예제 #1
void scan3d::triangulate_stereo(const cv::Mat & K1, const cv::Mat & kc1, const cv::Mat & K2, const cv::Mat & kc2, 
                                  const cv::Mat & Rt, const cv::Mat & T, const cv::Point2d & p1, const cv::Point2d & p2, 
                                  cv::Point3d & p3d, double * distance)
    //to image camera coordinates
    cv::Mat inp1(1, 1, CV_64FC2), inp2(1, 1, CV_64FC2);
    inp1.at<cv::Vec2d>(0, 0) = cv::Vec2d(p1.x, p1.y);
    inp2.at<cv::Vec2d>(0, 0) = cv::Vec2d(p2.x, p2.y);
    cv::Mat outp1, outp2;
    cv::undistortPoints(inp1, outp1, K1, kc1);
    cv::undistortPoints(inp2, outp2, K2, kc2);
    assert(outp1.type()==CV_64FC2 && outp1.rows==1 && outp1.cols==1);
    assert(outp2.type()==CV_64FC2 && outp2.rows==1 && outp2.cols==1);
    const cv::Vec2d & outvec1 = outp1.at<cv::Vec2d>(0,0);
    const cv::Vec2d & outvec2 = outp2.at<cv::Vec2d>(0,0);
    cv::Point3d u1(outvec1[0], outvec1[1], 1.0);
    cv::Point3d u2(outvec2[0], outvec2[1], 1.0);

    //to world coordinates
    cv::Point3d w1 = u1;
    cv::Point3d w2 = cv::Point3d(cv::Mat(Rt*(cv::Mat(u2) - T)));

    //world rays
    cv::Point3d v1 = w1;
    cv::Point3d v2 = cv::Point3d(cv::Mat(Rt*cv::Mat(u2)));

    //compute ray-ray approximate intersection
    p3d = approximate_ray_intersection(v1, w1, v2, w2, distance);
예제 #2
/* ********************************************
 *  reweighting and pmf calculation at room temperature  
 * ********************************************/
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// argv[1]: input parameter file
  if( argv[1]==NULL ){
    puts("No ARGUMEMTS");
    puts("USAGE: ./a.out (argv[1]: input parameter file)" );
    return 1;
  cout<<"Your input-parameter file: "<<argv[1]<<endl;
  Inp_nishi inp1( argv[1] );

// ############# READ INPUT  ########################################
/* (1) 
   cout<<endl<<"------- (1) load --------- \n";

   string infile = inp1.read("INFILE"); 
   string inprob = inp1.read("INPROB");  

   cout<<"# output"<<endl;
   string outpmf = inp1.read("OUTPMF");

   cout<<"#  settings"<<endl;
   int frame = atoi( inp1.read("NUMSTRUCTURE").c_str() );

   vector<long double> prob2; //probability of each data
   vector<long double> ene_prob, prob; //from inprob (Pc) Probability distribution function along potential energy
   int outlier = 0;  //num of data out of energy range

  //float tmp;
  long double tmp;

  ifstream ifs1(infile.c_str());
  //ifstream ifs1(infile.c_str(),ifstream::in);
    cerr<<"cannot open file "<<infile<<endl;
    return 1;

  vector<float> c1, c2, pote;
  for(int ii=0;ii<frame;ii++){
    ifs1 >> tmp;
    ifs1 >> tmp;
    ifs1 >> tmp;


  //cout<<"DEBUG: pote.size() = "<<pote.size()<<endl;
  //cout<<"DEBUG: pote[pote.size() -1] = "<<pote[pote.size() -1]<<endl;

/* (2)  assignment of probability
 * */
// read file 
  ifstream test(inprob.c_str());
  //ifstream test(inprob.c_str(),ifstream::in);
  if(inprob == "NO") goto flag_noprob;  //assign probability
{ // goto flag_noprob 
    cerr<<"cannot open file "<<inprob<<endl;
    return 1;

  test >> tmp;  //why outside of while-loop? because of ifs.eof 
  //cerr<<"DEBUG: tmp of ene_prob = "<<tmp<<endl;
  //for(int ii=0;ii<2131;ii++){
  //while( true ){
  while( ! test.eof() ){
  //test >> tmp;
    //if( test.eof() ) break;
    //cerr<<"DEBUG: tmp of ene_prob = "<<tmp<<endl;
    test >> tmp;
    test >> tmp;


  //cout<<"DEBUG: ene_prob.size() = "<<ene_prob.size()<<endl;
  cout<<" reading input section end "<<endl;

