예제 #1

	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071105 Firefox/");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071022 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/");

	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.116 Safari/537.36");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/534.34 (KHTML, like Gecko) Qt/4.8.4 Safari/534.34");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0;  WOW64;  Trident/5.0)");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:14.0; ips-agent) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)");
	m_userAgents.push_back("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)");

예제 #2
void hook_event_proc(XPointer closeure, XRecordInterceptData *recorded_data) {
	uint64_t timestamp = (uint64_t) recorded_data->server_time;

	if (recorded_data->category == XRecordStartOfData) {
		// Populate the hook start event.
		event.time = timestamp;
		event.reserved = 0x00;

		event.type = EVENT_HOOK_ENABLED;
		event.mask = 0x00;

		// Fire the hook start event.
	else if (recorded_data->category == XRecordEndOfData) {
		// Populate the hook stop event.
		event.time = timestamp;
		event.reserved = 0x00;

		event.type = EVENT_HOOK_DISABLED;
		event.mask = 0x00;

		// Fire the hook stop event.
	else if (recorded_data->category == XRecordFromServer || recorded_data->category == XRecordFromClient) {
		// Get XRecord data.
		XRecordDatum *data = (XRecordDatum *) recorded_data->data;

		if (data->type == KeyPress) {
			// The X11 KeyCode associated with this event.
			KeyCode keycode = (KeyCode) data->event.u.u.detail;
            KeySym keysym = 0x00;
			#if defined(USE_XKBCOMMON)
		   	if (state != NULL) {
				keysym = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, keycode);
			keysym = keycode_to_keysym(keycode, data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.state);

			unsigned short int scancode = keycode_to_scancode(keycode);

			// TODO If you have a better suggestion for this ugly, let me know.
			if		(scancode == VC_SHIFT_L)		{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_L);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_SHIFT_R)		{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_R);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_CONTROL_L)		{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_L);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_CONTROL_R)		{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_R);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_ALT_L)			{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_L);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_ALT_R)			{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_R);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_META_L)			{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_META_L);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_META_R)			{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_META_R);		}
			xkb_state_update_key(state, keycode, XKB_KEY_DOWN);

			if ((get_modifiers() & MASK_NUM_LOCK) == 0) {
                switch (scancode) {
					case VC_KP_SEPARATOR:
					case VC_KP_1:
					case VC_KP_2:
					case VC_KP_3:
					case VC_KP_4:
					case VC_KP_5:
					case VC_KP_6:
					case VC_KP_7:
					case VC_KP_8:
					case VC_KP_0:
					case VC_KP_9:
						scancode |= 0xEE00;

			// Populate key pressed event.
			event.time = timestamp;
			event.reserved = 0x00;

			event.type = EVENT_KEY_PRESSED;
			event.mask = get_modifiers();

			event.data.keyboard.keycode = scancode;
			event.data.keyboard.rawcode = keysym;
			event.data.keyboard.keychar = CHAR_UNDEFINED;

			logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,	"%s [%u]: Key %#X pressed. (%#X)\n",
					__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, event.data.keyboard.keycode, event.data.keyboard.rawcode);

			// Fire key pressed event.

			// If the pressed event was not consumed...
			if (event.reserved ^ 0x01) {
				uint16_t buffer[2];
			    size_t count =  0;

				// Check to make sure the key is printable.
				#ifdef USE_XKBCOMMON
				if (state != NULL) {
					count = keycode_to_unicode(state, keycode, buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(uint16_t));
				count = keysym_to_unicode(keysym, buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(uint16_t));

				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
					// Populate key typed event.
					event.time = timestamp;
					event.reserved = 0x00;

					event.type = EVENT_KEY_TYPED;
					event.mask = get_modifiers();

					event.data.keyboard.keycode = VC_UNDEFINED;
					event.data.keyboard.rawcode = keysym;
					event.data.keyboard.keychar = buffer[i];

					logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,	"%s [%u]: Key %#X typed. (%lc)\n",
							__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, event.data.keyboard.keycode, (uint16_t) event.data.keyboard.keychar);

					// Fire key typed event.
		else if (data->type == KeyRelease) {
			// The X11 KeyCode associated with this event.
			KeyCode keycode = (KeyCode) data->event.u.u.detail;
			KeySym keysym = 0x00;
			if (state != NULL) {
				keysym = xkb_state_key_get_one_sym(state, keycode);
			keysym = keycode_to_keysym(keycode, data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.state);

			unsigned short int scancode = keycode_to_scancode(keycode);

