예제 #1
static int map_nodes_to_face(int_tuple_int_unordered_map_t* node_face_map,
                             int* nodes,
                             int num_nodes,
                             int_array_t* face_node_offsets,
                             int_array_t* face_nodes)
  // Sort the nodes and see if they appear in the node face map.
  int* sorted_nodes = int_tuple_new(num_nodes);
  memcpy(sorted_nodes, nodes, sizeof(int) * num_nodes);
  int_qsort(sorted_nodes, num_nodes);
  int* entry = int_tuple_int_unordered_map_get(node_face_map, sorted_nodes);
  int face_index;
  if (entry == NULL)
    // Add a new face!
    face_index = node_face_map->size;
    int_tuple_int_unordered_map_insert_with_k_dtor(node_face_map, sorted_nodes, face_index, int_tuple_free);

    // Record the face->node connectivity.
    int last_offset = face_node_offsets->data[face_node_offsets->size-1];
    int_array_append(face_node_offsets, last_offset + num_nodes);
    for (int n = 0; n < num_nodes; ++n)
      int_array_append(face_nodes, nodes[n]);
    face_index = *entry;

  return face_index;
예제 #2
///<summary> Processes a request from a service to connect to the given peer. </summary>
void connectServiceToPeer(POLYM_CONNECTION_INFO *service, uint32_t address, uint16_t port, uint8_t protocol)

	// check to see if the peer is already connected
	int peerID = intAddressConnected(address, port, protocol);

	// peer is already connected to this client
	if (peerID != -1) 
		void *connectionPointer = getConnectionFromPeerID(peerID);
		POLYM_CONNECTION_INFO *peer = getInfoFromConnection(connectionPointer);
		// check to see if the peer is already connected to this service
		if (int_array_find(&service->realm_info.service.status.connectedPeers, peerID) > -1)
			// TODO: send PEER_CONNECTION command to service to remind it of the existing peer id it is already associated with

		// if not, add it to the service's list of connected peers and vice versa
		int_array_append(&service->realm_info.service.status.connectedPeers, peerID);
		int_array_append(&peer->realm_info.service.status.connectedPeers, service->connectionID);
		// TODO: send PEER_CONNECTION command to service to inform it that it is now associated with the peer id

		// TODO: initiate new connection

예제 #3
fe_mesh_t* fe_mesh_new(MPI_Comm comm, int num_nodes)
  ASSERT(num_nodes >= 4);
  fe_mesh_t* mesh = polymec_malloc(sizeof(fe_mesh_t));
  mesh->comm = comm;
  mesh->num_nodes = num_nodes;
  mesh->blocks = ptr_array_new();
  mesh->block_names = string_array_new();
  mesh->block_elem_offsets = int_array_new();
  int_array_append(mesh->block_elem_offsets, 0);
  mesh->node_coords = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t) * mesh->num_nodes);
  memset(mesh->node_coords, 0, sizeof(point_t) * mesh->num_nodes);

  mesh->num_faces = 0;
  mesh->face_node_offsets = NULL;
  mesh->face_nodes = NULL;
  mesh->face_edge_offsets = NULL;
  mesh->face_edges = NULL;

  mesh->num_edges = 0;
  mesh->edge_node_offsets = NULL;
  mesh->edge_nodes = NULL;

  mesh->elem_sets = tagger_new();
  mesh->face_sets = tagger_new();
  mesh->edge_sets = tagger_new();
  mesh->node_sets = tagger_new();
  mesh->side_sets = tagger_new();

  return mesh;
예제 #4
neighbor_pairing_t* create_simple_pairing(point_cloud_t* cloud, real_t h)
  point_weight_function_t* W = hat_function_new(h);

  // Toss all the points into a kd-tree.
  kd_tree_t* tree = kd_tree_new(cloud->points, cloud->num_points);

