int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i = 0; chdir(BBSHOME); initsetproctitle(argc, argv, environ); if( argc >= 2 ){ if( strcmp(argv[1], "init") == 0 ){ /* in this case, do NOT run attach_SHM here. because uhash_loader is not run yet. */ return SHMinit(argc - 1, &argv[1]); } attach_SHM(); /* shmctl doesn't need resolve_boards() first */ //resolve_boards(); resolve_garbage(); resolve_fcache(); for( i = 0 ; cmd[i].func != NULL ; ++i ) if( strcmp(cmd[i].cmd, argv[1]) == 0 ){ return cmd[i].func(argc - 1, &argv[1]); } } if( argc == 1 || cmd[i].func == NULL ){ /* usage */ printf("usage: shmctl [command] [options]\n"); printf("commands:\n"); for( i = 0 ; cmd[i].func != NULL ; ++i ) printf("\t%-15s%s\n", cmd[i].cmd, cmd[i].descript); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { int ch; signal(SIGHUP, wakeup); initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); if(chdir(BBSHOME)) return 1; while((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "qh")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'q': listQueue(); return 0; default: usage(); return 0; } } for(;;) { sendMail(); setproctitle("outmail: sleeping"); sleep(60 * 3); /* send mail every 3 minute */ } return 0; }
static void shell_login(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { /* Give up root privileges: no way back from here */ setgid(BBSGID); setuid(BBSUID); chdir(BBSHOME); /* mmap passwd file */ if(passwd_mmap()) exit(1); use_shell_login_mode=1; initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); /* copy from the original "bbs" */ if(argc > 1) { strcpy(fromhost, argv[1]); #if 0 if(argc > 2) strcpy(tty_name, argv[2]); #endif if(argc > 3) strcpy(remoteusername, argv[3]); } { char cmd[80] = "??@"; if(!getenv("RFC931")) setenv("RFC931", strcat(cmd, fromhost), 1); } close(2); /* don't close fd 1, at least init_tty need it */ init_tty(); if(check_ban_and_load(0)) exit(0); }
int main(int argc,char **argv, char **envp) { struct plugins_list_entry *list; char config_file[SRVBUFLEN]; int logf; /* getopt() stuff */ extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; int errflag, cp; #if defined HAVE_MALLOPT mallopt(M_CHECK_ACTION, 0); #endif umask(077); compute_once(); memset(cfg_cmdline, 0, sizeof(cfg_cmdline)); memset(&config, 0, sizeof(struct configuration)); memset(&config_file, 0, sizeof(config_file)); log_notifications_init(&log_notifications); config.acct_type = ACCT_PMBGP; find_id_func = NULL; plugins_list = NULL; errflag = 0; rows = 0; /* getting commandline values */ while (!errflag && ((cp = getopt(argc, argv, ARGS_PMBGPD)) != -1)) { cfg_cmdline[rows] = malloc(SRVBUFLEN); switch (cp) { case 'L': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "bgp_daemon_ip: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'l': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "bgp_daemon_port: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'D': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "daemonize: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'd': debug = TRUE; strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "debug: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'f': strlcpy(config_file, optarg, sizeof(config_file)); break; case 'F': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "pidfile: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'S': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "syslog: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'h': usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'V': version_daemon(PMBGPD_USAGE_HEADER); exit(0); break; default: usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } /* post-checks and resolving conflicts */ if (strlen(config_file)) { if (parse_configuration_file(config_file) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } else { if (parse_configuration_file(NULL) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.acct_type = ACCT_PMBGP; set_default_preferences(&list->cfg); if (!strcmp(list->type.string, "core")) { memcpy(&config, &list->cfg, sizeof(struct configuration)); = list->name; config.type = list->type.string; } list = list->next; } if (config.files_umask) umask(config.files_umask); if (config.daemon) { if (debug || config.debug) printf("WARN ( %s/core ): debug is enabled; forking in background. Logging to standard error (stderr) will get lost.\n",; daemonize(); } initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); if (config.syslog) { logf = parse_log_facility(config.syslog); if (logf == ERR) { config.syslog = NULL; printf("WARN ( %s/core ): specified syslog facility is not supported. Logging to standard error (stderr).\n",; } else openlog(NULL, LOG_PID, logf); Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): Start logging ...\n",; } if (config.logfile) { config.logfile_fd = open_output_file(config.logfile, "a", FALSE); while (list) { list->cfg.logfile_fd = config.logfile_fd ; list = list->next; } } if (config.proc_priority) { int ret; ret = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, config.proc_priority); if (ret) Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( %s/core ): proc_priority failed (errno: %d)\n",, errno); else Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): proc_priority set to %d\n",, getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0)); } if (strlen(config_file)) { char canonical_path[PATH_MAX], *canonical_path_ptr; canonical_path_ptr = realpath(config_file, canonical_path); if (canonical_path_ptr) Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): Reading configuration file '%s'.\n",, canonical_path); } else Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): Reading configuration from cmdline.\n",; pm_setproctitle("%s [%s]", "Core Process", config.proc_name); if (config.pidfile) write_pid_file(config.pidfile); /* signal handling we want to inherit to plugins (when not re-defined elsewhere) */ signal(SIGCHLD, startup_handle_falling_child); /* takes note of plugins failed during startup phase */ signal(SIGHUP, reload); /* handles reopening of syslog channel */ signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGUSR2, reload_maps); /* sets to true the reload_maps flag */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* we want to exit gracefully when a pipe is broken */ signal(SIGINT, my_sigint_handler); signal(SIGTERM, my_sigint_handler); if (!config.nfacctd_bgp) config.nfacctd_bgp = BGP_DAEMON_ONLINE; if (!config.nfacctd_bgp_port) config.nfacctd_bgp_port = BGP_TCP_PORT; bgp_prepare_daemon(); skinny_bgp_daemon(); }
int main(int argc,char **argv, char **envp) { bpf_u_int32 localnet, netmask; /* pcap library stuff */ struct bpf_program filter; struct pcap_device device; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; int index, logf; struct plugins_list_entry *list; struct plugin_requests req; char config_file[SRVBUFLEN]; int psize = ULOG_BUFLEN; struct id_table bpas_table; struct id_table blp_table; struct id_table bmed_table; struct id_table biss_table; struct id_table bta_table; struct id_table idt; struct pcap_callback_data cb_data; /* getopt() stuff */ extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; int errflag, cp; /* ULOG stuff */ int ulog_fd, one = 1; struct nlmsghdr *nlh; struct sockaddr_nl nls; ulog_packet_msg_t *ulog_pkt; ssize_t len = 0; socklen_t alen; unsigned char *ulog_buffer; struct pcap_pkthdr hdr; struct timeval tv; char jumbo_container[10000]; u_int8_t mac_len; #if defined ENABLE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage client; #else struct sockaddr client; #endif #if defined HAVE_MALLOPT mallopt(M_CHECK_ACTION, 0); #endif umask(077); compute_once(); /* a bunch of default definitions */ have_num_memory_pools = FALSE; reload_map = FALSE; tag_map_allocated = FALSE; bpas_map_allocated = FALSE; blp_map_allocated = FALSE; bmed_map_allocated = FALSE; biss_map_allocated = FALSE; bta_map_caching = FALSE; sampling_map_caching = FALSE; find_id_func = PM_find_id; errflag = 0; memset(cfg_cmdline, 0, sizeof(cfg_cmdline)); memset(&config, 0, sizeof(struct configuration)); memset(&device, 0, sizeof(struct pcap_device)); memset(&config_file, 0, sizeof(config_file)); memset(&failed_plugins, 0, sizeof(failed_plugins)); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memset(dummy_tlhdr, 0, sizeof(dummy_tlhdr)); memset(sll_mac, 0, sizeof(sll_mac)); memset(&bpas_table, 0, sizeof(bpas_table)); memset(&blp_table, 0, sizeof(blp_table)); memset(&bmed_table, 0, sizeof(bmed_table)); memset(&biss_table, 0, sizeof(biss_table)); memset(&bta_table, 0, sizeof(bta_table)); memset(&client, 0, sizeof(client)); memset(&cb_data, 0, sizeof(cb_data)); memset(&tunnel_registry, 0, sizeof(tunnel_registry)); memset(&reload_map_tstamp, 0, sizeof(reload_map_tstamp)); config.acct_type = ACCT_PM; rows = 0; glob_pcapt = NULL; /* getting commandline values */ while (!errflag && ((cp = getopt(argc, argv, ARGS_UACCTD)) != -1)) { cfg_cmdline[rows] = malloc(SRVBUFLEN); switch (cp) { case 'P': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "plugins: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'D': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "daemonize: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'd': debug = TRUE; strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "debug: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'n': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "networks_file: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'o': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "ports_file: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'O': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "print_output: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'u': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "print_num_protos: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'f': strlcpy(config_file, optarg, sizeof(config_file)); break; case 'F': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "pidfile: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'c': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "aggregate: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'b': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_buckets: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'm': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_mem_pools_number: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); have_num_memory_pools = TRUE; rows++; break; case 'p': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_path: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'r': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sql_refresh_time: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'v': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sql_table_version: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 's': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_mem_pools_size: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'S': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "syslog: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'g': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "uacctd_group: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'L': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "snaplen: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'R': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sfacctd_renormalize: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'h': usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'V': version_daemon(UACCTD_USAGE_HEADER); exit(0); break; default: usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } /* post-checks and resolving conflicts */ if (strlen(config_file)) { if (parse_configuration_file(config_file) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } else { if (parse_configuration_file(NULL) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } /* XXX: glue; i'm conscious it's a dirty solution from an engineering viewpoint; someday later i'll fix this */ list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.acct_type = ACCT_PM; set_default_preferences(&list->cfg); if (!strcmp(list->name, "default") && !strcmp(list->type.string, "core")) { memcpy(&config, &list->cfg, sizeof(struct configuration)); = list->name; config.type = list->type.string; } list = list->next; } if (config.files_umask) umask(config.files_umask); if (!config.snaplen) config.snaplen = psize; if (!config.uacctd_nl_size) config.uacctd_nl_size = psize; /* Let's check whether we need superuser privileges */ if (getuid() != 0) { printf("%s\n\n", UACCTD_USAGE_HEADER); printf("ERROR ( default/core ): You need superuser privileges to run this command.\nExiting ...\n\n"); exit(1); } if (!config.uacctd_group) { config.uacctd_group = DEFAULT_ULOG_GROUP; list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.uacctd_group = DEFAULT_ULOG_GROUP; list = list->next; } } if (config.daemon) { list = plugins_list; while (list) { if (!strcmp(list->type.string, "print")) printf("WARN ( default/core ): Daemonizing. Hmm, bye bye screen.\n"); list = list->next; } if (debug || config.debug) printf("WARN ( default/core ): debug is enabled; forking in background. Console logging will get lost.\n"); daemonize(); } initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); if (config.syslog) { logf = parse_log_facility(config.syslog); if (logf == ERR) { config.syslog = NULL; printf("WARN ( default/core ): specified syslog facility is not supported; logging to console.\n"); } else openlog(NULL, LOG_PID, logf); Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( default/core ): Start logging ...