t_mdebin *init_mdebin(ener_file_t fp_ene, const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, const t_inputrec *ir, FILE *fp_dhdl) { const char *ener_nm[F_NRE]; static const char *vir_nm[] = { "Vir-XX", "Vir-XY", "Vir-XZ", "Vir-YX", "Vir-YY", "Vir-YZ", "Vir-ZX", "Vir-ZY", "Vir-ZZ" }; static const char *sv_nm[] = { "ShakeVir-XX", "ShakeVir-XY", "ShakeVir-XZ", "ShakeVir-YX", "ShakeVir-YY", "ShakeVir-YZ", "ShakeVir-ZX", "ShakeVir-ZY", "ShakeVir-ZZ" }; static const char *fv_nm[] = { "ForceVir-XX", "ForceVir-XY", "ForceVir-XZ", "ForceVir-YX", "ForceVir-YY", "ForceVir-YZ", "ForceVir-ZX", "ForceVir-ZY", "ForceVir-ZZ" }; static const char *pres_nm[] = { "Pres-XX", "Pres-XY", "Pres-XZ", "Pres-YX", "Pres-YY", "Pres-YZ", "Pres-ZX", "Pres-ZY", "Pres-ZZ" }; static const char *surft_nm[] = { "#Surf*SurfTen" }; static const char *mu_nm[] = { "Mu-X", "Mu-Y", "Mu-Z" }; static const char *vcos_nm[] = { "2CosZ*Vel-X" }; static const char *visc_nm[] = { "1/Viscosity" }; static const char *baro_nm[] = { "Barostat" }; char **grpnms; const gmx_groups_t *groups; char **gnm; char buf[256]; const char *bufi; t_mdebin *md; int i, j, ni, nj, n, k, kk, ncon, nset; gmx_bool bBHAM, b14; snew(md, 1); if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI)) { md->delta_t = ir->delta_t; } else { md->delta_t = 0; } groups = &mtop->groups; bBHAM = (mtop->ffparams.functype[0] == F_BHAM); b14 = (gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_LJ14) > 0 || gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_LJC14_Q) > 0); ncon = gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_CONSTR); nset = gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_SETTLE); md->bConstr = (ncon > 0 || nset > 0); md->bConstrVir = FALSE; if (md->bConstr) { if (ncon > 0 && ir->eConstrAlg == econtLINCS) { md->nCrmsd = 1; } md->bConstrVir = (getenv("GMX_CONSTRAINTVIR") != NULL); } else { md->nCrmsd = 0; } /* Energy monitoring */ for (i = 0; i < egNR; i++) { md->bEInd[i] = FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < F_NRE; i++) { md->bEner[i] = FALSE; if (i == F_LJ) { md->bEner[i] = !bBHAM; } else if (i == F_BHAM) { md->bEner[i] = bBHAM; } else if (i == F_EQM) { md->bEner[i] = ir->bQMMM; } else if (i == F_RF_EXCL) { md->bEner[i] = (EEL_RF(ir->coulombtype) && ir->cutoff_scheme == ecutsGROUP); } else if (i == F_COUL_RECIP) { md->bEner[i] = EEL_FULL(ir->coulombtype); } else if (i == F_LJ_RECIP) { md->bEner[i] = EVDW_PME(ir->vdwtype); } else if (i == F_LJ14) { md->bEner[i] = b14; } else if (i == F_COUL14) { md->bEner[i] = b14; } else if (i == F_LJC14_Q || i == F_LJC_PAIRS_NB) { md->bEner[i] = FALSE; } else if ((i == F_DVDL_COUL && ir->fepvals->separate_dvdl[efptCOUL]) || (i == F_DVDL_VDW && ir->fepvals->separate_dvdl[efptVDW]) || (i == F_DVDL_BONDED && ir->fepvals->separate_dvdl[efptBONDED]) || (i == F_DVDL_RESTRAINT && ir->fepvals->separate_dvdl[efptRESTRAINT]) || (i == F_DKDL && ir->fepvals->separate_dvdl[efptMASS]) || (i == F_DVDL && ir->fepvals->separate_dvdl[efptFEP])) { md->bEner[i] = (ir->efep != efepNO); } else if ((interaction_function[i].flags & IF_VSITE) || (i == F_CONSTR) || (i == F_CONSTRNC) || (i == F_SETTLE)) { md->bEner[i] = FALSE; } else if ((i == F_COUL_SR) || (i == F_EPOT) || (i == F_PRES) || (i == F_EQM)) { md->bEner[i] = TRUE; } else if ((i == F_GBPOL) && ir->implicit_solvent == eisGBSA) { md->bEner[i] = TRUE; } else if ((i == F_NPSOLVATION) && ir->implicit_solvent == eisGBSA && (ir->sa_algorithm != esaNO)) { md->bEner[i] = TRUE; } else if ((i == F_GB12) || (i == F_GB13) || (i == F_GB14)) { md->bEner[i] = FALSE; } else if ((i == F_ETOT) || (i == F_EKIN) || (i == F_TEMP)) { md->bEner[i] = EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI); } else if (i == F_DISPCORR || i == F_PDISPCORR) { md->bEner[i] = (ir->eDispCorr != edispcNO); } else if (i == F_DISRESVIOL) { md->bEner[i] = (gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_DISRES) > 0); } else if (i == F_ORIRESDEV) { md->bEner[i] = (gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_ORIRES) > 0); } else if (i == F_CONNBONDS) { md->bEner[i] = FALSE; } else if (i == F_COM_PULL) { md->bEner[i] = (ir->bPull && pull_have_potential(ir->pull_work)); } else if (i == F_ECONSERVED) { md->bEner[i] = ((ir->etc == etcNOSEHOOVER || ir->etc == etcVRESCALE) && (ir->epc == epcNO || ir->epc == epcMTTK)); } else { md->bEner[i] = (gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, i) > 0); } } md->f_nre = 0; for (i = 0; i < F_NRE; i++) { if (md->bEner[i]) { ener_nm[md->f_nre] = interaction_function[i].longname; md->f_nre++; } } md->epc = ir->epc; md->bDiagPres = !TRICLINIC(ir->ref_p); md->ref_p = (ir->ref_p[XX][XX]+ir->ref_p[YY][YY]+ir->ref_p[ZZ][ZZ])/DIM; md->bTricl = TRICLINIC(ir->compress) || TRICLINIC(ir->deform); md->bDynBox = inputrecDynamicBox(ir); md->etc = ir->etc; md->bNHC_trotter = inputrecNvtTrotter(ir); md->bPrintNHChains = ir->bPrintNHChains; md->bMTTK = (inputrecNptTrotter(ir) || inputrecNphTrotter(ir)); md->bMu = inputrecNeedMutot(ir); md->ebin = mk_ebin(); /* Pass NULL for unit to let get_ebin_space determine the units * for interaction_function[i].longname */ md->ie = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->f_nre, ener_nm, NULL); if (md->nCrmsd) { /* This should be called directly after the call for md->ie, * such that md->iconrmsd follows directly in the list. */ md->iconrmsd = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->nCrmsd, conrmsd_nm, ""); } if (md->bDynBox) { md->ib = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->bTricl ? NTRICLBOXS : NBOXS, md->bTricl ? tricl_boxs_nm : boxs_nm, unit_length); md->ivol = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, 1, vol_nm, unit_volume); md->idens = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, 1, dens_nm, unit_density_SI); if (md->bDiagPres) { md->ipv = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, 1, pv_nm, unit_energy); md->ienthalpy = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, 1, enthalpy_nm, unit_energy); } } if (md->bConstrVir) { md->isvir = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(sv_nm), sv_nm, unit_energy); md->ifvir = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(fv_nm), fv_nm, unit_energy); } md->ivir = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(vir_nm), vir_nm, unit_energy); md->ipres = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(pres_nm), pres_nm, unit_pres_bar); md->isurft = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(surft_nm), surft_nm, unit_surft_bar); if (md->epc == epcPARRINELLORAHMAN || md->epc == epcMTTK) { md->ipc = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->bTricl ? 