bool AdbInterfaceObject::GetInterfaceName(void* buffer, unsigned long* buffer_char_size, bool ansi) { if (NULL == buffer_char_size) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } // Lets see if buffer is big enough ULONG name_len = static_cast<ULONG>(interface_name_.length() + 1); if ((NULL == buffer) || (*buffer_char_size < name_len)) { *buffer_char_size = name_len; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return false; } if (!ansi) { // If user asked for wide char name just return it wcscpy(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(buffer), interface_name().c_str()); return true; } // We need to convert name from wide char to ansi string int res = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, interface_name().c_str(), static_cast<int>(name_len), reinterpret_cast<PSTR>(buffer), static_cast<int>(*buffer_char_size), NULL, NULL); return (res != 0); }
PRIVATE void registerTheType(Type t, char * baseTypeName) /* Registers the type of the array for variant support */ { TypeDescription d = type_description(t); Type elementType = d->structuredDes.array.type; list dimList = d->structuredDes.array.dimensions; int dimCnt = list_size(dimList); printf(" static{\n"); printf(" int[] dims = new int[%d];\n", dimCnt); C_LOOP_BEGIN(dimList, Argument, a, idx, temp) printf(" dims[%d] = %lu;\n", idx, list_ref(dimList, idx) ); C_LOOP_END(idx) printf(" xerox.ilu.IluTypeRep.registerArrayType(\n"); printf(" %s, //name\n", qoString(unresolvedIslTypeName(t))); printf(" %s, //islIfName\n", qoString(interface_name(currentIfc))); printf(" %s, //islIfBrand\n", qoString(currentIfc->brand)); printf(" %s, //uid\n", qoString(t->uid)); printf(" %s, //baseUID\n", qoString(elementType->uid)); printf(" %d, //dimcnt\n", dimCnt); printf(" dims); //dims\n"); printf(" }//static\n"); }
static void add_interfacedesc (Interface i, struct buffer_s *data) { printmToBuffer (data, "(interface %s ", interface_name(i)); add_quoted_string (i->brand, data); print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); }
SDBAPIHANDLE SdbLegacyInterfaceObject::OpenEndpoint( const wchar_t* endpoint_name, UCHAR endpoint_id, UCHAR endpoint_index, SdbOpenAccessType access_type, SdbOpenSharingMode sharing_mode) { if (!IsOpened()) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return false; } SdbLegacyEndpointObject* sdb_endpoint = NULL; try { sdb_endpoint = new SdbLegacyEndpointObject(this, endpoint_id, endpoint_index); } catch (...) { // We don't expect exceptions other than OOM thrown here. SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return NULL; } // Build full path to the object std::wstring endpoint_path = interface_name(); endpoint_path += L"\\"; endpoint_path += endpoint_name; SDBAPIHANDLE ret = sdb_endpoint->CreateHandle(endpoint_path.c_str(), access_type, sharing_mode); sdb_endpoint->Release(); return ret; }
ADBAPIHANDLE AdbInterfaceObject::OpenEndpoint( const wchar_t* endpoint_name, AdbOpenAccessType access_type, AdbOpenSharingMode sharing_mode) { if (!IsOpened()) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return false; } AdbEndpointObject* adb_endpoint = NULL; try { adb_endpoint = new AdbEndpointObject(this); } catch (...) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return NULL; } // Build full path to the object std::wstring endpoint_path = interface_name(); endpoint_path += L"\\"; endpoint_path += endpoint_name; ADBAPIHANDLE ret = adb_endpoint->CreateHandle(endpoint_path.c_str(), access_type, sharing_mode); adb_endpoint->Release(); return ret; }
ADBAPIHANDLE AdbInterfaceObject::CreateHandle() { // Open USB device for this intefface HANDLE usb_device_handle = CreateFile(interface_name().c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == usb_device_handle) return NULL; // Now, we ensured that our usb device / interface is up and running. // Lets collect device, interface and pipe information bool ok = true; if (!CacheUsbDeviceDescriptor(usb_device_handle) || !CacheUsbConfigurationDescriptor(usb_device_handle) || !CacheUsbInterfaceDescriptor(usb_device_handle)) { ok = false; } // Preserve error accross handle close ULONG error = ok ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError(); ::CloseHandle(usb_device_handle); if (NO_ERROR != error) SetLastError(error); if (!ok) return false; return AdbObjectHandle::CreateHandle(); }
/* Function to enumerate command and interface names */ const char *command_name(void *v, int i) { int cmd_cnt = NELEM(commands); if (i >= cmd_cnt) return interface_name(v, i - cmd_cnt); else return commands[i].name; }