\n"); } if (config.logfile) { config.logfile_fd = open_logfile(config.logfile); list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.logfile_fd = config.logfile_fd ; list = list->next; } } /* Enforcing policies over aggregation methods */ list = plugins_list; while (list) { if (list-> != PLUGIN_ID_CORE) { /* applies to all plugins */ if (config.classifiers_path && (list->cfg.sampling_rate || config.ext_sampling_rate)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Packet sampling and classification are mutual exclusive.\n"); exit(1); } if (list->cfg.sampling_rate && config.ext_sampling_rate) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Internal packet sampling and external packet sampling are mutual exclusive.\n"); exit(1); } if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_TEE) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'tee' plugin not supported in 'uacctd'.\n"); exit(1); } else if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_NFPROBE) { /* If we already renormalizing an external sampling rate, we cancel the sampling information from the probe plugin */ if (config.sfacctd_renormalize && list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate) list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate = 0; config.handle_fragments = TRUE; list->cfg.nfprobe_what_to_count = list->cfg.what_to_count; list->cfg.nfprobe_what_to_count_2 = list->cfg.what_to_count_2; list->cfg.what_to_count = 0; list->cfg.what_to_count_2 = 0; #if defined (HAVE_L2) if (list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 9 || list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 10) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_MAC; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_MAC; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_VLAN; } #endif list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_HOST; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_HOST; if (list->cfg.networks_file || list->cfg.networks_mask || list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_NMASK; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_NMASK; } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_PORT; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_PORT; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IP_TOS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IP_PROTO; if (list->cfg.networks_file || (list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_as == NF_AS_BGP)) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_PEER_DST_IP; } if ((list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 9 || list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 10) && list->cfg.classifiers_path) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_CLASS; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.pre_tag_map) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID2; } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IN_IFACE; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_OUT_IFACE; if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_STD_COMM|COUNT_EXT_COMM|COUNT_LOCAL_PREF|COUNT_MED|COUNT_AS_PATH| COUNT_PEER_SRC_AS|COUNT_PEER_DST_AS|COUNT_PEER_SRC_IP|COUNT_SRC_STD_COMM| COUNT_SRC_EXT_COMM|COUNT_SRC_AS_PATH|COUNT_SRC_MED|COUNT_SRC_LOCAL_PREF| COUNT_MPLS_VPN_RD)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'src_as', 'dst_as' and 'peer_dst_ip' are currently the only BGP-related primitives supported within the 'nfprobe' plugin.\n"); exit(1); } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COUNTERS; list->cfg.data_type = PIPE_TYPE_METADATA; list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_EXTRAS; } else if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_SFPROBE) { /* If we already renormalizing an external sampling rate, we cancel the sampling information from the probe plugin */ if (config.sfacctd_renormalize && list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate) list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate = 0; if (psize < 128) psize = config.snaplen = 128; /* SFL_DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE */ list->cfg.what_to_count = COUNT_PAYLOAD; list->cfg.what_to_count_2 = 0; if (list->cfg.classifiers_path) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_CLASS; config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_as == NF_AS_BGP) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_PEER_DST_IP; } if ((list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_BGP) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_isis && list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_IGP)) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_NMASK; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_NMASK; } if (list->cfg.pre_tag_map) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID2; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_STD_COMM|COUNT_EXT_COMM|COUNT_LOCAL_PREF|COUNT_MED|COUNT_AS_PATH| COUNT_PEER_SRC_AS|COUNT_PEER_DST_AS|COUNT_PEER_SRC_IP|COUNT_SRC_STD_COMM| COUNT_SRC_EXT_COMM|COUNT_SRC_AS_PATH|COUNT_SRC_MED|COUNT_SRC_LOCAL_PREF| COUNT_MPLS_VPN_RD)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'src_as', 'dst_as' and 'peer_dst_ip' are currently the only BGP-related primitives supported within the 'sfprobe' plugin.\n"); exit(1); } #if defined (HAVE_L2) list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_VLAN; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COS; #endif list->cfg.data_type = PIPE_TYPE_PAYLOAD; } else { if (list->cfg.what_to_count_2 & (COUNT_POST_NAT_SRC_HOST|COUNT_POST_NAT_DST_HOST| COUNT_POST_NAT_SRC_PORT|COUNT_POST_NAT_DST_PORT|COUNT_NAT_EVENT| COUNT_TIMESTAMP_START|COUNT_TIMESTAMP_END)) list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_NAT; evaluate_sums(&list->cfg.what_to_count, list->name, list->type.string); if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_PORT|COUNT_DST_PORT|COUNT_SUM_PORT|COUNT_TCPFLAGS)) config.handle_fragments = TRUE; if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_FLOWS) { config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_CLASS) { config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (!list->cfg.what_to_count && !list->cfg.what_to_count_2) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( %s/%s ): defaulting to SRC HOST aggregation.\n", list->name, list->type.string); list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_HOST; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_AS|COUNT_DST_AS|COUNT_SUM_AS)) { if (!list->cfg.networks_file && list->cfg.nfacctd_as != NF_AS_BGP) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): AS aggregation selected but NO 'networks_file' or 'uacctd_as' are specified. Exiting...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } if (list->cfg.nfacctd_as & NF_AS_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_as |= NF_AS_NEW; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_NET|COUNT_DST_NET|COUNT_SUM_NET|COUNT_SRC_NMASK|COUNT_DST_NMASK|COUNT_PEER_DST_IP)) { if (!list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { if (list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_NEW; if (list->cfg.networks_mask) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_STATIC; if (!list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): network aggregation selected but none of 'uacctd_net', 'networks_file', 'networks_mask' is specified. Exiting ...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } } else { if ((list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_NEW && !list->cfg.networks_file) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_STATIC && !list->cfg.networks_mask) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_BGP && !list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_IGP && !list->cfg.nfacctd_isis) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_KEEP)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): network aggregation selected but none of 'bgp_daemon', 'isis_daemon', 'networks_file', 'networks_mask' is specified. Exiting ...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } if (list->cfg.nfacctd_net & NF_NET_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_NEW; } } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_CLASS && !list->cfg.classifiers_path) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): 'class' aggregation selected but NO 'classifiers' key specified. Exiting...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } bgp_config_checks(&list->cfg); list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COUNTERS; list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_METADATA; } } list = list->next; } /* plugins glue: creation (since 094) */ if (config.classifiers_path) { init_classifiers(config.classifiers_path); init_conntrack_table(); } load_plugins(&req); if (config.handle_fragments) init_ip_fragment_handler(); if (config.handle_flows) init_ip_flow_handler(); load_networks(config.networks_file, &nt, &nc); #if defined (HAVE_L2) device.link_type = DLT_EN10MB; #else device.link_type = DLT_RAW; #endif for (index = 0; _devices[index].link_type != -1; index++) { if (device.link_type == _devices[index].link_type) = &_devices[index]; } load_plugin_filters(device.link_type); cb_data.device = &device; /* signal handling we want to inherit to plugins (when not re-defined elsewhere) */ signal(SIGCHLD, startup_handle_falling_child); /* takes note of plugins failed during startup phase */ signal(SIGHUP, reload); /* handles reopening of syslog channel */ signal(SIGUSR1, push_stats); /* logs various statistics via Log() calls */ signal(SIGUSR2, reload_maps); /* sets to true the reload_maps flag */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* we want to exit gracefully when a pipe is broken */ ulog_fd = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_NFLOG); if (ulog_fd == -1) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Failed to create Netlink ULOG socket\n"); exit_all(1); } Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( default/core ): Successfully connected Netlink ULOG socket\n"); /* Turn off netlink errors from overrun. */ if (setsockopt(ulog_fd, SOL_NETLINK, NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS, &one, sizeof(one))) Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Failed to turn off netlink ENOBUFS\n"); if (config.uacctd_nl_size > ULOG_BUFLEN) { /* If configured buffer size is larger than default 4KB */ if (setsockopt(ulog_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &config.uacctd_nl_size, sizeof(config.uacctd_nl_size))) Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Failed to set Netlink receive buffer size\n"); else Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( default/core ): Netlink receive buffer size set to %u\n", config.uacctd_nl_size); } ulog_buffer = malloc(config.snaplen); if (ulog_buffer == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): ULOG buffer malloc() failed\n"); close(ulog_fd); exit_all(1); } memset(&nls, 0, sizeof(nls)); nls.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; nls.nl_pid = getpid(); nls.nl_groups = config.uacctd_group; alen = sizeof(nls); if (bind(ulog_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &nls, sizeof(nls))) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): bind() to Netlink ULOG socket failed\n"); close(ulog_fd); exit_all(1); } Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( default/core ): Netlink ULOG: binding to group %x\n", config.uacctd_group); /* loading pre-tagging map, if any */ if (config.pre_tag_map) { load_id_file(config.acct_type, config.pre_tag_map, &idt, &req, &tag_map_allocated); cb_data.idt = (u_char *) &idt; } else { memset(&idt, 0, sizeof(idt)); cb_data.idt = NULL; } #if defined ENABLE_THREADS /* starting the ISIS threa */ if (config.nfacctd_isis) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; nfacctd_isis_wrapper(); /* Let's give the ISIS thread some advantage to create its structures */ sleep(5); } /* starting the BGP thread */ if (config.nfacctd_bgp) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; load_comm_patterns(&config.nfacctd_bgp_stdcomm_pattern, &config.nfacctd_bgp_extcomm_pattern, &config.nfacctd_bgp_stdcomm_pattern_to_asn); if (config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_PEER_AS_SRC, config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_map, &bpas_table, &req, &bpas_map_allocated); cb_data.bpas_table = (u_char *) &bpas_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: bgp_peer_as_src_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } } else cb_data.bpas_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_SRC_LOCAL_PREF, config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_map, &blp_table, &req, &blp_map_allocated); cb_data.blp_table = (u_char *) &blp_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: bgp_src_local_pref_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } } else cb_data.bpas_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_SRC_MED, config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_map, &bmed_table, &req, &bmed_map_allocated); cb_data.bmed_table = (u_char *) &bmed_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: bgp_src_med_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } } else cb_data.bmed_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_to_agent_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_TO_XFLOW_AGENT, config.nfacctd_bgp_to_agent_map, &bta_table, &req, &bta_map_allocated); cb_data.bta_table = (u_char *) &bta_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'bgp_daemon' configured but no 'bgp_agent_map' has been specified. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } /* Limiting BGP peers to only two: one would suffice in pmacctd but in case maps are reloadable (ie. bta), it could be handy to keep a backup feed in memory */ config.nfacctd_bgp_max_peers = 2; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_iface_to_rd_map) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'bgp_iface_to_rd_map' is not supported by this daemon. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } cb_data.f_agent = (char *)&client; nfacctd_bgp_wrapper(); /* Let's give the BGP thread some advantage to create its structures */ sleep(5); } #else if (config.nfacctd_isis) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'isis_daemon' is available only with threads (--enable-threads). Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } if (config.nfacctd_bgp) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'bgp_daemon' is available only with threads (--enable-threads). Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } #endif #if defined WITH_GEOIP if (config.geoip_ipv4_file || config.geoip_ipv6_file) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; } #endif /* plugins glue: creation (until 093) */ evaluate_packet_handlers(); pm_setproctitle("%s [%s]", "Core Process", "default"); if (config.pidfile) write_pid_file(config.pidfile); /* signals to be handled only by pmacctd; we set proper handlers after plugin creation */ signal(SIGINT, my_sigint_handler); signal(SIGTERM, my_sigint_handler); signal(SIGCHLD, handle_falling_child); kill(getpid(), SIGCHLD); /* Main loop: if pcap_loop() exits maybe an error occurred; we will try closing and reopening again our listening device */ for (;;) { if (len == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { /* We can't deal with permanent errors. * Just sleep a bit. */ Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Syscall returned %d: %s. Sleeping for 1 sec.\n", errno, strerror(errno)); sleep(1); } } len = recvfrom(ulog_fd, ulog_buffer, config.snaplen, 0, (struct sockaddr*) &nls, &alen); /* * Read timeout or failure condition. */ if (len < (int)sizeof(struct nlmsghdr)) continue; if (alen != sizeof(nls)) continue; nlh = (struct nlmsghdr*) ulog_buffer; if ((nlh->nlmsg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) || ((size_t)len > config.snaplen)) continue; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); while (NLMSG_OK(nlh, (size_t)len)) { ulog_pkt = NLMSG_DATA(nlh); hdr.ts = tv; hdr.caplen = MIN(ulog_pkt->data_len, config.snaplen); hdr.len = ulog_pkt->data_len; if (strlen(ulog_pkt->indev_name) > 1) { cb_data.ifindex_in = cache_ifindex(ulog_pkt->indev_name, tv.tv_sec); } else cb_data.ifindex_in = 0; if (strlen(ulog_pkt->outdev_name) > 1) { cb_data.ifindex_out = cache_ifindex(ulog_pkt->outdev_name, tv.tv_sec); } else cb_data.ifindex_out = 0; #if defined (HAVE_L2) if (ulog_pkt->mac_len) { memcpy(jumbo_container, ulog_pkt->mac, ulog_pkt->mac_len); memcpy(jumbo_container+ulog_pkt->mac_len, ulog_pkt->payload, hdr.caplen); // XXX hdr.caplen += ulog_pkt->mac_len; hdr.len += ulog_pkt->mac_len; } else { memset(jumbo_container, 0, ETHER_HDRLEN); memcpy(jumbo_container+ETHER_HDRLEN, ulog_pkt->payload, hdr.caplen); hdr.caplen += ETHER_HDRLEN; hdr.len += ETHER_HDRLEN; switch (IP_V((struct my_iphdr *) ulog_pkt->payload)) { case 4: ((struct eth_header *)jumbo_container)->ether_type = ntohs(ETHERTYPE_IP); break; case 6: ((struct eth_header *)jumbo_container)->ether_type = ntohs(ETHERTYPE_IPV6); break; } } pcap_cb((u_char *) &cb_data, &hdr, jumbo_container); #else pcap_cb((u_char *) &cb_data, &hdr, ulog_pkt->payload); #endif if (nlh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE || !(nlh->nlmsg_flags & NLM_F_MULTI)) { /* Last part of the multilink message */ break; } nlh = NLMSG_NEXT(nlh, len); } } }
int main(int argc,char **argv, char **envp) { bpf_u_int32 localnet, netmask; /* pcap library stuff */ struct bpf_program filter; struct pcap_device device; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; int index, logf; struct plugins_list_entry *list; struct plugin_requests req; char config_file[SRVBUFLEN]; int psize = DEFAULT_SNAPLEN; struct id_table bpas_table; struct id_table blp_table; struct id_table bmed_table; struct id_table biss_table; struct id_table bta_table; struct id_table idt; struct pcap_callback_data cb_data; /* getopt() stuff */ extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; int errflag, cp; #if defined ENABLE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage client; #else struct sockaddr client; #endif umask(077); compute_once(); /* a bunch of default definitions */ have_num_memory_pools = FALSE; reload_map = FALSE; tag_map_allocated = FALSE; bpas_map_allocated = FALSE; blp_map_allocated = FALSE; bmed_map_allocated = FALSE; biss_map_allocated = FALSE; find_id_func = PM_find_id; errflag = 0; memset(cfg_cmdline, 0, sizeof(cfg_cmdline)); memset(&config, 0, sizeof(struct configuration)); memset(&device, 0, sizeof(struct pcap_device)); memset(&config_file, 0, sizeof(config_file)); memset(&failed_plugins, 0, sizeof(failed_plugins)); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memset(dummy_tlhdr, 0, sizeof(dummy_tlhdr)); memset(sll_mac, 0, sizeof(sll_mac)); memset(&bpas_table, 0, sizeof(bpas_table)); memset(&blp_table, 0, sizeof(blp_table)); memset(&bmed_table, 0, sizeof(bmed_table)); memset(&biss_table, 0, sizeof(biss_table)); memset(&bta_table, 0, sizeof(bta_table)); memset(&client, 0, sizeof(client)); memset(&cb_data, 0, sizeof(cb_data)); memset(&tunnel_registry, 0, sizeof(tunnel_registry)); config.acct_type = ACCT_PM; rows = 0; glob_pcapt = NULL; /* getting commandline values */ while (!errflag && ((cp = getopt(argc, argv, ARGS_PMACCTD)) != -1)) { cfg_cmdline[rows] = malloc(SRVBUFLEN); switch (cp) { case 'P': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "plugins: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'D': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "daemonize: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'd': debug = TRUE; strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "debug: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'n': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "networks_file: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'o': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "ports_file: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'O': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "print_output: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'u': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "print_num_protos: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'N': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "promisc: false", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'f': strlcpy(config_file, optarg, sizeof(config_file)); break; case 'F': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "pidfile: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'c': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "aggregate: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'b': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_buckets: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'm': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_mem_pools_number: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); have_num_memory_pools = TRUE; rows++; break; case 'p': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_path: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'r': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sql_refresh_time: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; cfg_cmdline[rows] = malloc(SRVBUFLEN); strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "print_refresh_time: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'v': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sql_table_version: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 's': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_mem_pools_size: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'S': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "syslog: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'i': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "interface: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'I': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "pcap_savefile: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'w': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "interface_wait: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'W': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "savefile_wait: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'L': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "snaplen: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'R': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sfacctd_renormalize: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'h': usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(0); break; default: usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } /* post-checks and resolving conflicts */ if (strlen(config_file)) { if (parse_configuration_file(config_file) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } else { if (parse_configuration_file(NULL) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } /* XXX: glue; i'm conscious it's a dirty solution from an engineering viewpoint; someday later i'll fix this */ list = plugins_list; while(list) { list->cfg.acct_type = ACCT_PM; set_default_preferences(&list->cfg); if (!strcmp(list->name, "default") && !strcmp(list->type.string, "core")) memcpy(&config, &list->cfg, sizeof(struct configuration)); list = list->next; } if (config.files_umask) umask(config.files_umask); /* Let's check whether we need superuser privileges */ if (config.snaplen) psize = config.snaplen; else config.snaplen = psize; if (!config.pcap_savefile) { if (getuid() != 0) { printf("%s\n\n", PMACCTD_USAGE_HEADER); printf("ERROR ( default/core ): You need superuser privileges to run this command.\nExiting ...\n\n"); exit(1); } } if (config.daemon) { list = plugins_list; while (list) { if (!strcmp(list->type.string, "print")) printf("WARN ( default/core ): Daemonizing. Hmm, bye bye screen.\n"); list = list->next; } if (debug || config.debug) printf("WARN ( default/core ): debug is enabled; forking in background. Console logging will get lost.\n"); daemonize(); } initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); if (config.syslog) { logf = parse_log_facility(config.syslog); if (logf == ERR) { config.syslog = NULL; printf("WARN ( default/core ): specified syslog facility is not supported; logging to console.\n"); } else openlog(NULL, LOG_PID, logf); Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( default/core ): Start logging ...\n"); } if (config.logfile) { config.logfile_fd = open_logfile(config.logfile); list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.logfile_fd = config.logfile_fd ; list = list->next; } } /* Enforcing policies over aggregation methods */ list = plugins_list; while (list) { if (list-> != PLUGIN_ID_CORE) { /* applies to all plugins */ if (config.classifiers_path && (list->cfg.sampling_rate || config.ext_sampling_rate)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Packet sampling and classification are mutual exclusive.\n"); exit(1); } if (list->cfg.sampling_rate && config.ext_sampling_rate) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): Internal packet sampling and external packet sampling are mutual exclusive.\n"); exit(1); } if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_TEE) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'tee' plugin not supported in 'pmacctd'.\n"); exit(1); } else if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_NFPROBE) { /* If we already renormalizing an external sampling rate, we cancel the sampling information from the probe plugin */ if (config.sfacctd_renormalize && list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate) list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate = 0; config.handle_fragments = TRUE; list->cfg.nfprobe_what_to_count = list->cfg.what_to_count; list->cfg.what_to_count = 0; #if defined (HAVE_L2) if (list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 9 || list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 10) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_MAC; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_MAC; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_VLAN; } #endif list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_HOST; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_HOST; if (list->cfg.networks_file || list->cfg.networks_mask || list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_NMASK; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_NMASK; } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_PORT; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_PORT; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IP_TOS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IP_PROTO; if (list->cfg.networks_file || (list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_as == NF_AS_BGP)) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_PEER_DST_IP; } if ((list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 9 || list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 10) && list->cfg.classifiers_path) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_CLASS; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.pre_tag_map) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID2; } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IN_IFACE; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_OUT_IFACE; if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_STD_COMM|COUNT_EXT_COMM|COUNT_LOCAL_PREF|COUNT_MED|COUNT_AS_PATH| COUNT_PEER_SRC_AS|COUNT_PEER_DST_AS|COUNT_PEER_SRC_IP|COUNT_SRC_STD_COMM| COUNT_SRC_EXT_COMM|COUNT_SRC_AS_PATH|COUNT_SRC_MED|COUNT_SRC_LOCAL_PREF| COUNT_MPLS_VPN_RD)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'src_as', 'dst_as' and 'peer_dst_ip' are currently the only BGP-related primitives supported within the 'nfprobe' plugin.