			// TODO If you have a better suggestion for this ugly, let me know.
			if		(scancode == VC_SHIFT_L)		{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_L);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_SHIFT_R)		{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_R);		}
			else if (scancode == VC_CONTROL_L)		{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_L);			}
			else if (scancode == VC_CONTROL_R)		{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_R);			}
			else if (scancode == VC_ALT_L)			{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_L);			}
			else if (scancode == VC_ALT_R)			{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_R);			}
			else if (scancode == VC_META_L)			{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_META_L);			}
			else if (scancode == VC_META_R)			{ unset_modifier_mask(MASK_META_R);			}
			xkb_state_update_key(state, keycode, XKB_KEY_UP);

			if ((get_modifiers() & MASK_NUM_LOCK) == 0) {
                switch (scancode) {
					case VC_KP_SEPARATOR:
					case VC_KP_1:
					case VC_KP_2:
					case VC_KP_3:
					case VC_KP_4:
					case VC_KP_5:
					case VC_KP_6:
					case VC_KP_7:
					case VC_KP_8:
					case VC_KP_0:
					case VC_KP_9:
						scancode |= 0xEE00;

			// Populate key released event.
			event.time = timestamp;
			event.reserved = 0x00;

			event.type = EVENT_KEY_RELEASED;
			event.mask = get_modifiers();

			event.data.keyboard.keycode = scancode;
			event.data.keyboard.rawcode = keysym;
			event.data.keyboard.keychar = CHAR_UNDEFINED;

			logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "%s [%u]: Key %#X released. (%#X)\n",
					__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, event.data.keyboard.keycode, event.data.keyboard.rawcode);

			// Fire key released event.
		else if (data->type == ButtonPress) {
			// X11 handles wheel events as button events.
			if (data->event.u.u.detail == WheelUp || data->event.u.u.detail == WheelDown
					|| data->event.u.u.detail == WheelLeft || data->event.u.u.detail == WheelRight) {

				// Reset the click count and previous button.
				hook->input.mouse.click.count = 1;
				hook->input.mouse.click.button = MOUSE_NOBUTTON;

				/* Scroll wheel release events.
				 * Scroll type: WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL
				 * Scroll amount: 3 unit increments per notch
				 * Units to scroll: 3 unit increments
				 * Vertical unit increment: 15 pixels

				// Populate mouse wheel event.
				event.time = timestamp;
				event.reserved = 0x00;

				event.type = EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL;
				event.mask = get_modifiers();

				event.data.wheel.clicks = hook->input.mouse.click.count;
				event.data.wheel.x = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX;
				event.data.wheel.y = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY;

				#if defined(USE_XINERAMA) || defined(USE_XRANDR)
				uint8_t count;
				screen_data *screens = hook_create_screen_info(&count);
				if (count > 1) {
					event.data.wheel.x -= screens[0].x;
					event.data.wheel.y -= screens[0].y;

				if (screens != NULL) {

				/* X11 does not have an API call for acquiring the mouse scroll type.  This
				 * maybe part of the XInput2 (XI2) extention but I will wont know until it
				 * is available on my platform.  For the time being we will just use the
				 * unit scroll value.
				event.data.wheel.type = WHEEL_UNIT_SCROLL;

				/* Some scroll wheel properties are available via the new XInput2 (XI2)
				 * extension.  Unfortunately the extension is not available on my
				 * development platform at this time.  For the time being we will just
				 * use the Windows default value of 3.
				event.data.wheel.amount = 3;

				if (data->event.u.u.detail == WheelUp || data->event.u.u.detail == WheelLeft) {
					// Wheel Rotated Up and Away.
					event.data.wheel.rotation = -1;
				else { // data->event.u.u.detail == WheelDown
					// Wheel Rotated Down and Towards.
					event.data.wheel.rotation = 1;

				if (data->event.u.u.detail == WheelUp || data->event.u.u.detail == WheelDown) {
					// Wheel Rotated Up or Down.
					event.data.wheel.direction = WHEEL_VERTICAL_DIRECTION;
				else { // data->event.u.u.detail == WheelLeft || data->event.u.u.detail == WheelRight
					// Wheel Rotated Left or Right.
					event.data.wheel.direction = WHEEL_HORIZONTAL_DIRECTION;

				logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,	"%s [%u]: Mouse wheel type %u, rotated %i units in the %u direction at %u, %u.\n",
						__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, event.data.wheel.type,
						event.data.wheel.amount * event.data.wheel.rotation,
						event.data.wheel.x, event.data.wheel.y);

