예제 #1
파일: jif.cpp 프로젝트: BrysonBR/ANTsR
SEXP addNeighborhoodToImageHelper(
  SEXP r_antsimage,
  SEXP r_center,
  SEXP r_rad,
  SEXP r_vec)
  typedef typename ImageType::Pointer  ImagePointerType;
  const unsigned int ImageDimension = ImageType::ImageDimension;
  typedef float                        PixelType;
  typename ImageType::Pointer image =
    Rcpp::as< ImagePointerType >( r_antsimage );
  Rcpp::NumericVector center( r_center );
  Rcpp::NumericVector rad( r_rad );
  Rcpp::NumericVector intvec( r_vec );
  if ( center.size() != ImageDimension )
    Rcpp::stop("addNeighborhoodToImageHelper dim error.");
  typename itk::NeighborhoodIterator<ImageType>::SizeType nSize;
  typename ImageType::IndexType ind;
  ind.Fill( 0 );
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++ )
    nSize[i] = rad[i];
    ind[i] = center[i]; // R coords to ITK
  itk::NeighborhoodIterator<ImageType> nit( nSize, image,
    image->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ) ;
// for each location in nitSearch, compute the correlation
// of the intvec with the nit neighborhood
  nit.SetLocation( ind );
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nit.Size(); i++ )
    typename ImageType::IndexType ind2 = nit.GetIndex(i);
    PixelType lval = image->GetPixel( ind2 );
    image->SetPixel( ind2, lval + intvec[i] );
  return 0;
예제 #2
bool zzhang::CBPDualSolver::Init() {
	clock_t init_start = clock();
	std::vector<std::vector<int> > TNodeToEclusterIdx(m_NodeSize);
	std::vector<int> HasSuperSet(m_EClusterVec.size());
	std::map<std::pair<int, int>, bool> IsVisited;
	for (int i = 0; i < m_EClusterVec.size(); i++) {
		HasSuperSet[i] = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < m_EClusterVec[i].size(); j++) {
	for (int i = 0; i < m_NodeSize; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < TNodeToEclusterIdx[i].size(); j++) {
			int cj = TNodeToEclusterIdx[i][j];
			for (int k = j + 1; k < TNodeToEclusterIdx[i].size(); k++) {
				int ck = TNodeToEclusterIdx[i][k];
				if (cj == ck)
				std::pair<int, int> currentjk(cj, ck);
				if (IsVisited.find(currentjk) != IsVisited.end())
				IsVisited[currentjk] = true;
				IsVisited[std::pair<int, int>(ck, cj)] = true;
				if (m_EClusterSet[cj].size() == m_EClusterSet[ck].size())
				if (m_EClusterSet[cj].size() < m_EClusterSet[ck].size()) {
					int temp = cj;
					cj = ck;
					ck = temp;

				if (std::includes(m_EClusterSet[cj].begin(),
						m_EClusterSet[cj].end(), m_EClusterSet[ck].begin(),
						m_EClusterSet[ck].end())) {
					HasSuperSet[ck] = 1;

	int maxsize = HasSuperSet.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < maxsize; i++) {
		if (HasSuperSet[i]) {
		for (int ni = 0; ni < m_EClusterVec[i].size(); ni++) {
			int nidx = m_EClusterVec[i][ni];
			for (int k = 0; k < TNodeToEclusterIdx[nidx].size(); k++) {
				int cj = i, ck = TNodeToEclusterIdx[nidx][k];
				if (cj == ck)
				if (HasSuperSet[ck])
				std::pair<int, int> currentjk(cj, ck);
				if (IsVisited.find(currentjk) != IsVisited.end())
				IsVisited[currentjk] = true;
				IsVisited[std::pair<int, int>(ck, cj)] = true;
				std::set<int> intersection;
						m_EClusterSet[cj].end(), m_EClusterSet[ck].begin(),
						std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
				if (m_EClusterIdx.find(intersection) != m_EClusterIdx.end())
				std::vector<int> intvec(intersection.begin(),
				AddECluster(intvec, -1);
				//std::cout << "Added New intersection\n";
				for (int j = 0; j < intvec.size(); j++) {
							m_EClusterVec.size() - 1);


	for (int i = 0; i < m_EClusterSet.size(); i++) {
		if (HasSuperSet[i])
		std::map<int, bool> isvisited;
		for (int ni = 0; ni < m_EClusterSet[i].size(); ni++) {
			int nidx = m_EClusterVec[i][ni];
			for (int k = 0; k < TNodeToEclusterIdx[nidx].size(); k++) {
				int cj = i, ck = TNodeToEclusterIdx[nidx][k];
				if (cj == ck)
				if (isvisited.find(ck) != isvisited.end())
				isvisited[ck] = true;
				if (m_EClusterSet[cj].size() == m_EClusterSet[ck].size())

				if (std::includes(m_EClusterSet[cj].begin(),
						m_EClusterSet[cj].end(), m_EClusterSet[ck].begin(),
						m_EClusterSet[ck].end())) {