\n"); exit(1); } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COUNTERS; list->cfg.data_type = PIPE_TYPE_METADATA; list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_EXTRAS; } else if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_SFPROBE) { /* If we already renormalizing an external sampling rate, we cancel the sampling information from the probe plugin */ if (config.sfacctd_renormalize && list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate) list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate = 0; if (psize < 128) psize = config.snaplen = 128; /* SFL_DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE */ list->cfg.what_to_count = COUNT_PAYLOAD; if (list->cfg.classifiers_path) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_CLASS; config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_as == NF_AS_BGP) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_PEER_DST_IP; } if (list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_BGP) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_NMASK; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_NMASK; } if (list->cfg.pre_tag_map) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_ID2; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_STD_COMM|COUNT_EXT_COMM|COUNT_LOCAL_PREF|COUNT_MED|COUNT_AS_PATH| COUNT_PEER_SRC_AS|COUNT_PEER_DST_AS|COUNT_PEER_SRC_IP|COUNT_SRC_STD_COMM| COUNT_SRC_EXT_COMM|COUNT_SRC_AS_PATH|COUNT_SRC_MED|COUNT_SRC_LOCAL_PREF| COUNT_MPLS_VPN_RD)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'src_as', 'dst_as' and 'peer_dst_ip' are currently the only BGP-related primitives supported within the 'sfprobe' plugin.\n"); exit(1); } #if defined (HAVE_L2) list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_VLAN; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COS; #endif list->cfg.data_type = PIPE_TYPE_PAYLOAD; } else { evaluate_sums(&list->cfg.what_to_count, list->name, list->type.string); if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_PORT|COUNT_DST_PORT|COUNT_SUM_PORT|COUNT_TCPFLAGS)) config.handle_fragments = TRUE; if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_FLOWS) { config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_CLASS) { config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (!list->cfg.what_to_count) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( %s/%s ): defaulting to SRC HOST aggregation.\n", list->name, list->type.string); list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_HOST; } if ((list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_AS|COUNT_DST_AS|COUNT_SUM_AS)) && !list->cfg.networks_file && list->cfg.nfacctd_as != NF_AS_BGP) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): AS aggregation selected but NO 'networks_file' or 'pmacctd_as' are specified. Exiting...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_NET|COUNT_DST_NET|COUNT_SUM_NET|COUNT_SRC_NMASK|COUNT_DST_NMASK)) { if (!list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { if (list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_NEW; if (list->cfg.networks_mask) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_STATIC; if (!list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): network aggregation selected but none of 'pmacctd_net', 'networks_file', 'networks_mask' is specified. Exiting ...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } } else { if ((list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_NEW && !list->cfg.networks_file) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_STATIC && !list->cfg.networks_mask) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_BGP && !list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_KEEP)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): network aggregation selected but none of 'bgp_daemon', 'networks_file', 'networks_mask' is specified. Exiting ...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } } } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_CLASS && !list->cfg.classifiers_path) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): 'class' aggregation selected but NO 'classifiers' key specified. Exiting...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } bgp_config_checks(&list->cfg); list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COUNTERS; list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_METADATA; } } list = list->next; } /* plugins glue: creation (since 094) */ if (config.classifiers_path) { init_classifiers(config.classifiers_path); init_conntrack_table(); } load_plugins(&req); if (config.handle_fragments) init_ip_fragment_handler(); if (config.handle_flows) init_ip_flow_handler(); load_networks(config.networks_file, &nt, &nc); /* If any device/savefile have been specified, choose a suitable device where to listen for traffic */ if (! && !config.pcap_savefile) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( default/core ): Selecting a suitable device.\n"); = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf); if (! { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( default/core ): Unable to find a suitable device. Exiting.\n"); exit_all(1); } else Log(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG ( default/core ): device is %s\n",; } /* reading filter; if it exists, we'll take an action later */ if (!strlen(config_file)) config.clbuf = copy_argv(&argv[optind]); if ( && config.pcap_savefile) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'interface' (-i) and 'pcap_savefile' (-I) directives are mutually exclusive. Exiting.\n"); exit_all(1); } throttle_startup: if ( { if ((device.dev_desc = pcap_open_live(, psize, config.promisc, 1000, errbuf)) == NULL) { if (!config.if_wait) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): pcap_open_live(): %s\n", errbuf); exit_all(1); } else { sleep(5); /* XXX: user defined ? */ goto throttle_startup; } } } else if (config.pcap_savefile) { if ((device.dev_desc = pcap_open_offline(config.pcap_savefile, errbuf)) == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): pcap_open_offline(): %s\n", errbuf); exit_all(1); } } = TRUE; glob_pcapt = device.dev_desc; /* SIGINT/stats handling */ if (config.pipe_size) { int slen = sizeof(config.pipe_size), x; #if defined (PCAP_TYPE_linux) || (PCAP_TYPE_snoop) Setsocksize(pcap_fileno(device.dev_desc), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &config.pipe_size, slen); getsockopt(pcap_fileno(device.dev_desc), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &x, &slen); Log(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG ( default/core ): PCAP buffer: obtained %d / %d bytes.\n", x, config.pipe_size); #endif } device.link_type = pcap_datalink(device.dev_desc); for (index = 0; _devices[index].link_type != -1; index++) { if (device.link_type == _devices[index].link_type) = &_devices[index]; } load_plugin_filters(device.link_type); /* we need to solve some link constraints */ if ( == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): data link not supported: %d\n", device.link_type); exit_all(1); } else Log(LOG_INFO, "OK ( default/core ): link type is: %d\n", device.link_type); if (device.link_type != DLT_EN10MB && device.link_type != DLT_IEEE802 && device.link_type != DLT_LINUX_SLL) { list = plugins_list; while (list) { if ((list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_SRC_MAC) || (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_DST_MAC)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): MAC aggregation not available for link type: %d\n", device.link_type); exit_all(1); } list = list->next; } } cb_data.device = &device; /* doing pcap stuff */ if (! || pcap_lookupnet(, &localnet, &netmask, errbuf) < 0) { localnet = 0; netmask = 0; Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( default/core ): %s\n", errbuf); } if (pcap_compile(device.dev_desc, &filter, config.clbuf, 0, netmask) < 0) Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN: %s\nWARN ( default/core ): going on without a filter\n", pcap_geterr(device.dev_desc)); else { if (pcap_setfilter(device.dev_desc, &filter) < 0) Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN: %s\nWARN ( default/core ): going on without a filter\n", pcap_geterr(device.dev_desc)); } /* signal handling we want to inherit to plugins (when not re-defined elsewhere) */ signal(SIGCHLD, startup_handle_falling_child); /* takes note of plugins failed during startup phase */ signal(SIGHUP, reload); /* handles reopening of syslog channel */ signal(SIGUSR1, push_stats); /* logs various statistics via Log() calls */ signal(SIGUSR2, reload_maps); /* sets to true the reload_maps flag */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* we want to exit gracefully when a pipe is broken */ /* loading pre-tagging map, if any */ if (config.pre_tag_map) { load_id_file(config.acct_type, config.pre_tag_map, &idt, &req, &tag_map_allocated); cb_data.idt = (u_char *) &idt; } else { memset(&idt, 0, sizeof(idt)); cb_data.idt = NULL; } #if defined ENABLE_THREADS /* starting the BGP thread */ if (config.nfacctd_bgp) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; load_comm_patterns(&config.nfacctd_bgp_stdcomm_pattern, &config.nfacctd_bgp_extcomm_pattern, &config.nfacctd_bgp_stdcomm_pattern_to_asn); if (config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_PEER_AS_SRC, config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_map, &bpas_table, &req, &bpas_map_allocated); cb_data.bpas_table = (u_char *) &bpas_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: bgp_peer_as_src_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } } else cb_data.bpas_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_SRC_LOCAL_PREF, config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_map, &blp_table, &req, &blp_map_allocated); cb_data.blp_table = (u_char *) &blp_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: bgp_src_local_pref_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } } else cb_data.blp_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_SRC_MED, config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_map, &bmed_table, &req, &bmed_map_allocated); cb_data.bmed_table = (u_char *) &bmed_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: bgp_src_med_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } } else cb_data.bmed_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_to_agent_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_TO_XFLOW_AGENT, config.nfacctd_bgp_to_agent_map, &bta_table, &req, &bta_map_allocated); cb_data.bta_table = (u_char *) &bta_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'bgp_daemon' configured but no 'bgp_agent_map' has been specified. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } /* Limiting BGP peers to only two: one would suffice in pmacctd but in case maps are reloadable (ie. bta), it could be handy to keep a backup feed in memory */ config.nfacctd_bgp_max_peers = 2; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_iface_to_rd_map) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'bgp_iface_to_rd_map' is not supported by this daemon. Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } cb_data.f_agent = (char *)&client; nfacctd_bgp_wrapper(); /* Let's give the BGP thread some advantage to create its structures */ sleep(5); } #else if (config.nfacctd_bgp) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( default/core ): 'bgp_daemon' is available only with threads (--enable-threads). Exiting.\n"); exit(1); } #endif /* Init tunnel handlers */ tunnel_registry_init(); /* plugins glue: creation (until 093) */ evaluate_packet_handlers(); pm_setproctitle("%s [%s]", "Core Process", "default"); if (config.pidfile) write_pid_file(config.pidfile); /* signals to be handled only by pmacctd; we set proper handlers after plugin creation */ signal(SIGINT, my_sigint_handler); signal(SIGTERM, my_sigint_handler); signal(SIGCHLD, handle_falling_child); kill(getpid(), SIGCHLD); /* When reading packets from a savefile, things are lightning fast; we will sit here just few seconds, thus allowing plugins to complete their startup operations */ if (config.pcap_savefile) { Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( default/core ): PCAP capture file, sleeping for 2 seconds\n"); sleep(2); } /* Main loop: if pcap_loop() exits maybe an error occurred; we will try closing and reopening again our listening device */ for(;;) { if (! { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( default/core ): %s has become unavailable; throttling ...\n",; throttle_loop: sleep(5); /* XXX: user defined ? */ if ((device.dev_desc = pcap_open_live(, psize, config.promisc, 1000, errbuf)) == NULL) goto throttle_loop; pcap_setfilter(device.dev_desc, &filter); = TRUE; } pcap_loop(device.dev_desc, -1, pcap_cb, (u_char *) &cb_data); pcap_close(device.dev_desc); if (config.pcap_savefile) { if (config.sf_wait) { fill_pipe_buffer(); Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( default/core ): finished reading PCAP capture file\n"); wait(NULL); } stop_all_childs(); } = FALSE; } }
