예제 #1
/* Lookup all interface information. */
interface_list (struct zebra_vrf *zvrf)
  if (zvrf->vrf_id != VRF_DEFAULT)
      zlog_warn ("interface_list: ignore VRF %u", zvrf->vrf_id);
  interface_list_ioctl (AF_INET);
  interface_list_ioctl (AF_INET6);
  interface_list_ioctl (AF_UNSPEC);
예제 #2
/* Lookup all interface information. */
interface_list ()
  /* Linux can do both proc & ioctl, ioctl is the only way to get
     interface aliases in 2.2 series kernels. */
  interface_list_proc ();
#endif /* HAVE_PROC_NET_DEV */
  interface_list_ioctl ();

  /* After listing is done, get index, address, flags and other
     interface's information. */
  interface_info_ioctl ();

  if_getaddrs ();
#endif /* HAVE_GETIFADDRS */

#if defined(HAVE_IPV6) && defined(HAVE_PROC_NET_IF_INET6)
  /* Linux provides interface's IPv6 address via
     /proc/net/if_inet6. */
  ifaddr_proc_ipv6 ();
#endif /* HAVE_IPV6 && HAVE_PROC_NET_IF_INET6 */
예제 #3
static int s_black_content_of_page( STPageInfo *pstPageInfo )
	int i;
	if( NULL == pstPageInfo )
		return -1;
	fprintf(cgiOut,"	<table>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut,"		<tr>\n"\
					"			<td colspan='3'>\n"\
					"				<table>\n"\
					"					<tr>\n"\
					"						<td>ID:</td>\n"\
					"						<td>\n"\
					"						<select name='plotid' style='width:100%%;height:auto' onchange='on_id_change(this);'>\n");
	instance_parameter *pq = NULL;
	char temp[10] = { 0 };
	for (pq=paraHead1;(NULL != pq);pq=pq->next)
		if (strcmp(plotid, temp) == 0)
			fprintf(cgiOut,"<option value='%s' selected>%s</option>\n",temp,temp);
			fprintf(cgiOut,"<option value='%s'>%s</option>\n",temp,temp);
	fprintf(cgiOut,"						</select>\n" );
	fprintf( cgiOut,"			<script type=text/javascript>\n"\
					"			function on_id_change(obj)\n"
					"			{\n"\
					"				window.location.href='wp_black_list.cgi?UN=%s&plotid='+obj.value;\n"\
					"			}\n",pstPageInfo->encry );
	fprintf( cgiOut, "			</script>\n" );
	fprintf(cgiOut,"						</td>\n"\
					"					</tr>\n");
	fprintf( cgiOut,"<tr>\n"\
					"<select name='plotid' style='width:100%%;height:auto' onchange='on_mode_change(this);'>\n"\
					"<option value=0 selected>Ip</option>"\
					"<option value=1 >Domain</option>"\
	fprintf( cgiOut,"<script type=text/javascript>\n"\
					"function on_mode_change(obj)\n"
	fprintf( cgiOut,"}\n");
	fprintf( cgiOut, "</script>\n  </td>\n	</tr>\n"\
					"					<tr>\n"\
					"						<td>IP Begin:</td>\n"\
					"						<td>\n" );
	fprintf( cgiOut, "<div style='border-width:1px;border-color:#a5acb2;border-style:solid;width:147px;font-size:9pt'>");
	if(pstPageInfo->iUserGroup == 0)
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip1' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip2' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip3' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip4' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip1' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip2' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip3' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='begin_ip4' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
	fprintf( cgiOut, "</div>\n" );		
	fprintf( cgiOut,"				</td>\n"\
					"						<td></td>\n"\
					"					</tr>\n" );
	//ip end
	fprintf( cgiOut,"					<tr>\n"\
					"						<td>IP End:</td>\n"\
					"						<td>\n" );
	fprintf( cgiOut, "<div style='border-width:1px;border-color:#a5acb2;border-style:solid;width:147px;font-size:9pt'>");
	if(pstPageInfo->iUserGroup == 0)
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip1' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip2' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip3' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip4' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" onbeforepaste=mask_c() />",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip1' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip2' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip3' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />.",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
			fprintf( cgiOut, "<input type=text name='end_ip4' maxlength=3 class=a3 onKeyUp=\"mask(this,%s)\" disabled onbeforepaste=mask_c() />",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"ip_error"));
	fprintf( cgiOut, "</div>\n" );		
	fprintf( cgiOut,"				</td>\n"\
					"						<td></td>\n"\
					"					</tr>\n" );	
	// port
	fprintf( cgiOut,"					<tr>\n"\
					"						<td>Port:</td>\n");
	if(pstPageInfo->iUserGroup == 0)
		fprintf( cgiOut,"						<td><input type=text name=port value='' /></td>\n");
		fprintf( cgiOut,"						<td><input type=text name=port disabled value='' /></td>\n");