  //cout<<"DEBUG: prob.size() = "<<prob.size()<<endl;
  //cout<<"DEBUG: prob[prob.size() -1] = "<<prob[prob.size() -1]<<endl;
  //cout<<"DEBUG: ene_prob.size() = "<<ene_prob.size()<<endl;
  //cout<<"DEBUG: ene_prob[ene_prob.size() -1] = "<<ene_prob[prob.size() -1]<<endl;

//ttp_v_mcmd input
   string inttpin = inp1.read("INTTPIN"); //ttp_v_mcmd.inp
   string inttpout = inp1.read("INTTPOUT"); //ttp_v_mcmd.out
   int interval = atoi( inp1.read("INTERVAL").c_str() );

  vector<float> tmpvec;
  ifstream ttpvinp(inttpin.c_str()); //ttp_v_mcmd.inp
  if( ttpvinp.fail() ){
    cerr<<"cannot open file "<<inttpin<<endl;
    return 1;
  while( ttpvinp ){
    string tmpstr;
    ttpvinp >> tmpstr;
    //cout<< tmpstr<<endl;
    if( tmpstr[0] == ';' ){
      ttpvinp.ignore(100, '\n');
      tmpvec.push_back( atof( tmpstr.c_str() ) );
  /*for(unsigned int i;i<tmpvec.size();i++){
  int vst = tmpvec[0];
  int trans = tmpvec[1]; 
  vector<float> ttplimit;
  for(int i=1;i<=vst;i++){
    ttplimit.push_back( tmpvec[4*i-2] );
    ttplimit.push_back( tmpvec[4*i-1] );
  /*for(unsigned int i;i<ttplimit.size();i++){
  vector<int> currvst;
  ifstream ttpvout(inttpout.c_str()); //ttp_v_mcmd.out
  if( ttpvout.fail() ){
    cerr<<"cannot open file "<<inttpout<<endl;
    return 1;
  while( ttpvout ){
    ttpvout >> tmp;
    ttpvout >> tmp;
    currvst.push_back( tmp ); 
  /*for(unsigned int i;i<currvst.size();i++){

   cout<<endl<<"------- (2) assignment of probability --------- \n";
   int check_flat[ene_prob.size()];
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<ene_prob.size();i++){
      check_flat[i] = 0; //initializing by zero
   int iii=0;
   for(int ii=0;ii<frame;ii++){ 
      int flag_1 = 0;
      unsigned int jj = 0;
      int vstnum = currvst[int(ii/20)];
      //cout<<int(ii/20)<<" "<<vstnum<<endl;
      if( pote[ii] < ttplimit[2*vstnum-2] || pote[ii]>=ttplimit[2*vstnum-1] ){
         prob2.push_back( 0 );
         outlier ++ ;
      else if( pote[ii] < ene_prob[0] || pote[ii] >= ene_prob[ene_prob.size() - 1]){ 
         prob2.push_back( 0 );
	 outlier ++ ;
         if( pote[ii] < ene_prob[jj] ){
	    prob2.push_back( prob[jj] );
            if( vstnum == 1 || vstnum == vst ){
              check_flat[jj] ++ ;
	    check_flat[jj] ++ ;
            flag_1 = 1;
            //if(  jj==ene_prob.size() ){
      //if( pote[ii] >= ene_prob[ene_prob.size() - 1]){
            //if( flag_1 == 0 ){
         //cout<<"WARNING: pote["<<ii<<"] = "<<pote[ii]<<endl;
	 //prob2.push_back( prob[ jj - 1 ] );
	 //check_flat[jj - 1 ] ++ ;
   if( prob2.size() != frame ){
      cout<<"ERROR: assignment of probability failed \n";
      cout<<"num of assigned = "<<prob2.size()<<endl;
      cout<<"num of structures = "<<frame<<endl;
      return 1;
      cout<<"assignment of probability was ended successfully"<<endl;
      cout<<"num of outliers = "<<outlier<<endl;

  string outcheck = inp1.read("OUTCHECK").c_str() ;
  if( outcheck != "NO" ){
     ofstream ofs2; //check_flat
     //ofs2.open( inp1.read("OUTCHECK").c_str() );
     ofs2.open( outcheck.c_str() );
     for(unsigned int i = 0;i<ene_prob.size();i++){
        ofs2<<ene_prob[i]<<"    "<<check_flat[i]<<"\n";
  cout<<endl<<outcheck<<" was output successfully"<<endl;
} // end of goto flag_noprob 
   if(inprob == "NO"){
      for(int ii=0;ii<frame;ii++){
  ofstream ofs1;
  ofs1.open( inp1.read("OUTPROB").c_str() );
  for(unsigned int i = 0;i<prob2.size();i++){