6 : 3, boxvel_nm, unit_vel); } if (md->bMu) { md->imu = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(mu_nm), mu_nm, unit_dipole_D); } if (ir->cos_accel != 0) { md->ivcos = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(vcos_nm), vcos_nm, unit_vel); md->ivisc = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, asize(visc_nm), visc_nm, unit_invvisc_SI); } /* Energy monitoring */ for (i = 0; i < egNR; i++) { md->bEInd[i] = FALSE; } md->bEInd[egCOULSR] = TRUE; md->bEInd[egLJSR ] = TRUE; if (bBHAM) { md->bEInd[egLJSR] = FALSE; md->bEInd[egBHAMSR] = TRUE; } if (b14) { md->bEInd[egLJ14] = TRUE; md->bEInd[egCOUL14] = TRUE; } md->nEc = 0; for (i = 0; (i < egNR); i++) { if (md->bEInd[i]) { md->nEc++; } } n = groups->grps[egcENER].nr; md->nEg = n; md->nE = (n*(n+1))/2; snew(md->igrp, md->nE); if (md->nE > 1) { n = 0; snew(gnm, md->nEc); for (k = 0; (k < md->nEc); k++) { snew(gnm[k], STRLEN); } for (i = 0; (i < groups->grps[egcENER].nr); i++) { ni = groups->grps[egcENER].nm_ind[i]; for (j = i; (j < groups->grps[egcENER].nr); j++) { nj = groups->grps[egcENER].nm_ind[j]; for (k = kk = 0; (k < egNR); k++) { if (md->bEInd[k]) { sprintf(gnm[kk], "%s:%s-%s", egrp_nm[k], *(groups->grpname[ni]), *(groups->grpname[nj])); kk++; } } md->igrp[n] = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->nEc, (const char **)gnm, unit_energy); n++; } } for (k = 0; (k < md->nEc); k++) { sfree(gnm[k]); } sfree(gnm); if (n != md->nE) { gmx_incons("Number of energy terms wrong"); } } md->nTC = groups->grps[egcTC].nr; md->nNHC = ir->opts.nhchainlength; /* shorthand for number of NH chains */ if (md->bMTTK) { md->nTCP = 1; /* assume only one possible coupling system for barostat for now */ } else { md->nTCP = 0; } if (md->etc == etcNOSEHOOVER) { if (md->bNHC_trotter) { md->mde_n = 2*md->nNHC*md->nTC; } else { md->mde_n = 2*md->nTC; } if (md->epc == epcMTTK) { md->mdeb_n = 2*md->nNHC*md->nTCP; } } else { md->mde_n = md->nTC; md->mdeb_n = 0; } snew(md->tmp_r, md->mde_n); snew(md->tmp_v, md->mde_n); snew(md->grpnms, md->mde_n); grpnms = md->grpnms; for (i = 0; (i < md->nTC); i++) { ni = groups->grps[egcTC].nm_ind[i]; sprintf(buf, "T-%s", *(groups->grpname[ni])); grpnms[i] = gmx_strdup(buf); } md->itemp = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->nTC, (const char **)grpnms, unit_temp_K); if (md->etc == etcNOSEHOOVER) { if (md->bPrintNHChains) { if (md->bNHC_trotter) { for (i = 0; (i < md->nTC); i++) { ni = groups->grps[egcTC].nm_ind[i]; bufi = *(groups->grpname[ni]); for (j = 0; (j < md->nNHC); j++) { sprintf(buf, "Xi-%d-%s", j, bufi); grpnms[2*(i*md->nNHC+j)] = gmx_strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "vXi-%d-%s", j, bufi); grpnms[2*(i*md->nNHC+j)+1] = gmx_strdup(buf); } } md->itc = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->mde_n, (const char **)grpnms, unit_invtime); if (md->bMTTK) { for (i = 0; (i < md->nTCP); i++) { bufi = baro_nm[0]; /* All barostat DOF's together for now. */ for (j = 0; (j < md->nNHC); j++) { sprintf(buf, "Xi-%d-%s", j, bufi); grpnms[2*(i*md->nNHC+j)] = gmx_strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "vXi-%d-%s", j, bufi); grpnms[2*(i*md->nNHC+j)+1] = gmx_strdup(buf); } } md->itcb = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->mdeb_n, (const char **)grpnms, unit_invtime); } } else { for (i = 0; (i < md->nTC); i++) { ni = groups->grps[egcTC].nm_ind[i]; bufi = *(groups->grpname[ni]); sprintf(buf, "Xi-%s", bufi); grpnms[2*i] = gmx_strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "vXi-%s", bufi); grpnms[2*i+1] = gmx_strdup(buf); } md->itc = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->mde_n, (const