int main(int argc,char **argv, char **envp) { struct pcap_device device; int index, logf, ret; struct plugins_list_entry *list; struct plugin_requests req; char config_file[SRVBUFLEN]; struct id_table bpas_table; struct id_table blp_table; struct id_table bmed_table; struct id_table biss_table; struct id_table bta_table; struct pcap_callback_data cb_data; /* getopt() stuff */ extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; int errflag, cp; /* NFLOG stuff */ struct nflog_handle *nfh = NULL; struct nflog_g_handle *nfgh = NULL; int one = 1; ssize_t len = 0; unsigned char *nflog_buffer; #if defined ENABLE_IPV6 struct sockaddr_storage client; #else struct sockaddr client; #endif #if defined HAVE_MALLOPT mallopt(M_CHECK_ACTION, 0); #endif umask(077); compute_once(); /* a bunch of default definitions */ reload_map = FALSE; reload_geoipv2_file = FALSE; bpas_map_allocated = FALSE; blp_map_allocated = FALSE; bmed_map_allocated = FALSE; biss_map_allocated = FALSE; bta_map_caching = FALSE; sampling_map_caching = FALSE; custom_primitives_allocated = FALSE; find_id_func = PM_find_id; plugins_list = NULL; errflag = 0; memset(cfg_cmdline, 0, sizeof(cfg_cmdline)); memset(&config, 0, sizeof(struct configuration)); memset(&device, 0, sizeof(struct pcap_device)); memset(&config_file, 0, sizeof(config_file)); memset(&failed_plugins, 0, sizeof(failed_plugins)); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memset(dummy_tlhdr, 0, sizeof(dummy_tlhdr)); memset(sll_mac, 0, sizeof(sll_mac)); memset(&bpas_table, 0, sizeof(bpas_table)); memset(&blp_table, 0, sizeof(blp_table)); memset(&bmed_table, 0, sizeof(bmed_table)); memset(&biss_table, 0, sizeof(biss_table)); memset(&bta_table, 0, sizeof(bta_table)); memset(&client, 0, sizeof(client)); memset(&cb_data, 0, sizeof(cb_data)); memset(&tunnel_registry, 0, sizeof(tunnel_registry)); memset(&reload_map_tstamp, 0, sizeof(reload_map_tstamp)); log_notifications_init(&log_notifications); config.acct_type = ACCT_PM; rows = 0; glob_pcapt = NULL; /* getting commandline values */ while (!errflag && ((cp = getopt(argc, argv, ARGS_UACCTD)) != -1)) { cfg_cmdline[rows] = malloc(SRVBUFLEN); switch (cp) { case 'P': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "plugins: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'D': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "daemonize: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'd': debug = TRUE; strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "debug: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'n': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "networks_file: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'o': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "ports_file: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'O': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "print_output: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'u': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "print_num_protos: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'f': strlcpy(config_file, optarg, sizeof(config_file)); break; case 'F': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "pidfile: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'c': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "aggregate: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'b': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_buckets: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'm': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_mem_pools_number: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'p': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_path: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'r': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sql_refresh_time: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'v': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sql_table_version: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 's': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "imt_mem_pools_size: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'S': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "syslog: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'g': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "uacctd_group: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'L': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "snaplen: ", SRVBUFLEN); strncat(cfg_cmdline[rows], optarg, CFG_LINE_LEN(cfg_cmdline[rows])); rows++; break; case 'R': strlcpy(cfg_cmdline[rows], "sfacctd_renormalize: true", SRVBUFLEN); rows++; break; case 'h': usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'V': version_daemon(UACCTD_USAGE_HEADER); exit(0); break; case 'a': print_primitives(config.acct_type, UACCTD_USAGE_HEADER); exit(0); break; default: usage_daemon(argv[0]); exit(1); break; } } /* post-checks and resolving conflicts */ if (strlen(config_file)) { if (parse_configuration_file(config_file) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } else { if (parse_configuration_file(NULL) != SUCCESS) exit(1); } /* XXX: glue; i'm conscious it's a dirty solution from an engineering viewpoint; someday later i'll fix this */ list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.acct_type = ACCT_PM; set_default_preferences(&list->cfg); if (!strcmp(list->type.string, "core")) { memcpy(&config, &list->cfg, sizeof(struct configuration)); = list->name; config.type = list->type.string; } list = list->next; } if (config.files_umask) umask(config.files_umask); if (!config.snaplen) config.snaplen = DEFAULT_SNAPLEN; if (!config.uacctd_nl_size) config.uacctd_nl_size = DEFAULT_NFLOG_BUFLEN; if (!config.uacctd_threshold) config.uacctd_threshold = DEFAULT_NFLOG_THRESHOLD; /* Let's check whether we need superuser privileges */ if (getuid() != 0) { printf("%s (%s)\n\n", UACCTD_USAGE_HEADER, PMACCT_BUILD); printf("ERROR ( %s/core ): You need superuser privileges to run this command.\nExiting ...\n\n",; exit(1); } if (!config.uacctd_group) { config.uacctd_group = DEFAULT_NFLOG_GROUP; list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.uacctd_group = DEFAULT_NFLOG_GROUP; list = list->next; } } if (config.daemon) { list = plugins_list; while (list) { if (!strcmp(list->type.string, "print") && !list->cfg.print_output_file) printf("INFO ( %s/%s ): Daemonizing. Bye bye screen.\n", list->name, list->type.string); list = list->next; } if (debug || config.debug) printf("WARN ( %s/core ): debug is enabled; forking in background. Logging to standard error (stderr) will get lost.\n",; daemonize(); } initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); if (config.syslog) { logf = parse_log_facility(config.syslog); if (logf == ERR) { config.syslog = NULL; printf("WARN ( %s/core ): specified syslog facility is not supported. Logging to standard error (stderr).\n",; } else openlog(NULL, LOG_PID, logf); Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): Start logging ...\n",; } if (config.logfile) { config.logfile_fd = open_output_file(config.logfile, "a", FALSE); list = plugins_list; while (list) { list->cfg.logfile_fd = config.logfile_fd ; list = list->next; } } if (config.proc_priority) { int ret; ret = setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, config.proc_priority); if (ret) Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( %s/core ): proc_priority failed (errno: %d)\n",, errno); else Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): proc_priority set to %d\n",, getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0)); } if (strlen(config_file)) { char canonical_path[PATH_MAX], *canonical_path_ptr; canonical_path_ptr = realpath(config_file, canonical_path); if (canonical_path_ptr) Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): Reading configuration file '%s'.\n",, canonical_path); } else Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): Reading configuration from cmdline.\n",; /* Enforcing policies over aggregation methods */ list = plugins_list; while (list) { if (list-> != PLUGIN_ID_CORE) { /* applies to all plugins */ plugin_pipe_check(&list->cfg); if (config.classifiers_path && (list->cfg.sampling_rate || config.ext_sampling_rate)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Packet sampling and classification are mutual exclusive.\n",; exit(1); } if (list->cfg.sampling_rate && config.ext_sampling_rate) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Internal packet sampling and external packet sampling are mutual exclusive.\n",; exit(1); } /* applies to specific plugins */ if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_TEE) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): 'tee' plugin not supported in 'uacctd'.\n",; exit(1); } else if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_NFPROBE) { /* If we already renormalizing an external sampling rate, we cancel the sampling information from the probe plugin */ if (config.sfacctd_renormalize && list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate) list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate = 0; config.handle_fragments = TRUE; list->cfg.nfprobe_what_to_count = list->cfg.what_to_count; list->cfg.nfprobe_what_to_count_2 = list->cfg.what_to_count_2; list->cfg.what_to_count = 0; list->cfg.what_to_count_2 = 0; #if defined (HAVE_L2) if (list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 9 || list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 10) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_MAC; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_MAC; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_VLAN; } #endif list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_HOST; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_HOST; if (list->cfg.networks_file || list->cfg.networks_mask || list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_NMASK; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_NMASK; } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_PORT; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_PORT; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IP_TOS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IP_PROTO; if (list->cfg.networks_file || (list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_as == NF_AS_BGP)) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_PEER_DST_IP; } if ((list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 9 || list->cfg.nfprobe_version == 10) && list->cfg.classifiers_path) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_CLASS; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.pre_tag_map) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_TAG; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_TAG2; list->cfg.what_to_count_2 |= COUNT_LABEL; } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_IN_IFACE; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_OUT_IFACE; if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_STD_COMM|COUNT_EXT_COMM|COUNT_LOCAL_PREF|COUNT_MED|COUNT_AS_PATH| COUNT_PEER_SRC_AS|COUNT_PEER_DST_AS|COUNT_PEER_SRC_IP|COUNT_SRC_STD_COMM| COUNT_SRC_EXT_COMM|COUNT_SRC_AS_PATH|COUNT_SRC_MED|COUNT_SRC_LOCAL_PREF| COUNT_MPLS_VPN_RD)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): 'src_as', 'dst_as' and 'peer_dst_ip' are currently the only BGP-related primitives supported within the 'nfprobe' plugin.\n",; exit(1); } list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COUNTERS; if (list->cfg.nfacctd_as & NF_AS_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_as |= NF_AS_NEW; if (list->cfg.nfacctd_net & NF_NET_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_NEW; list->cfg.data_type = PIPE_TYPE_METADATA; list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_EXTRAS; if (list->cfg.what_to_count_2 & (COUNT_LABEL)) list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_VLEN; } else if (list-> == PLUGIN_ID_SFPROBE) { /* If we already renormalizing an external sampling rate, we cancel the sampling information from the probe plugin */ if (config.sfacctd_renormalize && list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate) list->cfg.ext_sampling_rate = 0; if (config.snaplen < 128) config.snaplen = 128; /* SFL_DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE */ list->cfg.what_to_count = COUNT_PAYLOAD; list->cfg.what_to_count_2 = 0; if (list->cfg.classifiers_path) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_CLASS; config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.networks_file || (list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp && list->cfg.nfacctd_as == NF_AS_BGP)) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_AS; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_PEER_DST_IP; } if (list->cfg.networks_file || list->cfg.networks_mask || list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_NMASK; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_DST_NMASK; } if (list->cfg.pre_tag_map) { list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_TAG; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_TAG2; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_STD_COMM|COUNT_EXT_COMM|COUNT_LOCAL_PREF|COUNT_MED|COUNT_AS_PATH| COUNT_PEER_SRC_AS|COUNT_PEER_DST_AS|COUNT_PEER_SRC_IP|COUNT_SRC_STD_COMM| COUNT_SRC_EXT_COMM|COUNT_SRC_AS_PATH|COUNT_SRC_MED|COUNT_SRC_LOCAL_PREF| COUNT_MPLS_VPN_RD)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): 'src_as', 'dst_as' and 'peer_dst_ip' are currently the only BGP-related primitives supported within the 'sfprobe' plugin.