	fprintf( cgiOut,"					</tr>\n" );	

	fprintf( cgiOut,"					<tr>\n"\
					"						<td>Intf:</td>\n"); 
	 fprintf(cgiOut,"<td><select name=intf>");
    fprintf(cgiOut,"<option value=''></option>");		
	infi  interf;
	interface_list_ioctl (0,&interf);
	char dupinf[20] = {0};
	infi * q ;
	q = interf.next;
			if(NULL != q->next)
			if( !strcmp(q->if_name,"lo") )
				q = q->next;
			if( !strcmp(q->if_name,dupinf) )
				q = q->next;
	        fprintf(cgiOut,"<option value=%s>%s</option>",q->if_name,q->if_name);		
			q = q->next;
						"						 </tr>\n");
	fprintf( cgiOut,"				</table>\n"\
					"			</td>\n"\
				  	"		</tr>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut,"		<tr>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut,"			<td>\n"\
						"				<table frame=below rules=rows border=1 style='border-collapse:collapse;align:left;overflow:visible'>\n" );
#if 1
	fprintf( cgiOut, "					<tr height=30 bgcolor=#eaeff9 id=td1 align=left>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut,"						<td width=150 style=font-size:12px><font id=%s>IP</font></th>\n",search(pstPageInfo->lpublic,"menu_thead"));
	fprintf(cgiOut,"						<td width=20></th>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut,"					</tr>\n");

	int ret=-1; 
	int hansitype;
	int insid;

	RULE_TYPE type;
	struct bw_rules black;
	ret = eag_show_black_list(ccgi_connection, 
	if(ret == 0)
		int num; 
		num = black.curr_num;
		if(num >0 )
			char ipbegin[32];
			char ipend[32];
			char ports[CP_MAX_PORTS_BUFF_LEN]={0};
			char intf[MAX_IF_NAME_LEN]={0};

			for(i = 0 ; i < num ; i++)
			    type =black.rule[i].type;
				if(type == RULE_IPADDR)
	  				fprintf(cgiOut,"					<tr height=25>\n");
	  				fprintf(cgiOut,"						<td style=font-size:12px align=left>%s%s%s%s%s%s%s</td>\n",ipbegin,"-",ipend,":",ports,"   ",intf);
	  				fprintf(cgiOut,"						<td>\n" );
	  				fprintf( cgiOut, "						<script type=text/javascript>\n" );
	  				fprintf( cgiOut, "							var popMenu%d = new popMenu('popMenu%d','%d');\n", i, i,num-i);
	  				fprintf( cgiOut, "							popMenu%d.addItem( new popMenuItem( '%s', 'wp_black_list.cgi?del_opt=%s&UN=%s&plotid=%s&ip_begin=%s&ip_end=%s&ip_port=%s&ip_intf=%s' ) );\n",
	  									i,"delete","delete", pstPageInfo->encry, plotid ,ipbegin,ipend,ports,intf ); 
	  				fprintf( cgiOut, "							popMenu%d.show();\n", i );
	  				fprintf( cgiOut, "						</script>\n" );
	  				fprintf( cgiOut, "						</td>\n");
	  				fprintf(cgiOut,"					</tr>\n");


		fprintf(cgiOut,"				</table>"\
						"			</td>");
		fprintf(cgiOut,"			<td width='50'>&nbsp;</td>\n");

