVectorClass aVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  aVec[0] = 2.;
  aVec[1] = 5.;
  uqGslVectorClass xGiven(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  xGiven[0] = -1.;
  xGiven[1] =  7.;

  // Step 2 of 5: Instantiate the parameter domain
  //uqGslVectorClass paramMins    (paramSpace.zeroVector());
  //uqGslVectorClass paramMaxs    (paramSpace.zeroVector());
  //paramMins    [0] = -1.e+16;
  //paramMaxs    [0] =  1.e+16;
  //paramMins    [1] = -1.e+16;
  //paramMaxs    [1] =  1.e+16;
  //uqBoxSubsetClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> paramDomain("param_",paramSpace,paramMins,paramMaxs);
  uqVectorSetClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass>* paramDomain = &paramSpace;

  // Step 3 of 5: Instantiate the likelihood function object
  unsigned int n = 5;
  uqVectorSpaceClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> dataSpace(env, "data_", n, NULL);
  uqGslVectorClass yMeanVec(dataSpace.zeroVector());
  double tmp = scalarProduct(aVec,xGiven);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    yMeanVec[i] = tmp;

  double sigmaEps = 2.1;
  uqGslMatrixClass yCovMat(dataSpace.zeroVector());
  tmp = sigmaEps*sigmaEps;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    yCovMat(i,i) = tmp;

  uqGslVectorClass ySamples(dataSpace.zeroVector());
  uqGaussianVectorRVClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> yRv("y_", dataSpace, yMeanVec, yCovMat);

  double ySampleMean = 0.;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    ySampleMean += ySamples[i];
  ySampleMean /= ((double) n);

  struct likelihoodDataStruct likelihoodData;
  likelihoodData.aVec     = &aVec;
  likelihoodData.sigmaEps = sigmaEps;
  likelihoodData.ySamples = &ySamples;

                          (void *) &likelihoodData,
                          true); // routine computes [ln(function)]

  // Step 4 of 5: Instantiate the inverse problem
  uqGslVectorClass xPriorMeanVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  xPriorMeanVec[0] = 0.;
  xPriorMeanVec[1] = 0.;
  uqGslMatrixClass sigma0Mat(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  sigma0Mat(0,0) = 1.e-3;
  sigma0Mat(0,1) = 0.;
  sigma0Mat(1,0) = 0.;
  sigma0Mat(1,1) = 1.e-3;
  uqGslMatrixClass sigma0MatInverse(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  sigma0MatInverse = sigma0Mat.inverse();
  uqGaussianVectorRVClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> priorRv("prior_", *paramDomain, xPriorMeanVec, sigma0MatInverse);

  uqGenericVectorRVClass <uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> postRv ("post_", paramSpace);

  uqStatisticalInverseProblemClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> sip("sip_", NULL, priorRv, likelihoodFunctionObj, postRv);

  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "In solveSip():"
                          << "\n  p                = " << p
                          << "\n  xGiven           = " << xGiven
                          << "\n  sigma0Mat        = " << sigma0Mat
                          << "\n  sigma0MatInverse = " << sigma0MatInverse
                          << "\n  aVec             = " << aVec
                          << "\n  n                = " << n
                          << "\n  sigmaEps         = " << sigmaEps
                          << "\n  yMeanVec         = " << yMeanVec
                          << "\n  yCovMat          = " << yCovMat
                          << "\n  ySamples         = " << ySamples
                          << "\n  ySampleMean      = " << ySampleMean
                          << std::endl;

  uqGslMatrixClass sigmaMatInverse(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  sigmaMatInverse = matrixProduct(aVec,aVec);
  sigmaMatInverse *= (((double) n)/sigmaEps/sigmaEps);
  sigmaMatInverse += sigma0Mat;
  uqGslMatrixClass sigmaMat(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  sigmaMat = sigmaMatInverse.inverse();

  uqGslVectorClass muVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  muVec = sigmaMat * aVec;
  muVec *= (((double) n) * ySampleMean)/sigmaEps/sigmaEps;

  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "In solveSip():"
                          << "\n  muVec            = " << muVec
                          << "\n  sigmaMat         = " << sigmaMat
                          << "\n  sigmaMatInverse  = " << sigmaMatInverse
                          << std::endl;

  // Step 5 of 5: Solve the inverse problem
  uqGslVectorClass initialValues(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  initialValues[0] = 25.;
  initialValues[1] = 25.;

  uqGslMatrixClass proposalCovMat(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  proposalCovMat(0,0) = 10.;
  proposalCovMat(0,1) = 0.;
  proposalCovMat(1,0) = 0.;
  proposalCovMat(1,1) = 10.;


  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving solveSip()"
                          << std::endl;

예제 #10
파일: verif5_gsl.C 프로젝트: EricDoug/queso
void solveSip(const uqFullEnvironmentClass& env, bool useML)
  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering solveSip()..."
                          << std::endl;

  // Step 1 of 5: Instantiate the parameter space
  unsigned int p = 1;
  uqVectorSpaceClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> paramSpace(env, "param_", p, NULL);
  uqGslVectorClass bVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  bVec[0] = 0.045213;

  // Step 2 of 5: Instantiate the parameter domain
  //uqGslVectorClass paramMins    (paramSpace.zeroVector());
  //uqGslVectorClass paramMaxs    (paramSpace.zeroVector());
  //paramMins    [0] = -1.e+16;
  //paramMaxs    [0] =  1.e+16;
  //paramMins    [1] = -1.e+16;
  //paramMaxs    [1] =  1.e+16;
  //uqBoxSubsetClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> paramDomain("param_",paramSpace,paramMins,paramMaxs);
  uqVectorSetClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass>* paramDomain = &paramSpace;