  // Now do a neighbor search -- everything that falls within h of a point 
  // is a neighbor.
  int_array_t* pairs = int_array_new();
  real_array_t* weights = real_array_new();
  for (int i = 0; i < cloud->num_points; ++i)
    point_t* xi = &cloud->points[i];
    int_array_t* neighbors = kd_tree_within_radius(tree, &cloud->points[i], h);
    for (int j = 0; j < neighbors->size; ++j)
      int k = neighbors->data[j];
      if (k > i)
        int_array_append(pairs, i);
        int_array_append(pairs, k);
        point_t* xk = &cloud->points[k];
        vector_t y;
        point_displacement(xk, xi, &y);
        real_array_append(weights, point_weight_function_value(W, &y));

  exchanger_t* ex = exchanger_new(MPI_COMM_SELF);
  neighbor_pairing_t* pairing = neighbor_pairing_new("simple pairing", 
  return pairing;
예제 #5
int str_grid_cell_filler_start(str_grid_cell_filler_t* cell_filler, str_grid_cell_data_t* data)
  ASSERT(str_grid_cell_data_grid(data) == cell_filler->grid);

  // Dream up a new token for ghost fills.
  int token = 0;
  while (int_ptr_unordered_map_contains(cell_filler->tokens, token))

  // Map our token to a list of underlying operation tokens.`
  int_array_t* op_tokens = int_array_new();
  int_ptr_unordered_map_insert_with_v_dtor(cell_filler->tokens, token, op_tokens, DTOR(int_array_free));

  // Begin the ghost fill operations and gather tokens.
  int pos = 0, patch_index;
  ptr_array_t* fillers;
  while (int_ptr_unordered_map_next(cell_filler->patch_fillers, &pos, &patch_index, (void**)&fillers))
    int i, j, k;
    get_patch_indices(cell_filler, patch_index, &i, &j, &k);

    // Go through all the fillers for this patch.
    for (int l = 0; l < fillers->size; ++l)
      str_grid_patch_filler_t* filler = fillers->data[l];
      int op_token = str_grid_patch_filler_start(filler, i, j, k, data);
      ASSERT((op_token >= 0) || (op_token == -1));

      if (op_token != -1) // -1 <-> no finish operation.
        // We stash both the patch index and the op token.
        int_array_append(op_tokens, patch_index);
        int_array_append(op_tokens, op_token);

  return token;
예제 #6
fe_mesh_t* fe_mesh_clone(fe_mesh_t* mesh)
  fe_mesh_t* copy = polymec_malloc(sizeof(fe_mesh_t));
  copy->comm = mesh->comm;
  copy->num_nodes = mesh->num_nodes;
  copy->blocks = ptr_array_new();
  for (int i = 0; i < mesh->blocks->size; ++i)
    copy->blocks->data[i] = fe_block_clone(mesh->blocks->data[i]);
  copy->block_names = string_array_new();
  for (int i = 0; i < mesh->block_names->size; ++i)
    copy->block_names->data[i] = string_dup(mesh->block_names->data[i]);
  copy->block_elem_offsets = int_array_new();
  for (int i = 0; i < mesh->block_elem_offsets->size; ++i)
    int_array_append(copy->block_elem_offsets, mesh->block_elem_offsets->data[i]);
  copy->node_coords = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t) * copy->num_nodes);
  memcpy(copy->node_coords, mesh->node_coords, sizeof(point_t) * copy->num_nodes);
  return copy;
예제 #7
void fe_mesh_add_block(fe_mesh_t* mesh, 
                       const char* name,
                       fe_block_t* block)
  ptr_array_append_with_dtor(mesh->blocks, block, DTOR(fe_block_free));
  string_array_append_with_dtor(mesh->block_names, string_dup(name), string_free);
  int num_block_elements = fe_block_num_elements(block);
  int num_elements = mesh->block_elem_offsets->data[mesh->block_elem_offsets->size-1] + num_block_elements;
  int_array_append(mesh->block_elem_offsets, num_elements);