char **)grpnms, unit_invtime); } } } else if (md->etc == etcBERENDSEN || md->etc == etcYES || md->etc == etcVRESCALE) { for (i = 0; (i < md->nTC); i++) { ni = groups->grps[egcTC].nm_ind[i]; sprintf(buf, "Lamb-%s", *(groups->grpname[ni])); grpnms[i] = gmx_strdup(buf); } md->itc = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, md->mde_n, (const char **)grpnms, ""); } sfree(grpnms); md->nU = groups->grps[egcACC].nr; if (md->nU > 1) { snew(grpnms, 3*md->nU); for (i = 0; (i < md->nU); i++) { ni = groups->grps[egcACC].nm_ind[i]; sprintf(buf, "Ux-%s", *(groups->grpname[ni])); grpnms[3*i+XX] = gmx_strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "Uy-%s", *(groups->grpname[ni])); grpnms[3*i+YY] = gmx_strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "Uz-%s", *(groups->grpname[ni])); grpnms[3*i+ZZ] = gmx_strdup(buf); } md->iu = get_ebin_space(md->ebin, 3*md->nU, (const char **)grpnms, unit_vel); sfree(grpnms); } if (fp_ene) { do_enxnms(fp_ene, &md->ebin->nener, &md->ebin->enm); } md->print_grpnms = NULL; /* check whether we're going to write dh histograms */ md->dhc = NULL; if (ir->fepvals->separate_dhdl_file == esepdhdlfileNO) { /* Currently dh histograms are only written with dynamics */ if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI)) { snew(md->dhc, 1); mde_delta_h_coll_init(md->dhc, ir); } md->fp_dhdl = NULL; snew(md->dE, ir->fepvals->n_lambda); } else { md->fp_dhdl = fp_dhdl; snew(md->dE, ir->fepvals->n_lambda); } if (ir->bSimTemp) { int i; snew(md->temperatures, ir->fepvals->n_lambda); for (i = 0; i < ir->fepvals->n_lambda; i++) { md->temperatures[i] = ir->simtempvals->temperatures[i]; } } return md; }
void set_state_entries(t_state *state, const t_inputrec *ir) { /* The entries in the state in the tpx file might not correspond * with what is needed, so we correct this here. */ state->flags = 0; if (ir->efep != efepNO || ir->bExpanded) { state->flags |= (1<<estLAMBDA); state->flags |= (1<<estFEPSTATE); } state->flags |= (1<<estX); if (state->lambda == NULL) { snew(state->lambda, efptNR); } if (state->x == NULL) { /* We need to allocate one element extra, since we might use * (unaligned) 4-wide SIMD loads to access rvec entries. */ snew(state->x, state->nalloc + 1); } if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI)) { state->flags |= (1<<estV); if (state->v == NULL) { snew(state->v, state->nalloc + 1); } } if (ir->eI == eiCG) { state->flags |= (1<<estCGP); if (state->cg_p == NULL) { /* cg_p is not stored in the tpx file, so we need to allocate it */ snew(state->cg_p, state->nalloc + 1); } } state->nnhpres = 0; if (ir->ePBC != epbcNONE) { state->flags |= (1<<estBOX); if (inputrecPreserveShape(ir)) { state->flags |= (1<<estBOX_REL); } if ((ir->epc == epcPARRINELLORAHMAN) || (ir->epc == epcMTTK)) { state->flags |= (1<<estBOXV); } if (ir->epc != epcNO) { if (inputrecNptTrotter(ir) || (inputrecNphTrotter(ir))) { state->nnhpres = 1; state->flags |= (1<<estNHPRES_XI); state->flags |= (1<<estNHPRES_VXI); state->flags |= (1<<estSVIR_PREV); state->flags |= (1<<estFVIR_PREV); state->flags |= (1<<estVETA); state->flags |= (1<<estVOL0); } else { state->flags |= (1<<estPRES_PREV); } } } if (ir->etc == etcNOSEHOOVER) { state->flags |= (1<<estNH_XI); state->flags |= (1<<estNH_VXI); } if (ir->etc == etcVRESCALE) { state->flags |= (1<<estTC_INT); } init_gtc_state(state, state->ngtc, state->nnhpres, ir->opts.nhchainlength); /* allocate the space for nose-hoover chains */ init_ekinstate(&state->ekinstate, ir); snew(state->enerhist, 1); init_energyhistory(state->enerhist); init_df_history(&state->dfhist, ir->fepvals->n_lambda); state->swapstate.eSwapCoords = ir->eSwapCoords; }