/* (7) PMF calculation
 * */
   cout<<endl<<"REPORT> (7) PMF calculation \n";
   float dcbound1 = atof( inp1.read("DCBOUND1").c_str() );
   float dcbound2 = atof( inp1.read("DCBOUND2").c_str() );

   //string pmfcalculation  = inp1.read("PMFCALCULATION");
   string pmfcalculation  = "YES";
   if( pmfcalculation == "YES" ){

   double length_bin = atof(inp1.read("BINSIZE").c_str());
   float emin = atof(inp1.read("MINCOORD").c_str());
   float temperature = atof(inp1.read("TEMPERATURE").c_str());
   int num_bin = atoi(inp1.read("NUMBIN").c_str());
   cout<<"Range: "<<emin<<" to "<<emin+length_bin*num_bin<<endl;
   cout<<"Num of Partitions = NUMBIN*NUMBIN = "<<num_bin*num_bin<<endl;

   //float pmf[num_bin][num_bin];
   double pmf[num_bin][num_bin];
   //long double pmf[num_bin][num_bin];
   for(int i=0;i<num_bin;i++){  //initialize array
      for(int j=0;j<num_bin;j++){
         pmf[j][i] = 0;
   int count_pmf = 0; long double normcons = 0;
   int count_valid = 0;
   for(unsigned int n=0;n<frame;n++){ //count
      int flag_2 = 0;
      for(int i=0;i<num_bin;i++){
         bool flag_3 = false;
         for(int j=0;j<num_bin;j++){
            if(c1[n] >= emin + length_bin * j 
 	    && c1[n] <  emin + length_bin * (j + 1) 
	    && c2[n] >= emin + length_bin * i
	    && c2[n] <  emin + length_bin * (i + 1)     ){
	       //pmf[j][i] ++ ;
	       if( prob2[n] > 0 ){
	          count_valid ++ ;
	       if( pote[n] < dcbound1 || pote[n] > dcbound2 ){
	         pmf[j][i] = pmf[j][i] + prob2[n]*2 ; //counting by probability
	         normcons = normcons + prob2[n]*2; //normalization constant
	         pmf[j][i] = pmf[j][i] + prob2[n] ; //counting by probability
	         normcons = normcons + prob2[n]; //normalization constant
	       count_pmf ++ ; //counting 1 by 1
	       //goto NEXT_PMF;
               flag_3 = true;
               flag_2 = 1;
         if( flag_3 ) break;
      if( flag_2 == 0 ){
         cout<<"WARNING: structure "<<n<<" was not assigned into any bin of pmf\n";
         cout<<"c1[n] = "<<c1[n]<<", c2[n] = "<<c2[n]<<endl;

   cout<<"Normaliztion constant = "<<normcons<<endl;
   cout<<"The number of data whose probability is larger than zero = "<<count_valid<<endl;

   cout<<"count_pmf / frame = "<<count_pmf<<" / "<<frame<<endl;
   if( count_pmf != (int)frame )cout<<"WARNING: count_pmf != frame; "<<count_pmf<<" != "<<frame<<endl;
   double min_pmf = 999999, max_pmf = -999999; 
   for(int i=0;i<num_bin;i++){ //normalization
      for(int j=0;j<num_bin;j++){
         //pmf[j][i] = pmf[j][i] / frame;
         pmf[j][i] = pmf[j][i] / normcons;
         if( pmf[j][i] <= min_pmf ){
            min_pmf = pmf[j][i];
         if( pmf[j][i] >= max_pmf ){
            max_pmf = pmf[j][i];
   cout<<"Maximum Probability = "<<max_pmf<<endl;
   cout<<"Minimum Probability = "<<min_pmf<<endl;