  // If we are adding a polyhedral block, read off the maximum face and use 
  // that to infer the number of faces in the mesh.
  if (block->elem_faces != NULL)
    int max_face = mesh->num_faces - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < block->elem_face_offsets[num_block_elements]; ++i)
      max_face = MAX(max_face, block->elem_faces[i]);
    mesh->num_faces = max_face + 1;
void create_boundary_generators(ptr_array_t* surface_points, 
                                ptr_array_t* surface_normals, 
                                ptr_array_t* surface_tags,
                                point_t** boundary_generators,
                                int* num_boundary_generators,
                                char*** tag_names,
                                int_array_t*** tags,
                                int* num_tags)
  ASSERT(surface_points->size >= 4); // surface must be closed!
  ASSERT(surface_points->size == surface_normals->size);
  ASSERT(surface_points->size == surface_tags->size);

  int num_surface_points = surface_points->size;

  // Compute the minimum distance from each surface point to its neighbors.
  real_t* h_min = polymec_malloc(sizeof(real_t) * num_surface_points);
    // Dump the surface points into a kd-tree.
    point_t* surf_points = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t) * num_surface_points);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_surface_points; ++i)
      surf_points[i] = *((point_t*)surface_points->data[i]);
    kd_tree_t* tree = kd_tree_new(surf_points, num_surface_points);

    int neighbors[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < num_surface_points; ++i)
      // Find the "nearest 2" points to the ith surface point--the first is 
      // the point itself, and the second is its nearest neighbor.
      // FIXME: Serious memory error within here. We work around it for 
      // FIXME: the moment by freshing the tree pointer, which is 
      // FIXME: corrupted. ICK!
      kd_tree_t* tree_p = tree;
      kd_tree_nearest_n(tree, &surf_points[i], 2, neighbors);
      tree = tree_p;
      ASSERT(neighbors[0] == i);
      ASSERT(neighbors[1] >= 0);
      ASSERT(neighbors[1] < num_surface_points);
      h_min[i] = point_distance(&surf_points[i], &surf_points[neighbors[1]]);

    // Clean up.

  // Generate boundary points for each surface point based on how many 
  // surfaces it belongs to. 
  ptr_array_t* boundary_points = ptr_array_new();
  string_int_unordered_map_t* tag_indices = string_int_unordered_map_new();
  ptr_array_t* boundary_tags = ptr_array_new();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_surface_points; ++i)
    // Add any tags from this point to the set of existing boundary tags.
    string_slist_t* tags = surface_tags->data[i];
    for (string_slist_node_t* t_iter = tags->front; t_iter != NULL; t_iter = t_iter->next)
      string_int_unordered_map_insert(tag_indices, t_iter->value, tag_indices->size);

    // Retrieve the surface point.
    point_t* x_surf = surface_points->data[i];

    // Retrieve the list of normal vectors for this surface point.
    ptr_slist_t* normal_list = surface_normals->data[i];
    int num_normals = normal_list->size;
    vector_t normals[num_normals];
    int n_offset = 0;
    for (ptr_slist_node_t* n_iter = normal_list->front; n_iter != NULL; n_iter = n_iter->next)
      normals[n_offset++] = *((vector_t*)n_iter->value);

    // For now, let's keep things relatively simple.
    if (num_normals > 2)
      polymec_error("create_boundary_generators: Too many normal vectors (%d) for surface point %d at (%g, %g, %g)",
                    num_normals, i, x_surf->x, x_surf->y, x_surf->z);