void get_enx_state(const char *fn, real t, const gmx_groups_t *groups, t_inputrec *ir, t_state *state) { /* Should match the names in mdebin.c */ static const char *boxvel_nm[] = { "Box-Vel-XX", "Box-Vel-YY", "Box-Vel-ZZ", "Box-Vel-YX", "Box-Vel-ZX", "Box-Vel-ZY" }; static const char *baro_nm[] = { "Barostat" }; int ind0[] = { XX, YY, ZZ, YY, ZZ, ZZ }; int ind1[] = { XX, YY, ZZ, XX, XX, YY }; int nre, nfr, i, j, ni, npcoupl; char buf[STRLEN]; const char *bufi; gmx_enxnm_t *enm = NULL; t_enxframe *fr; ener_file_t in; in = open_enx(fn, "r"); do_enxnms(in, &nre, &enm); snew(fr, 1); nfr = 0; while ((nfr == 0 || fr->t != t) && do_enx(in, fr)) { nfr++; } close_enx(in); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (nfr == 0 || fr->t != t) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Could not find frame with time %f in '%s'", t, fn); } npcoupl = TRICLINIC(ir->compress) ? 6 : 3; if (ir->epc == epcPARRINELLORAHMAN) { clear_mat(state->boxv); for (i = 0; i < npcoupl; i++) { state->boxv[ind0[i]][ind1[i]] = find_energy(boxvel_nm[i], nre, enm, fr); } fprintf(stderr, "\nREAD %d BOX VELOCITIES FROM %s\n\n", npcoupl, fn); } if (ir->etc == etcNOSEHOOVER) { char cns[20]; cns[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < state->ngtc; i++) { ni = groups->grps[egcTC].nm_ind[i]; bufi = *(groups->grpname[ni]); for (j = 0; (j < state->nhchainlength); j++) { if (inputrecNvtTrotter(ir)) { sprintf(cns, "-%d", j); } sprintf(buf, "Xi%s-%s", cns, bufi); state->nosehoover_xi[i] = find_energy(buf, nre, enm, fr); sprintf(buf, "vXi%s-%s", cns, bufi); state->nosehoover_vxi[i] = find_energy(buf, nre, enm, fr); } } fprintf(stderr, "\nREAD %d NOSE-HOOVER Xi chains FROM %s\n\n", state->ngtc, fn); if (inputrecNptTrotter(ir) || inputrecNphTrotter(ir)) { for (i = 0; i < state->nnhpres; i++) { bufi = baro_nm[0]; /* All barostat DOF's together for now */ for (j = 0; (j < state->nhchainlength); j++) { sprintf(buf, "Xi-%d-%s", j, bufi); state->nhpres_xi[i] = find_energy(buf, nre, enm, fr); sprintf(buf, "vXi-%d-%s", j, bufi); state->nhpres_vxi[i] = find_energy(buf, nre, enm, fr); } } fprintf(stderr, "\nREAD %d NOSE-HOOVER BAROSTAT Xi chains FROM %s\n\n", state->nnhpres, fn); } } free_enxnms(nre, enm); free_enxframe(fr); sfree(fr); }
extern int ExpandedEnsembleDynamics(FILE *log, t_inputrec *ir, gmx_enerdata_t *enerd, t_state *state, t_extmass *MassQ, int fep_state, df_history_t *dfhist, gmx_int64_t step, rvec *v, t_mdatoms *mdatoms) /* Note that the state variable is only needed for simulated tempering, not Hamiltonian expanded ensemble. May be able to remove it after integrator refactoring. */ { real *pfep_lamee, *scaled_lamee, *weighted_lamee; double *p_k; int i, nlim, lamnew, totalsamples; real oneovert, maxscaled = 0, maxweighted = 0; t_expanded *expand; t_simtemp *simtemp; gmx_bool bIfReset, bSwitchtoOneOverT, bDoneEquilibrating = FALSE; expand = ir->expandedvals; simtemp = ir->simtempvals; nlim = ir->fepvals->n_lambda; snew(scaled_lamee, nlim); snew(weighted_lamee, nlim); snew(pfep_lamee, nlim); snew(p_k, nlim); /* update the count at the current lambda*/ dfhist->n_at_lam[fep_state]++; /* need to calculate the PV term somewhere, but not needed here? Not until there's a lambda state that's pressure controlled.