\n",; exit(1); } #if defined (HAVE_L2) list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_VLAN; list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COS; #endif if (list->cfg.nfacctd_as & NF_AS_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_as |= NF_AS_NEW; if (list->cfg.nfacctd_net & NF_NET_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_NEW; list->cfg.data_type = PIPE_TYPE_PAYLOAD; } else { if (list->cfg.what_to_count_2 & (COUNT_POST_NAT_SRC_HOST|COUNT_POST_NAT_DST_HOST| COUNT_POST_NAT_SRC_PORT|COUNT_POST_NAT_DST_PORT|COUNT_NAT_EVENT| COUNT_TIMESTAMP_START|COUNT_TIMESTAMP_END|COUNT_TIMESTAMP_ARRIVAL)) list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_NAT; if (list->cfg.what_to_count_2 & (COUNT_MPLS_LABEL_TOP|COUNT_MPLS_LABEL_BOTTOM| COUNT_MPLS_STACK_DEPTH)) list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_MPLS; if (list->cfg.what_to_count_2 & (COUNT_LABEL)) list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_VLEN; evaluate_sums(&list->cfg.what_to_count, list->name, list->type.string); if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_PORT|COUNT_DST_PORT|COUNT_SUM_PORT|COUNT_TCPFLAGS)) config.handle_fragments = TRUE; if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_FLOWS) { config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_CLASS) { config.handle_fragments = TRUE; config.handle_flows = TRUE; } if (!list->cfg.what_to_count && !list->cfg.what_to_count_2 && !list->cfg.cpptrs.num) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "WARN ( %s/%s ): defaulting to SRC HOST aggregation.\n", list->name, list->type.string); list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_SRC_HOST; } if (((list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_SRC_HOST) && (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_SRC_NET)) || ((list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_DST_HOST) && (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_DST_NET))) { if (!list->cfg.tmp_net_own_field) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): src_host, src_net and dst_host, dst_net are mutually exclusive: set tmp_net_own_field to true. Exiting...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_AS|COUNT_DST_AS|COUNT_SUM_AS)) { if (!list->cfg.networks_file && list->cfg.nfacctd_as != NF_AS_BGP) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): AS aggregation selected but NO 'networks_file' or 'uacctd_as' are specified. Exiting...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } if (list->cfg.nfacctd_as & NF_AS_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_as |= NF_AS_NEW; } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & (COUNT_SRC_NET|COUNT_DST_NET|COUNT_SUM_NET|COUNT_SRC_NMASK|COUNT_DST_NMASK|COUNT_PEER_DST_IP)) { if (!list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { if (list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_NEW; if (list->cfg.networks_mask) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_STATIC; if (!list->cfg.nfacctd_net) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): network aggregation selected but none of 'uacctd_net', 'networks_file', 'networks_mask' is specified. Exiting ...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } } else { if ((list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_NEW && !list->cfg.networks_file) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_STATIC && !list->cfg.networks_mask) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_BGP && !list->cfg.nfacctd_bgp) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_IGP && !list->cfg.nfacctd_isis) || (list->cfg.nfacctd_net == NF_NET_KEEP)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): network aggregation selected but none of 'bgp_daemon', 'isis_daemon', 'networks_file', 'networks_mask' is specified. Exiting ...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } if (list->cfg.nfacctd_net & NF_NET_FALLBACK && list->cfg.networks_file) list->cfg.nfacctd_net |= NF_NET_NEW; } } if (list->cfg.what_to_count & COUNT_CLASS && !list->cfg.classifiers_path) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/%s ): 'class' aggregation selected but NO 'classifiers' key specified. Exiting...\n\n", list->name, list->type.string); exit(1); } bgp_config_checks(&list->cfg); list->cfg.what_to_count |= COUNT_COUNTERS; list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_METADATA; } } list = list->next; } /* plugins glue: creation (since 094) */ if (config.classifiers_path) { init_classifiers(config.classifiers_path); init_conntrack_table(); } if (config.aggregate_primitives) { req.key_value_table = (void *) &custom_primitives_registry; load_id_file(MAP_CUSTOM_PRIMITIVES, config.aggregate_primitives, NULL, &req, &custom_primitives_allocated); } else memset(&custom_primitives_registry, 0, sizeof(custom_primitives_registry)); /* fixing per plugin custom primitives pointers, offsets and lengths */ list = plugins_list; while(list) { custom_primitives_reconcile(&list->cfg.cpptrs, &custom_primitives_registry); if (custom_primitives_vlen(&list->cfg.cpptrs)) list->cfg.data_type |= PIPE_TYPE_VLEN; list = list->next; } load_plugins(&req); if (config.handle_fragments) init_ip_fragment_handler(); if (config.handle_flows) init_ip_flow_handler(); load_networks(config.networks_file, &nt, &nc); #if defined (HAVE_L2) device.link_type = DLT_EN10MB; #else device.link_type = DLT_RAW; #endif for (index = 0; _devices[index].link_type != -1; index++) { if (device.link_type == _devices[index].link_type) = &_devices[index]; } load_plugin_filters(device.link_type); cb_data.device = &device; /* signal handling we want to inherit to plugins (when not re-defined elsewhere) */ signal(SIGCHLD, startup_handle_falling_child); /* takes note of plugins failed during startup phase */ signal(SIGHUP, reload); /* handles reopening of syslog channel */ signal(SIGUSR1, push_stats); /* logs various statistics via Log() calls */ signal(SIGUSR2, reload_maps); /* sets to true the reload_maps flag */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* we want to exit gracefully when a pipe is broken */ nfh = nflog_open(); if (nfh == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to create Netlink NFLOG socket\n",; nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } Log(LOG_INFO, "INFO ( %s/core ): Successfully connected Netlink NFLOG socket\n",; /* Bind to IPv4 (and IPv6) */ if (nflog_unbind_pf(nfh, AF_INET) < 0) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to unbind Netlink NFLOG socket from IPv4\n",; nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } if (nflog_bind_pf(nfh, AF_INET) < 0) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to bind Netlink NFLOG socket from IPv4\n",; nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } #if defined ENABLE_IPV6 if (nflog_unbind_pf(nfh, AF_INET6) < 0) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to unbind Netlink NFLOG socket from IPv6\n",; nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } if (nflog_bind_pf(nfh, AF_INET6) < 0) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to bind Netlink NFLOG socket from IPv6\n",; nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } #endif /* Bind to group */ if ((nfgh = nflog_bind_group(nfh, config.uacctd_group)) == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to join NFLOG group %d\n",, config.uacctd_group); nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } /* Set snaplen */ if (nflog_set_mode(nfgh, NFULNL_COPY_PACKET, config.snaplen) < 0) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to set snaplen to %d\n",, config.snaplen); nflog_unbind_group(nfgh); nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } /* Set threshold */ if (nflog_set_qthresh(nfgh, config.uacctd_threshold) < 0) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to set threshold to %d\n",, config.uacctd_threshold); nflog_unbind_group(nfgh); nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } /* Set buffer size */ if (nflog_set_nlbufsiz(nfgh, config.uacctd_nl_size) < 0) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to set receive buffer size to %d\n",, config.uacctd_nl_size); nflog_unbind_group(nfgh); nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } /* Turn off netlink errors from overrun. */ if (setsockopt(nflog_fd(nfh), SOL_NETLINK, NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS, &one, sizeof(one))) Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Failed to turn off netlink ENOBUFS\n",; nflog_callback_register(nfgh, &nflog_incoming, &cb_data); nflog_buffer = malloc(config.uacctd_nl_size); if (nflog_buffer == NULL) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): NFLOG buffer malloc() failed\n",; nflog_unbind_group(nfgh); nflog_close(nfh); exit_all(1); } #if defined ENABLE_THREADS /* starting the ISIS threa */ if (config.nfacctd_isis) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; nfacctd_isis_wrapper(); /* Let's give the ISIS thread some advantage to create its structures */ sleep(5); } /* starting the BGP thread */ if (config.nfacctd_bgp) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; load_comm_patterns(&config.nfacctd_bgp_stdcomm_pattern, &config.nfacctd_bgp_extcomm_pattern, &config.nfacctd_bgp_stdcomm_pattern_to_asn); if (config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_PEER_AS_SRC, config.nfacctd_bgp_peer_as_src_map, &bpas_table, &req, &bpas_map_allocated); cb_data.bpas_table = (u_char *) &bpas_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): bgp_peer_as_src_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n",; exit(1); } } else cb_data.bpas_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_SRC_LOCAL_PREF, config.nfacctd_bgp_src_local_pref_map, &blp_table, &req, &blp_map_allocated); cb_data.blp_table = (u_char *) &blp_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): bgp_src_local_pref_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n",; exit(1); } } else cb_data.bpas_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_type == BGP_SRC_PRIMITIVES_MAP) { if (config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_SRC_MED, config.nfacctd_bgp_src_med_map, &bmed_table, &req, &bmed_map_allocated); cb_data.bmed_table = (u_char *) &bmed_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): bgp_src_med_type set to 'map' but no map defined. Exiting.\n",; exit(1); } } else cb_data.bmed_table = NULL; if (config.nfacctd_bgp_to_agent_map) { load_id_file(MAP_BGP_TO_XFLOW_AGENT, config.nfacctd_bgp_to_agent_map, &bta_table, &req, &bta_map_allocated); cb_data.bta_table = (u_char *) &bta_table; } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): 'bgp_daemon' configured but no 'bgp_agent_map' has been specified. Exiting.\n",; exit(1); } /* Limiting BGP peers to only two: one would suffice in pmacctd but in case maps are reloadable (ie. bta), it could be handy to keep a backup feed in memory */ config.nfacctd_bgp_max_peers = 2; cb_data.f_agent = (char *)&client; nfacctd_bgp_wrapper(); /* Let's give the BGP thread some advantage to create its structures */ sleep(5); } #else if (config.nfacctd_isis) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): 'isis_daemon' is available only with threads (--enable-threads). Exiting.\n",; exit(1); } if (config.nfacctd_bgp) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): 'bgp_daemon' is available only with threads (--enable-threads). Exiting.\n",; exit(1); } #endif #if defined WITH_GEOIP if (config.geoip_ipv4_file || config.geoip_ipv6_file) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; } #endif #if defined WITH_GEOIPV2 if (config.geoipv2_file) { req.bpf_filter = TRUE; } #endif if (config.nfacctd_flow_to_rd_map) { Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): 'flow_to_rd_map' is not supported by this daemon. Exiting.\n",; exit(1); } /* plugins glue: creation (until 093) */ evaluate_packet_handlers(); pm_setproctitle("%s [%s]", "Core Process", config.proc_name); if (config.pidfile) write_pid_file(config.pidfile); /* signals to be handled only by pmacctd; we set proper handlers after plugin creation */ signal(SIGINT, my_sigint_handler); signal(SIGTERM, my_sigint_handler); signal(SIGCHLD, handle_falling_child); kill(getpid(), SIGCHLD); /* Main loop: if pcap_loop() exits maybe an error occurred; we will try closing and reopening again our listening device */ for (;;) { if (len == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { /* We can't deal with permanent errors. * Just sleep a bit. */ Log(LOG_ERR, "ERROR ( %s/core ): Syscall returned %d: %s. Sleeping for 1 sec.\n",, errno, strerror(errno)); sleep(1); } } len = recv(nflog_fd(nfh), nflog_buffer, config.uacctd_nl_size, 0); if (len < 0) continue; if (nflog_handle_packet(nfh, nflog_buffer, len) != 0) continue; } }