   //double const_boltz = 1.380658e-23, pmf_temp = 300;
   min_pmf = 999999, max_pmf = -999999; 
   int min_pmf_n[2]; double min_pmf_c[2];
   min_pmf_n[0] = 0; min_pmf_n[1] = 0;
   int max_pmf_n[2]; double max_pmf_c[2];
   max_pmf_n[0] = 0; max_pmf_n[1] = 0;
   for(int i=0;i<num_bin;i++){ //PMF calculation
      for(int j=0;j<num_bin;j++){
         if( pmf[j][i] == 0 ){
	    //pmf[j][i] = 100;  
         pmf[j][i] = -1 * BOLTZMAN_CONST * temperature * log( pmf[j][i] );
         if( pmf[j][i] < min_pmf ){
            min_pmf = pmf[j][i];
            min_pmf_n[0] = j; min_pmf_n[1] = i;
         if( pmf[j][i] > max_pmf ){
            max_pmf = pmf[j][i];
            max_pmf_n[0] = j; max_pmf_n[1] = i;
            //cout<<"DEBUG> max_pmf = "<<max_pmf<<", max_pmf_n[0], max_pmf_n[1] = "<<max_pmf_n[0]<<", "<<max_pmf_n[1]<<endl;
   /*min_pmf_c[0] = emin + min_pmf_n[0] * length_bin + length_bin / 2;
   min_pmf_c[1] = emin + min_pmf_n[1] * length_bin + length_bin / 2;
   max_pmf_c[0] = emin + max_pmf_n[0] * length_bin + length_bin / 2;
   max_pmf_c[1] = emin + max_pmf_n[1] * length_bin + length_bin / 2;*/
   min_pmf_c[0] = emin + min_pmf_n[0] * length_bin ;
   min_pmf_c[1] = emin + min_pmf_n[1] * length_bin ;
   max_pmf_c[0] = emin + max_pmf_n[0] * length_bin ;
   max_pmf_c[1] = emin + max_pmf_n[1] * length_bin ;
   cout<<"Maximum PMF = "<<max_pmf-min_pmf<<" (J/mol) = "<<(max_pmf-min_pmf)/JOULE_CALORIE/1000<<" (kcal/mol)\n";
   cout<<"Minimum PMF = "<<min_pmf-min_pmf<<" (J/mol) = "<<(min_pmf-min_pmf)/JOULE_CALORIE/1000<<" (kcal/mol)\n";
   cout<<"(c1, c2) of Maximum PMF = ("<<max_pmf_c[0]<<", "<<max_pmf_c[1]<<")\n"; 
   cout<<"(c1, c2) of Minimum PMF = ("<<min_pmf_c[0]<<", "<<min_pmf_c[1]<<")\n"; 
   FILE *fout;
   string outpmf = inp1.read("OUTPMF");
   if((fout = fopen( outpmf.c_str(),"w" )) == NULL ){
      printf("cannot open output file: %s\n", outpmf.c_str() );
      return 1;
   //for R format
   /*for(int i=0;i<num_bin;i++){
     fprintf(fout,"%12.3f  ", emin+ length_bin * i);
   for(int i=0;i<num_bin;i++){
     fprintf(fout,"%12.3f  ",emin+ length_bin * i);
     for(int j=0;j<num_bin;j++){
         if( pmf[j][i] == 0L ){
         fprintf(fout,"%12.3f  ", 1000.0 );
         fprintf(fout,"%12.3f  ", (pmf[j][i] - min_pmf) / JOULE_CALORIE /1000L );

   //for gnuplot format
   for(int i=0;i<num_bin;i++){
      for(int j=0;j<num_bin;j++){
         if( pmf[j][i] == 0L ){
         fprintf(fout,"%12.3f%12.3f%12.3f \n", emin + length_bin * j , emin + length_bin * i , 1000.0 );
         fprintf(fout,"%12.3f%12.3f%12.3lf \n", emin + length_bin * j , emin + length_bin * i , (pmf[j][i] - min_pmf) / JOULE_CALORIE /1000L );
   fclose( fout );
   cout<<"output "<<outpmf<<endl;

/*  structure list
   cout<<"\n\nWrite structure-number of minimum PMF bin \n";
   for(unsigned int n=0;n<frame;n++){ //count
            /*if(c1[n] >  min_pmf_c[0] - length_bin / 2 
 	    && c1[n] <= min_pmf_c[0] + length_bin / 2 
	    && c2[n] >  min_pmf_c[1] - length_bin / 2
	    && c2[n] <= min_pmf_c[1] + length_bin / 2    ){*/
            if(c1[n] >  min_pmf_c[0]  
 	    && c1[n] <= min_pmf_c[0] + length_bin 
	    && c2[n] >  min_pmf_c[1] 
	    && c2[n] <= min_pmf_c[1] + length_bin
	    && prob2[n] > 0                       ){
	       cout<<n+1<<"   "<<pote[n]<<"   "<<prob2[n]<<endl;