		fprintf( cgiOut, "<td></td>" );
		fprintf(cgiOut,"		</tr>\n"\
						"	</table>\n"); 
	fprintf(cgiOut,"<input type=hidden name=UN value=%s>",pstPageInfo->encry);
	return 0;	
 * load cache data
 * TODO:350:M: Implement dot11ConfigWlanTable cache load
 * @param container container to which items should be inserted
 * @retval MFD_SUCCESS              : success.
 * @retval MFD_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE : Can't access data source
 * @retval MFD_ERROR                : other error.
 *  This function is called to cache the index(es) (and data, optionally)
 *  for the every row in the data set.
 * @remark
 *  While loading the cache, the only important thing is the indexes.
 *  If access to your data is cheap/fast (e.g. you have a pointer to a
 *  structure in memory), it would make sense to update the data here.
 *  If, however, the accessing the data invovles more work (e.g. parsing
 *  some other existing data, or peforming calculations to derive the data),
 *  then you can limit yourself to setting the indexes and saving any
 *  information you will need later. Then use the saved information in
 *  dot11ConfigWlanTable_row_prep() for populating data.
 * @note
 *  If you need consistency between rows (like you want statistics
 *  for each row to be from the same time frame), you should set all
 *  data here.
dot11ConfigWlanTable_cache_load(netsnmp_container *container)
	snmp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "enter dot11ConfigWlanTable_cache_load\n");
    dot11ConfigWlanTable_rowreq_ctx *rowreq_ctx;
    size_t                 count = 0;


    ***             START EXAMPLE CODE              ***
     * open our data file.
    //filep = fopen("/etc/dummy.conf", "r");
    //if(NULL ==  filep) {

    ***              END  EXAMPLE CODE              ***
     * TODO:351:M: |-> Load/update data in the dot11ConfigWlanTable container.
     * loop over your dot11ConfigWlanTable data, allocate a rowreq context,
     * set the index(es) [and data, optionally] and insert into
     * the container.
    infi if_head = { 0 }; 
    interface_list_ioctl(0, &if_head);
	instance_parameter *para_head = NULL, *para_node = NULL;
    list_instance_parameter(&para_head, SNMPD_INSTANCE_MASTER);	
    for(para_node = para_head; NULL != para_node; para_node = para_node->next)
		int ret = 0;
		struct WLAN_INFO *wlan_info = NULL;
		struct WLAN_INFO *wlan_info_show = NULL;
		int i = 0;
		struct ifi *ifi_show = NULL;
		char bind_interface[256]= { 0 };	
		char wlanBindIf[255] = { 0 };
		size_t wlanBindIf_len = 0;
		char rate[20] = { 0 };
		char wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate[255] = { 0 };
		size_t wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len = 0;

        char wlanInterfaceName[32] = { 0 };
		snmp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "enter show_wlan_of_all_cmd\n");
		ret = show_wlan_of_all_cmd(para_node->parameter, para_node->connection,&wlan_info);
		snmp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "exit show_wlan_of_all_cmd,ret=%d\n", ret);
	 	if(ret == 1)
			for(wlan_info_show = wlan_info->wlan_info_list; (NULL != wlan_info_show); wlan_info_show = wlan_info_show->next)
				unsigned long globalwlanID = local_to_global_ID(para_node->parameter, wlan_info_show->Wlanid, WIRELESS_MAX_NUM);
		    ***             START EXAMPLE CODE              ***
		     * get a line (skip blank lines)
		    //do {
		        //if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), filep)) {
		            /* we're done */
		            //filep = NULL;
		    //} while (filep && (line[0] == '\n'));

		     * check for end of data
		    //if(NULL == filep)

		     * parse line into variables
		    ***              END  EXAMPLE CODE              ***

		         * TODO:352:M: |   |-> set indexes in new dot11ConfigWlanTable rowreq context.
		        rowreq_ctx = dot11ConfigWlanTable_allocate_rowreq_ctx();
		        if (NULL == rowreq_ctx) {
		            snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "memory allocation failed\n");		            
		            return MFD_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE;
		        if(MFD_SUCCESS != dot11ConfigWlanTable_indexes_set(rowreq_ctx
		                               , globalwlanID
		               )) {
		            snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"error setting index while loading "
		                     "dot11ConfigWlanTable cache.\n");