static void daemon_login(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { int msock, csock; /* socket for Master and Child */ FILE *fp; int listen_port = 23; int len_of_sock_addr; char buf[256]; /* setup standalone */ start_daemon(); signal_restart(SIGCHLD, reapchild); /* choose port */ if(argc == 1) listen_port = 3006; else if(argc >= 2) listen_port = atoi(argv[1]); sprintf(margs, "%s %d ", argv[0],listen_port); /* port binding */ xsin.sin_family = AF_INET; msock = bind_port(listen_port); if(msock<0) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "mbbsd bind_port failed.\n"); exit(1); } initsetproctitle(argc, argv, envp); setproctitle("%s: listening ", margs); /* Give up root privileges: no way back from here */ setgid(BBSGID); setuid(BBSUID); chdir(BBSHOME); /* mmap passwd file */ if(passwd_mmap()) exit(1); sprintf(buf, "/var/run/", listen_port); if((fp = fopen(buf, "w"))) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(fp); } /* main loop */ for(;;) { len_of_sock_addr = sizeof(xsin); csock = accept(msock, (struct sockaddr *)&xsin, &len_of_sock_addr); if(csock < 0) { if(errno!=EINTR) sleep(1); continue; } if(check_ban_and_load(csock)) { close(csock); continue; } if(fork()==0) break; else close(csock); } /* here is only child running */ close(msock); dup2(csock, 0); close(csock); getremotename(&xsin, fromhost, remoteusername); /* RFC931 */ /* ban 掉 bad host / bad user shiuan88: 賣補帖的 */ if(bad_host(fromhost) || strstr(fromhost, "bbs.") || strstr(fromhost, "") || !strcmp(remoteusername, "shiuan88")) { outs("\n 抱歉, 本站謝絕由此處來的user...\n"); refresh(); exit(1); } { char RFC931[80]; sprintf(RFC931, "%s@%s", remoteusername, fromhost); setenv("RFC931", RFC931, 1); } telnet_init(); setproctitle("%s: ..login..", margs); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) { struct sockaddr_storage from; int on = 1, fromlen; register int ch; #if defined(IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) int tos = -1; #endif initsetproctitle(argc, argv, env); pfrontp = pbackp = ptyobuf; netip = netibuf; nfrontp = nbackp = netobuf; progname = *argv; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, valid_opts)) != EOF) { switch (ch) { case 'd': if (strcmp(optarg, "ebug") == 0) { debug++; break; } usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ break; case 'D': /* * Check for desired diagnostics capabilities. */ if (!strcmp(optarg, "report")) { diagnostic |= TD_REPORT|TD_OPTIONS; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "exercise")) { diagnostic |= TD_EXERCISE; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "netdata")) { diagnostic |= TD_NETDATA; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "ptydata")) { diagnostic |= TD_PTYDATA; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "options")) { diagnostic |= TD_OPTIONS; } else { usage(); /* NOT REACHED */ } break; case 'g': gettyname = optarg; break; case 'h': hostinfo = 0; break; #ifdef LINEMODE case 'l': alwayslinemode = 1; break; #endif /* LINEMODE */ case 'L': loginprg = strdup (optarg); break; #if defined(LINEMODE) && defined(KLUDGELINEMODE) case 'k': lmodetype = NO_AUTOKLUDGE; break; #endif /* defined(LINEMODE) && defined(KLUDGELINEMODE) */ case 'n': keepalive = 0; break; case 'S': #ifdef HAS_GETTOS if ((tos = parsetos (optarg, "tcp")) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s\n", "telnetd: Bad TOS argument '", optarg, "'; will try to use default TOS"); #else fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", "TOS option unavailable; ", "-S flag not supported\n"); #endif break; case 'u': utmp_len = atoi(optarg); break; case 'U': registerd_host_only = 1; break; case '4': family = AF_INET; break; case '6': family = AF_INET6; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "telnetd: %c: unknown option\n", ch); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '?': usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (debug) { int s, ns, foo, error; char *service = "telnet"; struct addrinfo hints, *res; if (argc > 1) { usage(); /* NOT REACHED */ } else if (argc == 1) service = *argv; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_family = family; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = 0; error = getaddrinfo(NULL, service, &hints, &res); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "tcp/%s: %s\n", service, gai_strerror(error)); exit(1); } s = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); if (s < 0) { perror("telnetd: socket"); exit(1); } setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)); if (bind(s, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) { perror ("bind"); exit (1); } if (listen (s, 1) < 0) { perror ("listen"); exit (1); } foo = res->ai_addrlen; ns = accept(s, res->ai_addr, &foo); if (ns < 0) { perror("accept"); exit(1); } dup2(ns, 0); close(ns); close(s); } else if (argc > 0) { usage(); /* NOT REACHED */ } openlog("telnetd", LOG_PID | LOG_ODELAY, LOG_DAEMON); fromlen = sizeof (from); if (getpeername (0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname); perror("getpeername"); _exit(1); } if (keepalive && setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&on, sizeof (on)) < 0) syslog(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (SO_KEEPALIVE): %m"); #if defined(IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) if (from.ss_family == AF_INET) { # if defined(HAS_GETTOS) struct tosent *tp; if (tos < 0 && (tp = gettosbyname("telnet", "tcp"))) tos = tp->t_tos; # endif if (tos < 0) tos = 020; /* Low Delay bit */ if (tos && (setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *)&tos, sizeof(tos)) < 0) && (errno != ENOPROTOOPT) ) syslog(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (IP_TOS): %m"); } #endif /* defined(IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) */ net = 0; doit((struct sockaddr *)&from); /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } /* end of main */
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { char tmp[128]; #if defined(HAVE_FORK) char **saved_argv; mypid = getpid(); /* save argv as setproctitle() under some systems will change it */ saved_argv = mkargv (argc, argv); configpath = parseargs(argc, saved_argv); #else configpath = parseargs(argc, argv); #endif saved_envp = mkargv (-1, environ); #ifdef WIN32 if (service_flag==w32_installservice && !configpath) Log (0, "%s: invalid command line: config name must be specified", extract_filename(argv[0])); w32Init(); #ifdef BINKD9X { int win9x_rc; win9x_rc = win9x_process(argc, argv); if (win9x_rc != -1) return win9x_rc; } #endif #endif tzset(); if (poll_flag && server_flag) Log (0, "-p and -s cannot be used together"); #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(BINKD9X) if (service_flag!=w32_noservice) if (service(argc, argv, environ) && service_flag!=w32_run_as_service) { Log(0, "Windows NT service error"); } if (tray_flag) do_tray_flag(); else { atexit(UnloadBinkdIcon); LoadBinkdIcon(); } #endif /* No command line options: run both client and server */ if (!client_flag && !server_flag) client_flag = server_flag = 1; InitSem (&hostsem); InitSem (&resolvsem); InitSem (&lsem); InitSem (&blsem); InitSem (&varsem); InitSem (&config_sem); InitEventSem (&eothread); InitEventSem (&wakecmgr); #ifdef OS2 InitSem (&fhsem); #endif /* Init for ftnnode.c */ nodes_init (); if (configpath) { current_config = readcfg (configpath); if (!current_config) Log (0, "error in configuration, aborting"); if (dumpcfg_flag) { debug_readcfg (); exit(0); } InitLog(current_config->loglevel, current_config->conlog, current_config->logpath, current_config->nolog.first); } else if (verbose_flag) { #if defined(WIN32) && defined(BINKD9X) AllocTempConsole(); #endif printf ("Binkd " MYVER " (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "%s)\n", get_os_string ()); if (verbose_flag>1) { printf ("Compilation flags: " _DBNKD ".\n"); printf ("Facilities: " #ifndef srv_getaddrinfo "fsp1035 " #endif #ifndef HAVE_GETADDRINFO "rfc2553emu " #else "ipv6 " #endif "\n"); } exit (0); } else if (argc > 1) Log (0, "%s: invalid command line: config name must be specified", extract_filename(argv[0])); else usage (); print_args (tmp, sizeof (tmp), argv + 1); #ifdef WIN32 if (service_flag==w32_run_as_service) Log (4, "BEGIN service '%s', " MYNAME "/" MYVER "%s%s", service_name, get_os_string(), tmp); else Log (4, "BEGIN standalone, " MYNAME "/" MYVER "%s%s", get_os_string(), tmp); #else Log (4, "BEGIN, " MYNAME "/" MYVER "%s%s", get_os_string(), tmp); #endif if (sock_init ()) Log (0, "sock_init: %s", TCPERR ()); bsy_init (); rnd (); initsetproctitle (argc, argv, environ); #ifdef WIN32 SetFileApisToOEM(); #endif /* Set up break handler, set up exit list if needed */ if (!set_break_handlers ()) Log (0, "cannot install break handlers"); #if defined(SIGPIPE) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif #if defined(WITH_ZLIB) && defined(ZLIBDL) if (current_config->zlib_dll[0]) { if (!zlib_init(current_config->zlib_dll)) Log (2, "cannot load %s, GZ compression disabled", current_config->zlib_dll); else Log (6, "%s loaded successfully", current_config->zlib_dll); } else Log (current_config->zrules.first ? 3 : 5, "zlib-dll not defined, GZ compression disabled"); #endif #if defined(WITH_BZLIB2) && defined(ZLIBDL) if (current_config->bzlib2_dll[0]) { if (!bzlib2_init(current_config->bzlib2_dll)) Log (2, "cannot load %s, BZ2 compression disabled", current_config->bzlib2_dll); else Log (6, "%s loaded successfully", current_config->bzlib2_dll); } else Log (current_config->zrules.first #ifdef WITH_ZLIB && !zlib_loaded #endif ? 3 : 5, "bzlib2-dll not defined, BZ2 compression disabled"); #endif #ifdef WITH_PERL if (current_config->perl_script[0]) { if (!perl_init(current_config->perl_script, current_config)) { if (current_config->perl_strict) Log (0, "error parsing Perl script %s", current_config->perl_script); } else { perl_on_start(current_config); perl_config_loaded(current_config); } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FORK signal (SIGCHLD, sighandler); #endif { /* Create polls and release polls list */ struct maskchain *psP; for (psP = psPolls.first; psP; psP = psP->next) poll_node (psP->mask, current_config); simplelist_free(&psPolls.linkpoint, destroy_maskchain); } if (no_flag) Log (0, "Exit on option '-n'"); if (inetd_flag) { FTN_ADDR ftn_addr, *pftn_addr; int tempfd; pftn_addr = NULL; if (remote_node) { if (parse_ftnaddress (remote_node, &ftn_addr, current_config->pDomains.first)) { char szFTNAddr[FTN_ADDR_SZ + 1]; exp_ftnaddress (&ftn_addr, current_config->pAddr, current_config->nAddr, current_config->pDomains.first); pftn_addr = &ftn_addr; ftnaddress_to_str (szFTNAddr, pftn_addr); Log (3, "Session with %s", szFTNAddr); } else Log (1, "`%s' cannot be parsed as a Fido-style address", remote_node); } if (!remote_addr) { char *p = getenv("SSH_CONNECTION"); if (p) { remote_addr = strdup(p); p = strchr(remote_addr, ' '); if (p) *p = '\0'; } } /* not using stdin/stdout itself to avoid possible collisions */ if (inetd_socket_in == -1) inetd_socket_in = dup(fileno(stdin)); if (inetd_socket_out == -1) inetd_socket_out = dup(fileno(stdout)); #ifdef UNIX tempfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); #else tempfd = open("nul", O_RDWR); #endif if (tempfd != -1) { dup2(tempfd, fileno(stdin)); dup2(tempfd, fileno(stdout)); close(tempfd); } protocol (inetd_socket_in, inetd_socket_out, NULL, pftn_addr, remote_addr, current_config); soclose (inetd_socket_out); exit (0); } #ifdef BINKD_DAEMONIZE if (daemon_flag) { if (binkd_daemonize(1) < 0) Log (0, "Cannot daemonize"); else mypid = getpid(); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_FORK) signal (SIGHUP, sighandler); #endif if (client_flag && !server_flag) { clientmgr (0); exit (0); } pidsmgr = (int) getpid (); if (client_flag && (pidcmgr = branch (clientmgr, 0, 0)) < 0) { Log (0, "cannot branch out"); } if (*current_config->pid_file) { if ( unlink (current_config->pid_file) == 0 ) /* successfully unlinked, i.e. an old pid_file was found */ Log (1, "unexpected pid_file: %s: unlinked", current_config->pid_file); else { int current_log_level = 1; switch ( errno ) { case ENOENT : /* file not found or null pathname */ current_log_level = 8; /* it's ok */ break; default : break; } Log (current_log_level, "unlink_pid_file: %s: %s", current_config->pid_file, strerror (errno)); } create_sem_file (current_config->pid_file, 1); } servmgr (); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[], char **envp) { int index; set_program_name (argv[0]); #ifdef HAVE_TZSET tzset (); /* In case no timezone database in ~ftp. */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_INITSETPROCTITLE /* Save start and extent of argv for setproctitle. */ initsetproctitle (argc, argv, envp); #endif /* HAVE_INITSETPROCTITLE */ /* Parse the command line */ iu_argp_init ("ftpd", default_program_authors); argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, &index, NULL); /* Bail out, wrong usage */ argc -= index; if (argc != 0) error (1, 0, "surplus arguments; try `%s --help' for more info", program_name); /* LOG_NDELAY sets up the logging connection immediately, necessary for anonymous ftp's that chroot and can't do it later. */ openlog ("ftpd", LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_FTP); freopen (PATH_DEVNULL, "w", stderr); /* If not running via inetd, we detach and dup(fd, 0), dup(fd, 1) the fd = accept(). tcpd is check if compile with the support */ if (daemon_mode) { if (server_mode (pid_file, &his_addr) < 0) exit (1); } else { socklen_t addrlen = sizeof (his_addr); if (getpeername (STDIN_FILENO, (struct sockaddr *) &his_addr, &addrlen) < 0) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "getpeername (%s): %m", program_name); exit (1); } } signal (SIGHUP, sigquit); signal (SIGINT, sigquit); signal (SIGQUIT, sigquit); signal (SIGTERM, sigquit); signal (SIGPIPE, lostconn); signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); if (signal (SIGURG, myoob) == SIG_ERR) syslog (LOG_ERR, "signal: %m"); /* Get info on the ctrl connection. */ { socklen_t addrlen = sizeof (ctrl_addr); if (getsockname (STDIN_FILENO, (struct sockaddr *) &ctrl_addr, &addrlen) < 0) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "getsockname (%s): %m", program_name); exit (1); } } #if defined (IP_TOS) && defined (IPTOS_LOWDELAY) && defined (IPPROTO_IP) /* To minimize delays for interactive traffic. */ { int tos = IPTOS_LOWDELAY; if (setsockopt (STDIN_FILENO, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (char *) &tos, sizeof (int)) < 0) syslog (LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (IP_TOS): %m"); } #endif #ifdef SO_OOBINLINE /* Try to handle urgent data inline. */ { int on = 1; if (setsockopt (STDIN_FILENO, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char *) &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) syslog (LOG_ERR, "setsockopt: %m"); } #endif #ifdef SO_KEEPALIVE /* Set keepalives on the socket to detect dropped connections. */ { int keepalive = 1; if (setsockopt (STDIN_FILENO, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &keepalive, sizeof (keepalive)) < 0) syslog (LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (SO_KEEPALIVE): %m"); } #endif #ifdef F_SETOWN if (fcntl (STDIN_FILENO, F_SETOWN, getpid ()) == -1) syslog (LOG_ERR, "fcntl F_SETOWN: %m"); #endif dolog (&his_addr, &cred); /* Deal with login disable. */ if (display_file (PATH_NOLOGIN, 530) == 0) { reply (530, "System not available."); exit (0); } /* Display a Welcome message