static void add_exceptiondesc (Exception e, struct buffer_s *data, /* OUT */ list referenced) { printmToBuffer (data, "(exception %s %s \"\"", interface_name(exception_interface(e)), exception_name(e)); if ((e->type != NULL) && (type_ur_kind(e->type) != void_Type)) { print0ToBuffer (data, " "); add_typeref (e->type, data, referenced); } else { print0ToBuffer (data, " void"); } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); }
static void add_exnref (Exception exn, struct buffer_s *data, list referenced) { print0ToBuffer (data, "(exn "); if (exn->corba_rep_id != NULL) { print0ToBuffer(data, "(id "); add_quoted_string(exn->corba_rep_id, data); print0ToBuffer(data, ")"); } else { printmToBuffer (data, "(ref %s %s)", interface_name(exception_interface(exn)), exception_name(exn)); add_entity (ExceptionE, exn, referenced); } printmToBuffer (data, ")"); }
static char *full_type_name(Type t) { string n; if ((n = name_lang_name (t->name, "parser:full")) == NULL) { char buf[1024]; sprintf (buf, "%s%s%s.%s", t->builtIn ? "ilu" : interface_name(t->interface), t->builtIn ? "" : (t->interface->brand != NULL) ? "|" : "", t->builtIn ? "" : (t->interface->brand != NULL) ? t->interface->brand : "", type_name(t)); name_set_lang_name (t->name, "parser:full", buf); n = name_lang_name(t->name, "parser:full"); } return (n); }
PUBLIC void enm_helpInnerCallback(Type t) { list enum_field = type_description(t)->structuredDes.enumeration; printf(" static {\n"); printf(" xerox.ilu.IluTypeRep __t = null;\n"); printf(" __t = xerox.ilu.IluTypeRep.registerEnumerationType(\n"); printf(" %s, //name\n", qoString(unresolvedIslTypeName(t))); printf(" %s, //islIfName\n", qoString(interface_name(currentIfc))); printf(" %s, //islIfBrand\n",qoString(currentIfc->brand)); printf(" %s, //uid\n", qoString(t->uid)); printf(" %d //elCnt\n", list_size(enum_field)); printf(" );\n"); registerEnumLiterals(t, "__t"); printf(" __t.finish();\n"); printf(" __t = null;\n"); printf(" } //static\n"); } /* enm_helpInnerCallback */
bool AdbInterfaceObject::GetEndpointInformation(UCHAR endpoint_index, AdbEndpointInformation* info) { if (!IsOpened()) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return false; } // Open USB device for this intefface HANDLE usb_device_handle = CreateFile(interface_name().c_str(), FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_EA, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == usb_device_handle) return NULL; // Init ICTL param AdbQueryEndpointInformation param; param.endpoint_index = endpoint_index; // Send IOCTL DWORD ret_bytes = 0; BOOL ret = DeviceIoControl(usb_device_handle, ADB_IOCTL_GET_ENDPOINT_INFORMATION, ¶m, sizeof(param), info, sizeof(AdbEndpointInformation), &ret_bytes, NULL); ATLASSERT(!ret || (sizeof(AdbEndpointInformation) == ret_bytes)); // Preserve error accross CloseHandle ULONG error = ret ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError(); ::CloseHandle(usb_device_handle); if (NO_ERROR != error) SetLastError(error); return ret ? true : false; }
SDBAPIHANDLE SdbLegacyInterfaceObject::CreateHandle() { // Open USB device for this intefface HANDLE usb_device_handle = CreateFile(interface_name().c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == usb_device_handle) { return NULL; } // Now, we ensured that our usb device / interface is up and running. // Lets collect device, interface and pipe information bool ok = true; if (!CacheUsbDeviceDescriptor(usb_device_handle) || !CacheUsbConfigurationDescriptor(usb_device_handle) || !CacheUsbInterfaceDescriptor(usb_device_handle)) { ok = false; } // Preserve error accross handle close ULONG error = ok ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError(); ::CloseHandle(usb_device_handle); if (NO_ERROR != error) { SetLastError(error); } if (!ok) { return false; } // Save indexes and IDs for bulk read / write endpoints. We will use them to // convert SDB_QUERY_BULK_WRITE_ENDPOINT_INDEX and // SDB_QUERY_BULK_READ_ENDPOINT_INDEX into actual endpoint indexes and IDs. for (UCHAR endpoint = 0; endpoint < usb_interface_descriptor_.bNumEndpoints; endpoint++) { // Get endpoint information SdbEndpointInformation pipe_info; if (!GetEndpointInformation(endpoint, &pipe_info)) { return false; } if (SdbEndpointTypeBulk == pipe_info.endpoint_type) { // This is a bulk endpoint. Cache its index and ID. if (0 != (pipe_info.endpoint_address & USB_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_MASK)) { // Use this endpoint as default bulk read endpoint ATLASSERT(0xFF == def_read_endpoint_); def_read_endpoint_ = endpoint; read_endpoint_id_ = pipe_info.endpoint_address; } else { // Use this endpoint as default bulk write endpoint ATLASSERT(0xFF == def_write_endpoint_); def_write_endpoint_ = endpoint; write_endpoint_id_ = pipe_info.endpoint_address; } } } return SdbObjectHandle::CreateHandle(); }