    // Create boundary points based on this list of normals.
    if (num_normals == 1)
      // This point only belongs to one surface, so we create boundary points 
      // on either side of it.
      point_t* x_out = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t));
      x_out->x = x_surf->x + h_min[i]*normals[0].x;
      x_out->y = x_surf->y + h_min[i]*normals[0].y;
      x_out->z = x_surf->z + h_min[i]*normals[0].z;
      ptr_array_append_with_dtor(boundary_points, x_out, polymec_free);

      point_t* x_in = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t));
      x_in->x = x_surf->x - h_min[i]*normals[0].x;
      x_in->y = x_surf->y - h_min[i]*normals[0].y;
      x_in->z = x_surf->z - h_min[i]*normals[0].z;
      ptr_array_append_with_dtor(boundary_points, x_in, polymec_free);
    else if (num_normals == 2)
      // This point appears at the interface between two surfaces.
      // (Or so it seems.)
      ASSERT(vector_dot(&normals[0], &normals[1]) < 0.0);

      point_t* x1 = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t));
      x1->x = x_surf->x + h_min[i]*normals[0].x;
      x1->y = x_surf->y + h_min[i]*normals[0].y;
      x1->z = x_surf->z + h_min[i]*normals[0].z;
      ptr_array_append_with_dtor(boundary_points, x1, polymec_free);

      point_t* x2 = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t));
      x2->x = x_surf->x - h_min[i]*normals[1].x;
      x2->y = x_surf->y - h_min[i]*normals[1].y;
      x2->z = x_surf->z - h_min[i]*normals[1].z;
      ptr_array_append_with_dtor(boundary_points, x2, polymec_free);

    // Tag the boundary point appropriately.
    ptr_array_append(boundary_tags, tags); // Borrowed ref to tags.

  // Move the surface points into a contiguous array.
  *boundary_generators = polymec_malloc(sizeof(point_t) * boundary_points->size);
  *num_boundary_generators = boundary_points->size;
  for (int i = 0; i < boundary_points->size; ++i)
    (*boundary_generators)[i] = *((point_t*)boundary_points->data[i]);

  // Transcribe the tags.
  *tag_names = polymec_malloc(sizeof(char*) * tag_indices->size);
  *tags = polymec_malloc(sizeof(int_array_t*) * tag_indices->size);
  *num_tags = tag_indices->size;
  char* tag_name;
  int pos = 0, tag_index;
  while (string_int_unordered_map_next(tag_indices, &pos, &tag_name, &tag_index))
    (*tag_names)[tag_index] = string_dup(tag_name);
    (*tags)[tag_index] = int_array_new();
    for (int j = 0; j < *num_boundary_generators; ++j)
      int_array_append((*tags)[tag_index], tag_index);

  // Clean up.
예제 #9
mesh_t* mesh_from_fe_mesh(fe_mesh_t* fe_mesh)
  // Feel out the faces for the finite element mesh. Do we need to create 
  // them ourselves, or are they already all there?
  int num_cells = fe_mesh_num_elements(fe_mesh);
  int num_faces = fe_mesh_num_faces(fe_mesh);
  int* cell_face_offsets = polymec_malloc(sizeof(int) * (num_cells + 1));
  cell_face_offsets[0] = 0;
  int* cell_faces = NULL;
  int* face_node_offsets = NULL;
  int* face_nodes = NULL;
  if (num_faces == 0)
    // Traverse the element blocks and figure out the number of faces per cell.
    int pos = 0, elem_offset = 0;
    char* block_name;
    fe_block_t* block;
    while (fe_mesh_next_block(fe_mesh, &pos, &block_name, &block))
      int num_block_elem = fe_block_num_elements(block);
      fe_mesh_element_t elem_type = fe_block_element_type(block);
      int num_elem_faces = get_num_cell_faces(elem_type);
      for (int i = 0; i < num_block_elem; ++i)
        cell_face_offsets[elem_offset+i+1] = cell_face_offsets[elem_offset+i] + num_elem_faces;
      elem_offset += num_block_elem;

    // Now assemble the faces for each cell.
    int_tuple_int_unordered_map_t* node_face_map = int_tuple_int_unordered_map_new();
    cell_faces = polymec_malloc(sizeof(int) * cell_face_offsets[num_cells]);

