예제 #1
파일: HW1.cpp 프로젝트: rjduran/MAT594G
VEC3F rayColor(VEC3F* ray) {	
	VEC3F colorRGB;
	VEC3F c(0, 0, 1); // sphere center 
	VEC3F n; 		  // normal vector
	VEC3F cr(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // surface color 
	VEC3F cl(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // light color
	VEC3F light(1, 1, -1); 		// light location
	VEC3F l;					// light direction
	if(!intersectScene(ray[0])) {
		//return black
		colorRGB = VEC3F(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	} else {		
		// return color								
		n = ray[0]-c;	   // calculate normal vector, p - c
		l = light-ray[0];  // calculate l vector, light - p
		// normalize n and l
		VEC3F crcl(cr[0]*cl[0], cr[1]*cl[1], cr[2]*cl[2]);		
		float nlDotProd = n*l; 		
		colorRGB = crcl*(nlDotProd);					
	return colorRGB; // return vector with rgb values
예제 #2
int createPath(const RTScene& scene, 
	Rand& rand, 
	int maxVerts,
	const float3& initialAlpha, 
	const Ray& initialRay,
	bool includeLightIntersections,
	PathVertex vertices[])
	int numVerts = 0;
	Ray ray = initialRay;
	float3 alpha = initialAlpha;
	for(int i = 0; i < maxVerts; i++)
		float3 woWorld = -ray.dir;
		IntersectionQuery query(ray);
		Intersection isect;
		Intersection lightIsect;

		intersectScene(scene, query, &isect, &lightIsect);
		if(hitLightFirst(isect, lightIsect))
				vertices[i] = PathVertex(lightIsect.normal, woWorld, lightIsect.position, lightIsect.material, 
				return numVerts + 1;
				return numVerts;

		if(!isect.hit) break;
		else numVerts++;

		vertices[i] = PathVertex(isect.normal, woWorld, isect.position, isect.material, alpha);

		if(i == (maxVerts - 1)) break;

		ShadingCS isectShadingCS(isect.normal);
		float3 wi;
		float3 weight;
		isect.material->sample(isectShadingCS.local(woWorld), rand.next01f2(), &wi, &weight);
		float3 wiWorld = isectShadingCS.world(wi);		
		ray.origin = isect.position;		
		ray.dir = wiWorld;
		alpha *= weight;
	return numVerts;
예제 #3
파일: trace.cpp 프로젝트: Lyken17/CMPT-361
 * This is the recursive ray tracer
vec3 recursive_ray_trace(vec3 eye, vec3 ray,int ignore, int step) {
    Object* S = NULL;
    vec3 hit;

    S = intersectScene(eye, ray, &hit, ignore);
    if(S == NULL)
        return background_clr;

    vec3 color(0,0,0);
    vec3 viewDir = glm::normalize(eye - hit);
    vec3 surf_norm = S->GetNormal(hit);

    return phong(hit,viewDir, surf_norm, ray, S , step);

예제 #4
파일: trace.cpp 프로젝트: Lyken17/CMPT-361
 * Phong illumination 
glm::vec3 phong(glm::vec3 point, glm::vec3 viewDir, glm::vec3 surf_norm, Object *obj) {
    // ambient
    glm::vec3 mat_ambient;
    mat_ambient = obj->GetAmbient(point);
    glm::vec3 ambient = light1_ambient * mat_ambient ;

    // calc decay factor
    float dist = glm::distance(light1, point);
    float decay = 1 / ( decay_a + decay_b * dist + decay_c * dist * dist );
    //printf("decay : %f\n",decay);

    // detect shadow
    glm::vec3 lightDir = glm::normalize(light1 - point);
    glm::vec3 hit;
    bool shadow = false;
    if( shadow_on ) {
        if ( intersectScene(point, lightDir, &hit, obj->index) != NULL ) 
            shadow = true;
        else if( obj->Intersect(point,lightDir,&hit, false) > precision )
            shadow = true;

    // diffuse
    surf_norm = glm::normalize(surf_norm);
    //printf("  before GetDiffuse\n");
    glm::vec3 mat_diffuse = obj->GetDiffuse(point);
    //printf("  after GetDiffuse\n");
    glm::vec3 diffuse = decay * (light1_diffuse * mat_diffuse ) * max(glm::dot(surf_norm, lightDir),0) ;
    //printf("  after calc diffuse\n");

    // specular
    //glm::vec3 reflectDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(lightDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
    glm::vec3 reflectDir = 2 * glm::dot(surf_norm,lightDir) * surf_norm - lightDir ;
    reflectDir = glm::normalize(reflectDir);
    viewDir = glm::normalize(viewDir);
    float reflectTerm = max(glm::dot(reflectDir, viewDir),0);
    glm::vec3 specular = decay * ( light1_specular * obj->mat_specular) *
        (float) pow( reflectTerm, obj->mat_shineness) ;
    //if(shadow) specular = glm::vec3(0);