				// Fire mouse wheel event.
			else {
				/* This information is all static for X11, its up to the WM to
				 * decide how to interpret the wheel events.
				uint16_t button = MOUSE_NOBUTTON;
				switch (data->event.u.u.detail) {
					// FIXME This should use a lookup table to handle button remapping.
					case Button1:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON1;

					case Button2:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON2;

					case Button3:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON3;

					case XButton1:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON4;

					case XButton2:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON5;

						// Do not set modifier masks past button MASK_BUTTON5.

				// Track the number of clicks, the button must match the previous button.
				if (button == hook->input.mouse.click.button && (long int) (timestamp - hook->input.mouse.click.time) <= hook_get_multi_click_time()) {
					if (hook->input.mouse.click.count < USHRT_MAX) {
					else {
						logger(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "%s [%u]: Click count overflow detected!\n",
								__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
				else {
					// Reset the click count.
					hook->input.mouse.click.count = 1;

					// Set the previous button.
					hook->input.mouse.click.button = button;

				// Save this events time to calculate the hook->input.mouse.click.count.
				hook->input.mouse.click.time = timestamp;

				// Populate mouse pressed event.
				event.time = timestamp;
				event.reserved = 0x00;

				event.type = EVENT_MOUSE_PRESSED;
				event.mask = get_modifiers();

				event.data.mouse.button = button;
				event.data.mouse.clicks = hook->input.mouse.click.count;
				event.data.mouse.x = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX;
				event.data.mouse.y = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY;

				#if defined(USE_XINERAMA) || defined(USE_XRANDR)
				uint8_t count;
				screen_data *screens = hook_create_screen_info(&count);
				if (count > 1) {
					event.data.mouse.x -= screens[0].x;
					event.data.mouse.y -= screens[0].y;

				if (screens != NULL) {

				logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,	"%s [%u]: Button %u  pressed %u time(s). (%u, %u)\n",
						__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, event.data.mouse.button, event.data.mouse.clicks,
						event.data.mouse.x, event.data.mouse.y);

				// Fire mouse pressed event.
		else if (data->type == ButtonRelease) {
			// X11 handles wheel events as button events.
			if (data->event.u.u.detail != WheelUp && data->event.u.u.detail != WheelDown) {
				/* This information is all static for X11, its up to the WM to
				 * decide how to interpret the wheel events.
				uint16_t button = MOUSE_NOBUTTON;
				switch (data->event.u.u.detail) {
					// FIXME This should use a lookup table to handle button remapping.
					case Button1:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON1;

					case Button2:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON2;

					case Button3:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON3;

					case XButton1:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON4;

					case XButton2:
						button = MOUSE_BUTTON5;

						// Do not set modifier masks past button MASK_BUTTON5.

				// Populate mouse released event.
				event.time = timestamp;
				event.reserved = 0x00;

				event.type = EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASED;
				event.mask = get_modifiers();

				event.data.mouse.button = button;
				event.data.mouse.clicks = hook->input.mouse.click.count;
				event.data.mouse.x = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX;
				event.data.mouse.y = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY;

				#if defined(USE_XINERAMA) || defined(USE_XRANDR)
				uint8_t count;
				screen_data *screens = hook_create_screen_info(&count);
				if (count > 1) {
					event.data.mouse.x -= screens[0].x;
					event.data.mouse.y -= screens[0].y;

				if (screens != NULL) {

				logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,	"%s [%u]: Button %u released %u time(s). (%u, %u)\n",
						__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, event.data.mouse.button,
						event.data.mouse.x, event.data.mouse.y);

				// Fire mouse released event.

				// If the pressed event was not consumed...
				if (event.reserved ^ 0x01 && hook->input.mouse.is_dragged != true) {
					// Populate mouse clicked event.
					event.time = timestamp;
					event.reserved = 0x00;

					event.type = EVENT_MOUSE_CLICKED;
					event.mask = get_modifiers();

					event.data.mouse.button = button;
					event.data.mouse.clicks = hook->input.mouse.click.count;
					event.data.mouse.x = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX;
					event.data.mouse.y = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY;

					#if defined(USE_XINERAMA) || defined(USE_XRANDR)
					uint8_t count;
					screen_data *screens = hook_create_screen_info(&count);
					if (count > 1) {
						event.data.mouse.x -= screens[0].x;
						event.data.mouse.y -= screens[0].y;

					if (screens != NULL) {

					logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,	"%s [%u]: Button %u clicked %u time(s). (%u, %u)\n",
							__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, event.data.mouse.button,
							event.data.mouse.x, event.data.mouse.y);

					// Fire mouse clicked event.

