예제 #1
     * \brief Initialize the parameters for dry gas using an ECL deck.
     * This method assumes that the deck features valid DENSITY and PVDG keywords.
    void initFromDeck(DeckConstPtr deck, EclipseStateConstPtr eclState)
        const auto& pvdgTables = eclState->getTableManager()->getPvdgTables();
        const auto& densityKeyword = deck->getKeyword("DENSITY");

        assert(pvdgTables.size() == densityKeyword.size());

        size_t numRegions = pvdgTables.size();

        for (unsigned regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++ regionIdx) {
            Scalar rhoRefO = densityKeyword.getRecord(regionIdx).getItem("OIL").getSIDouble(0);
            Scalar rhoRefG = densityKeyword.getRecord(regionIdx).getItem("GAS").getSIDouble(0);
            Scalar rhoRefW = densityKeyword.getRecord(regionIdx).getItem("WATER").getSIDouble(0);

            setReferenceDensities(regionIdx, rhoRefO, rhoRefG, rhoRefW);

            // determine the molar masses of the components
            Scalar p = 1.01325e5; // surface pressure, [Pa]
            Scalar T = 273.15 + 15.56; // surface temperature, [K]
            Scalar MO = 175e-3; // [kg/mol]
            Scalar MG = Opm::Constants<Scalar>::R*T*rhoRefG / p; // [kg/mol], consequence of the ideal gas law
            Scalar MW = 18.0e-3; // [kg/mol]
            // TODO (?): the molar mass of the components can possibly specified
            // explicitly in the deck.
            setMolarMasses(regionIdx, MO, MG, MW);

            const auto& pvdgTable = pvdgTables.getTable<PvdgTable>(regionIdx);

            // say 99.97% of all time: "premature optimization is the root of all
            // evil". Eclipse does this "optimization" for apparently no good reason!
            std::vector<Scalar> invB(pvdgTable.numRows());
            const auto& Bg = pvdgTable.getFormationFactorColumn();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < Bg.size(); ++ i) {
                invB[i] = 1.0/Bg[i];

            size_t numSamples = invB.size();
            inverseGasB_[regionIdx].setXYArrays(numSamples, pvdgTable.getPressureColumn(), invB);
            gasMu_[regionIdx].setXYArrays(numSamples, pvdgTable.getPressureColumn(), pvdgTable.getViscosityColumn());

예제 #2
void Foam::CentredFitSnGradData<Polynomial>::calcFit
    scalarList& coeffsi,
    const List<point>& C,
    const scalar wLin,
    const scalar deltaCoeff,
    const label facei
    vector idir(1,0,0);
    vector jdir(0,1,0);
    vector kdir(0,0,1);
    this->findFaceDirs(idir, jdir, kdir, facei);

    // Setup the point weights
    scalarList wts(C.size(), scalar(1));
    wts[0] = this->centralWeight();
    wts[1] = this->centralWeight();

    // Reference point
    point p0 = this->mesh().faceCentres()[facei];

    // p0 -> p vector in the face-local coordinate system
    vector d;

    // Local coordinate scaling
    scalar scale = 1;

    // Matrix of the polynomial components
    scalarRectangularMatrix B(C.size(), this->minSize(), scalar(0));

    forAll(C, ip)
        const point& p = C[ip];
        const vector p0p = p - p0;

        d.x() = p0p & idir;
        d.y() = p0p & jdir;
        d.z() = p0p & kdir;

        if (ip == 0)
            scale = cmptMax(cmptMag((d)));

        // Scale the radius vector
        d /= scale;

        Polynomial::addCoeffs(B[ip], d, wts[ip], this->dim());

    // Additional weighting for constant and linear terms
    for (label i = 0; i < B.m(); i++)
        B(i, 0) *= wts[0];
        B(i, 1) *= wts[0];

    // Set the fit
    label stencilSize = C.size();

    bool goodFit = false;
    for (int iIt = 0; iIt < 8 && !goodFit; iIt++)
        SVD svd(B, small);
        scalarRectangularMatrix invB(svd.VSinvUt());

        for (label i=0; i<stencilSize; i++)
            coeffsi[i] = wts[1]*wts[i]*invB(1, i)/scale;

        goodFit =
            mag(wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) - wLin)
          < this->linearLimitFactor()*wLin)
         && (mag(wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1) - (1 - wLin)
        ) < this->linearLimitFactor()*(1 - wLin))
         && coeffsi[0] < 0 && coeffsi[1] > 0
         && mag(coeffsi[0] + deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff
         && mag(coeffsi[1] - deltaCoeff) < 0.5*deltaCoeff;

        if (!goodFit)
            // (not good fit so increase weight in the centre and weight
            //  for constant and linear terms)

                << "Cannot fit face " << facei << " iteration " << iIt
                << " with sum of weights " << sum(coeffsi) << nl
                << "    Weights " << coeffsi << nl
                << "    Linear weights " << wLin << " " << 1 - wLin << nl
                << "    deltaCoeff " << deltaCoeff << nl
                << "    sing vals " << svd.S() << nl
                << "Components of goodFit:\n"
                << "    wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) = "
                << wts[0]*wts[0]*invB(0, 0) << nl
                << "    wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1) = "
                << wts[0]*wts[1]*invB(0, 1)
                << " dim = " << this->dim() << endl;

            wts[0] *= 10;
            wts[1] *= 10;

            for (label j = 0; j < B.n(); j++)
                B(0, j) *= 10;
                B(1, j) *= 10;

            for (label i = 0; i < B.m(); i++)
                B(i, 0) *= 10;
                B(i, 1) *= 10;

    if (goodFit)
        // Remove the uncorrected coefficients
        coeffsi[0] += deltaCoeff;
        coeffsi[1] -= deltaCoeff;
            << "Could not fit face " << facei
            << "    Coefficients = " << coeffsi
            << ", reverting to uncorrected." << endl;

        coeffsi = 0;