    // calc color
    glm::vec3 color = global_ambient * mat_ambient +  ambient;
        color += diffuse + specular;
        //color = specular;
        //color = global_ambient + ambient ;
	return color;
예제 #5
bool ossimPlanetSceneView::computeLineOfSiteIntersection(osg::Vec3d& intersectionPoint,
                                                       double startPointShift)
   osg::Viewport* v = getViewport();
      return intersectScene(0,
                            (double)v->x() + v->width()/2.0,
                            (double)v->y() + v->height()/2.0,

   intersectionPoint = osg::Vec3d(0.0,0.0,0.0);
   return false;
예제 #6
bool visibleAndFacing( const Intersection& isectA, const Intersection& isectB, const RTScene& scene )
	if(!facing(isectA, isectB))
		return false;
	//make sure they're facing each other first 
	float3 dir = normalize(isectB.position - isectA.position);
	//now trace the ray...
	Ray ray(isectA.position, dir);
	IntersectionQuery query(ray);
	//float desiredT = glm::length(isectB.position - isectA.position);

	Intersection sceneIsect;
	intersectScene(scene, query, &sceneIsect, nullptr);
	//see if we hit isect B
	if(!sceneIsect.hit) return false;
	//if(fabs(sceneIsect.t - desiredT) > 0.0001) return false;
	if(sceneIsect.primitiveId != isectB.primitiveId) return false;
	return true;
예제 #7
bool visibleAndFacing( const float3& posA, const float3& nA, 
	const float3& posB, const float3& nB, 
	const RTScene& scene )

	if(!facing(posA, nA, posB, nB))
		return false;
	//make sure they're facing each other first 
	float3 dir = normalize(posB - posA);
	//now trace the ray...
	Ray ray(posA, dir);
	IntersectionQuery query(ray);
	float desiredT = glm::length(posB - posA);

	Intersection sceneIsect;
	intersectScene(scene, query, &sceneIsect, nullptr);
	//see if we hit isect B
	if(!sceneIsect.hit) return false;
	if(fabs(sceneIsect.t - desiredT) > 0.0001) return false;
	return true;
예제 #8
float3 directLight(
	Rand& rand, 
	const RTScene& scene, 
	const PathVertex& vertex,
	const ShadingCS& shadingCS)
	//TODO: this does not work for multiple lights!
	auto & light = scene.accl->lights[0];
	float3 lightPos;
	float lightPdf; 
	//t is already incorporated into pdf
	float lightT;
	float3 wiDirectWorld;
	//sample the light
	light.sample(rand, vertex.position, &lightPos, &wiDirectWorld, &lightPdf, &lightT);

	//see if we're occluded
	Ray shadowRay(vertex.position, wiDirectWorld);
	//we cannot ignore the light here, as we need to differentiate b/t hit empty space
	//and hit light

	IntersectionQuery shadowQuery(shadowRay);	
	Intersection sceneIsect;
	Intersection lightIsect;
	intersectScene(scene, shadowQuery, &sceneIsect, &lightIsect);
	bool hitLight = hitLightFirst(sceneIsect, lightIsect) 
		&& lightIsect.lightId == light.id;
	if(hitLight && facing(vertex.position, vertex.normal, lightIsect.position, lightIsect.normal))
		float3 wiDirect = shadingCS.local(wiDirectWorld);
		float3 brdfEval = vertex.material->eval(wiDirect, shadingCS.local(vertex.woWorld));
		float3 cosTheta = float3(dot(vertex.normal, wiDirectWorld));
		float3 le = light.material.emission;
		return le * brdfEval * cosTheta / lightPdf;
	return float3(0);
예제 #9
void intersectScene( const RTScene& scene, const Ray& ray, Intersection* sceneIsect, Intersection* lightIsect )
	IntersectionQuery query(ray);
	intersectScene(scene, query, sceneIsect, lightIsect);
예제 #10
파일: trace.cpp 프로젝트: Lyken17/CMPT-361
 * This is the recursive ray tracer 
glm::vec3 recursive_ray_trace(glm::vec3 eye, glm::vec3 ray,int ignore, int step) {
    Object* S = NULL;
    glm::vec3 hit;

    S = intersectScene(eye, ray, &hit, ignore);
    //printf("%d : after intersect scene (type: '%c')\n", step, S==NULL?'N':S->type);

    glm::vec3 color;

    if(S == NULL) 
        color = background_clr; 
    else {
        //color = glm::vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
        glm::vec3 viewDir = glm::normalize(eye - hit);
        glm::vec3 surf_norm = S->GetNormal(hit);