				// Reset the number of clicks.
				if (button == hook->input.mouse.click.button && (long int) (event.time - hook->input.mouse.click.time) > hook_get_multi_click_time()) {
					// Reset the click count.
					hook->input.mouse.click.count = 0;
		else if (data->type == MotionNotify) {
			// Reset the click count.
			if (hook->input.mouse.click.count != 0 && (long int) (timestamp - hook->input.mouse.click.time) > hook_get_multi_click_time()) {
				hook->input.mouse.click.count = 0;
			// Populate mouse move event.
			event.time = timestamp;
			event.reserved = 0x00;

			event.mask = get_modifiers();

			// Check the upper half of virtual modifiers for non-zero
			// values and set the mouse dragged flag.
			hook->input.mouse.is_dragged = (event.mask >> 8 > 0);
			if (hook->input.mouse.is_dragged) {
				// Create Mouse Dragged event.
				event.type = EVENT_MOUSE_DRAGGED;
			else {
				// Create a Mouse Moved event.
				event.type = EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED;

			event.data.mouse.button = MOUSE_NOBUTTON;
			event.data.mouse.clicks = hook->input.mouse.click.count;
			event.data.mouse.x = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX;
			event.data.mouse.y = data->event.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY;

			#if defined(USE_XINERAMA) || defined(USE_XRANDR)
			uint8_t count;
			screen_data *screens = hook_create_screen_info(&count);
			if (count > 1) {
				event.data.mouse.x -= screens[0].x;
				event.data.mouse.y -= screens[0].y;

			if (screens != NULL) {

			logger(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,	"%s [%u]: Mouse %s to %i, %i. (%#X)\n",
					__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, hook->input.mouse.is_dragged ? "dragged" : "moved",
					event.data.mouse.x, event.data.mouse.y, event.mask);

			// Fire mouse move event.
		else {
예제 #3
파일: monitor.c 프로젝트: Fran89/seiscomp3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	int	i;
        int     ret;

	Alarm_set_types( NONE ); 

	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "/===========================================================================\\\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| The Spread Toolkit.                                                       |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Copyright (c) 1993-2014 Spread Concepts LLC                               |\n"); 
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| All rights reserved.                                                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| The Spread package is licensed under the Spread Open-Source License.      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| You may only use this software in compliance with the License.            |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| A copy of the license can be found at http://www.spread.org/license       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread,                 |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| see http://www.spread.org                                                 |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| This software is distributed on an \"AS IS\" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF     |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| ANY KIND, either express or implied.                                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Creators:                                                                 |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Yair Amir             [email protected]                              |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Michal Miskin-Amir    [email protected]                        |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Jonathan Stanton      [email protected]                      |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    John Schultz          [email protected]                      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Contributors:                                                             |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Amy Babay            [email protected] - accelerated ring protocol.     |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Ryan Caudy           [email protected] - contribution to process groups.|\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Claudiu Danilov      [email protected] - scalable, wide-area support.    |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Cristina Nita-Rotaru [email protected] - GC security.                |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Theo Schlossnagle    [email protected] - Perl, autoconf, old skiplist   |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Dan Schoenblum   [email protected] - Java Interface Developer.       |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Special thanks to the following for discussions and ideas:                |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    Ken Birman, Danny Dolev, Jacob Green, Mike Goodrich, Ben Laurie,       |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|    David Shaw, Gene Tsudik, Robbert VanRenesse.                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Partial funding provided by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency  |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| (DARPA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) 2000-2004. The Spread      |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| toolkit is not necessarily endorsed by DARPA or the NSA.                  |\n");
        Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| For a full list of contributors, see Readme.txt in the distribution.      |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| WWW:     www.spread.org     www.spreadconcepts.com                        |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Contact: [email protected]                                          |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "|                                                                           |\n");
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "| Version %d.%02d.%02d Built %-17s                                   |\n", 
		(int)SP_MAJOR_VERSION, (int)SP_MINOR_VERSION, (int)SP_PATCH_VERSION, Spread_build_date );
	Alarmp( SPLOG_PRINT, SYSTEM, "\\===========================================================================/\n");

