예제 #1
bool ExceptIntersectSetOperator::processTuples()
    // Map to keep candidate tuples. The key is the tuple itself
    // The value - tuple's repeat count in the final table.
    TupleMap tuples;

    assert( ! m_input_tables.empty());

    size_t ii = m_input_tablerefs.size();
    while (ii--) {
        m_input_tables[ii] = m_input_tablerefs[ii].getTable();

    if ( ! m_is_except) {
        // For intersect we want to start with the smallest table
        std::vector<Table*>::iterator minTableIt =
            std::min_element(m_input_tables.begin(), m_input_tables.end(), TableSizeLess());
        std::swap(m_input_tables[0], *minTableIt);
    // Collect all tuples from the first set
    Table* input_table = m_input_tables[0];
    collectTuples(*input_table, tuples);

    // For each remaining input table, collect its tuple into a separate map
    // and substract/intersect it from/with the first one
    TupleMap next_tuples;
    for (size_t ctr = 1, cnt = m_input_tables.size(); ctr < cnt; ctr++) {
        input_table = m_input_tables[ctr];
        collectTuples(*input_table, next_tuples);
        if (m_is_except) {
            exceptTupleMaps(tuples, next_tuples);
        } else {
            intersectTupleMaps(tuples, next_tuples);

    // Insert remaining tuples to the output table
    for (TupleMap::const_iterator mapIt = tuples.begin(); mapIt != tuples.end(); ++mapIt) {
        TableTuple tuple = mapIt->first;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mapIt->second; ++i) {
    return true;
예제 #2
bool ExceptIntersectSetOperator::processTuplesDo() {
    // Map to keep candidate tuples. The key is the tuple itself
    // The value - tuple's repeat count in the final table.
    TupleMap tuples;

    // Collect all tuples from the first set
    Table* input_table = m_input_tables[0];
    collectTuples(*input_table, tuples);

    // For each remaining input table, collect its tuple into a separate map
    // and substract/intersect it from/with the first one
    TupleMap next_tuples;
    for (size_t ctr = 1, cnt = m_input_tables.size(); ctr < cnt; ctr++) {
        Table* input_table = m_input_tables[ctr];
        collectTuples(*input_table, next_tuples);
        if (m_is_except) {
            exceptTupleMaps(tuples, next_tuples);
        } else {
            intersectTupleMaps(tuples, next_tuples);

    // Insert remaining tuples to our ouput table
    for (TupleMap::const_iterator mapIt = tuples.begin(); mapIt != tuples.end(); ++mapIt) {
        TableTuple tuple = mapIt->first;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mapIt->second; ++i) {
            if (!m_output_table->insertTuple(tuple)) {
                VOLT_ERROR("Failed to insert tuple from input table '%s' into"
                           " output table '%s'",
                return false;
    return true;