        //printf("  after get normal\n");
        color = phong(hit,viewDir, surf_norm, S );

        //printf("  after phong\n");

        if(reflect_on && step < step_max){
            //printf("  enter reflect\n");
            glm::vec3 reflectDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
            glm::vec3 color_rf = recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflectDir, S->index, step+1);

            color += color_rf * S->reflectance ;
            //printf("  exit reflect\n");

        if(refract_on && step < step_max && S->refract ){
            if(S->type == 'S'){
                glm::vec3 outRay, outPoint;
                if(S->Refract(ray, hit, &outRay, &outPoint)){
                    glm::vec3 color_rfr = recursive_ray_trace(outPoint, outRay, S->index, step+2);
                    color += color_rfr * S->refractance;
                glm::vec3 outRay;
                if(S->GetRefractRay(ray, hit, &outRay)){
                    glm::vec3 color_rfr = recursive_ray_trace(hit,outRay, S->index, step+1);
                    color += color_rfr * S->refractance;

        if(difref_on && step < 2){
            for(int i=0;i<DIFFUSE_RAYS;i++){
                glm::vec3 difrefDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
                glm::vec3 axis = glm::cross(viewDir, surf_norm);
                float angle1 = random(-5.0f,0.0f);
                difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle1), axis);
                float angle2 = random(-5.0f,5.0f);
                difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle2), surf_norm);
                difrefDir = glm::normalize(difrefDir);

                glm::vec3 color_difref = recursive_ray_trace(hit, difrefDir, S->index, step+1);

                color += color_difref * float(0.1);


    return color;
예제 #11
파일: trace.cpp 프로젝트: Lyken17/CMPT-361
 * Phong illumination ray
vec3 phong(vec3 hit, vec3 viewDir, vec3 surf_norm, vec3 ray, Object *obj, int step) {
    // globle ambient
    vec3 mat_ambient = obj->GetAmbient(hit);
    vec3 ambient = light1_ambient * mat_ambient ;

    // decay
    float dist = glm::length(light1 - hit);
    float decay = 1 / ( decay_a + decay_b * dist + decay_c * dist * dist );

    // diffuse
    vec3 lightDir = glm::normalize(light1 - hit);
    surf_norm = glm::normalize(surf_norm);
    vec3 mat_diffuse = obj->GetDiffuse(hit);
    vec3 diffuse = decay * (light1_diffuse * mat_diffuse ) * max(glm::dot(surf_norm, lightDir),0) ;

    // specular
    vec3 reflectDir = 2 * glm::dot(surf_norm,lightDir) * surf_norm - lightDir ;
    reflectDir = glm::normalize(reflectDir);
    viewDir = glm::normalize(viewDir);
    float reflectTerm = max(glm::dot(reflectDir, viewDir),0);
    vec3 specular = decay * ( light1_specular * obj->mat_specular) *
        (float) pow( reflectTerm, obj->mat_shineness) ;

    //shadow test
    vec3 temp;
    bool shadow = false;
    if( shadow_on &&  intersectScene(hit, lightDir, &temp, obj->index) != NULL )
            shadow = true;

    // calc color
    vec3 color = global_ambient * mat_ambient +  ambient;

        color += diffuse + specular;

    //specular reflect ray
    if(reflect_on && step < step_max){
        vec3 reflectDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
        vec3 color_rf = recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflectDir, obj->index, step+1);

        color += color_rf * obj->reflectance ;

    //diffuse reflect ray
    if(difref_on && step < 2){
        for(int i=0;i < DIFFUSE_RAYS;i++){
            vec3 difrefDir = glm::normalize(glm::rotate(viewDir, glm::radians(180.0f), surf_norm));
            vec3 axis = glm::cross(viewDir, surf_norm);

            float angle1 = random(-5.0f,0.0f);
            difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle1), axis);

            float angle2 = random(-5.0f,5.0f);
            difrefDir = glm::rotate(difrefDir, glm::radians(angle2), surf_norm);
            difrefDir = glm::normalize(difrefDir);

            vec3 color_difref = recursive_ray_trace(hit, difrefDir, obj->index, step+1);

            color += color_difref * float(0.5 / DIFFUSE_RAYS);

    if(refract_on && step < step_max && obj->refract ){
        vec3 outRay, outPoint;
        if(obj->Refract(ray, hit, &outRay, &outPoint)){

            vec3 color_rfr = recursive_ray_trace(outPoint, outRay, obj->index, step+1);
            color += color_rfr * obj->refractance;
	return color;