	clock_t time_explore_graph_end = clock();
//	printf("Explore Graph Structure Spends: %f seconds\n",
//	       (time_explore_graph_end - init_start) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	m_LocalMaximum = std::vector<int>(m_EClusterVec.size());
	m_DecodedSolution = boost::shared_array<int>(new int[m_NodeSize]);
	m_NodeToECluIdx = TNodeToEclusterIdx;
	clock_t cache_idx_cvt = clock();
	printf("Cache index converting table spends: %f seconds\n",
	       (cache_idx_cvt - time_explore_graph_end) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	return true;
예제 #3
	void SceneModeler::computeIndexSequence(){
		setProgressText("compute index sequence");
		rvector rawData(m_ptrData->getTrace());
		int menge = 0;
		for(unsigned int i = 0;i < this->classes->size(); i++){
			if((*this->classes)[i].size() != 0){ menge += 1; }
		this->classTraces = new vector< Trace* >;
		this->classData = new vector< vector <double>* >(menge);
		this->transitionDataClasses = new vector< int >(Ub(this->m_ptrData->getTrace())+1);
		this->numStates = new int[this->numClasses];
		this->classMap = new int[this->numClasses];
		unsigned int count = 0;
		/*creating vectors containing:
			-a map that compensates the empty classes(this->classMap)
			-the specific class for each datapoint(this->transitionDataClasses)*/
		for(unsigned int i = 0;i < this->classes->size(); i++){
			if((*this->classes)[i].size() != 0){
				this->classMap[i] = i-count;
				(*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]] = new vector<double>;
				for(unsigned int n = 0; n < (*this->classes)[i].size(); n++){
					int ende = ((unsigned int) (*this->classes)[i][n] != this->sceneLimits->size()-1) ? ((int) (*this->sceneLimits)[((int) (*this->classes)[i][n])+1]) -1 : Ub(this->m_ptrData->getTrace());;
					for(int x = (*this->sceneLimits)[(*this->classes)[i][n]]; x <= ende; x++){
						(*this->transitionDataClasses)[x] = i;
				double max = 0;
				double min = 0;
				for(unsigned int n = 0; n < (*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]]->size();n++){
					min = (n == 0 || min > (*(*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]])[n]) ? (*(*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]])[n] : min;
					max = (max < (*(*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]])[n]) ? (*(*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]])[n] : max;
				rvector dump(0,(*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]]->size()-1);
				for(unsigned int n=0;n< (*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]]->size();n++){
					dump[n] = (*(*this->classData)[this->classMap[i]])[n];
				this->classTraces->push_back(new Trace(dump));
				if( _double(this->classTraces->back()->getStandardDeviation()) == 0 ){
					this->numStates[i] = 1;
					this->numStates[i] = (int) floor((max - min) /	_double(this->classTraces->back()->getStandardDeviation()));
				this->numStates[i] = 0;
				this->classMap[i] = -1;
			setProgressValue(41+ (int)( (double) (20.0 / this->classes->size()) * i));
		/*creating vector containing empty states*/
		this->strippedStates = new vector< vector <int>* >(this->classes->size());
		for(unsigned int i=0; i < this->classes->size();i++){
			(*this->strippedStates)[i] = new vector<int>;
			if(this->classMap[i] != -1){
				intvector intvec(0,Ub((*this->classTraces)[this->classMap[i]]->getTrace()));
				for(int c=0;c <= Ub(intvec);c++){
					intvec[c] = this->getStateFromTrace((*(*this->classTraces)[this->classMap[i]]),(*this->classTraces)[this->classMap[i]]->getTrace()[c]);
				rmatrix* tmp = new rmatrix(AbstractDiscreteSSMPModeler::computeTransition(intvec));
				for(int n=0;n < this->numStates[i];n++){
					real sum=0;
					for(int x=0;x < this->numStates[i];x++){
						sum += (*tmp)[cxsc::Row(n)][x];
					if(((int) cxsc::_double(sum)) != 1){ (*this->strippedStates)[this->classMap[i]]->push_back(n); }
				delete tmp;
			setProgressValue(61 + (int)( (double) (20.0 / this->classes->size()) * i));
		/*creating intvector containing states for each datapoint*/
		this->transitionDataStates = new intvector(0,Ub(m_ptrData->getTrace()));
		for(int i=0; i <= Ub(m_ptrData->getTrace());i++){
			int stateBuff=0;
			for(int n=0;n < (*this->transitionDataClasses)[i];n++){
				stateBuff += this->numStates[n]-(*this->strippedStates)[n]->size();