*/ /* pVTerm = 0; where does this PV term go? for (i=0;i<nlim;i++) { fep_lamee[i] += pVTerm; } */ /* determine the minimum value to avoid overflow. Probably a better way to do this */ /* we don't need to include the pressure term, since the volume is the same between the two. is there some term we are neglecting, however? */ if (ir->efep != efepNO) { for (i = 0; i < nlim; i++) { if (ir->bSimTemp) { /* Note -- this assumes no mass changes, since kinetic energy is not added . . . */ scaled_lamee[i] = (enerd->enerpart_lambda[i+1]-enerd->enerpart_lambda[0])/(simtemp->temperatures[i]*BOLTZ) + enerd->term[F_EPOT]*(1.0/(simtemp->temperatures[i])- 1.0/(simtemp->temperatures[fep_state]))/BOLTZ; } else { scaled_lamee[i] = (enerd->enerpart_lambda[i+1]-enerd->enerpart_lambda[0])/(expand->mc_temp*BOLTZ); /* mc_temp is currently set to the system reft unless otherwise defined */ } /* save these energies for printing, so they don't get overwritten by the next step */ /* they aren't overwritten in the non-free energy case, but we always print with these for simplicity */ } } else { if (ir->bSimTemp) { for (i = 0; i < nlim; i++) { scaled_lamee[i] = enerd->term[F_EPOT]*(1.0/simtemp->temperatures[i] - 1.0/simtemp->temperatures[fep_state])/BOLTZ; } } } for (i = 0; i < nlim; i++) { pfep_lamee[i] = scaled_lamee[i]; weighted_lamee[i] = dfhist->sum_weights[i] - scaled_lamee[i]; if (i == 0) { maxscaled = scaled_lamee[i]; maxweighted = weighted_lamee[i]; } else { if (scaled_lamee[i] > maxscaled) { maxscaled = scaled_lamee[i]; } if (weighted_lamee[i] > maxweighted) { maxweighted = weighted_lamee[i]; } } } for (i = 0; i < nlim; i++) { scaled_lamee[i] -= maxscaled; weighted_lamee[i] -= maxweighted; } /* update weights - we decide whether or not to actually do this inside */ bDoneEquilibrating = UpdateWeights(nlim, expand, dfhist, fep_state, scaled_lamee, weighted_lamee, step); if (bDoneEquilibrating) { if (log) { fprintf(log, "\nStep %d: Weights have equilibrated, using criteria: %s\n", (int)step, elmceq_names[expand->elmceq]); } } lamnew = ChooseNewLambda(nlim, expand, dfhist, fep_state, weighted_lamee, p_k, ir->expandedvals->lmc_seed, step); /* if using simulated tempering, we need to adjust the temperatures */ if (ir->bSimTemp && (lamnew != fep_state)) /* only need to change the temperatures if we change the state */ { int i, j, n, d; real *buf_ngtc; real told; int nstart, nend, gt; snew(buf_ngtc, ir->opts.ngtc); for (i = 0; i < ir->opts.ngtc; i++) { if (ir->opts.ref_t[i] > 0) { told = ir->opts.ref_t[i]; ir->opts.ref_t[i] = simtemp->temperatures[lamnew]; buf_ngtc[i] = std::sqrt(ir->opts.ref_t[i]/told); /* using the buffer as temperature scaling */ } } /* we don't need to manipulate the ekind information, as it isn't due to be reset until the next step anyway */ nstart = 0; nend = mdatoms->homenr; for (n = nstart; n < nend; n++) { gt = 0; if (mdatoms->cTC) { gt = mdatoms->cTC[n]; } for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++) { v[n][d] *= buf_ngtc[gt]; } } if (inputrecNptTrotter(ir) || inputrecNphTrotter(ir) || inputrecNvtTrotter(ir)) { /* we need to recalculate the masses if the temperature has changed */ init_npt_masses(ir, state, MassQ, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < state->nnhpres; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ir->opts.nhchainlength; j++) { state->nhpres_vxi[i+j] *= buf_ngtc[i]; } } for (i = 0; i < ir->opts.ngtc; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ir->opts.nhchainlength; j++) { state->nosehoover_vxi[i+j] *= buf_ngtc[i]; } } } sfree(buf_ngtc); } /* now check on the Wang-Landau updating critera */ if (EWL(expand->elamstats)) { bSwitchtoOneOverT = FALSE; if (expand->bWLoneovert) { totalsamples = 0; for (i = 0; i < nlim; i++) { totalsamples += dfhist->n_at_lam[i]; } oneovert = (1.0*nlim)/totalsamples; /* oneovert has decreasd by a bit since last time, so we actually make sure its within one of this number */ /* switch to 1/t incrementing when wl_delta has decreased at least once, and wl_delta is now less than 1/t */ if ((dfhist->wl_delta <= ((totalsamples)/(totalsamples-1.00001))*oneovert) && (dfhist->wl_delta < expand->init_wl_delta)) { bSwitchtoOneOverT = TRUE; } } if (bSwitchtoOneOverT) { dfhist->wl_delta = oneovert; /* now we reduce by this each time, instead of only at flatness */ } else { bIfReset = CheckHistogramRatios(nlim, dfhist->wl_histo, expand->wl_ratio); if (bIfReset) { for (i = 0; i < nlim; i++) { dfhist->wl_histo[i] = 0; } dfhist->wl_delta *= expand->wl_scale; if (log) { fprintf(log, "\nStep %d: weights are now:", (int)step); for (i = 0; i < nlim; i++) { fprintf(log, " %.5f", dfhist->sum_weights[i]); } fprintf(log, "\n"); } } } } sfree(pfep_lamee); sfree(scaled_lamee); sfree(weighted_lamee); sfree(p_k); return lamnew; }
void set_state_entries(t_state *state, const t_inputrec *ir) { /* The entries in the state in the tpx file might not correspond * with what is needed, so we correct this here. */ state->flags = 0; if (ir->efep != efepNO || ir->bExpanded) { state->flags |= (1<<estLAMBDA); state->flags |= (1<<estFEPSTATE); } state->flags |= (1<<estX); state->lambda.resize(efptNR); GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(state->x.size() >= static_cast<unsigned int>(state->natoms), "We should start a run with an initialized state->x"); if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI)) { state->flags |= (1<<estV); state->v.resize(state->natoms + 1); } if (ir->eI == eiCG) { state->flags |= (1<<estCGP); /* cg_p is not stored in the tpx file, so we need to allocate it */ state->cg_p.resize(state->natoms + 1); } state->nnhpres = 0; if (ir->ePBC != epbcNONE) { state->flags |= (1<<estBOX); if (inputrecPreserveShape(ir)) { state->flags |= (1<<estBOX_REL); } if ((ir->epc == epcPARRINELLORAHMAN) || (ir->epc == epcMTTK)) { state->flags |= (1<<estBOXV); state->flags |= (1<<estPRES_PREV); } if (inputrecNptTrotter(ir) || (inputrecNphTrotter(ir))) { state->nnhpres = 1; state->flags |= (1<<estNHPRES_XI); state->flags |= (1<<estNHPRES_VXI); state->flags |= (1<<estSVIR_PREV); state->flags |= (1<<estFVIR_PREV); state->flags |= (1<<estVETA); state->flags |= (1<<estVOL0); } } if (ir->etc == etcNOSEHOOVER) { state->flags |= (1<<estNH_XI); state->flags |= (1<<estNH_VXI); } if (ir->etc == etcVRESCALE) { state->flags |= (1<<estTC_INT); } init_gtc_state(state, state->ngtc, state->nnhpres, ir->opts.nhchainlength); /* allocate the space for nose-hoover chains */ init_ekinstate(&state->ekinstate, ir); if (ir->bExpanded) { snew(state->dfhist, 1); init_df_history(state->dfhist, ir->fepvals->n_lambda); } if (ir->eSwapCoords != eswapNO) { if (state->swapstate == NULL) { snew(state->swapstate, 1); } state->swapstate->eSwapCoords = ir->eSwapCoords; } }