    // We build the face->node connectivity data on-the-fly.
    int_array_t* face_node_offsets_array = int_array_new();
    int_array_append(face_node_offsets_array, 0);
    int_array_t* face_nodes_array = int_array_new();

    pos = 0, elem_offset = 0;
    while (fe_mesh_next_block(fe_mesh, &pos, &block_name, &block))
      int num_block_elem = fe_block_num_elements(block);
      fe_mesh_element_t elem_type = fe_block_element_type(block);
      int num_elem_nodes = fe_block_num_element_nodes(block, 0);
      int elem_nodes[num_elem_nodes];
      for (int i = 0; i < num_block_elem; ++i)
        fe_block_get_element_nodes(block, i, elem_nodes);
        int offset = cell_face_offsets[elem_offset+i];
        get_cell_faces(elem_type, elem_nodes, node_face_map, 
                       &cell_faces[offset], face_node_offsets_array,
      elem_offset += num_block_elem;

    // Record the total number of faces and discard the map.
    num_faces = node_face_map->size;

    // Gift the contents of the arrays to our pointers.
    face_node_offsets = face_node_offsets_array->data;
    face_nodes = face_nodes_array->data;
    // Fill in these arrays block by block.
    int pos = 0;
    char* block_name;
    fe_block_t* block;
    int block_cell_offset = 0;
    while (fe_mesh_next_block(fe_mesh, &pos, &block_name, &block))
      int num_block_elem = fe_block_num_elements(block);
      for (int i = 0; i < num_block_elem; ++i)
        cell_face_offsets[block_cell_offset+i] = cell_face_offsets[block_cell_offset+i-1] + block->elem_face_offsets[i];
      block_cell_offset += num_block_elem;

    cell_faces = polymec_malloc(sizeof(int) * cell_face_offsets[num_cells]);
    pos = 0, block_cell_offset = 0;
    while (fe_mesh_next_block(fe_mesh, &pos, &block_name, &block))
      int num_block_elem = fe_block_num_elements(block);
      memcpy(&cell_faces[cell_face_offsets[block_cell_offset]], block->elem_faces, sizeof(int) * block->elem_face_offsets[num_block_elem]);
      block_cell_offset += num_block_elem;

    // We just borrow these from the mesh. Theeenks!
    face_node_offsets = fe_mesh->face_node_offsets;
    face_nodes = fe_mesh->face_nodes;
  ASSERT(cell_faces != NULL);
  ASSERT(face_node_offsets != NULL);
  ASSERT(face_nodes != NULL);

  // Create the finite volume mesh and set up its cell->face and face->node 
  // connectivity.
  int num_ghost_cells = 0; // FIXME!
  mesh_t* mesh = mesh_new(fe_mesh_comm(fe_mesh), 
                          num_cells, num_ghost_cells, 
  memcpy(mesh->cell_face_offsets, cell_face_offsets, sizeof(int) * (mesh->num_cells+1));
  memcpy(mesh->face_node_offsets, face_node_offsets, sizeof(int) * (mesh->num_faces+1));
  memcpy(mesh->cell_faces, cell_faces, sizeof(int) * (mesh->cell_face_offsets[mesh->num_cells]));
  memcpy(mesh->face_nodes, face_nodes, sizeof(int) * (mesh->face_node_offsets[mesh->num_faces]));

  // Set up face->cell connectivity.
  for (int c = 0; c < mesh->num_cells; ++c)
    for (int f = mesh->cell_face_offsets[c]; f < mesh->cell_face_offsets[c+1]; ++f)
      int face = mesh->cell_faces[f];
      if (mesh->face_cells[2*face] == -1)
        mesh->face_cells[2*face] = c;
        mesh->face_cells[2*face+1] = c;

  // Set up face->edge connectivity and edge->node connectivity (if provided).
  if (fe_mesh->face_edges != NULL)
    memcpy(mesh->face_edge_offsets, fe_mesh->face_edge_offsets, sizeof(int) * (mesh->num_faces+1));
    mesh->face_edges = polymec_malloc(sizeof(int) * fe_mesh->face_edge_offsets[mesh->num_faces]);
    memcpy(mesh->face_edges, fe_mesh->face_edges, sizeof(int) * fe_mesh->face_edge_offsets[mesh->num_faces]);
    // Construct edges if we didn't find them.