			(*this->transitionDataStates)[i] = (stateBuff+ this->getStateFromTrace( ((*(*this->classTraces)[this->classMap[(*this->transitionDataClasses)[i]]])) , m_ptrData->getTrace()[i] ) );
			setProgressValue(81 + (int)( (double) ( 15.0 / Ub( m_ptrData->getTrace() )) * i));
예제 #4
파일: jif.cpp 프로젝트: BrysonBR/ANTsR
SEXP jointLabelFusionNeighborhoodSearchHelper(
  SEXP r_intvec,
  SEXP r_center,
  unsigned int rad,
  unsigned int radSearch,
  SEXP r_antsimage,
  SEXP r_antsimageseg)
  unsigned int segval = 0;
  typedef typename ImageType::Pointer  ImagePointerType;
  const unsigned int ImageDimension = ImageType::ImageDimension;
  typedef float                        PixelType;
  typename ImageType::Pointer image =
    Rcpp::as< ImagePointerType >( r_antsimage );
  typename ImageType::Pointer imageseg =
      Rcpp::as< ImagePointerType >( r_antsimageseg );
  Rcpp::NumericVector intvec( r_intvec );
  Rcpp::NumericVector outvec =
    Rcpp::NumericVector( intvec.size(), Rcpp::NumericVector::get_na() );
  Rcpp::NumericVector bestvec =
    Rcpp::NumericVector( intvec.size(), Rcpp::NumericVector::get_na() );
  Rcpp::NumericVector outsegvec =
    Rcpp::NumericVector( intvec.size(), Rcpp::NumericVector::get_na() );
  Rcpp::NumericVector bestsegvec =
    Rcpp::NumericVector( intvec.size(), Rcpp::NumericVector::get_na() );
  Rcpp::NumericVector center( r_center );
  if ( center.size() != ImageDimension )
    Rcpp::stop("jointLabelFusionNeighborhoodSearchHelper dim error.");
  typename itk::NeighborhoodIterator<ImageType>::SizeType nSize;
  typename itk::NeighborhoodIterator<ImageType>::SizeType nSizeSearch;
  typename ImageType::IndexType ind;
  ind.Fill( 0 );
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++ )
    nSize[i] = rad;
    nSizeSearch[i] = radSearch;
    ind[i] = center[i]; // R coords to ITK
  itk::NeighborhoodIterator<ImageType> nit( nSize, image,
    image->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ) ;
  itk::NeighborhoodIterator<ImageType> nitSearch( nSizeSearch, image,
    image->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ) ;
// for each location in nitSearch, compute the correlation
// of the intvec with the nit neighborhood
  nitSearch.SetLocation( ind );
  PixelType bestcor = 1.e11;
  PixelType bestsd = 0;
  PixelType bestmean = 0;
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nitSearch.Size(); i++ )
    typename ImageType::IndexType ind2 = nitSearch.GetIndex(i);
    nit.SetLocation( ind2 );
    PixelType outmean = 0;
    PixelType outsd = 0;
    PixelType inmean = 0;
    PixelType insd = 0;
    for ( unsigned int i=0; i < intvec.size(); i++ ) {
      PixelType pix = image->GetPixel( nit.GetIndex(i) );
      outvec[i] = pix;
      outsegvec[i] = imageseg->GetPixel( nit.GetIndex(i) );
      outmean += pix;
      inmean += intvec[i];
    outmean /= ( static_cast<PixelType>(intvec.size()) );
    inmean /= ( static_cast<PixelType>(intvec.size()) );
    for ( unsigned int i=0; i < intvec.size(); i++ ) {
      // should use recursive formula in above loop
      outsd += ( outvec[i] - outmean ) * ( outvec[i] - outmean );
      insd += ( intvec[i] - inmean ) * ( intvec[i] - inmean );
    outsd = sqrt(  outsd  );
    insd = sqrt(  insd  );
    PixelType sum_uv = 0;
    PixelType sum_psearch = 0;
    PixelType ssq_psearch = 0;
    unsigned int n = intvec.size();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      PixelType v = intvec[i];
      PixelType u = outvec[i];
      sum_psearch += u;
      ssq_psearch += u * u;
      sum_uv += u * v;
    PixelType var_u_unnorm = ssq_psearch - sum_psearch * sum_psearch / n;
    if(var_u_unnorm < 1.0e-6)
      var_u_unnorm = 1.0e-6;
    PixelType locor = 0;
    if ( sum_uv > 0 )
      locor = ( -1.0 * (sum_uv * sum_uv) / var_u_unnorm );
      locor = ( sum_uv * sum_uv ) / var_u_unnorm;
//  - (\Sum u_i v_i)^2 / z,   where z = sigma_v^2 * (n-1)
//      locor = locor / ( insd * outsd );
      if ( locor < bestcor )
        segval = imageseg->GetPixel( ind2 );
        for ( unsigned int i=0; i < intvec.size(); i++ ) {
          bestvec[i] = outvec[i];
          bestsegvec[i] = outsegvec[i];
        bestcor = locor;
        bestsd = outsd;
        bestmean = outmean;
  return Rcpp::List::create( Rcpp::Named("segval") = segval,
    Rcpp::Named("values") = bestvec,
    Rcpp::Named("bestmean") = bestmean,
    Rcpp::Named("bestsd") = bestsd,
    Rcpp::Named("bestcor") = bestcor,
    Rcpp::Named("bestsegvec") = bestsegvec  );