#ifdef ARCH_PC_WIN95
        ret = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2,0), &WSAData );
        if( ret != 0 )
            Alarm( EXIT, "sptmonitor: main: winsock initialization error %d\n", ret );
#endif	/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */

	Usage( argc, argv );


	for( i=0; i < Conf_num_procs( &Cn ); i++ )
		Partition[i] = 0;

	for( i=0; i < Conf_num_procs( &Cn ); i++ )
		Status_vector[i] = 0;

	Pack_scat.elements[0].len = sizeof( packet_header );
	Pack_scat.elements[0].buf = (char *)&Pack;

	Pack.proc_id = My.id;
	Pack.seq = My_port;
	Pack.memb_id.proc_id = 15051963;

	Report_scat.num_elements = 2;
	Report_scat.elements[0].buf = (char *)&Report_pack;
	Report_scat.elements[0].len = sizeof(packet_header);
	Report_scat.elements[1].buf = (char *)&GlobalStatus;
	Report_scat.elements[1].len = sizeof(status);

        SendChan = DL_init_channel( SEND_CHANNEL , My_port, 0, 0 );

        Report_socket = DL_init_channel( RECV_CHANNEL, My_port, 0, 0 );

	E_init(); /* both reentrent and non-reentrant code uses events */

#ifndef	_REENTRANT
	E_attach_fd( 0, READ_FD, User_command, 0, NULL, LOW_PRIORITY );

        E_attach_fd( Report_socket, READ_FD, Report_message, 0, NULL, HIGH_PRIORITY );
#endif	/* _REENTRANT */



#ifndef	        ARCH_PC_WIN95
	ret = pthread_create( &Read_thread, NULL, Read_thread_routine, 0 );
	ret = pthread_create( &Status_thread, NULL, Status_send_thread_routine, 0 );
	ret = pthread_create( &Partition_thread, NULL, Partition_send_thread_routine, 0 );
#else		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */
	Read_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, Read_thread_routine, NULL, 0, &ret );
	Status_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, Status_send_thread_routine, NULL, 0, &ret );
	Partition_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, Partition_send_thread_routine, NULL, 0, &ret );
#endif		/* ARCH_PC_WIN95 */


#else	/*! _REENTRANT */


#endif	/* _REENTRANT */

	return 0;
예제 #4
// Initialize the modifier mask to the current modifiers.
static void initialize_modifiers() {
	hook->input.mask = 0x0000;

	KeyCode keycode;
	char keymap[32];
	XQueryKeymap(hook->ctrl.display, keymap);

  	Window unused_win;
    int unused_int;
	unsigned int mask;
	if (XQueryPointer(hook->ctrl.display, DefaultRootWindow(hook->ctrl.display), &unused_win, &unused_win, &unused_int, &unused_int, &unused_int, &unused_int, &mask)) {
		if (mask & ShiftMask) {
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Shift_L);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_L);	}
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Shift_R);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_R);	}
		if (mask & ControlMask) {
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Control_L);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_L);	}
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Control_R);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_R);	}
		if (mask & Mod1Mask) {
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Alt_L);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_L);	}
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Alt_R);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_R);	}
		if (mask & Mod4Mask) {
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Super_L);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_META_L);	}
			keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Super_R);
			if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_META_R);	}

		if (mask & Button1Mask)	{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_BUTTON1);	}
		if (mask & Button2Mask)	{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_BUTTON2);	}
		if (mask & Button3Mask)	{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_BUTTON3);	}
		if (mask & Button4Mask)	{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_BUTTON4);	}
		if (mask & Button5Mask)	{ set_modifier_mask(MASK_BUTTON5);	}
	else {
		logger(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, "%s [%u]: XQueryPointer failed to get current modifiers!\n",
				__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Shift_L);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_L);	}
		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Shift_R);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_SHIFT_R);	}
		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Control_L);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_L);	}
		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Control_R);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_CTRL_R);	}
		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Alt_L);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_L);	}
		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Alt_R);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_ALT_R);	}
		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Super_L);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_META_L);	}
		keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(hook->ctrl.display, XK_Super_R);
		if (keymap[keycode / 8] & (1 << (keycode % 8))) { set_modifier_mask(MASK_META_R);	}