  // Copy the node positions into place.
  memcpy(mesh->nodes, fe_mesh_node_positions(fe_mesh), sizeof(point_t) * mesh->num_nodes);

  // Calculate geometry.

  // Sets -> tags.
  int pos = 0, *set;
  size_t set_size;
  char* set_name;
  while (fe_mesh_next_element_set(fe_mesh, &pos, &set_name, &set, &set_size))
    int* tag = mesh_create_tag(mesh->cell_tags, set_name, set_size);
    memcpy(tag, set, sizeof(int) * set_size);
  pos = 0;
  while (fe_mesh_next_face_set(fe_mesh, &pos, &set_name, &set, &set_size))
    int* tag = mesh_create_tag(mesh->face_tags, set_name, set_size);
    memcpy(tag, set, sizeof(int) * set_size);
  pos = 0;
  while (fe_mesh_next_edge_set(fe_mesh, &pos, &set_name, &set, &set_size))
    int* tag = mesh_create_tag(mesh->edge_tags, set_name, set_size);
    memcpy(tag, set, sizeof(int) * set_size);
  pos = 0;
  while (fe_mesh_next_node_set(fe_mesh, &pos, &set_name, &set, &set_size))
    int* tag = mesh_create_tag(mesh->node_tags, set_name, set_size);
    memcpy(tag, set, sizeof(int) * set_size);

  // Clean up.
  if (fe_mesh_num_faces(fe_mesh) == 0)

  return mesh;
예제 #10
neighbor_pairing_t* distance_based_neighbor_pairing_new(point_cloud_t* points,
                                                        real_t* R,
                                                        int* num_ghost_points)
  ASSERT(num_ghost_points != NULL);
#ifndef NDEBUG
  for (int i = 0; i < points->num_points; ++i)
    ASSERT(R[i] > 0.0);

  // Stick all the points into a kd-tree so that we can pair them up.
  kd_tree_t* tree = kd_tree_new(points->points, points->num_points);

  // Find the maximum radius of interaction.
  real_t R_max = -FLT_MAX;
  for (int i = 0; i < points->num_points; ++i)
    R_max = MAX(R_max, R[i]);

  // Add ghost points to the kd-tree and fetch an exchanger. This may add 
  // too many ghost points, but hopefully that won't be an issue.
  exchanger_t* ex = kd_tree_find_ghost_points(tree, points->comm, R_max);

  // We'll toss neighbor pairs into this expandable array.
  int_array_t* pair_array = int_array_new();

  for (int i = 0; i < points->num_points; ++i)
    // Find all the neighbors for this point. We only count those 
    // neighbors {j} for which j > i.
    point_t* xi = &points->points[i];
    int_array_t* neighbors = kd_tree_within_radius(tree, xi, R_max);
    for (int k = 0; k < neighbors->size; ++k)
      int j = neighbors->data[k];
      if (j > i)
        real_t D = point_distance(xi, &points->points[j]);
        if (D < MAX(R[i], R[j]))
          int_array_append(pair_array, i);
          int_array_append(pair_array, j);

  // Create a neighbor pairing.
  int num_pairs = pair_array->size/2;
  neighbor_pairing_t* neighbors = 
    unweighted_neighbor_pairing_new("Distance-based point pairs", 
                                    num_pairs, pair_array->data, ex);

  // Set the number of ghost points referred to within the neighbor pairing.
  *num_ghost_points = kd_tree_size(tree) - points->num_points;

  // Clean up.
  int_array_release_data_and_free(pair_array); // Release control of data.

  return neighbors;