if exists, N.B. reply(220,) must follow. */ display_file (PATH_FTPWELCOME, 220); hostname = localhost (); if (!hostname) perror_reply (550, "Local resource failure: malloc"); /* Tell them we're ready to roll. */ if (!no_version) reply (220, "%s FTP server (%s %s) ready.", hostname, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); else reply (220, "%s FTP server ready.", hostname); /* Set the jump, if we have an error parsing, come here and start fresh. */ setjmp (errcatch); /* Roll. */ for (;;) yyparse (); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) { struct sockaddr_in from; int on = 1; socklen_t fromlen; register int ch; #if defined(HAS_IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) int tos = -1; #endif initsetproctitle(argc, argv, env); pfrontp = pbackp = ptyobuf; netip = netibuf; nfrontp = nbackp = netobuf; #if defined(ENCRYPT) nclearto = 0; #endif progname = *argv; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "d:a:e:lhnr:I:D:B:sS:a:X:L:")) != EOF) { switch(ch) { #ifdef AUTHENTICATE case 'a': /* * Check for required authentication level */ if (strcmp(optarg, "debug") == 0) { extern int auth_debug_mode; auth_debug_mode = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "none") == 0) { auth_level = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "other") == 0) { auth_level = AUTH_OTHER; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "user") == 0) { auth_level = AUTH_USER; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "valid") == 0) { auth_level = AUTH_VALID; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "off") == 0) { /* * This hack turns off authentication */ auth_level = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "telnetd: unknown authorization level for -a\n"); } break; #endif /* AUTHENTICATE */ #ifdef BFTPDAEMON case 'B': bftpd++; break; #endif /* BFTPDAEMON */ case 'd': if (strcmp(optarg, "ebug") == 0) { debug++; break; } usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ break; #ifdef DIAGNOSTICS case 'D': /* * Check for desired diagnostics capabilities. */ if (!strcmp(optarg, "report")) { diagnostic |= TD_REPORT|TD_OPTIONS; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "exercise")) { diagnostic |= TD_EXERCISE; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "netdata")) { diagnostic |= TD_NETDATA; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "ptydata")) { diagnostic |= TD_PTYDATA; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "options")) { diagnostic |= TD_OPTIONS; } else { usage(); /* NOT REACHED */ } break; #endif /* DIAGNOSTICS */ #ifdef AUTHENTICATE case 'e': if (strcmp(optarg, "debug") == 0) { extern int auth_debug_mode; auth_debug_mode = 1; break; } usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ break; #endif /* AUTHENTICATE */ case 'h': hostinfo = 0; break; #ifdef LINEMODE case 'l': alwayslinemode = 1; break; #endif /* LINEMODE */ case 'L': loginprg = strdup(optarg); /* XXX what if strdup fails? */ break; case 'n': keepalive = 0; break; #ifdef SecurID case 's': /* SecurID required */ require_SecurID = 1; break; #endif /* SecurID */ case 'S': #ifdef HAS_GETTOS if ((tos = parsetos(optarg, "tcp")) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s\n", "telnetd: Bad TOS argument '", optarg, "'; will try to use default TOS"); #else fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", "TOS option unavailable; ", "-S flag not supported\n"); #endif break; #ifdef AUTHENTICATE case 'X': /* * Check for invalid authentication types */ auth_disable_name(optarg); break; #endif /* AUTHENTICATE */ default: fprintf(stderr, "telnetd: %c: unknown option\n", ch); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '?': usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (debug) { int s, ns; socklen_t foo; struct servent *sp; struct sockaddr_in sn; memset(&sn, 0, sizeof(sn)); sn.sin_family = AF_INET; if (argc > 1) { usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } else if (argc == 1) { if ((sp = getservbyname(*argv, "tcp"))!=NULL) { sn.sin_port = sp->s_port; } else { int pt = atoi(*argv); if (pt <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "telnetd: %s: bad port number\n", *argv); usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } sn.sin_port = htons(pt); } } else { sp = getservbyname("telnet", "tcp"); if (sp == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "telnetd: tcp/telnet: unknown service\n"); exit(1); } sn.sin_port = sp->s_port; } s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) { perror("telnetd: socket");; exit(1); } (void) setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on)); if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sn, sizeof(sn)) < 0) { perror("bind"); exit(1); } if (listen(s, 1) < 0) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } foo = sizeof(sn); ns = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sn, &foo); if (ns < 0) { perror("accept"); exit(1); } (void) dup2(ns, 0); (void) close(ns); (void) close(s); } else if (argc > 0) { usage(); /* NOT REACHED */ } openlog("telnetd", LOG_PID | LOG_ODELAY, LOG_DAEMON); fromlen = sizeof (from); if (getpeername(0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname); perror("getpeername"); _exit(1); } if (keepalive && setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (SO_KEEPALIVE): %m"); } #if defined(HAS_IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) { # if defined(HAS_GETTOS) struct tosent *tp; if (tos < 0 && (tp = gettosbyname("telnet", "tcp"))) tos = tp->t_tos; # endif if (tos < 0) tos = 020; /* Low Delay bit */ if (tos && (setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &tos, sizeof(tos)) < 0) && (errno != ENOPROTOOPT) ) syslog(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (IP_TOS): %m"); } #endif /* defined(HAS_IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) */ net = 0; doit(&from); /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } /* end of main */
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) { struct sockaddr_storage from; int on = 1; socklen_t fromlen; register int ch; int i; #if defined(HAS_IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) int tos = -1; #endif initsetproctitle(argc, argv, env); pfrontp = pbackp = ptyobuf; netip = netibuf; #ifdef USE_SSL /* we need to know the fullpath to the location of the * certificate that we will be running with as we cannot * be sure of the cwd when we are launched */ sprintf(cert_filepath,"%s/%s",X509_get_default_cert_dir(), "telnetd.pem"); ssl_cert_file=cert_filepath; ssl_key_file=NULL; #endif /* USE_SSL */ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "d:a:e:lhnNr:I:D:B:sS:a:X:L:z:")) != EOF) { switch(ch) { #ifdef USE_SSL case 'z': { char *origopt; origopt=strdup(optarg); optarg=strtok(origopt,","); while(optarg!=NULL) { if (strcmp(optarg, "debug") == 0 ) { ssl_debug_flag=1; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "ssl") == 0 ) { ssl_only_flag=1; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "certsok") == 0 ) { ssl_certsok_flag=1; } else if ( (strcmp(optarg, "!ssl") == 0) || (strcmp(optarg, "nossl") == 0) ) { /* we may want to switch SSL negotiation off * for testing or other reasons */ ssl_disabled_flag=1; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "certrequired") == 0 ) { ssl_cert_required=1; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "secure") == 0 ) { ssl_secure_flag=1; } else if (strncmp(optarg, "verify=", strlen("verify=")) == 0 ) { ssl_verify_flag=atoi(optarg+strlen("verify=")); } else if (strncmp(optarg, "cert=", strlen("cert=")) == 0 ) { ssl_cert_file=optarg+strlen("cert="); } else if (strncmp(optarg, "key=", strlen("key=")) == 0 ) { ssl_key_file=optarg+strlen("key="); } else if (strncmp(optarg,"cipher=", strlen("cipher="))==0) { ssl_cipher_list=optarg+strlen("cipher="); } else { /* report when we are given rubbish so that * if the user makes a mistake they have to * correct it! */ fprintf(stderr,"Unknown SSL option %s\n",optarg); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } /* get the next one ... */ optarg=strtok(NULL,","); } /* if (origopt!=NULL) free(origopt); */ } break; #endif /* USE_SSL */ #ifdef AUTHENTICATE case 'a': /* * Check for required authentication level */ if (strcmp(optarg, "debug") == 0) { extern int auth_debug_mode; auth_debug_mode = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "none") == 0) { auth_level = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "other") == 0) { auth_level = AUTH_OTHER; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "user") == 0) { auth_level = AUTH_USER; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "valid") == 0) { auth_level = AUTH_VALID; } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "off") == 0) { /* * This hack turns off authentication */ auth_level = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "telnetd: unknown authorization level for -a\n"); } break; #endif /* AUTHENTICATE */ #ifdef BFTPDAEMON case 'B': bftpd++; break; #endif /* BFTPDAEMON */ case 'd': if (strcmp(optarg, "ebug") == 0) { debug++; break; } usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ break; #ifdef DIAGNOSTICS case 'D': /* * Check for desired diagnostics capabilities. */ if (!strcmp(optarg, "report")) { diagnostic |= TD_REPORT|TD_OPTIONS; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "exercise")) { diagnostic |= TD_EXERCISE; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "netdata")) { diagnostic |= TD_NETDATA; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "ptydata")) { diagnostic |= TD_PTYDATA; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "options")) { diagnostic |= TD_OPTIONS; } else { usage(); /* NOT REACHED */ } break; #endif /* DIAGNOSTICS */ #ifdef AUTHENTICATE case 'e': if (strcmp(optarg, "debug") == 0) { extern int auth_debug_mode; auth_debug_mode = 1; break; } usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ break; #endif /* AUTHENTICATE */ case 'h': hostinfo = 0; break; #ifdef LINEMODE case 'l': alwayslinemode = 1; break; #endif /* LINEMODE */ case 'L': loginprg = strdup(optarg); /* XXX what if strdup fails? */ break; case 'n': keepalive = 0; break; case 'N': numeric_hosts = 1; break; #ifdef SecurID case 's': /* SecurID required */ require_SecurID = 1; break; #endif /* SecurID */ case 'S': #ifdef HAS_GETTOS if ((tos = parsetos(optarg, "tcp")) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s\n", "telnetd: Bad TOS argument '", optarg, "'; will try to use default TOS"); #else fprintf(stderr, "%s%s\n", "TOS option unavailable; ", "-S flag not supported\n"); #endif break; #ifdef AUTHENTICATE case 'X': /* * Check for invalid authentication types */ auth_disable_name(optarg); break; #endif /* AUTHENTICATE */ default: fprintf(stderr, "telnetd: %c: unknown option\n", ch); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '?': usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } #ifdef USE_SSL if (ssl_secure_flag || ssl_cert_required || ssl_certsok_flag) { /* in secure mode we *must* switch on the base level * verify checking otherwise we cannot abort connections * at the right place! */ if (ssl_verify_flag==0) ssl_verify_flag=1; } /* if we are not running in debug then any error * stuff from SSL debug *must* not go down * the socket (which 0,1,2 are all pointing to by * default) */ if (ssl_debug_flag) ssl_log_file="/telnetd.log"; if (!do_ssleay_init(1)) { if (bio_err!=NULL) { BIO_printf(bio_err,"do_ssleay_init() failed\n"); ERR_print_errors(bio_err); } else { fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"do_ssleay_init() failed\n"); ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); } exit(1); } if (ssl_debug_flag) { BIO_printf(bio_err,"secure %d certrequired %d verify %d\n", ssl_secure_flag,ssl_cert_required,ssl_verify_flag); for(i=0;i<argc;i++) BIO_printf(bio_err,"argv[%d]=\"%s\"\n",i,argv[i]); } #endif /* USE_SSL */ argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (debug) { if (argc > 1) { usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } wait_for_connection((argc == 1) ? *argv : "telnet"); } openlog("telnetd", LOG_PID | LOG_ODELAY, LOG_DAEMON); fromlen = sizeof (from); if (getpeername(0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen) < 0) { fatalperror(2, "getpeername"); } if (keepalive && setsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &on, sizeof (on)) < 0) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (SO_KEEPALIVE): %m"); } #if defined(HAS_IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) { # if defined(HAS_GETTOS) struct tosent *tp; if (tos < 0 && (tp = gettosbyname("telnet", "tcp"))) tos = tp->t_tos; # endif if (tos < 0) tos = 020; /* Low Delay bit */ if (tos && (setsockopt(0, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &tos, sizeof(tos)) < 0) && (errno != ENOPROTOOPT) ) syslog(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt (IP_TOS): %m"); } #endif /* defined(HAS_IPPROTO_IP) && defined(IP_TOS) */ #ifdef USE_SSL /* do the SSL stuff now ... before we play with pty's */ SSL_set_fd(ssl_con,0); if (ssl_only_flag) { /* hmm ... only when running talking to things like * https servers should we hit this code and then * we really don't care *who* we talk to :-) */ SSL_set_verify(ssl_con,ssl_verify_flag,NULL); if (SSL_accept(ssl_con) <= 0) { static char errbuf[1024]; sprintf(errbuf,"SSL_accept error %s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),NULL)); syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s", errbuf); BIO_printf(bio_err,"%s",errbuf); /* go to sleep to make sure we are noticed */ sleep(10); SSL_free(ssl_con); _exit(1); } else { ssl_active_flag=1; } } #endif /* USE_SSL */ net = 0; netopen(); doit((struct sockaddr *)&from, fromlen); /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } /* end of main */