		         * TODO:352:r: |   |-> populate dot11ConfigWlanTable data context.
		         * Populate data context here. (optionally, delay until row prep)
		     * TRANSIENT or semi-TRANSIENT data:
		     * copy data or save any info needed to do it in row_prep.
		     * setup/save data for wlanBindSecurity
		     * wlanBindSecurity(1)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(long)//l/A/W/e/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanBindSecurity mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		     * Integer based value can usually just do a direct copy.
		    memcpy(&(rowreq_ctx->data.parameter), &(para_node->parameter), sizeof(dbus_parameter));

		    rowreq_ctx->data.local_wlanID = wlan_info_show->Wlanid;
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindSecurity = wlan_info_show->wlanBindSecurity;
		     * setup/save data for wlanBindIf
		     * wlanBindIf(2)/DisplayString/ASN_OCTET_STR/char(char)//L/A/W/e/R/d/H
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanBindIf mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		     * if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		     *    wlanBindIf_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf, &rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf_len,
		     *                wlanBindIf, wlanBindIf_len, 0)) {
		     *    return MFD_ERROR;
		     * }
		     * make sure there is enough space for wlanBindIf data
		    /*if ((NULL == rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf) ||
		        (rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf_len < (wlanBindIf_len * sizeof(rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf[0])))) {
		        snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"not enough space for value\n");
		        return MFD_ERROR;
			for(i=0,ifi_show = wlan_info_show->ifi_head;
				((i<wlan_info_show->bifnum)&&(NULL != ifi_show));
				i++,ifi_show = ifi_show->ifi_next)
				if(i == 0)
			wlanBindIf_len = MIN(strlen(bind_interface),sizeof(wlanBindIf)-1);

		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf_len = wlanBindIf_len * sizeof(rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf[0]);
		    memcpy( rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf, wlanBindIf, rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindIf_len );
		     * setup/save data for wlanHideEssid
		     * wlanHideEssid(3)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(u_long)//l/A/W/E/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanHideEssid mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		    * enums usually need mapping.
		    /*if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		       wlanHideEssid_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanHideEssid, wlanHideEssid )) {
		        return MFD_ERROR;
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanHideEssid = wlan_info_show->wlanHideEssid;
		     * setup/save data for wlanServiceEnable
		     * wlanServiceEnable(4)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(u_long)//l/A/W/E/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanServiceEnable mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		    * enums usually need mapping.
		    /*if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		       wlanServiceEnable_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanServiceEnable, wlanServiceEnable )) {
		        return MFD_ERROR;
		    if(wlan_info_show->wlanServiceEnable == 1)
		    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanServiceEnable = 0;
				rowreq_ctx->data.wlanServiceEnable = 1;
		     * setup/save data for wlanMaxConnectUsr
		     * wlanMaxConnectUsr(5)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(long)//l/A/W/e/R/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanMaxConnectUsr mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		     * Integer based value can usually just do a direct copy.
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanMaxConnectUsr = wlan_info_show->wlanMaxConnectUsr;
		     * setup/save data for wlanLoadBalanceStatus
		     * wlanLoadBalanceStatus(6)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(u_long)//l/A/W/E/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanLoadBalanceStatus mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		    * enums usually need mapping.
		    /*if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		       wlanLoadBalanceStatus_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatus, wlanLoadBalanceStatus )) {
		        return MFD_ERROR;
		    if(wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceFunction == 1)
		    	if(wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceStatus == 1)
			    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatus = 1;
			    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatus = 2;
		    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatus = 0;
		     * setup/save data for wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow
		     * wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow(7)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(u_long)//l/A/W/E/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		    * enums usually need mapping.
		    /*if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		       wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow, wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow )) {
		        return MFD_ERROR;
		    if(wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceFunction == 1)
		    	if(wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceStatus == 1)
			    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow = 0;
			    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow = 1;
		    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnFlow = 0;
		     * setup/save data for wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr
		     * wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr(8)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(u_long)//l/A/W/E/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		    * enums usually need mapping.
		    /*if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		       wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr, wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr )) {
		        return MFD_ERROR;
		    if(wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceFunction == 1)
		    	if(wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceStatus == 1)
			    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr = 1;
			    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr = 0;
		    	rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceStatusBaseOnUsr = 0;
		     * setup/save data for wlanLoadBalanceTrafficDiffThreshhd
		     * wlanLoadBalanceTrafficDiffThreshhd(9)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(long)//l/A/W/e/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanLoadBalanceTrafficDiffThreshhd mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		     * Integer based value can usually just do a direct copy.
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceTrafficDiffThreshhd = wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceTrafficDiffThreshhd;
		     * setup/save data for wlanLoadBalanceUsersDiffThreshhd
		     * wlanLoadBalanceUsersDiffThreshhd(10)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(long)//l/A/W/e/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanLoadBalanceUsersDiffThreshhd mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		     * Integer based value can usually just do a direct copy.
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanLoadBalanceUsersDiffThreshhd = wlan_info_show->wlanLoadBalanceUsersDiffThreshhd;
		     * setup/save data for wlanStaOnlineNum
		     * wlanStaOnlineNum(11)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(long)//l/A/w/e/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanStaOnlineNum mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		     * Integer based value can usually just do a direct copy.
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanStaOnlineNum = wlan_info_show->wlanStaOnlineNum;
		     * setup/save data for wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate
		     * wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate(12)/DisplayString/ASN_OCTET_STR/char(char)//L/A/w/e/R/d/H
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		     * if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		     *    wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate, &rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len,
		     *                wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate, wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len, 0)) {
		     *    return MFD_ERROR;
		     * }
		     * make sure there is enough space for wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate data
		    /*if ((NULL == rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate) ||
		        (rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len < (wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len * sizeof(rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate[0])))) {
		        snmp_log(LOG_ERR,"not enough space for value\n");
		        return MFD_ERROR;

			wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len = MIN(strlen(rate),sizeof(wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate)-1);
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len = wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len * sizeof(rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate[0]);
		    memcpy( rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate, wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate, rowreq_ctx->data.wlanUsrWirelessResoUseRate_len );
		     * setup/save data for wlanBindSecType
		     * wlanBindSecType(13)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(u_long)//l/A/w/E/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanBindSecType mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		    * enums usually need mapping.
		    /*if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		       wlanBindSecType_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindSecType, wlanBindSecType )) {
		        return MFD_ERROR;
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindSecType = wlan_info_show->wlanBindSecType+1;
		     * setup/save data for wlanBindEncryType
		     * wlanBindEncryType(14)/INTEGER/ASN_INTEGER/long(u_long)//l/A/w/E/r/d/h
		     * TODO:246:r: |-> Define wlanBindEncryType mapping.
		     * Map values between raw/native values and MIB values
		    * enums usually need mapping.
		    /*if(MFD_SUCCESS !=
		       wlanBindEncryType_map(&rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindEncryType, wlanBindEncryType )) {
		        return MFD_ERROR;
		    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanBindEncryType = wlan_info_show->wlanBindEncryType+1;

            memset(wlanInterfaceName, 0, sizeof(wlanInterfaceName));
            if(para_node->parameter.local_id) {
                snprintf(wlanInterfaceName, sizeof(wlanInterfaceName) - 1, "wlanl%d-%d-%d", 
                            para_node->parameter.slot_id, para_node->parameter.instance_id, wlan_info_show->Wlanid);
            else {
                snprintf(wlanInterfaceName, sizeof(wlanInterfaceName) - 1, "wlan%d-%d-%d", 
                            para_node->parameter.slot_id, para_node->parameter.instance_id, wlan_info_show->Wlanid);
            snmp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "wlanInterfaceName = %s\n", wlanInterfaceName);
            infi *if_node = NULL; 
            for(if_node = if_head.next; NULL != if_node; if_node = if_node->next) {                
                snmp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "if_node->if_name = %s\n", if_node->if_name);
                if(0 == strcmp(if_node->if_name, wlanInterfaceName)) {
                    int mask = mask_bit(if_node->if_mask);
                    snprintf(rowreq_ctx->data.wlanInterfaceIPAddr, sizeof(rowreq_ctx->data.wlanInterfaceIPAddr) - 1, "%s/%d",
                                if_node->if_addr, mask);
                    snmp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "rowreq_ctx->data.wlanInterfaceIPAddr = %s\n", rowreq_ctx->data.wlanInterfaceIPAddr);
                    rowreq_ctx->data.wlanInterfaceIPAddr_len = strlen(rowreq_ctx->data.wlanInterfaceIPAddr);

		         * insert into table container
		        if(CONTAINER_INSERT(container, rowreq_ctx))				

    ***             START EXAMPLE CODE              ***
    //if(NULL != filep)
    ***              END  EXAMPLE CODE              ***

               "inserted %d records\n", count));
	snmp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "exit dot11ConfigWlanTable_cache_load\n");
    return MFD_SUCCESS;
} /* dot11ConfigWlanTable_cache_load */