// END
   cout<<"\n\nit took "<<(float)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<" sec of CPU to execute this program"<<endl;
   return 0;
        return 0;
예제 #3
int main() {

        ranges::detail::reverse_cursor<bidirectional_iterator<const char *>>>{},
        ranges::detail::reverse_cursor<random_access_iterator<const char *>>>{},
        ranges::detail::reverse_cursor<random_access_iterator<const char *>>>{},
            ranges::reverse_iterator<bidirectional_iterator<const char *>>>{},
            ranges::reverse_iterator<random_access_iterator<const char *>>>{},
  { // test
    test<bidirectional_iterator<const char *>>();
    test<random_access_iterator<char *>>();
    test<char *>();
    test<const char *>();
  { // test 2
    const char s[] = "123";
    test2(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s));
    test2(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s));
  { // test3
    Derived d;
    test3<bidirectional_iterator<Base *>>(
        bidirectional_iterator<Derived *>(&d));
    test3<random_access_iterator<const Base *>>(
        random_access_iterator<Derived *>(&d));
  { // test4
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    random_access_iterator<const char *> b(s);
    random_access_iterator<const char *> e(s + 10);
    while (b != e)
  { // test5
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test5(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s),
          bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s), false);
    test5(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s),
          bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), true);
    test5(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
          random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), false);
    test5(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
          random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), true);
    test5(s, s, false);
    test5(s, s + 1, true);
    const char *s = "123";
    test6(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
          bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s));
    test6(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
          random_access_iterator<const char *>(s));
    test6(s + 1, s);
    const char *s = "123";
    test7(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
          bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s));
    test7(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
          random_access_iterator<const char *>(s));
    test7(s + 1, s);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test8(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 5), 5,
          random_access_iterator<const char *>(s));
    test8(s + 5, 5, s);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test9(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 5), 5,
          random_access_iterator<const char *>(s));
    test9(s + 5, 5, s);
    const char *s = "123";
    test10(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
           bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 2));
    test10(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 2));
    test10(s + 1, s + 2);
    const char *s = "123";
    test11(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
           bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 2));
    test11(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 2));
    test11(s + 1, s + 2);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test12(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 5), 5,
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 10));
    test12(s + 5, 5, s + 10);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test13(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 5), 5,
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 10));
    test13(s + 5, 5, s + 10);
    A a;
    test14(&a + 1, A());
    Derived d;

    test15<bidirectional_iterator<Base *>>(
        bidirectional_iterator<Derived *>(&d));
    test15<random_access_iterator<const Base *>>(
        random_access_iterator<Derived *>(&d));
    test15<Base *>(&d);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test16(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s),
           bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s), true);
    test16(bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s),
           bidirectional_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), false);
    test16(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), true);
    test16(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), false);
    test16(s, s, true);
    test16(s, s + 1, false);
    char s[3] = {0};
    test17(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<char *>(s), 0);
    random_access_iterator<char *> inp1(s);
    test17(random_access_iterator<char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), 1);
    test17(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
           random_access_iterator<char *>(s), -1);
    test17(s, s, 0);
    test17(s, s + 1, 1);
    test17(s + 1, s, -1);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test18(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), false);
    test18(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), true);
    test18(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), false);
    test18(s, s, false);
    test18(s, s + 1, true);
    test18(s + 1, s, false);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test19(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), true);
    test19(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), true);
    test19(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
           random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), false);
    test19(s, s, true);
    test19(s, s + 1, true);
    test19(s + 1, s, false);
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test20(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 5), 4, '1');
    test20(s + 5, 4, '1');
    const char *s = "1234567890";
    test21(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
         random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), false);
    test21(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s),
         random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1), false);
    test21(random_access_iterator<const char *>(s + 1),
         random_access_iterator<const char *>(s), true);
    test21(s, s, false);
    test21(s, s + 1, false);
    test21(s + 1, s, true);
      const char* s = "1234567890";
      test22(random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), false);
      test22(random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), random_access_iterator<const char*>(s+1), false);
      test22(random_access_iterator<const char*>(s+1), random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), true);
      test22(s, s, false);
      test22(s, s+1, false);
      test22(s+1, s, true);
      const char* s = "1234567890";
      test23(random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), true);
      test23(random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), random_access_iterator<const char*>(s+1), false);
      test23(random_access_iterator<const char*>(s+1), random_access_iterator<const char*>(s), true);
      test23(s, s, true);
      test23(s, s+1, false);
      test23(s+1, s, true);
      B a;
      test24(&a+1, B());
      C l[3] = {C(0), C(1), C(2)};

      auto ri = ranges::rbegin(l);
      CHECK ( (*ri).get() == 2 );  ++ri;
      CHECK ( (*ri).get() == 1 );  ++ri;
      CHECK ( (*ri).get() == 0 );  ++ri;
      CHECK ( ri == ranges::rend(l));
      const char* s = "1234567890";
      test25(random_access_iterator<const char*>(s+5), 5, random_access_iterator<const char*>(s));
      test25(s+5, 5, s);

  return test_result();