bool SdbLegacyInterfaceObject::GetSerialNumber(void* buffer, unsigned long* buffer_char_size, bool ansi) { if (!IsOpened()) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return false; } // Open USB device for this intefface HANDLE usb_device_handle = CreateFile(interface_name().c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == usb_device_handle) { return NULL; } WCHAR serial_number[512]; // Send IOCTL DWORD ret_bytes = 0; BOOL ret = DeviceIoControl(usb_device_handle, SDB_IOCTL_GET_SERIAL_NUMBER, NULL, 0, serial_number, sizeof(serial_number), &ret_bytes, NULL); // Preserve error accross CloseHandle ULONG error = ret ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError(); ::CloseHandle(usb_device_handle); if (NO_ERROR != error) { SetLastError(error); return false; } unsigned long str_len = static_cast<unsigned long>(wcslen(serial_number) + 1); if ((NULL == buffer) || (*buffer_char_size < str_len)) { *buffer_char_size = str_len; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return false; } if (!ansi) { // If user asked for wide char name just return it wcscpy(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(buffer), serial_number); return true; } // We need to convert name from wide char to ansi string int res = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, serial_number, static_cast<int>(str_len), reinterpret_cast<PSTR>(buffer), static_cast<int>(*buffer_char_size), NULL, NULL); return (res != 0); }
static void add_typedesc (Type t, struct buffer_s *data, /* OUT */ list referenced) { unsigned int i, j; Argument arg; EnumField ef; Exception exn; Class obj; Procedure meth; struct ilu_integerLiteral_s lit; printmToBuffer (data, "(type %s %s ", t->builtIn ? "ilu" : interface_name(type_interface(t)), type_name(t)); add_quoted_string(t->brand, data); switch (type_basic_type(t)) { case array_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (array "); add_typeref (type_description(t)->structuredDes.array.type, data, referenced); for (i = 0; i < list_size(type_description(t)->structuredDes.array.dimensions); i++) { printmToBuffer (data, " (fixed %lu)", (unsigned) list_ref(type_description(t)->structuredDes.array.dimensions, i)); } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case sequence_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (sequence "); add_typeref (type_description(t)->structuredDes.sequence.type, data, referenced); printmToBuffer (data, " (variable %lu))", (type_description(t)->structuredDes.sequence.limit == 0) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : ((unsigned long) type_description(t)->structuredDes.sequence.limit)); break; case record_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (record"); for (i = 0; i < list_size(type_description(t)->structuredDes.record.fields); i++) { printmToBuffer (data, " (field %s ", argument_name((Argument) list_ref(type_description(t)->structuredDes.record.fields, i))); add_typeref (argument_type((Argument) list_ref(type_description(t)->structuredDes.record.fields, i)), data, referenced); print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); }; print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case optional_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (optional "); add_typeref (type_description(t)->structuredDes.optional, data, referenced); print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case reference_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (reference "); add_typeref (type_description(t)->structuredDes.reference.base_type, data, referenced); printmToBuffer (data, " (optional %s)", type_description(t)->structuredDes.reference.optional ? "true" : "false"); printmToBuffer (data, " (aliased %s)", type_description(t)->structuredDes.reference.aliased ? "true" : "false"); print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case union_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (union "); add_typeref (type_description(t)->structuredDes.uniond.discriminator_type, data, referenced); for (i = 0; i < list_size(type_description(t)->structuredDes.uniond.types); i++) { arg = (Argument) list_ref(type_description(t)->structuredDes.uniond.types, i); print0ToBuffer (data, " (arm "); add_typeref (argument_type(arg), data, referenced); if (argument_name(arg) != NULL) printmToBuffer (data, "(name %s) ", argument_name(arg)); printmToBuffer (data, "(%s)", (arg == type_description(t)->structuredDes.uniond.default_arm) ? "default" : ""); for (j = 0; j < list_size(arg->values); j++) { print0ToBuffer(data, "(val"); add_constant (list_ref(arg->values, j), data); print0ToBuffer(data, ")"); } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); } if (type_description(t)->structuredDes.uniond.others_allowed) print0ToBuffer (data, " ((default) void)"); print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case enumeration_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (enumeration"); for (i = 0; i < list_size(type_description(t)->structuredDes.enumeration); i++) { ef = (EnumField) list_ref(type_description(t)->structuredDes.enumeration, i); printmToBuffer (data, " (element %s %d)", ef->name, ef->id); } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case fixedpoint_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (fixedpoint "); add_integer_literal (type_description(t)->structuredDes.fixed.min_numerator, data); print0ToBuffer (data, " "); add_integer_literal (type_description(t)->structuredDes.fixed.max_numerator, data); print0ToBuffer (data, " "); lit = *type_description(t)->structuredDes.fixed.denominator; if (lit.negative) { lit.negative = FALSE; print0ToBuffer (data, "1/"); } add_integer_literal (&lit, data); print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case string_Type: printmToBuffer (data, " (string %lu \"%s\" %u)", type_description(t)->structuredDes.string.max_length, ((type_description(t)->structuredDes.string.language != 0) ? type_description(t)->structuredDes.string.language : ""), type_description(t)->structuredDes.string.charset); break; case object_Type: obj = class_object(t); print0ToBuffer (data, " (object"); if (obj->singleton != NULL) printmToBuffer (data, " (singleton \"%s\")", obj->singleton); if (obj->optional) print0ToBuffer (data, " optional"); if (obj->collectible) print0ToBuffer (data, " collectible"); for (i = 0; i < list_size(obj->superclasses); i++) { print0ToBuffer (data, " (supertype "); add_typeref ((Type) list_ref(obj->superclasses, i), data, referenced); print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); } for (i = 0; i < list_size(obj->methods); i++) { meth = (Procedure) list_ref(obj->methods, i); printmToBuffer (data, " (method %s %s%s(returns", name_base_name(meth->name), meth->asynch ? "asynchronous " : "", meth->functional ? "functional " : ""); if (meth->returnType != NULL && (type_ur_kind(meth->returnType) != void_Type)) { print0ToBuffer (data, " "); add_typeref (meth->returnType, data, referenced); } else { print0ToBuffer (data, " void"); } for (j = 0; j < list_size(meth->exceptions); j++) { print0ToBuffer (data, " "); exn = (Exception) list_ref(meth->exceptions, j); add_exnref (exn, data, referenced); } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); for (j = 0; j < list_size(meth->arguments); j++) { arg = (Argument) list_ref(meth->arguments, j); printmToBuffer (data, " (parameter %s %s ", argument_name(arg), argument_direction(arg)); add_typeref (argument_type(arg), data, referenced); if (arg->sibling) print0ToBuffer (data, " sibling"); print0ToBuffer(data, ")"); } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); break; case alias_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, " (redef "); add_typeref(under_type(t), data, referenced); printmToBuffer (data, " \"%s\")", type_uid(t)); break; default: break; } print0ToBuffer (data, ")"); }
ADBAPIHANDLE AdbWinUsbInterfaceObject::CreateHandle() { // Open USB device for this inteface Note that WinUsb API // requires the handle to be opened for overlapped I/O. usb_device_handle_ = CreateFile(interface_name().c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == usb_device_handle_) return NULL; // Initialize WinUSB API for this interface if (!WinUsb_Initialize(usb_device_handle_, &winusb_handle_)) return NULL; // Cache current interface number that will be used in // WinUsb_Xxx calls performed on this interface. if (!WinUsb_GetCurrentAlternateSetting(winusb_handle(), &interface_number_)) return false; // Cache interface properties unsigned long bytes_written; // Cache USB device descriptor if (!WinUsb_GetDescriptor(winusb_handle(), USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<PUCHAR>(&usb_device_descriptor_), sizeof(usb_device_descriptor_), &bytes_written)) { return false; } // Cache USB configuration descriptor if (!WinUsb_GetDescriptor(winusb_handle(), USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<PUCHAR>(&usb_config_descriptor_), sizeof(usb_config_descriptor_), &bytes_written)) { return false; } // Cache USB interface descriptor if (!WinUsb_QueryInterfaceSettings(winusb_handle(), interface_number(), &usb_interface_descriptor_)) { return false; } // Save indexes and IDs for bulk read / write endpoints. We will use them to // convert ADB_QUERY_BULK_WRITE_ENDPOINT_INDEX and // ADB_QUERY_BULK_READ_ENDPOINT_INDEX into actual endpoint indexes and IDs. for (UCHAR endpoint = 0; endpoint < usb_interface_descriptor_.bNumEndpoints; endpoint++) { // Get endpoint information WINUSB_PIPE_INFORMATION pipe_info; if (!WinUsb_QueryPipe(winusb_handle(), interface_number(), endpoint, &pipe_info)) { return false; } if (UsbdPipeTypeBulk == pipe_info.PipeType) { // This is a bulk endpoint. Cache its index and ID. if (0 != (pipe_info.PipeId & USB_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_MASK)) { // Use this endpoint as default bulk read endpoint ATLASSERT(0xFF == def_read_endpoint_); def_read_endpoint_ = endpoint; read_endpoint_id_ = pipe_info.PipeId; } else { // Use this endpoint as default bulk write endpoint ATLASSERT(0xFF == def_write_endpoint_); def_write_endpoint_ = endpoint; write_endpoint_id_ = pipe_info.PipeId; } } } return AdbInterfaceObject::CreateHandle(); }
char *FigureTypeUID (Type t) { struct buffer_s buffer; unsigned char hash[20]; SHS_CTX ctx; static boolean initialized = FALSE; Type t2; if (! initialized) { verbose = (getenv ("ILU_TYPE_UID_VERBOSE") != NULL); initialized = TRUE; } if (type_uid(t) != NULL) return (type_uid(t)); assert((t->importInterfaceName == NULL) || (type_kind(t) == alias_Type)); if (type_kind(t) == alias_Type || t->importInterfaceName != NULL) return (type_uid(t) = ilu_strdup(FigureTypeUID(under_type(t)))); if (type_kind(t) == object_Type && class_object(t) != NULL && class_object(t)->corba_rep_id != NULL) return (type_uid(t) = class_object(t)->corba_rep_id); if (verbose && !t->builtIn) fprintf(stderr, "figuring 'ilut:' uid for <%s> (addr %p, ifc addr %p) from %s\n", full_type_name(t), t, t->interface, ((t->importInterfaceName != NULL) ? t->importInterfaceName : "(current ifc)")); = (unsigned char *) iluparser_Malloc(buffer.size = 1024); buffer.used = 0; form_typedesc (t, &buffer);[buffer.used] = '\0'; if (verbose && ! t->builtIn) fprintf (stderr, " buffer is <%*.*s>\n", buffer.used, buffer.used,; SHSInit(&ctx); SHSUpdate (&ctx,, buffer.used); SHSFinal (hash, &ctx); /* { int i; fprintf (stderr, " hash is "); for (i = 0; i < 20; i += 1) fprintf (stderr, "%u ", hash[i]); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } */ type_uid(t) = (char *) iluparser_Malloc(40); strcpy (type_uid(t), "ilut:"); /* convert to base 64 */ convbase(hash,20,type_uid(t) + strlen(type_uid(t))); iluparser_Free(; if (verbose && !t->builtIn) fprintf (stderr, " uid for %s is %s\n", type_name(t), type_uid(t)); if (iluparser_CString_Type == NULL && t->importInterfaceName == NULL && type_interface(t) != NULL && strcmp(interface_name(type_interface(t)), "ilu") == 0 && strcmp(type_name(t), "CString") == 0) iluparser_CString_Type = t; return (type_uid(t)); }
static void add_typeref (Type t, struct buffer_s *data, list referenced) { if ((t->uid != NIL) && t->explicit_uid) { } else if (type_kind(t) == alias_Type) { add_typeref (t->supertype, data, referenced); } else { switch (type_kind(t)) { case byte_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "byte"); break; case shortcardinal_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "shortcardinal"); break; case cardinal_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "cardinal"); break; case longcardinal_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "longcardinal"); break; case shortinteger_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "shortinteger"); break; case integer_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "integer"); break; case longinteger_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "longinteger"); break; case shortreal_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "shortreal"); break; case real_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "real"); break; case longreal_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "longreal"); break; case shortcharacter_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "shortcharacter"); break; case character_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "character"); break; #if 0 case longcharacter_Type: #endif case boolean_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "boolean"); break; case pickle_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "pickle"); break; case void_Type: print0ToBuffer (data, "void"); break; case object_Type: case fixedpoint_Type: case string_Type: case union_Type: case sequence_Type: case record_Type: case array_Type: case enumeration_Type: case optional_Type: case reference_Type: printmToBuffer (data, "(ref %s %s)", interface_name(type_interface(t)), type_name(t)); add_entity (InterfaceE, type_interface(t), referenced); add_entity (TypeE, t, referenced); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Invalid type kind %d for built-in type %s\n", type_basic_type(t), full_type_name(t)); exit(1); } } }