  // Step 3 of 5: Instantiate the likelihood function object
  unsigned int nAll = 100000;
  uqVectorSpaceClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> dataSpaceAll(env, "data_", nAll, NULL);

  double sigmaTotal = bVec[0]/2.;

  std::set<unsigned int> tmpSet;

  uqGslVectorClass ySamplesAll(dataSpaceAll.zeroVector());

  unsigned int numCases = 5;
  std::vector<unsigned int> ns(numCases,0);
  ns[0] = 1;
  ns[1] = 10;
  ns[2] = 100;
  ns[3] = 500;
  ns[4] = 1000;

  for (unsigned int caseId = 0; caseId < numCases; ++caseId) {
    uqVectorSpaceClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> dataSpace(env, "data_", ns[caseId], NULL);
    uqGslVectorClass ySamples(dataSpace.zeroVector());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ns[caseId]; ++i) {
      ySamples[i] = ySamplesAll[i];

    struct likelihoodDataStruct likelihoodData;
    likelihoodData.bVec       = &bVec;
    likelihoodData.sigmaTotal = sigmaTotal;
    likelihoodData.ySamples   = &ySamples;

                            (void *) &likelihoodData,
                            true); // routine computes [ln(function)]

    // Step 4 of 5: Instantiate the inverse problem
    uqUniformVectorRVClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> priorRv("prior_", *paramDomain);

    uqGenericVectorRVClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> postRv ("post_", paramSpace);

    char prefixStr[16+1];
    uqStatisticalInverseProblemClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> sip(prefixStr, NULL, priorRv, likelihoodFunctionObj, postRv);
    if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
      *env.subDisplayFile() << "In solveSip():"
                            << "\n  caseId     = " << caseId
                            << "\n  prefixStr  = " << prefixStr
                            << "\n  p          = " << p
                            << "\n  bVec       = " << bVec
                            << "\n  ns[caseId] = " << ns[caseId]
                            << "\n  sigmaTotal = " << sigmaTotal
                            << "\n  ySamples   = " << ySamples
                            << "\n  useML      = " << useML
                            << std::endl;

    // Step 5 of 5: Solve the inverse problem
    uqGslVectorClass initialValues(paramSpace.zeroVector());
    initialValues[0] = 0.;

    uqGslMatrixClass proposalCovMat(paramSpace.zeroVector());
    proposalCovMat(0,0) = 1.;

    if (useML) {
    else {
  } // for caseId

  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving solveSip()"
                          << std::endl;

예제 #11
파일: verif1_gsl.C 프로젝트: EricDoug/queso
void solveSip(const uqFullEnvironmentClass& env, bool useML)
  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering solveSip()..."
                          << std::endl;

  // Step 1 of 5: Instantiate the parameter space
  unsigned int p = 1;
  uqVectorSpaceClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> paramSpace(env, "param_", p, NULL);
  uqGslVectorClass aVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  aVec[0] = 126831.7;
  uqGslVectorClass bVec(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  bVec[0] = 112136.1;

  // Step 2 of 5: Instantiate the parameter domain
  //uqGslVectorClass paramMins    (paramSpace.zeroVector());
  //uqGslVectorClass paramMaxs    (paramSpace.zeroVector());
  //paramMins    [0] = -1.e+16;
  //paramMaxs    [0] =  1.e+16;
  //paramMins    [1] = -1.e+16;
  //paramMaxs    [1] =  1.e+16;
  //uqBoxSubsetClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> paramDomain("param_",paramSpace,paramMins,paramMaxs);
  uqVectorSetClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass>* paramDomain = &paramSpace;

  // Step 3 of 5: Instantiate the likelihood function object
  unsigned int n = 400;
  uqVectorSpaceClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> dataSpace(env, "data_", n, NULL);

  double sigmaTotal = 4229.55;

  std::set<unsigned int> tmpSet;

  uqGslVectorClass ySamples(dataSpace.zeroVector());

  struct likelihoodDataStruct likelihoodData;
  likelihoodData.aVec       = &aVec;
  likelihoodData.bVec       = &bVec;
  likelihoodData.sigmaTotal = sigmaTotal;
  likelihoodData.ySamples   = &ySamples;

                          (void *) &likelihoodData,
                          true); // routine computes [ln(function)]

  // Step 4 of 5: Instantiate the inverse problem
  uqUniformVectorRVClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> priorRv("prior_", *paramDomain);

  uqGenericVectorRVClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> postRv ("post_", paramSpace);

  uqStatisticalInverseProblemClass<uqGslVectorClass,uqGslMatrixClass> sip("sip_", NULL, priorRv, likelihoodFunctionObj, postRv);

  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "In solveSip():"
                          << "\n  p          = " << p
                          << "\n  aVec       = " << aVec
                          << "\n  bVec       = " << bVec
                          << "\n  n          = " << n
                          << "\n  sigmaTotal = " << sigmaTotal
                          << "\n  ySamples   = " << ySamples
                          << "\n  useML      = " << useML
                          << std::endl;

  // Step 5 of 5: Solve the inverse problem
  uqGslVectorClass initialValues(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  initialValues[0] = 0.;

  uqGslMatrixClass proposalCovMat(paramSpace.zeroVector());
  proposalCovMat(0,0) = 1.;

  if (useML) {
  else {

  if ((env.subDisplayFile()) && (env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
    *env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving solveSip()"
                          << std::endl;
